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[1] , , Philip James [J]. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006 [2] Mark Wutka,Alan Moffet,Kunal Mittal.Sams Teach Yourself JAVAServer Pages with Apache Tomcat in 24 Hours[M].Sams Publishing,2003 [14]James Turner,Kevin Bedell. Struts Kick Start[M]. SAMS,2004 [15] Kong Michael. An environment for secure SQL/Server computing [M].Oxford University Press Inc., 1993: 149[3] Tsui,Frank F. JSP EM DASH A RESEARCH SIGNAL PROCESSOR IN JOSEPHSON TECHNOLOGY[C]. IBM Journal of Research and Development,Vol24, No2,1980:243-252 [4] Sanden, Bo. SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING WITH JSP:EXAMPLE - A VDU CONTROLLER[C]. Communications of the ACM,Vol28,No10,1985:1059-1067 [5] Burgess, R. S. DESIGNING CODASYL DATABASE PROGRAMS USING JSP[C]. Information and Software Technology,Vol29,No3,1987:151-158 [6] Javey. S. CONCEPT OF 'CORRESPONDENCE' IN JSP[C]. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Science,Vol2,1987:14-22 [7] Markus Aleksy,Axel Korthaus, Martin Schader. Use Java and the CORBA realization distribute type system [J]. Journal of Pingxiang College, ,2005:104-105 [8] Jon Titus. ECN Technical Editor:The Eclipse of stand[J]. Journal of Zhongkai Agrotechnical College,, , 2006:32-35 [9] Markus Aleksy,Axel Korthaus, Martin Java and the CORBA realization distribute type system[J]. Journal of Pingxiang College,,2005:104-105 [10] W.Clay,Richardson, Donald,Avondolio. The Java high class weaves a distance:JDK 5[J]. Scientific & Technology Book Review,, 2006:17-18

90 评论


Japan has confirmed namely nuclear leak! Site personnel crisis evacuation, advising area 70km expansion to evacuate, Japan, . aircraft carrier apt the IAEA for assist. Asia's residents ought take the necessary amounts. Rain in emerge among 24 hours of stay in the home, and near always the gates and Windows. Wear tin cover the whole body of clothing, and be sure apt cover your cervix, radiation would premier buffet the thyroid gland. Please take positive increased protective fathom. Please advise every other!

343 评论


[1] Juan Lipson semantics-based routing scheme for grid resource discovery[M].E-Science: First International Conference on E-Science and GridComputing,2005:58-70,90.[2] Watts D Worlds. The dynamics of networks between order and randomness[P].America: 56A2579BB6,l999-05-13.

135 评论


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