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英文:First, in the accounting work, service and control the contactSecond, how can coordinate the work between the control and serviceThird, in the modern economic development, how to do accounting work of the new focusFourth, in the modern economic development, how to do accounting work of the new focus

261 评论


Along with the evolution of people usually November 11th dubbed "singles day", in recent years the day more popularly known as the "double eleven", the reason lies in the Alibaba Group's Day promotion of the "singles day" into the "double eleven shopping carnival". According to Alibaba group published data, in November 11, 2012, the total sales of Alipay reached yuan, three times more than in 2011 total sales. The tmall mall reached yuan, a year-on-year growth of about 293% performance. Taobao is 5900000000 yuan, year-on-year growth of 204%. Singles Day with grassroots fun holiday transformation for electric shopping carnival, whose success is be obvious to people, and this one is the marketing concept contains thinking.本科毕业论文检查不严格的,淡定,我也是这么翻译的~~

181 评论


With the rapid development of society, in China people begins to call the date as Singles' Day, especially during the recent years it has been known as Double 11, for the reason that the promotion of Alibaba Group turned the Singles' Day into a purchasing to the data from Alibaba Group, the total sale of Alipay on the day , 2012 turned out to be billion yuan, which is three times of the year 2011. Among it T-Mall occupied billion, which is about a 293 percent year-on-year growth. While Taobao occupied the rest billion, about 204 percent transformation of Singles' Day from a grass-rooted festival to a E-Business purchasing carnival is absolutely quite a success that the marketing concept concealed is really worth of deep thinking.已检查没有错别字。望采纳。ps:楼下是机器翻译。

172 评论



这些缺点可以被克服,通过使用近似同步且稳定了脉冲重复率的两束激光。这种省去了机械延迟式的方法就是所谓的异步光采样(ASOPS)。10纳秒采样100次的精度可以达到了。接下来,我们将解释、表征这一方法,同时举出一些应用和实验结果的例子。门洛帕克系统,高精密计量仪器的领先开发商和全球供应商,2001年作为分拆的马克斯 - 普朗克量子光学研究所而成立。因有光频梳技术获诺贝尔奖而闻名,这家总部在慕尼黑的公司为超快激光器和电子同步在工业和研究中的应用提供了完整的解决方案。我们的所有产品都秉着精益求精的标准来加工。我们认为,产品精良、倾听顾客和快速有效的生产方式是相辅相成的。

脉冲续时越来越短的飞秒(一飞秒=十的负十五次方秒)激光使得测量这一时间尺度上的极快的动力学样本成为了可能。在极快时间分辨率的光谱分析中,回馈反应是由飞秒激光(又被叫做泵浦脉冲)来触发的。第二段激光,称作探测激光,是用来探测样本性质的变化(例如:吸收,反射,荧光等)的。通过调节泵浦脉冲相应的探测脉冲的到达时间,刺激过程就能及时完成。 [A. Zewail,诺贝尔讲座, 1999]以这种方式,样本中的过程就能以激光脉冲持续时间的时间分辨率被探测到。

通常,在飞秒泵浦探测实验中,泵浦脉冲和探测脉冲都是以把每个输出脉冲分成两个单独脉冲的方式从同一束激光中分离出来的。探测脉冲相比泵浦脉冲都会延后一个机械延迟式。 [见J-C. Diels, ,等的《超短激光脉冲现象》, 学术出版社, Elsevier]

255 评论


Along with the evolution of the social people usually put on November 11, dubbed "singles day" singles day more popular in recent years is called a "double", the reason is that the alibaba group's singles day promotions "singles day" into the "double tenth shopping carnival". According to data released by the alibaba group, November 11, 2012, pay treasure to total sales reached billion yuan, is more than three times the total sales in 2011. One day the cat mall reached billion yuan, increased by about 293%. Taobao has completed billion yuan, up 204% year-on-year. Singles day with grassroots poking fun at the breath of carnival festival transition to electric business shopping, its success is obvious to all, which contains the marketing philosophy ponder.

291 评论


无机械时滞时间分辨泵浦-探测实验的超快激光脉冲触发反应与一第二脉冲以引起的变化的一个快照。通过改变相对于泵的脉冲刺激过程中可以遵循的时间脉冲到达时间。通常情况下,探针脉冲延迟与机械泵脉冲延迟线。虽然该方案已在过去的几十年中得到广泛应用,但仍有一些明显的缺点。这些缺点可以通过使用略有不同的两个同步的激光器克服但稳定的脉冲重复率。该方法避免了机械延迟线需要被称为异步光取样(阿索波斯)。时间分辨率下可达10 ns的时间测量窗口100 FS可以达到。在下面我们会解释和描述这种方法和实验结果的应用。本系统,一个领先开发商和高精度计量仪表的全球供应商,成立于2001为分拆量子光学的马克斯普朗克研究所。著名的诺贝尔奖的光学频率梳技术,根据公司提供的基于在工业和研究应用超快激光器和同步电子完整的解决方案,慕尼黑。我们所有的产品都是根据精益制造标准制造。我们认为,精益生产支持我们的力量在听客户的制造在一个快速和有效的方式。用脉冲持续时间可达几个飞秒短脉冲激光的发明(1 FS = 10-15秒)打开这个时间尺度上测量不同样品的超快动力学的可能性。在超快时间分辨光谱反应是由飞秒激光脉冲也被称为泵的脉冲触发。第二激光脉冲的脉冲,称为探针,用于探测样品性质的变化(例如,吸收,反射,荧光,等。)。通过改变相对于泵的脉冲激发过程可以在时间[ A. Zewail,随后的探针脉冲的到达时间的诺贝尔讲座,1999 ]。这样,在样品的过程可以用在激光脉冲的持续时间的顺序的时间分辨率。通常情况下,在一个时间分辨泵探针实验两个泵和探针脉冲源于同一激光除以每个激光脉冲输出为两个独立的脉冲。探针脉冲延迟与机械延迟线[泵脉冲例如j-c. Diels,W.鲁道夫,“超短激光脉冲现象”,学术出版社,爱思唯尔]。采纳哟 亲!

288 评论


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