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美特斯邦威:不走寻常路 动感地带:我的地盘,我做主 李宁:一切皆有可能提问者: 03jessie - 助理 三级 最佳答案Metersbonwe: Walk the unusual way! M-Zone: My Zone, My Charge! LiNing: Nothing Is Impossible!

349 评论


In thisWith the development of economic globalization, the trend of internationalization is more and more obvious, the specific performance of international trade, international investment and international production in the global scope on an unprecedented scale and speed of development. The world trade organization, and regional economic integration alliance and transportation and the rapid development of information technology and the progress in the world economy, international business communication space and the scope of more expanded. It also requires countries to enterprise management mode must be from a single culture to multiple cross-cultural mode transformation. Cross-cultural management as a new management concept is the international business activities in the global scope of the rapid development of product. Cultural differences of multinational enterprises, it is extremely important and complicated variables. In cross-cultural enterprise inevitably exists conflict of multinational corporations, the influence is comprehensive, the system, the whole. How to integrate these cultures, the severe global business environment, has become a modern enterprise managers cross-cultural is one of important topics. Any commercial encountered problems are many cultural fields generated by the comprehensive together. For cross-cultural enterprise, discusses the conflict and blending of intercultural business success is an important objective management of the basic cultural : enterprise culture, Enterprise internationalization, Cross-cultural management, Cultural integration

148 评论


Since the 1970s, the residents of tourism on the incident tourism impact the perception and attitude of foreign tourists has gradually become an important subject of study. The article in the domestic and international research is reviewed on the basis of Guangdong Province Shengyunhui example, urban residents on the impact of tourism events carried out a detailed study on perception. By the survey, urban residents Shengyunhui on the economic, social, cultural, and environmental impacts of qualitative analysis. Research shows that the organized Shengyunhui led the development of the local economy, improve the city's image and promote local sports, culture and the development of the cause, while protecting and inheritance is the disappearance of the traditional folk arts and culture on the other hand, Shengyunhui of the organized criminal acts could lead to social increase in traffic, noise, waste, and other aspects of the local residents have a negative impact on normal life, to a certain extent, will cause price increases cities, organized activities after the incident, if the follow-up poor , the construction of large-scale activities of the house, buildings and other facilities will be in idle words: residents; incident tourism; combined effects; perception; Guangdong Province Shengyunhui

106 评论


The interaction between man and computer activities of daily life is increasingly becoming an important part of, especially in recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology to study the habits of the new line interpersonal communication interpersonal interaction techniques become very active at the same time also made encouraging progress, these studies include face recognition, facial expression recognition, gesture recognition, etc.. Gesture is a natural, intuitive, easy to learn human-computer interaction means. Manual directly as computer input devices, human-computer communication between the middle of the media will no longer need, the user can simply define an appropriate gesture to the surrounding machine control, therefore, gesture recognition is a human and robot interaction an important tool, but also human-computer interaction, virtual reality, an important component. However, the gesture itself, the diversity, ambiguity and the staff is a complex deformation body and the visual is inherently uncertain, coupled with staff is a complex deformation of their body and visual discomfort qualitative, making vision-based gesture recognition is a very challenging interdisciplinary research topic. This article focuses on the general context of gesture segmentation and the use of BP neural network to recognize the gesture. Gestures are defined in advance, and the input to the neural network was trained, and then collected through the use of color image opencv extract-based skin color, the color images from complex background, hand in the image, further processing and enter the neural network identification.

183 评论


大多数关于中国保护区的研究趋向于将注意力集中在动植物以及保护物管理者或政府反映的问题上(韩, 2000; 缪, 2000; 吴 以及其他人,2002)这种典型的自上而下的管理模式忽视了群众的利益,忽视了群众在保护区的计划、管理和政策制定方面的作用(Harkness, 1998; 缪, 2000).为了改进对保护区的管理,需要对参与者的的观念和态度进行研究,正如Swell(1973)说的,这样做可以使管理工作更好地得到保证,并能够帮助人们鉴定问题、发现潜在的解决方法,这样有助于形成合适的管理策略。此外,在这个过程中,决策的结果很大程度上决定于参与者的观念和态度(White, 1966)。如今有很多经验上的证据表明:在搜集有助于决策制定过程、有助于缓和人与自然地矛盾的信息时,分析并评价当地居民对保护区的反应是很关键的一步(Newmark 以及其他人, 1993; Fiallo和Jacobson, 1995; Ruchi, 1998; Streever 以及其他人, 1998;Gillingham和Lee, 1999;Trakolis, 2001; Jim 以及其他人,2002; Rao et al., 2003) 另一方面,当地居民的观念是由他们的价值观和参考框架(生态学,经济学,人种学\文化)决定的,这些都会导致个人需求、观念、态度方面的差异。人们已经发现,很多的人口学因素,例如年龄、教育、居住地、人口流入、种族起源等,都能够对当地居民的态度产生明显的影响(Newmark et al., 1993; Fiallo and Jacobson, 1995; Mehta and Heinen, 2001; Jim et al., 2002; Bandara and Tisdell,2003)。 总的来说,当地居民对保护区的理解取决于他们感知到的与保护区有关的代价及利益、他们对当地资源的依赖以及他们对保护区管理的认识。因为当地居民内部的不一致以及他们没有统一的标准,在个人和家庭两个方面,他们的利益和资源利用模式差别巨大。忽视他们的差异会对他们产生消极影响,阻碍保护工作的顺利进行和管理目标的实现(Agrawal and Gibson, 1999; Geoghegan and Renard,2002)。因此,管理者和规划者需要认清并理解当地居民的不同的利益,评估他们的动力,将相关的信息整合到管理过程中去。随着保护区数目的迅速增加,提高管理水平也就迫在眉睫。

308 评论



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