上海A物流有限公司企业流程的关键成功因素在平衡计分卡实施中的探讨摘要:平衡计分卡是过去十几年中,国外兴起的最重要的管理方法之一。它克服了传统绩效评价体系普遍只注重财务方面指标,而忽视非财务指标的严重缺陷,主要通过财务方面、顾客方面、内部经营过程方面和学习与成长方面四个重要角度,全面科学的对企业真实业绩,进行综合评价,从而促使企业不仅注重财务方面的目标,而且注重非财务的内部经营过程、学习与成长等绩效驱动因素。 平衡计分卡的基本原理,对我国企业逐步树立以顾客为中心、以市场需求为导向、不断提高核心竞争能力、促进企业经营绩效的改进,具有积极的理论指导作用。 本文在对平衡计分卡相关基本理论阐述的基础上,进行了创新,作者换了一个角度重新审视平衡计分卡。文章研究了A物流有限公司设计平衡计分卡的过程,根据A物流有限公司当前战略重点,运用SWOT工具详细分析了A物流有限公司当前所面临的战略选择,基于物流企业的特殊企业属性,在A物流公司几个核心业务流程中,找出了各个业务的关键成功因素,并以此为基础,设计了各个成功因素对应的绩效衡量指标,最后,按照A物流有限公司在财务、顾客、内部流程、学习与成长四个维度的战略重点和战略目标,重新选择、归类了四个维度下对应的指标,以利用这些指标来衡量A物流有限公司的经营状况。 本文还对平衡计分卡具体实施流程中一些重要的处理过程,进行了设计研究,为平衡计分卡的应用实践,提供了一些具体的指导建议和方法。 平衡计分卡对于中国企业来说,还是一种比较先进和新兴的管理工具。本文 利用平衡计分卡,为A物流有限公司建立了一套以战略为导向的绩效指标体系,并对其具体应用实施提供了一些设计思路,对于A物流有限公司今后成功实施平衡计分卡这一战略工具,也为中国企业如何正确引进平衡计分卡这一先进的管理工具,提供一个具体的模式和例证。关键词:平衡计分卡 业务流程Abstract; The balanced score card in enterprise's Performance graded is one of the most important managements which are popular in the past ten years in foreign countries. The traditional efficiency evaluation only focuses on the target in financial affairs and ignores the targets of non-financial affairs. While the former evaluates the enterprises' performance according to management of financial affairs, customers' opinions, internal management and its plan for further development. Such evaluation makes enterprises or enterprises not only focus on the target of financial affairs but also emphasize non-financial affairs, which can promote the efficiency of the financial affairs, such as the process of internal management, making the plan for further development. The basic theory of the balanced scorecard in enterprise 's performance acts as the theoretical direction in helping the enterprises regard customers as Gods, try to meet the needs of the markets, upgrade competitive capacity and enhance the efficiency. On the basis of discussing the theory, this thesis analyzes the actuality of the performance appraisal in A logistics limited Company and the applicability of the balanced scorecard 希望可以帮助到你,望采纳
【 摘要 】文章研究了新零售趋势下冷链的发展模式;以食品安全、食品营养构建起聚焦产前管理、发展流通加工技术等,并通过提供一体化的解决方案以及采取高效的轻资产运营技术等关键经营要素,探讨了冷链企业的发展模型。
【 关键词 】冷链;新零售;冷网;食品安全;流通
Cold-chain logistics food safety monitoring system First, the system background Is a huge cold-chain logistics system, is the meat, fresh milk, such as the need for refrigeration of food, in the production, storage and transportation, marketing, to consumption in every aspect of the former, provided always in low-temperature environment, in order to ensure food quality to reduce the loss of a food system project. In recent years, with China's vigorous development of modern logistics, cold chain and cold chain logistics concept has been increasingly concerned about the people. As food safety and quality of attention, food logistics become the focus of attention. Cold-chain logistics and transportation involved in hundreds of foods, different foods on the temperature and the vehicle configuration requirements are different and how to achieve best practice, reduce wastage, improve efficiency, China is still a lack of corresponding standards. To this end the company launched a long-range temperature-based RF card "cold-chain logistics of food safety control systems" solution Second, the system outlined The project plan based on issues of national scientific and technological support "model of modern logistics services", in order to radio frequency identification (RFID) technology as the core, combined with the use of GPS, GIS, GPRS, intelligent sensing and other advanced technologies, the establishment of cold chain monitoring network goods Container Logistics and public security monitoring platform, including cold-chain goods flow and the state of information collection terminals, real-time monitoring of vehicle terminals, remote monitoring and control platform for the three parts of cold-chain items to achieve a state of alarm monitoring and security, the whole process of cold-chain items retrospective information functions. 1. System RFID temperature: a temperature sensor is an electronic label, temperature sensor to collect the information to the electronic tags, electronic tags in the field to launch non-stop. Items installed in the container GPRS and LCD screen with a fixed reader: Yes, the message read labels, installed in the driving room, Controller: Control Alarm function Monitoring System: By constantly monitoring the system to changes in temperature within the container. 2. The working principle When the cargo is loaded on the train after the acquisition of real-time information collection container terminal temperature, humidity, status information, and from time to time to write containers of electronic labels, electronic labels constantly send out information, then the reader receives the information through the GPRS sent to the Control Center, in the driver's display can be seen in the temperature of goods. Remote monitoring and control of all of the information platform for receiving, storage, access and visualization of information to the form or to check the way, real-time transport and cold chain staff interact. 3. Products: Distance: 10 meters distance to read easily. Attendance because of physical conditions, can be set from the card reader. Stable operation: active-card reader from the stable, not easily affected by the surrounding environment. Channel isolation technology use, non-interfering multiple devices; Support high-speed mobile read: ID cards for mobile speed up to 200 km / hr. High reliability: ambient temperature -40 ℃ -85 ℃ completely normal to be able to run (MTBF ≥ 70000 hours), especially at low temperature in the North and the South is even more advantage of high-temperature state can be effective against the adverse environment of high air dust and rain and other pollutants as well as the environment, to ensure the normal use of equipment. Computing encryption and authentication to ensure data security, to prevent eavesdropping and data-link break; High anti-interference and lightning protection design: a variety of interference sources on the scene without special requirements to meet the requirements of industrial environment, easy to install. Open microwave global ISM band, there is no need to apply and pay. Ultra-low power: long life, with an average low cost, and on human security, a healthier, no radiation damage. Microwave modules can be configured work, adjustable transmit power; Identification of more than: You can also identify more than 200 marked, if the scene more and more than 200 marked, we have the means to deal with.
蒙牛纯牛奶的奶源来自优良品种的奶牛, 而这些奶牛是在土地肥沃,牧草丰盛, 环境清新的牧场畜养, 产出的鲜奶是通过全封闭式的冷链物流送致先进的生产流水线, 产出的
交通运输作为我国重要的基础设施和服务部门,是我国第三产业的重要支柱。下文是我为大家整理的关于交通运输专业 毕业 论文的 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读参考! 《试