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Nature , 29 July 2021, VOL 595 , ISSUE 7869

《自然》 2021年7月29日,第595卷,7869期

天文学 Astronomy

Light bending and X-ray echoes from behind a supermassive black hole


作者: D. R. Wilkins, L. C. Gallo, E. Costantini, W. N. Brandt & R. D. Blandford








The innermost regions of accretion disks around black holes are strongly irradiated by X-rays that are emitted from a highly variable, compact corona, in the immediate vicinity of the black hole. The X-rays that are seen reflected from the disk, and the time delays, provide a view of the environment just outside the event horizon. I Zwicky 1 (I Zw 1) is a nearby narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy. Previous studies of the reverberation of X-rays from its accretion disk revealed that the corona is composed of two components: an extended, slowly varying component extending over the surface of the inner accretion disk, and a collimated core, with luminosity fluctuations propagating upwards from its base, which dominates the more rapid variability. Here we report observations of X-ray flares emitted from around the supermassive black hole in I Zw 1. X-ray reflection from the accretion disk is detected through a relativistically broadened iron K line and Compton hump in the X-ray emission spectrum. Analysis of the X-ray flares reveals short flashes of photons consistent with the re-emergence of emission from behind the black hole. The energy shifts of these photons identify their origins from different parts of the disk. These are photons that reverberate off the far side of the disk, and are bent around the black hole and magnified by the strong gravitational field. Observing photons bent around the black hole confirms a key prediction of general relativity.

材料科学 Materials Science

Spectroscopic evidence for a gold-coloured metallic water solution


作者:Philip E. Mason, H. Christian Schewe, Tillmann Buttersack, Vojtech Kostal, Marco Vitek, Ryan S. McMullen, et al.





研究组发现,水-碱金属反应的爆炸行为可以通过在1 0-4 毫巴的低压下将水蒸气吸附到真空室喷射的钠-钾合金液滴上来抑制。这种设计导致在金属合金液滴表面形成短暂的金色金属水液层。利用光学反射和同步辐射X射线光电子能谱证实了该液层的金属特性,每立方厘米掺杂约5 1 021 个电子。


Insulating materials can in principle be made metallic by applying pressure. In the case of pure water, this is estimated to require a pressure of 48 megabar, which is beyond current experimental capabilities and may only exist in the interior of large planets or stars. Indeed, recent estimates and experiments indicate that water at pressures accessible in the laboratory will at best be superionic with high protonic conductivity, but not metallic with conductive electrons. Here we show that a metallic water solution can be prepared by massive doping with electrons upon reacting water with alkali metals. Although analogous metallic solutions of liquid ammonia with high concentrations of solvated electrons have long been known and characterized, the explosive interaction between alkali metals and water has so far only permitted the preparation of aqueous solutions with low, submetallic electron concentrations. We found that the explosive behaviour of the water–alkali metal reaction can be suppressed by adsorbing water vapour at a low pressure of about 1 0-4 millibar onto liquid sodium–potassium alloy drops ejected into a vacuum chamber. This set-up leads to the formation of a transient gold-coloured layer of a metallic water solution covering the metal alloy drops. The metallic character of this layer, doped with around 5 1 021 electrons per cubic centimetre, is confirmed using optical reflection and synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies.

Linear-in temperature resistivity from an isotropic Planckian scattering rate


作者:Gaël Grissonnanche, Yawen Fang, Anaëlle Legros, Simon Verret, Francis Laliberté, Clément Collignon, et al.



传统金属的电阻率随温度呈二次方下降,而各种“奇异金属”的电阻率当温度降至零时却随温度呈线性下降。这种线性温度电阻率归因于电荷载流子以 ħ/τ = αkBT 给出的速率散射,α为统一阶常数,ħ为普朗克常数, kB 为玻尔兹曼常数。


研究组报告了对 (一种空穴掺杂铜酸盐)的角相关磁阻测量,在最低测量温度下呈现出线性温度电阻率。角相关磁阻显示了一个明确定义的费米面,该面与角分辨光电子能谱测量结果定量一致,并显示了在普朗克极限下饱和的线性温度散射率,即α= 。



A variety of ‘strange metals’ exhibit resistivity that decreases linearly with temperature as the temperature decreases to zero, in contrast to conventional metals where resistivity decreases quadratically with temperature. This linear-in-temperature resistivity has been attributed to charge carriers scattering at a rate given by ħ/τ = αkBT , where α is a constant of order unity, ħ is the Planck constant and kB is the Boltzmann constant. This simple relationship between the scattering rate and temperature is observed across a wide variety of materials, suggesting a fundamental upper limit on scattering—the ‘Planckian limit’—but little is known about the underlying origins of this limit. Here we report a measurement of the angle-dependent magnetoresistance of —a hole-doped cuprate that shows linear-in-temperature resistivity down to the lowest measured temperatures. The angle-dependent magnetoresistance shows a well defined Fermi surface that agrees quantitatively with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements and reveals a linear-in-temperature scattering rate that saturates at the Planckian limit, namely α = . Remarkably, we find that this Planckian scattering rate is isotropic, that is, it is independent of direction, in contrast to expectations from ‘hotspot’ models. Our findings suggest that linear-in-temperature resistivity in strange metals emerges from a momentum-independent inelastic scattering rate that reaches the Planckian limit.

Incoherent transport across the strange-metal regime of overdoped cuprates


作者:J. Ayres, M. Berben, M. Čulo, . Hsu, E. van Heumen, Y. Huang, et al.







Strange metals possess highly unconventional electrical properties, such as a linear-in-temperature resistivity, an inverse Hall angle that varies as temperature squared and a linear-in-field magnetoresistance. Identifying the origin of these collective anomalies has proved fundamentally challenging, even in materials such as the hole-doped cuprates that possess a simple bandstructure. The prevailing consensus is that strange metallicity in the cuprates is tied to a quantum critical point at a doping p* inside the superconducting dome. Here we study the high-field in-plane magnetoresistance of two superconducting cuprate families at doping levels beyond p*. At all dopings, the magnetoresistance exhibits quadrature scaling and becomes linear at high values of the ratio of the field and the temperature, indicating that the strange-metal regime extends well beyond p*. Moreover, the magnitude of the magnetoresistance is found to be much larger than predicted by conventional theory and is insensitive to both impurity scattering and magnetic field orientation. These observations, coupled with analysis of the zero-field and Hall resistivities, suggest that despite having a single band, the cuprate strange-metal region hosts two charge sectors, one containing coherent quasiparticles, the other scale-invariant ‘Planckian’ dissipators.

化学 Chemistry

A radical approach for the selective C–H borylation of azines


作者:Ji Hye Kim, Timothée Constantin, Marco Simonetti, Josep Llaveria, Nadeem S. Sheikh & Daniele Leonori





这种反应活性为s p2 碳-硼键组装提供了一种机械上的替代策略,其中过渡金属介导的碳-氢键活化和氮杂芳环有机金属中间体的还原消除的基本步骤被直接的、Minisci式的自由基加成所取代。




Boron functional groups are often introduced in place of aromatic carbon–hydrogen bonds to expedite small-molecule persification through coupling of molecular fragments. Current approaches based on transition-metal-catalysed activation of carbon–hydrogen bonds are effective for the borylation of many (hetero)aromatic derivatives but show narrow applicability to azines (nitrogen-containing aromatic heterocycles), which are key components of many pharmaceutical and agrochemical products. Here we report an azine borylation strategy using stable and inexpensive amine-borane reagents. Photocatalysis converts these low-molecular-weight materials into highly reactive boryl radicals that undergo efficient addition to azine building blocks. This reactivity provides a mechanistically alternative tactic for s p2 carbon–boron bond assembly, where the elementary steps of transition-metal-mediated carbon–hydrogen bond activation and reductive elimination from azine-organometallic intermediates are replaced by a direct, Minisci-style, radical addition. The strongly nucleophilic character of the amine-boryl radicals enables predictable and site-selective carbon–boron bond formation by targeting the azine’s most activated position, including the challenging sites adjacent to the basic nitrogen atom. This approach enables access to aromatic sites that elude current strategies based on carbon–hydrogen bond activation, and has led to borylated materials that would otherwise be difficult to prepare. We have applied this process to the introduction of amine-borane functionalities to complex and industrially relevant products. The persification of the borylated azine products by mainstream cross-coupling technologies establishes aromatic amino-boranes as a powerful class of building blocks for chemical synthesis.

地球科学 Earth Science

A process-based approach to understanding and managing triggered seismicity


作者:Bradford H. Hager, James Dieterich, Cliff Frohlich, Ruben Juanes, Stefano Mantica, John H. Shaw, et al.



人们越来越担心由人类活动引发的地震活动,即应力的微小增加会导致构造承载的断层破裂。这些人类活动包括采矿、蓄水、开发地热田、提取碳氢化合物和水,以及向地下储层注入水、C O2 和C H4 等。



研究组在意大利南部地震活跃的Val d'Agri油田使用了该模型,证明了基于过程的方法可成功管理人为触发的地震活动,并将其应用于油气田开发。在其他地方应用该方法亦有助于管理和减轻人为触发的地震活动。


There is growing concern about seismicity triggered by human activities, whereby small increases in stress bring tectonically loaded faults to failure. Examples of such activities include mining, impoundment of water, stimulation of geothermal fields, extraction of hydrocarbons and water, and the injection of water, C O2 and methane into subsurface reservoirs. In the absence of sufficient information to understand and control the processes that trigger earthquakes, authorities have set up empirical regulatory monitoring-based frameworks with varying degrees of success. Field experiments in the early 1970s at the Rangely, Colorado (USA) oil field suggested that seismicity might be turned on or off by cycling subsurface fluid pressure above or below a threshold. Here we report the development, testing and implementation of a multidisciplinary methodology for managing triggered seismicity using comprehensive and detailed information about the subsurface to calibrate geomechanical and earthquake source physics models. We then validate these models by comparing their predictions to subsequent observations made after calibration. We use our approach in the Val d’Agri oil field in seismically active southern Italy, demonstrating the successful management of triggered seismicity using a process-based method applied to a producing hydrocarbon field. Applying our approach elsewhere could help to manage and mitigate triggered seismicity.

269 评论


实验原理:欧姆定律和电阻定律,用毫米刻度尺测一段金属丝导线的长度L,用螺旋测微器测导线的直径d,用伏安法测导线的电阻R,由R=pL/S.得电阻率p=RS/L,S为导线的侧面积, 误差分析:1直径的测量;2长度的测量;3测量电路中电流表及电压表对电阻测量的影响;4通电电流的大小,时间长短,致使电阻丝发热,电阻随之变化,由于本实验采用电流表外接法,所以R测

338 评论


多次计算 去掉相差太多 求平均值

134 评论


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