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在中华大地的厚重土地上,有着一个缤纷的香包世界,它由来已久,具有浓郁的民族乡土气息,背后蕴藏着很深的文化内涵。 这些香包千姿百态:凤灯、鱼灯、龙灯、针扎、绣球、蝴蝶串、福寿娃、吉祥钱、双鱼钻莲、麒麟送子、十二属相系列……还有生活用品蛙枕、绣鞋、披肩等物。每一个香包后面,几乎都有一个传说和故事,比如“五毒青蛙”,就是把蝎子、蜈蚣、虺蜂、蜮绣在青蛙身上,让小儿佩戴,到以毒攻毒之意,可以百毒不侵;“百家衣”是向各家取一点布头缝制而成,每一个布片都是八卦变形的八角花,一共八个,代表八八六十四卦,小孩子生下来八字缺什么穿上什么就能补上。最有趣的是“蝴蝶扑瓜”的故事。传说有一个新媳妇长得很漂亮,公公起了邪念,新媳妇很为难左思右想,想到了香包。她做了一个蝴蝶扑瓜的香包送给公公,让他猜其中的含义,说猜到就依他,否则就死了心不要再去纠缠。公公左猜右猜,一直猜不出来,只好作罢。原来这个香包的意思是:小瓜才有花,引得蝴蝶扑,老瓜已经没有花了,不会引来蝴蝶了,言下之意:你太老啦,我对你没兴趣!还有一些香包夸张变形,但变异得很有道理,比如“阴阳荷包”,上面是叶,下面是花,这样反着制作表示阴阳颠倒,喻意晚上太阳晒,白天月亮出来,阴阳交替,万物生长。“鱼龙变化”更是在一条只有五寸长的龙身上用365个小布片绣成,鱼藏在龙身上,365个布片代表一年。这些精美的香包全是当地农村妇女手工一针一线制作而成,这些妇女,还有她们的母亲、母亲的母亲,大多没有文化,更没有高深丰厚的美术美学功底,她们是如何创造制作出如此美仑美奂的手工艺?是人与自然生生息息交融启迪,还是数千年文明文化的累积使然?或者两者兼面有之。

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Qingyang yachetRemember that day the teacher brought us a few "big dumplings", Hei hei! Let me tell you, this is actually a "Qingyang sachet".Sachet "main frame" like the Changan tower, as long as the sun "Changan tower" will be a brilliant color, "on both sides of Changan tower" is a red silk texture and beautiful China knot, full of strong cultural atmosphere and festive. It is with colored silk wrapped inside, realgar, incense and other spices, exudes a touch of fragrance, aroma refreshing effect and prevention of physical, mental, the sachet is decorated with metal round bells, with the swing play bells sachet melodious music, I can not praise this exquisite sachet really people love can think of to do when craftsmen is sachet, how well intentioned ah! They first used cardboard folded eight fold, and then folded into Wuling angle, then sprinkle spices, finally, selected the silk dress riotous with colour and shapes of sachet. It can be used as ornaments hanging in the chest can also wear to put peace and teacher told us that the Qingyang sachet is the Dragon Boat Festival of traditional folk ornaments, it permeates the symbolic meaning of "blessing of evil", its fame spread all over the world, Qingyang is also named the "Chinese embroidery sachet town". I have the opportunity to go to the beautiful city of Qingyang to learn more about the culture and the mother, more local customs and practices.

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