Industrial automatic control manipulator is often used in the field of a kind of automatic crawl, operation of the device used in automatic production line, automata up-down material, nc equipment automatic change device. The pneumatic technology is compressed air as medium, powered by gas transmission technology, its energy, high reliability, long service life, no pollution to environment and so on the drive system using manipulator in pneumatic technology. Pneumatic manipulator as a manipulator, it has simple structure, light weight, rapid and stable, reliable, energy-saving and polluting the environment advantages and widely application. Therefore, the study of pneumatic manipulator has important practical value. This paper is KNT - P301 pneumatic manipulator training device for research object, use PLC to control the operation of pneumatic paper mainly studies the pneumatic manipulator based on PLC control system.
圆柱坐标型工业机械手设计2006-12-04 21:11圆柱坐标型工业机械手设计(完整一套设计,有说明书:论文,图纸)001_装配图-A0_横向.dwg002_
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