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Gilberto Montibellera,Valerie Beltonb and Marcus Vinicius Supporting factoring transactions in Brazil using reasoning maps: a language-based DSS for evaluating Accounts Receivable Available online 13 January 2005. Ben J. Sopranzetti 《The Economics of Factoring Accounts Receivable》 Available online 18 August 2004

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应收账款管理Management of Account Receivable Receivable Management Best PracticesJohn G. SalekISBN: 978-0-471-71654-9Hardcover224 pagesJuly 2005Wiley List Price: US $ Praise for Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices "An excellent reference tool on how to manage the accounts receivable process for any company. The use of real-life examples makes the concepts easy to understand. I recommend the book to anyone who wants to improve cash flow and reduce bad debt loss."—Michael E. Beaulieu, Senior Vice President, Finance Cardinal Health "Rather than simply explaining how to get the greatest return from an investment in accounts receivable, John G. Salek reveals how companies shoot themselves in the foot when management sets policies and procedures without consideration of the impact on cash flow. Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices isn't just for credit and collection professionals who often spend more time cleaning up process errors and other corporate 'garbage,' instead of managing risk. It should be required reading for C-level executives, the sales staff, operations managers, and anybody else whose job impacts the order-to-cash cycle."—David Schmidt, Principal, A2 Resources Coauthor of Power Collecting: Automation for Effective Asset Management "Enhancing a company's competitive profile is all about giving enough customers the right product, at the right price, at the right time. This author's real-world approach to accomplishing this goal through the prism of receivables management makes this book a must-read for those companies looking to make their mark as an organization that cares about its customers as well as their own need to produce financial results."—Bruce C. Lynn, Managing Director The Financial Executives Consulting Group, LLC "I have worked with John Salek since 1992, both as his client and as a project manager working with his organization. His knowledge of receivables management . . . the technology, the processes, and the formula for success . . . are unsurpassed in the field."—Stephen L. Watts, Manager, Global Receivables (retired) General Electric Medical Systems "Mr. Salek has written a masterpiece on the intricacies and management of the accounts receivable portfolio. I would recommend this book to CFOs, controllers, treasurers, credit managers, and small business owners."—Steve Kozack, Credit Manager Lennox Hearth Products "Written by an author who has been in the trenches and cites actual examples. This is not written in theory, but from practice."—Milt Dardis, Collection Consultant Dardis & Associates ----------------------Abstract: Account receivable is the fund that should be received from the purchasing or labor hiring entity for an enterprise’s sale of its commodities or products as well as its providing of labor service. Under the circumstances of market economy, using its credit standing to exert the labor benefaction is an unavoidable business behavior, which may be treated as a major method for enterprises to enlarge its business and raise its market share. However, by the influences of marketplace economic system and project management as well as engineering construction, the Account receivable increases rapidly year by year, so as to make the difficulties in enterprise’s capital turnover. Those hard situations even made the employees can’t get their full pay of the salary. By analysis of the cause and the advantages and disadvantages of it, this article introduced some way of how to minimize the Account receivable. 关键词key words:应收账款Account receivable;工程施工Engineering construction;合同管理The management of contracts摘 要:应收账款是企业因销售商品、产品、提供劳务等,应向购货单位或劳务单位收取的款项。在市场经济条件下利用自身的商业信用,施舍劳务是不可避免的商业行为,通过先施舍劳务可使企业更多地承揽业务、扩大市场份额,是企业提高市场占有率的必要手段。但是近年来由于市场经济体制及工程管理和工程施工过程中的种种原因,造成应收账款迅速膨胀,逐年增加,致使企业资金周转困难,甚至连工资都难以正常发放。本文分析了应收账款形成的原因及利弊,提出了如何减少应收账款的途径。 关键词:应收账款;工程施工;合同管理

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应收账款(Accounting Receivable,简称 AR),该账户核算企业因销售商品、材料、提供劳务等,[1]应向购货单位收取的款项,以及代垫运杂费和承兑到期而未能收到款的商业承兑汇票。下面是我为大家整理的应收账款 论文 参考文献,希望对大家有帮助。 应收账款论文参考文献一: [1]夏天.资本结构理论发展历程述评[J].商业时代.2014(09) [2]黄正辉,谢智勇.上市公司资本结构影响因素的实证分析--以我国房地产业为例[J].上海管理科学.2013(03) [3]刘文海.我国 旅游 业发展研究[J].中国市场.2012(24) [4]袁旭.工程建设项目投资风险分析与防范 措施 研究[D].对外经济贸易大学2007 [5]倪仁泉.中小房地产企业 融资 模式研究[D].对外经济贸易大学2007 [6]马新晖.关于降低机械制造成本的方法研究[D].对外经济贸易大学2007 [7]钟利红.新 会计 准则对 财务分析 影响的研究[D].对外经济贸易大学2007 [8]张慧.中国旅游上市公司经济效益分析[J].长春理工大学学报(社会科学版).2011(11) [9]高金霞,时学成,王道保.基于行业视角的我国上市公司资本结构影响因素分析[J].经济论坛.2010(07) [10]梁伟华.旅游业的资本结构分析[J].现代经济信息.2009(24) [11]叶蓓,袁建国.企业投资的行为公司财务研究综述[J]. 会计研究 .2007(12) [12]陈德萍,曾智海.资本结构与企业绩效的互动关系研究--基于 创业 板上市公司的实证检验[J].会计研究.2012(08) [13]张晓明,周春梅.我国旅游业上市公司现状分析及发展对策研究[J].西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版).2004(06) [14]霍守花,陆林.旅游上市公司资本结构与经营绩效关系的实证研究[J].安徽师范大学学报( 自然 科学版).2013(01) [15]宋卫俊.旅游企业劳资冲突的发生机制与对策研究[D].燕山大学2014 [16]孙洁.花卉旅游的游客感知价值及开发策略研究[D].新疆农业大学2014 [17]王元元.大数据背景下 旅行 社虚拟价值链模型研究[D].浙江 工商 大学2015 [18]富琳桦.基于非物质 文化 遗产传承的旅游纪念品开发[D].华东理工大学2015 [19]霍欣.我国旅游业上市公司资本结构影响因素的实证研究[D].对外经济贸易大学2014 [20]朱彦慧.杨家埠民间艺术大观园管理模式研究[D].西安石油大学2014 [21]李楠楠.中国旅游类上市公司对区域经济发展的效应分析[D].燕山大学2014 应收账款论文参考文献二: [1]高阳.非法集资的入罪及合法民间借贷的 法律 规制[D].华东政法大学2014 [2]张文江.独立担保制度法律分析[J].山西农业大学学报(社会科学版).2009(05) [3]李振.浅析独立担保在我国的发展[J].陕西青年职业学院学报.2009(03) [4]谢婧.金融危机背景下 国际 贸易结算方式的选择[J].现代金融.2009(03) [5]陈大艳.福费廷业务发展新趋势研究[J]. 科技 情报开发与经济.2008(17) [6]孙超.论未来应收账款的转让融资[J].北京工业大学学报(社会科学版).2008(02) [7]艾万泽.我国商业银行发展福费廷业务研究[D].西南 财经 大学2006 [8]李然.论福费廷业务在我国商业银行的发展[D].中国社会科学院研究生院2003 [9]刘桂丽.浅析承认独立担保国内效力的必要性[J].淮北煤炭师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版).2009(03) [10]王春华.福费廷业务研究[D].东北财经大学2003 [11]王慧.我国商业银行大力开展福费廷业务的对策[J].商场现代化.2008(02) [12]戴佳倩.福费廷业务的基本法律问题[J].重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版).2007(04) [13]庄乐梅.在金融危机中看金融创新[J].金融博览.2009(07)[1]黄斌,着.国际保理[M].法律出版社,2006 [14]陈辞.商业银行非标准化债权融资业务立法基本问题[D].华东政法大学2014 [15]蒋军平.建设工程优先权的行使[D].华东政法大学2014 [16]刘海蓉.应收帐款转让制度之比较研究[J].洛阳师范学院学报.2006(06) [17](美).科宾(ArthurLintonCorbin)着,王卫国等译.科宾论合同[M].中国大 百科 全书出版社,1998 应收账款论文参考文献三: [1]莫大卫.上海通用 汽车 供应链绿色绩效评估与改进[D].东北大学2012 [2]姜家华.论企业客户关系管理[J].企业家天地下半月刊(理论版).2009(05) [3]郭军.加强客户关系管理增强企业竞争力[J].现代商业.2009(12) [4]李景然.我国商业银行个人客户分层管理研究[D].上海外国语大学2014 [5]孙妍.网上银行客户忠诚度影响因素研究[D].哈尔滨工程大学2009 [6]巨建辉.航天六院动力厂客户关系管理研究[D].天津大学2009 [7]伍劲峰.中小企业型客户关系管理[D].武汉大学2005 [8]李丛伟.基于知识管理的客户关系管理研究[D].华中师范大学2007 [9]戴智.唐山联通3G服务客户忠诚度的研究[D].吉林大学2012 [10]咸晓静,李乃和.客户关系 管理理论 与实践的演变:同步发展[J]. 市场营销 导刊.2008(04) [11]杨俐.客户沟通在客户关系管理中的应用[J].合作经济与科技.2009(08) [12]陈炯,谢凤华.企业客户关系管理现状及对策研究[J].经济研究导刊.2009(06) [13]袁杰,张佳.新时期下的客户关系管理[J].商场现代化.2009(04) [14]时潮.HH公司钢材进销存系统的设计与开发[D].东北大学2011 [15]李思聪,陈尚松,俞欢军.基于J2EE的客户关系管理系统的设计与实现[J].工业控制 计算机 .2008(11) [16]高妤.以财务为中心的NE物流信息系统设计与开发[D].东北大学2011 [17]扶明信.首钢ERP销售与分销子系统优化项目的管理研究[D].东北大学2012 [18]熊岩.高职院校人才培养成本研究[D].东北大学2009 [19]葛文明.宝钢南方区域工贸一体化软件项目开发进度管理[D].东北大学2011

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