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我推荐一篇吧,希望对你有些帮助,有问题可以再问哦:)~~ 英语词汇学习 在英语词汇学习过程中,学习者要遵循第二语言习得的规律,掌握并灵活运用多种词汇学习策略。可分为词汇表策略、语境策略、精加工策略、语义场策略。 一.词汇表策略 (Word list strategy ) 词汇表策略一般为:一列是按字母顺序排列的英语单词,另一列是这些单词的汉语意思(等值词、同义词或近义词)。有些学者认为,通过词汇表策略能够迅速且有效地学会大量的词汇。然而,Gaims 和 Redman 却指出,通过词汇表记忆词汇会阻碍对所记词汇进行充分地处理和系统地组织,因此就失去了有效的长时记忆的基础。语言大师桂诗春教授也认为,词汇表策略既费时又费力,徒劳无功,因为这种做法不仅把外语的词语和母语的词语等同起来,而且把它从语言和语境中孤立出来。 二.语境策略 ( Context strategy ) 语境策略就是学习者通过上下文语言环境所提供的信息对出现在语境中的生词进行猜测,从而习得这个单词。语境策略是目前比较流行的词汇学习策略之一,它不仅仅可以扩大词汇量,而且可以让学生了解有关目的语的文化知识。但是,Channell ( Carter &McCarthy ,1988:89 ) 认为,音节认知和重音认知对学习者理解词汇起着非常重要的作用。为了更好地理解词汇,学习新单词的方法应使学习者准确地内化和吸收新单词:即学会单个音标的发音、了解音节数、掌握重音位置。从这一方面来看,运用语境策略学习词汇不能算是一个很好的方法。 三.精加工策略( Elaborative strategy ) 精加工策略是指通过对学习材料进行深入细致的分析、加工,理解其内在的深层意义并促进记忆的一种策略。皮连生(1998)在《学与教的心理学》一书中也曾提到:“精细加工策略”(同“精加工策略”)指对学习材料作精细的加工活动,即通过在要记忆的材料上增加相关的信息来达到对新的材料记忆的学习方法。如对材料补充细节、举出例子、作出推论或使之与其它观念形成联想等,旨在为知识的检索提取提供新的途径,为知识的构建提供额外的信息。精加工策略的关键是将学习者头脑中已有的经验与要学习的词汇联系起来,充分利用已有的经验对要学习的词进行深水平的加工,使其合理化、富有意义,进而达到理解、记忆的目的。学习者已经掌握的熟悉的母语知识或外语知识、头脑中生动鲜明的形象以及其他多种相关的知识经验等都可以作为已有的经验加以利用。 最常用的精加工策略是联想。联想又可以分为:词缀联想、对比联想、关系联想、接近联想、相似联想等。心理学认为,联想反映了客观事物之间的联系。它在促进人的记忆、想象、思维等心理活动中占有重要的地位。在运用联想学习词汇时,通过串联归类,纵横联系,辨析分解,在脑际建立相互依存的知识结构,从而战胜遗忘,增强记忆。例如:词缀联想。在学习词缀 -tion时,学习者可以联想 -tion构成的词汇:corporation , administration , competition , congratulation , description 等。通过词缀联想,学习者可以学一个会一串,迅速地扩大词汇量。Krashen 在“输入假设”( input hypothesis ) 中也提到:只有接受可理解性输入( comprehensible input ),语言习得才会产生。精加工策略,可以建立形象与词汇之间的联系,使抽象的材料具体化,使学习者要记忆的目标词转化为可理解性输入,这一信息加工过程遵循了 Krashen 的“输入假设”,是一种行之有效的英语词汇学习策略。 四.语义场策略( Semantic field strategy ) 语义场理论是德国学者 (引自伍谦光,1995:94)最先提出来的。这个理论的核心就是探讨词所表达的类概念与词表达的种概念之间的关系。根据这个理论,词可以在一个共同概念的支配下结合在一起形成一个语义场。例如:“house”这个概念下,就有一个如下的语义场。

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词的理据 众所周知,语言包括语音、词汇和语法三个部分。英国语义学家乌尔曼在承认语言符号的任意性前提下,提出词的理据性,指出每一种语言里都包含一定程度理据的词语。语言的理据是相对其任意性而言,是指语言符号的能指与所指之间有一种自然的联系,两者的结合是有理可据的。词的理据指事物和现象获得名称的依据。本论文通过对词的理据性分析及举例,将有助于外语学习,尤其是对词汇的掌握和理解。词的理据分为:拟声理据、语义理据、逻辑理据。Ⅰ.onomatopoeic motivation 英语中有些词是通过声音的模仿构成的,这种构词称为onomatopoeia. Stephen Ullmann把拟声构词分为两种。 1、primary onomatopoeia:鸟兽之类动物的叫声也属于这一范畴.例如:Apes gibber Asses bray 2、secondary onomatopoeia:指音与某种象征性的意义发生联想。例如:词的前半部分辅音连缀sl-含有滑(slippery)的意义,如 slide, slip, slither, slush等。Ⅱ.semantic motivation 语义理据是一种心理联想,措词义的引申和比喻。以下列举几种: 1、metaphor例如: All the world's a stage.(Shakespeare) 2、metonymy英语中往往用一个词代表整个事件或整个背景,这也是一种借代方式。在现代英美报刊中常见到以地名或国名代表整个事件。例如:The current situation is different from Czechoslovakia in 1968. They agreed to put pressure on the negotiations for progress on Berlin. Look Back in Anger(John Osborne's play)coincided with rock-'n'-roll, Suez and Hungary. 3、synecdoche 例如:以Wall Street(美国纽约市的一条街)代表美国垄断资本,以Bonn代表西德政府. 4、analogy 类比构词的特点是仿照原有的同类词创造出其对应词或近似词,类比构词大致可分成以下4种: 色彩类比 色彩类比主要通过表示不同颜色的词类比出新词新语。如由black list化出 white list和 gray list。 数字类比 由数字类比构成的词,有的数字不变,只变动被修饰语;如First Mother(指国家元首的母亲),First Family(指国家元首的一家)均系与First Lady这个原形词类比而成.如second-strike capacity(指受敌方先发制人的第一次核打击后的核还击能力)由first-strike capacity(先发制人的第一次核打击能力)引申而成; 近似类比 指类比词之间要有一个近似点,根据这个近似点,推此及彼。例如:gap最早与missile搭配,形成missile gap词组,这词语一经产生,引起了连锁反应;production gap、ration gap等新词相继出现. 反义类比 利用现有的反义词构成新的复合反义词。如由moonlight构成daylight.Ⅲ. logical motivation 利用传统的逻辑学下定义,把要表达的对象和与之相似的其它对象区别开来。 例句:Ever since the Watergate prosecutors began investigating ... and found clues that some of these companies had made suspiciously large, undisclosed payments overseas, a probe of multinationals' operations has been widening. 总之,英语不是象我们生活中的别的固有的东西那样一成不变的。所有语言经过一段时间就要变,其变化的原因是无法完全清楚的。除了吸收过去的俚语使之成为正式用语从而丰富语言以外,显然还需要许许多多的新词语来表达现代生活极大的并正在不断增长着的复杂性。这种复杂性是由我们所处时代的社会和技术条件急剧变化而引起的。语言忠实地反映出时代精神。

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sample 1: 题目: English Vocabulary Learning Strategies (英语词汇学习策略) The mathematicians that study language and have lots of computing power are forming English language databases. These databases can be used for machine language translation, formulas to rank collocation, most used priority word lists, word grouping tendencies and other linguistics research. These frequency-based wordlists contain the words that are most used in English. Frequency-based wordlists can help you target specific English vocabulary by indicating which words you should try to learn first. Vocabulary analysis and summaries from the "Brown Corpus 1990". Table 1 Words - Percent of words in average text 86,741 - 43,831 - 15,851 - 6,000 - 5,000 - 4,000 - 3,000 - 2,000 - 1,000 - 10 - Table 1 shows us that in most written English just a few word types account for most of the English words in any text. Ten words account for % of the words on any page and just 1000 word families account for more than 70% of the words used. The ESL in Canada English Immersion camps experimented with the 1000 word lists and used them for the core vocabulary for spelling, poetry writing and public speaking contests. The constant reinforcement and repetition with variable context was quickly absorbed by the beginner students and greatly increased their confidence when speaking or writing. Altavista's Babelfish or Google by Systran machine translation performs with an error rate of 20 to 30 percent. The large error rate is due to how a word's meaning varies with context. One example: "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" translated from English to Russian and back again only to yield "The vodka is good but the meat is rotten." So far Babelfish has 19 language pairs available and it has taken decades to develop language-pair rules for each of the 9,900 language word pairs. Some observations for language students and language teachers is the translation pool for just average translations is 9900 words. The big variable is context, which means that a word can be used in various formats: "formal, industry specific jargon, slang, idioms, act a different part of speech performing a different function within that particular meaning. If every word has an average of five context variables then the student really has to learn 50,000 items. As final conclusions: second language learning takes time and effort and there should be plenty of translation jobs for the next 20 years if you are willing to invest the seven to nine years to be proficient. In the following example the word "weather" can be used in about eight different contexts and be used to mean, define or explain about thirty different situations or conditions. To properly study vocabulary students require background information and context. "Weather" As a Noun Definition 1. the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as characterized by sunshine, moisture, temperature, precipitation, and other variables. Similar Words: elements, climate Definition 2. unpleasant, turbulent, or violent atmospheric conditions. Example: We needed shelter from the weather. Similar Words: gale, elements, blow, windstorm , storm As a Transitive Verb Inflected Forms: weathered, weathering, weathers Definition 1. to dry, season, or modify by exposing to weather. Similar Words: season , dry Definition 2. to discolor, deteriorate, or harm by exposing to weather. Similar Words wash , rot , erode, deteriorate Definition 3. to endure past the end of; survive. Example Their marriage weathered the hard times. Synonyms: withstand , survive, stand, outlast , endure , ride out Similar Words: overcome, surmount, outlive, sustain, brave As an Intransitive Verb Definition 1. to resist deterioration when exposed to weather. Example: The colour has been able to weather the intense sun shine. Definition 2. to display the effects of exposure (deterioration or change in color) Similar Words: rot, corrode, fade, deteriorate As part of Idiomatic Expressions Phrase used as an idiom: "under the weather" = sick or not well sample 2: 题目: Using the keyword method to learn vocabulary(重点记忆学习法) The keyword mnemonic is undoubtedly an effective means of learning the words of a foreign language How well you remember depends on how well you learned them, not on whether you have learned the words using a keyword mnemonic or rote repetition or some other method Even using a keyword mnemonic, you still need to rehearse the information to be learned The keyword mnemonic is not always the best method of learning particular words Skilled learners may be best to use the keyword mnemonic selectively, for particularly difficult words The keyword mnemonic requires individual instruction and practice, to use effectively Using a verbal (sentence) link is at least as effective as an image, and is easier for many people Whether using a sentence or an image, the critical factor is that the keyword interact with the definition or own-language word. sample 3: 题目: experience of learning vocabulary and grammar (英语词汇及语法的学习经验) I could say what I’ve been instructed is a focus on deductive ways. In junior high school, my teacher listed out the key rules of each lesson and would did the fill-in the blank exercise in the class. Since I was not a quick thinker, what I could do was merely imitate the examples given by the teacher. This meant that I didn’t know “why” I was supposed to make a sentence in this way. When days went to high school, the mode of instruction didn’t change much. The teacher would point out the crucial rules as well, but he didn’t do much practice in class. In the scope of vocabulary teaching, he just read through the words and sample sentences. You must be curious about how I could last my interest in learning English under this way of instruction? I think what prompt me to keep on learning is owing to my highly motivated attitude. Because I like the language and its culture, I’ll do my best to learn it well through self-study. Though the inspiration from teachers is essential in some ways, the attitude of learners will be the momentum to maintain a lifelong learning. I don’t like the ways I’ve been taught because I learn the rules by rote-learning. Actually, I didn’t object the use of rote-learning. But, it should be under the condition of meaningful practice so that I know “why” the rules are supposed to be used in this way. As for the ways how I will teach in the future, I’m still struggling to explore my answers. No matter what, I will put much emphasis on learner-centered aspects and inductive teaching.

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