我也是网上查到的,语病很多,你自己改一下语序。 从流行文化与日本,韩国以及北美乐活的强大影响力,肯定是在一个大的冲击,台湾的海岸。 One can find magazines, department store ads and even store brands using LOHAS as their main branding and marketing campaign.人们可以找到杂志,百货公司商店品牌的广告,甚至利用他们的主要品牌和营销活动乐活。 There are even department stores and restaurants called LOHAS and sell LOHAS branded products with definitions of 'Cultural Creatives' translated into Chinese.甚至有所谓的百货公司,餐厅和出售乐活与乐活的定义品牌产品的文化创意'翻译成中文。 Considered one of the 'Four Tigers' of East Asia and labeled so for being one of the nations that has maintained a high economic growth rates from the 1960's to present day.被认为是'四小龙'之一,东亚被标为的是从1960年一直保持高经济增长率的国家之一,到今天这样。 Taiwan is a country that is one of the top economic powers in the region.台湾是一个国家,它是该地区最高的经济强国之一。 The other 'Tigers' are South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.对方的老虎队是韩国,香港和新加坡。 Taiwan has had a steady average 6% economic growth rate since the mid 1990's and survived the Asian economic crisis the best out of all Asian nations.台湾有一个稳定的平均1990年中期以来的6%的经济增长速度和幸存下来的亚洲经济危机的亚洲各国的精华。 The rise of its economy and emphasis on education has developed a fast growing middle class that is recently been questioning the path that the country has taken to get to where it is.其经济,强调教育的兴起,开发出一种快速增长的中产阶级是最近被质疑,该国已采取去的地方是路径。 Unbridled economic growth usually comes with a price to the environment and heath of people.肆无忌惮的经济增长通常带有一个对环境和人民健康的代价。 A recent study from the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), produced by Yale and Columbia Universities listed Taiwan 143 of 144 countries surveyed and only ranking higher than North Korea.从最近的研究环境可持续发展指数 (ESI)的朝鲜北,排名仅高于生产的144个国家的调查,由耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学台湾上市143。 Many of Taiwan's environmental issues are linked to its dense population of 23 million over 14,000 square miles.台湾的环境问题,许多都与它的人口超过2300万密14,000平方英里。 This averages out to approximately 1600 people per square mile making it one of the most densely populated countries on earth.这出平均每平方英里大约1600人使它成为地球上人口最稠密的国家之一。 The positive thing about this is that there is no other way to go other than up and in spite of all the environmental difficulties LOHAS gaining traction in Taiwan.关于这个正面的事是,有没有其他办法可以去其他比起来,并在所有环境困难,但乐活在台湾获得牵引力。 The public is putting pressure on business and government to implement change in current business and policy standards.市民正在对企业和政府的压力,在目前的业务和执行政策标准的变化。 The government is working to improve its environmental issues by enforcing stringent recycling and energy efficiency rules for businesses and the public.政府正在努力改善执行严格的回收利用,企业和公众对环境的规则,能源效率问题。 Currently they are developing a hydrogen scooter project they hope to implement commercially in the near future.目前,他们正在开发一种氢摩托车项目中,他们希望在不久的将来实现商业化。 The demand for organic foods and new ways of approaching life in a simple and holistic way is on the rise.对有机食品和接近在一个简单而全面的方式来生活的新方式的需求正在上升。 Health and well-being is a very important component of Chinese culture.健康和福祉,是中华文化的一个非常重要的组成部分。 The country has a long-standing tradition of Buddhism and vegetarian cuisine is readily available.该国的佛教悠久的传统和素食菜肴一应俱全。 But many Taiwanese relate vegan and vegetarian diets to the Buddhist religion.但是,许多台湾有关素食和素食的佛教信仰。 Organic food advocates want to promote organics as an alternative way to eat healthy without the religious connotations.有机食品倡导要促进作为替代方法没有吃的宗教内涵健康的有机物。 Organics currently is a very small portion of the total agrarian output.目前是一个有机的整体农业产出的极小部分。 Of that percentage 50% is imported.该比例50%是进口的。 Granted this is small but there is huge potential for growth.诚然,这是小,但有巨大的增长潜力。 Yoga is on the rise also in Taiwan at an average growth of 10% per year and there is an increase in male yoga students compared to years past.瑜伽是对台湾兴起以每年10%的平均增长也有男性瑜伽是一个过去的学生相比,年增加。 Yoga studios are popular and more and more are appearing around the busy subway stations.瑜伽工作室很受欢迎,越来越多的是繁忙的地铁站附近出现。 Green building is being taught on University campuses and new building developments.绿色建筑正在讲授大学校园和新型建材的发展。 Environmental awareness is being taught in elementary schools and rice companies are promoting organic rice farming.环保意识正在教小学和大米公司正在推广有机水稻种植。 Hotels are promoting themselves as green by promoting their low energy consumption and organic food menus.正在推广的绿色酒店,促进其能耗低,有机食品菜单本身。 It is clear that Taiwan nationals want to live healthier lifestyles and educate is population about the benefits of LOHAS.很显然,台湾的国民希望生活得更健康的生活方式和教育是关于乐活的好处人口。 “The term 'organic' is much more related to health here.” Says Joseph Steyr of Organic Lifestyles Magazine Taiwan. “称'有机'更与健康在这里。”约瑟夫说台湾有机生活杂志斯太尔。 “We want to teach people that it is more than that and that it is more holistic.” Organic Lifestyles is run by the P&S International Advertising Agency (PSIAA), an advertising agency that now focuses on promoting organics throughout the nation. “我们要教给人们,这是更重要的是,它是更全面。”有机生活是由在P&S国际广告公司(PSIAA),一个广告公司,现在在全国各地促进有机物的重点。 PSIAA hosted the first Taiwan vegetarian expo last year and plans to expand and host the country's first organics expo later this year. PSIAA举办了首届台湾素食博览会上一年,并计划扩大和主办国的第一次世博会在今年晚些时候的有机物。 Since LOHAS is such a new concept it brings with it new challenges to how companies view business.由于乐活就是这样一个全新的概念它带来了新的挑战,企业如何查看业务。 New avenues of sustainable sourcing need to be developed and policy change need to be implemented.可持续采购需要新的途径,制定和政策的改变需要得到实施。 Currently new distribution lines from organic farms to stores are being developed and organic certifications are in place.从有机农场目前新的配电线路的商店正在开发和有机认证到位。 Internationally known beauty line brands such as Aveda and Jurlique have prominent storefronts in department stores.国际知名的美如雅达和茱丽一线品牌在百货公司突出的店面。 As LOHAS becomes popular the demand for value-based products are anticipated to drive innovations in business practice thus improving health and environment.由于乐活成为流行的价值为基础的产品的需求预计将推动商业创新实践从而改善健康和环境。 “The cost for organics and natural products is close to double that of conventional products. “对有机和天然产品的成本已接近常规产品的两倍。 However it is not out of people's price range.” says Zhu Ping, president of Aveda Taiwan.然而,它不是出于人的价格区间。“朱平说,台湾总统的雅达。 “We are here and we are surviving.” The cost of an Aveda salon treatment tends to be more expensive and is considered a high-end salon. “我们在这里,我们生存。”一个肯梦沙龙治疗费用往往是更昂贵,被认为是高端沙龙。 “Our customers know how we care about their experience. “我们的客户知道如何照顾我们对他们的经验。 We are not just about money but about lifestyle.”我们只是金钱,而是关于生活方式没有。“ Many Taiwanese are interested in developing relations with companies familiar with LOHAS and are very eager to learn more about sustainable business practices partly our of necessity but mostly from sincerity.许多台湾人有兴趣发展与公司的关系,熟悉与乐活是非常渴望更多地了解我们的部分必要性可持续发展的商业做法,但大多是从诚意。 “We are looking for partners” Says Tom Xiao, editor and chief of Organic Lifestyle Magazine, “We want the world to know about the opportunities in Taiwan and educate Taiwanese how to live better lives. “我们正在寻找合作伙伴”小汤姆说,编辑和有机生活杂志主编,“我们要让世界了解台湾教育的机会和台湾如何生活更美好的生活。 LOHAS brings a traditional concept to a modern audience.乐活带来了传统观念向现代观众。 Our ancestors lived simply and in harmony with nature.我们的祖先生活简单,并与自然和谐相处。 It is part of Chinese philosophy.这是中国哲学的一部分。 LOHAS provides the opportunity to show this to the younger generations in a trendy and fashionable way.”乐活族提供了机会,这表明在一个时髦和时尚的方式的年轻一代。“ The literal translation of LOHAS into Chinese means 'happy life' and it appears that Taiwan Chinese want to live a traditional lifestyle with a modern twist.乐活的字面翻译成中文意思是'幸福生活',它似乎是台湾中国希望生活在一个现代风味的传统生活方式。
Unit 11. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed. 2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day. people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best. remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it. Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull. 6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security. Unit 21. If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger . She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful . I never had formal training, I just learned as I went . As their products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining in . She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all hermoney was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound . No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of 31. Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into theaffair in . These workers regret yielding to the management's advice and going back to work. Now they areagain faced with the threat of losing their . You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on . Their car broke down halfway for no reason. As a result they arrived three hours later than they . The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks . The man living on welfare began to build up his own market, one step at a time and his business 41. Rather than invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new . Today, people are spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the . In order to be successful, a business must keep pace with developments in the . Her fluency in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the . For students, nowhere is better than the library, where all the books are at their . We should make full use of the platform to strengthen communication, expand cooperation in moreareas and seek further development through joint 51. This little man is not so innocent as he . There's nothing I can do about the problem, so you might as well turn to Professor Wang for . Both sides speak highly of the fruits in their cooperation in different areas, and hope that thecooperation can be . On the one hand, an image of being close to the people can get a new policy more easily the other hand, it will "encourage people to speak their minds and come up with constructivesuggestions".5. His sense of loneliness rose and fell and he sometimes would talk at length to himself and his petsand the . After all, money is not everything. The richest people are not necessarily the 61. Suppose you found out that your colleague takes bribes, would you just ignore it?2. We've given up on him because he is so stubborn. It is pointless to argue with . He hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, but opinions differed amongmembers of the group on . Today I'm able to square my profession with my interest, which I wasn't able to do . The ability to visually distinguish between red and green is essential to becoming a . The team consisted of seven people who met on a regular basis to share their information with 71. In the process of creating the genetic map, these scientists realized that cooperation was more thanan attractive option; it was a . Their research findings were nothing less than a miracle. As a result of their findings, new light hasbeen shed on the history of human . In fact, only hard work in combination with proper methods will give you an advantage over . The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to . The risk of infection is confined to those who have close contact with the . From such an analysis we are in a better position to understand what has happened and what to doabout it.
)Action of “Latvia’s Dialogues” is directed to promotion of the Inter-ethnical dialogue and development of civil society; 译:‘拉脱维亚谈话’行动引导和促进了种族之间的对话何社会文明的发展。2) Research works: in History, in Environmental protection. 译:研究工作:在历史方面,在环境保护方面。3) Research of business strategies, Law; 译:业务策略,法律方面的研究。4) Organisation and support of culture, charity events. 译:对文化、慈善事业的组织和支持5) International Diplomatic projects; 译:国际外交战略。
一般情况下,资料查阅在选题之前就已展开,因为资料是确定论文选题的重要依据,但其后的文献查阅工作更具重要意义。围绕《论语》英译这一现象,自己开始进一步的资料搜集和研读。初步调查和梳理发现,儒经《论语》的外译,始于意大利传教士利玛窦完成于1594年(一说1593年)的拉丁文译本(马祖毅、任荣珍,2003:34),至今已逾四百年。而第一个《论语》英语全译本为柯大卫(David Collie)所译,作为《四书》(The Chinese Classical Work Commonly Called the Four Books)的一部分于1828年在马六甲出版,距今也近乎两个世纪。近年来,国内学者对《论语》英译本的关注和研究越来越多,除了较为集中于理雅各、翟林奈、韦利等所译的早期经典译本,也开始着手庞德、刘殿爵、安乐哲和罗思文(合译)等现当代译本的探讨。从手头掌握的资料来看,海外《论语》英语全译本已超过三十个。调查还发现,作为早期主要海外英语全译本之一,20世纪初就已出现的Leonard A. Lyall的《论语》英译本迄今鲜有研究,比如利用“中国期刊全文数据库”(CNKI)未能搜寻到专门研讨该英译本的文章翻译学的论文写作技巧翻译学的论文写作技巧。由于材料新本身是学术创新的重要表现之一,因此有理由初步将该译本作为自己撰写一篇翻译研究论文的研究对象。
通过对更多资料爬梳剔抉,笔者掌握了译者Leonard A. Lyall及其《论语》英语本的基本情况。譬如,Leonard Arthur Lyall中文名叫赖发洛,是英国汉学家。1886 年以海关洋员的身份来华,在华40余年。赖发洛《论语》英译本书名为The Sayings of Confucius, 由位于伦敦的朗曼斯·格林公司(Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.)在1909年9月初版刊行,并先后于1925年10月和1935年9月印行第2版和第3版。这里所采用的研究对象是第3版,全书不足130页(其中正文共计102页),是篇幅较为简短的《论语》英语全译本之一除了英译《论语》之外,他还分别翻译《中庸》(1927)和《孟子》(1932)两书并数次再版。1934年,他编著的现代世界丛书《中国》在伦敦出版,向西方介绍中国。然而,由于有关赖发洛《论语》英译本专门研究的学术论文迄今付诸阙如,因此决定将对该译本的文本细读作为自己进一步研究的基础,希望有所发现,或许为当下中华典籍外译及其相关研究提供些微借鉴和思考。
在研读赖发洛《论语》英译本过程中,笔者发现译者所贯彻始终的翻译基本策略和具体翻译操作方法与其对汉语特点的认识、翻译理念的追求等息息相关,而这些又充分体现在该译本的“前言”(Preface)和“导语”(Introduction)中。例如,第3版“前言”(1935)仅一句话,告诉读者再次修订译文旨在使其“更接近于汉语原文”(bring it nearer to the Chinese)(Lyall,1935:vi)。值得一提的是,第2版“前言”(1925)不仅强调该版译文“比初版更加接近字词对应”(more nearly word for word than it
was in the first),而且指出汉语原文的两个特点:难懂(hard to understand)和多义(more than one interpretation),并认为在这种情况下总是易读的译文绝非“真实翻译”(true translation)(同上:v)。而篇幅稍长的“导语”写于1909年,一定意义上亦可看作初版的“前言”。这部分内容十分丰富,既包括孔子生平、《论语》的形成过程以及时代背景和社会状况,又有春秋之前中国古代史简介,并谈到道家、墨家等思想。这些很大程度上也表明译者对中国传统文化的广泛认知和深入了解。
经过细读赖氏《论语》英译本发现,为了使译文与原文“更加接近字词对应”,译者尤其注重原文的遣词造句和形式结构,比如原文较为突出的数字小句的行文特点,译文往往采用类似排比的洗练短语、清晰而果断的语势,使原文的字词概念和句式语序尽可能在译文中再现翻译学的论文写作技巧概而言之,赖发洛通过运用多种具体翻译操作方法,贯彻以“字词对应”为基础的、倾向直译的翻译策略,较为有效地践行了以质直求真为特色的“真实翻译”思想。赖氏追求的“真实翻译”尽管不同于几乎同时出现的、本杰明所倡导的旨在再现“纯语言”(pure language)的“真正翻译”(real translation)思想,但两者又似乎至少在一点上是相似的:因为后者为了实现译文的透明性,也强调直译原文(literal rendering)的必要性(Benjamin,2004:21)。
1. 字词对应语序一致:
The Master said, Smooth words and fawning looks are seldom found with love.
2. 字词对应语序变换:
Nor would they follow, said the Master, if told to kill their lord or father.
3. 字词调整语序一致:
The Master’s manner was warm yet dignified. He was stern, but not fierce;humble, yet easy.
4. 字词调整语序变换:
The Master said, An old husbandman knows more than I do.
再如,囿于极为有限的参考文献,且线索难觅,自己想到专业课程所学的“滚雪球”文献检索法,运用后发现助益很大,效果颇佳。这里仅以查询译者Leonard A. Lyall的汉语名字为例加以说明。最初从掌握的资料来看,译者英文名字叫Leonard A. Lyall,然后通过“中国期刊全文数据库”(CNKI)在一篇关于《论语》英译史的文章中发现其汉语音译名为莱尔;接下来,通过利用该汉语音译名及其原名查得一篇论文谈及此人曾为海关洋员,进而在《全球化视野:中国海关洋员与中西文化传播(1854-1950年)》一书中找到其更为常用的中文名:赖发洛,以及更多有价值的信息。同时,还发现了译者的另一个中文名:兰雅。这样,通过对相关数据库再次就译者英文名和三个汉语名字进行逐一搜索,结果更为充分地表明赖发洛《论语》英译本的研究迄今尚付阙如。
第二版新视野大学英语3读写教程课后习题答案 链接: 如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确,欢迎追问
这可是我一个词一个词敲得。 .第一单元The offensive had already lasted three days,but we had not ga