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首页 > 职称论文 > 国外期刊对温度传感器的介绍论文

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Goole翻译的:With the global figure of the rapid development of electronic technology, the continuous improvement of people's living standards. Everyone in the production life of the temperature of the growing demand for high-informed. The resulting temperature measurement, real-time display and control equipment has become increasingly we need the electronic device. The system design and the collection of temperature changes in temperature curve on the LCD display. First, because single-bus digital temperature sensor with miniaturization, low-power, high performance, anti-disturbance capacity, and other advantages, this paper, the international community more advanced digital temperature sensor DS18B20 the features and temperature monitoring and control system design. Second, the system uses LCD12864E LCD module as a display system, through the LCD module on the wave of change that is more intuitive to temperature changes. Paper also introduced LCD12864E part of the internal structure, working principle and the micro-controller interface. Again, in order to make better use of microcontrollers, in the choice of microcontrollers, the circuit design are added. On the software side, papers in the digital temperature sensor and LCD module DS18B20 the work of timing and control orders are made of and description. The article on the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 the way to serial communication link with the SCM, and in order to insurance purposes, by the way the storage supply. LCD modules based on the different functions of pins connected with the MCU. SCM from the temperature sensors read data into the LCD module.

299 评论



140 评论


建议你去"幸福校园"看看 里面有些样子 你可以参考 第一章 前言本论文介绍单片机结合DS18B20设计的智能温度控制系统,系统用一种新型的“一总线”可编程数字温度传感器(DS18B20),不需复杂的信号调理电路和A/D转换电路能直接与单片机完成数据采集和处理,实现方便、精度高、功耗低、微型化、抗干扰能力强,可根据不同需要用于各种温度监控及其他各种温度测控系统中。美国DALLAS最新单线数字温度传感器DS18B20,具有微型化低功耗、高性能、可组网等优点,新的“一线器件”体积更小、适用电压更宽、更经济 Dallas 半导体公司的数字化温度传感器DS1820是世界上第一片支持 “一线总线”接口的温度传感器。一线总线独特而且经济的特点,使用户可轻松地组建传感器网络,为测量系统的构建引入全新概念。DS18B20的测温分辨率较高,DS18B20可直接将温度转化成串行数字信号,因此特别适合和单片机配合使用,直接读取温度数据。目前DS18B20数字温度传感器已经广泛应用于恒温室、粮库、计算机机房。测量温度范围为 -55°C~+125°C,在-10~+85°C范围内,误差为±°C。现场温度直接以“一线总线”的数字方式传输,大大提高了系统的抗干扰性。适合于恶劣环境的现场温度测量,如:环境控制、设备或过程控制、测温类消费电子产品等。新的产品支持3V~的电压范围,使系统设计更灵活、方便。而且新一代产品更便宜,体积更小。 DS18B20可以程序设定9~12位的分辨率,精度为°C。可选更小的封装方式,更宽的电压适用范围。分辨率设定,及用户设定的报警温度存储在EEPROM中,掉电后依然保存。DS18B20的性能是新一代产品中最好的!性能价格比也非常出色!DS18B20使电压、特性及封装有更多的选择,让我们可以构建适合自己的经济的测温系统。

345 评论


With the global figure of the rapid development of electronic technology, the continuous improvement of people's living standards. Everyone in the production life of the temperature of the growing demand for high-informed. The resulting temperature measurement, real-time display and control equipment has become increasingly we need the electronic device. The system design and the collection of temperature changes in temperature curve on the LCD , because single-bus digital temperature sensor with miniaturization, low-power, high performance, anti-disturbance capacity, and other advantages, this paper, the international community more advanced digital temperature sensor DS18B20 the features and temperature monitoring and control system design. Second, the system uses LCD12864E LCD module as a display system, through the LCD module on the wave of change that is more intuitive to temperature changes. Paper also introduced LCD12864E part of the internal structure, working principle and the micro-controller interface. Again, in order to make better use of microcontrollers, in the choice of microcontrollers, the circuit design are added. On the software side, papers in the digital temperature sensor and LCD module DS18B20 the work of timing and control orders are made of and article on the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 the way to serial communication link with the SCM, and in order to insurance purposes, by the way the storage supply. LCD modules based on the different functions of pins connected with the MCU. SCM from the temperature sensors read data into the LCD module.

357 评论


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