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The actual work of cleaning and caring for the guest room is performed by the room attendants. Their duties include recognizing the guests, introducing room facilities and service, making or changing beds, dusting furniture, sweeping or cleaning floors and carpets, washing bathrooms, replacing towels and washing clothes, making up room and doing turn-down service.客房服务员承担清洁和整理客房的实际工作。他们的职责包括认别顾客,介绍房间设施及服务,整理床铺或跟换床上用品,除尘,扫地,或清洁地板和地毯,清洗浴室,更换毛巾和洗衣服,整理房间,和做夜床服务。They should also supply any personal service to satisfy the guests' reasonable demands, such as wake-up service, room service, laundry service, shoeshine service and baby-sitting service.他们还应满足客人们的合理要求,提供个性化服务,例如叫醒服务,客房服务,洗衣服务,擦鞋服务,和照看婴儿。Whenever and wherever possible, the staff should offer to do extra things for the guests.无论何时何地,工作人员应尽可能主动地为客人做额外的事情。In addition, they are expected to check up rooms and report any signs of damage or wear and tear that may make repairs and maintenance necessary.此外,他们应检查房间,报告任何损坏的迹象或磨损,以便作出必要的维修和保养。Finally, to be competent hotel staffs, they should be capable of handling with unexpected emergency and try to minimize the damage or negative influence.最后,作为称职的酒店工作人员,他们应该有能力处理突发的紧急情况,尽量减少酒店的损失或负面影响。Room attendants have an intimate contact with the guests. A guest may ask the attendants to make up his room at a certain time, or he may indicate he does not want to be disturbed at all, or he would like to have meals in his room.客房服务员与客人密切接触。客人可能会要求服务员要在特定的时间整理他的房间,或者表明他完全不希望被人打扰,或想在他的房间里用餐。Almost all hotels provide signs that the guest can hang on the doorknob in either of these cases.几乎所有的饭店都提供这类标牌,让客人可以挂在房门的把手上。In addition, guests frequently ask room attendant for items that are supplied by the housekeeping department, such as irons, transformers, special pillows, extra hangers, cribs for infants and hair dryers.此外,客人经常要求服务员提供由客房部保管的用品,如电熨斗,变压器,特别枕头,额外衣架,婴儿床和吹风机。In some hotels, the room attendants pick up and deliver clothing for the laundry and valet service.在一些宾馆,客房服务员为洗衣房及代客停车处收取和送回衣物。Heavier chores are performed by men who are usually called housemen.男性服务员承担较重的杂务。他们通常被称为勤杂工。Their work involves window-washing, shampooing carpets, polishing metals, removing and cleaning draperies, cleaning the public areas of the hotels, and many other tasks that might be beyond the physical capacities of women.他们的工作包括清洗窗子,用清洁剂洗地毯,抛光金属,换窗帘和清洁窗帘,清洗酒店的公共区域,以及完成女人无法胜任的体力活。The housemen also run errands for the housekeeping department, such as providing guests with extra things on request.勤杂工也替客房部打杂,如根据客人的要求提供额外的用品。

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服装毕业论⽂的参考⽂献[1]冯利,刘晓刚,顾雯。基于评价主体视⾓的服装设计评价过程[J]. 纺织学报,2019,(03):126-130.[2]闻婧。基于三维动画软件的服装设计分析与研究[J]. 西安⽂理学院学报(⾃然科学版),2019,(02):37-40.[3]程浩南。⼼电监测技术在监测与健康护理服装设计中的应⽤[J]. 化纤与纺织技术,2019,(01):22-26.[4]邓鸿滢。拼接设计在环保⽜仔服装中的应⽤[D].东华⼤学,2019.[5]李中元。现代印染艺术在针织服装设计中的应⽤[J]. 染整技术,2019,(02):80-81+87.第 1 页[6]陈依卓宁。服装设计作品的着作权司法保护探析[J]. 电⼦知识产权,2019,(Z1):113-120.[7]于芳。多穿型服装的构件与交互设计[J]. 丝绸,2019,(11):51-56.[8]袁博。浅析拼接在服装设计中的应⽤[J]. ⼤众⽂艺,2019,(14):114.[9]李传⽂。论服装设计形式美创造的基本原理与法则[J]. 武汉职业技术学院学报,2019,(01):98-103.[10]王智沛。⽔墨与现代服装设计的对话[J]. 江苏纺织,2019,(07):55-57.[11]李丹,夏帆。 “⼀⾐多穿”在服装设计中的应⽤研究[J]. 丝绸,2019,(01):50-54.[12]武英敏。丹东婴幼⼉服装适⽤性调查分析与服装设计[J]. 针织⼯业,2019,(01):61-65.第 2 页[13]吕⼩雪。⽹络时代服装设计理念探析[J]. 吉林⼯程技术师范学院学报,2019,(01):42-43.[14]张婷。基于“艺术染整”理论研究我国服装设计的差别化[J]. 染整技术,2019,(01):51-53.[15]⾼凌燕。数码印花纺织⾯料在服装设计中的应⽤研究[J]. 染整技术,2019,(01):76-77+80.[16]⽩碧波。浅谈“线”在服装设计中的运⽤与表现[J]. ⼤众⽂艺,2019,(01):97.[17]刘琳。库存纱线在针织服装设计中的创新应⽤[D].北京服装学院,2019.[18]王思齐。四合如意云肩研究及在服装设计中的应⽤[D].北京服装学院,2019.第 3 页[19]卢⽟琪。扎染褶皱结构在服装设计中的创新性应⽤[D].北京服装学院,2019.[20]景婷婷。清末民初⼥⼦坎肩在服装设计中的创新应⽤[D].北京服装学院,2019.[21]李依蔓。服装设计虚拟搭配系统的设计与实现[D].电⼦科技⼤学,2019.[22]冯蕾。褶皱与定位印花的结合在套系服装设计中的应⽤[D].东华⼤学,2019.[23]陈溪。陶瓷纹样在服装设计中的应⽤研究[D].南京艺术学院,2019.[24]王卫静,李颜肖。中国剪纸艺术的美学原理及其在服装设计上的应⽤[J]. 丝绸,2019,(05):50-54.[25]陈沐⾬。服装设计领域的跨界现象研究[D].武汉纺织⼤学,2019.

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