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, by Jane Austen, is a comic novel about the perils of misconstrued romance. The novel was first published in December 1815. As in her other novels, Austen explores the concerns and difficulties of genteel women living in Georgian-Regency England; she also creates a lively 'comedy of manners' among her 下面的就是简介咯Emma Woodhouse, aged 20 at the start of the novel, is a young, beautiful, witty, and privileged woman in Regency England. She lives on the fictional estate of Hartfield in Surrey in the village of Highbury with her elderly widowed father, a hypochondriac who is excessively concerned for the health and safety of his loved ones. Emma's friend and only critic is the gentlemanly George Knightley, her neighbour from the adjacent estate of Donwell, and the brother of her elder sister Isabella's husband. As the novel opens, Emma has just attended the wedding of Miss Taylor, her best friend and former governess. Having introduced Miss Taylor to her future husband, Mr. Weston, Emma takes credit for their marriage, and decides that she rather likes matchmaking.

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254 评论


当然可以 我还可以提供其他题目一.语言学及应用语言学1.语言学研究 (如:语言研究,文字研究,词汇研究,短语和句子研究,语篇研究,语言与文化等)2.语言教学研究 (如:语言研究与语言习惯,教学方法和技巧研究,教材分析和评估研究,测试与评估研究,课堂教学管理研究,教育技术的使用与开展研究)3.中英文语法对比研究(某一语法现象)4.中英文文体对比(诗歌、小说、广告等)5.某一文本文体特征分析6.中英篇章结构对比7.中西文字及思维方式8.情感在外语学习中的作用9.中介语与外语学习10.中英异同对外语学习的影响11.词汇记忆研究12.论语言环境与外语学习13.接受技能与产出技能的关系14.浅谈广告语言的特点15.从认知看隐喻在经济语篇中的应用16.论基础英语与专门用途英语的教学关系17.英汉思维方式对其语言,文字的影响18.英汉民俗文化对词汇意义的影响19.当代英语语言学理论对外语教学的启示20.On The Nature And functions of Metaphor 论隐喻的本质与功能21.On the Origin, Word-Formation and Translation of English Neologisms 浅谈英语新词的产生、构成及翻译22.Decomposition and Translation of Ambiguous Structures 歧义结构的化解与翻译23.A Contrastive Study of the Formation of English and Chinese Antonyms论英汉反义词的形成24.On the Usage of English Abbreviations on the Internet谈网络英语中的缩略语25.A Contrastive Study of Punctuation in Chinese and English 英汉标点符号比较26.On the Relationship between Lexical Cohesion and Textual Coherence 词汇的衔接与语篇的连贯27.Thought Discrepancies Embodied in English and Chinese Languages 思维差异在英汉语言中的体现28.Influences of Chinese Dialectical Accent over English Pronunciation 汉语方言对英语发音的影响29.Language Development of Pre-school Children and English Teaching 幼儿言语发展及幼儿英语教学30.The Influence of Sino-British Cultures on Metaphors论中英文化对隐语的影响31.On Politeness Norms and Mistakes in Interactive Communication of Spoken English英汉口语中互动性交际的礼貌规范与失误 Analysis on the Approximating Quantities with Numbers数词模糊语的语用分析 Special Usage of English Prepositions英语介词的另类用法 Fault Use of Words in Law English 论法律英语里的用词失误 Usage of Letter “S” in English 英语中的字母S的用法探讨 and Translation of “and” 英文中的and 的用法与译法 of American Slang美国俚语特点 of Function words in English Learning浅谈英语学习中虚词的掌握 and Expressions Belittling the Female女性歧视化用词和表达法研究 the Motivation of Male Students' Interests of English Learning论男生的英语学习兴趣的激发 and translation of English passives without by-phrases英语中无标记被动结构的识别与翻译42.学生个体差异研究 (如:不同性格的学生的口语能力有何不同?)二. 翻译理论与实践1.翻译方法个案研究 (如:“从海明威的短篇小说<一个干净、的地方>看简洁句的翻译”)2.中外翻译比较3.归化与异化----汉语习语的英译4.翻译中的文化冲击5.长句的翻译6.英语定语从句的翻译7.翻译中的英汉双语转换模式探讨 Technique of Parts of Speech in Translation翻译中词性转换的技巧 Gap and Mistranslation英汉文化差异与误译 Brief Study on the Translation of English News Titles英语新闻标题翻译初探 Translation Techniques of Loan words浅谈外来词的翻译 and Translation Skills of Numerals in English Expressions英语中数量在词组中的用法和翻译技巧 and Translation Skills of Numerals in English Expressions英语中数量在词组中的用法和翻译技巧 Tentative Study on English Hyperbole浅论英语夸张修辞 of Network Language and Its Translation网络用语的特点及其翻译 of Humor of English and Chinese 英汉的幽默互译 Translation of English and Chinese Attributives论英汉互译中定语的翻译 Political Factors in English-Chinese Translation翻译中政治因素的作用 translation method of Chinese and English film's name中英电影名的翻译方法三.文学1.国别文学研究和地域文学研究(如:英国文学、美国文学、澳大利亚文学、加拿大文学、新西兰文学/西方文学、大洋洲文学等)2.文学流派研究 (如:浪漫主义,现实主义,自然主义,超现实主义,存在主义,黑色幽默,意识流,女性主义文学等)3.作家研究和文本分析 (如:阿瑟.米勒研究,海明威研究,狄更斯研究,论莎士比亚的“威尼斯商人”等)4.中外比较文学研究 (如:尤金.奥尼尔和曹禺戏剧作品之比较)五四时期西方女作家对中国女性文学的影响5.中国诗歌对埃兹拉•庞德(Ezra Pound)的影响拜伦与鲁迅6.朱光潜与弗洛伊德(Frued)7.弗洛伊德与文学8.弗洛伊德与心理分析学9.西方哥特(Gothic)文学传统10.《圣经》在西方文学中的影响11.莎士比亚的生平及其剧作12.“湖畔派”诗人13.简•奥斯丁小说中的婚姻与女性挣扎14.詹姆斯•乔伊斯(James Joyce)小说文本的形式实验15.夏洛蒂•勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)的生平与其创作中的自我16.意识流(stream of consciousness)小说的特点17.詹姆斯•乔伊斯与意识流小说18.论霍桑的加尔文主义(Calvinism)倾向 and Said and and Transformation of Psychoanalysis on Chinese Literature in the 21th Century writing and Chinese Feminist feminism and Chinese Feminist Woolf and Feminine Woolf’s Concept of novel writing History of Western , Modernism and and Post-modernism and Their Fate in the Chinese in the 20th century in Vanity Fair by William Bronte Sisters William Hemingway: The old Man and the in Earnest Hemingway’s Tragic Fate Of the Heroin In Life37.论<一生>中女主人公的悲剧命运 American Dream ------Viewed from 《Sister Carrie》39.从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦 view on the Classic Standpoint of love of Jane Austin从《爱玛》看简。奥斯丁的古典主义爱情观 the Meanings of Images in Moby Dick论《白鲸》中的象征意义 Contrastive Study on Love Tragedy Between Romeo & Juliet and Butterflies in Love罗米欧与朱丽叶和梁山伯与祝英台的爱情悲剧对比研究 Attitudes towards love in The Hunckback of Notre Dame论《巴黎圣母院》中的爱情观 Comparison of Individualism Between Moby Dick and The Old Man and the Sea《白鲸》和《老人与海》中的个人主义比较 Comparison of the Value of Love Between Baoyu Daiyu and Jane Rochester46.宝黛爱情与简爱罗彻特爱情观之比较47.解读《简•爱》中的女性意识48.论《红字》的悲剧艺术效果。论《红字》的象征手法49.浅谈华兹华斯的自然诗50.美国梦的幻灭:《了不起的盖茨比》中的盖茨比的悲剧51解释兰斯顿•休斯诗歌中的种族主义52.解释托妮•莫里森小说中的种族主义 53.海明威与“迷惘一代”的文学54.从《哈克贝里•费恩历险记》中看马克•吐温的美国式幽默四.跨文化交际 Ways of Breaking Cultural Barriers In Translation Of Human Names 如何克服人名翻译中的文化障碍 Influence Of Cultural Differences On Understanding English and Chinese Advertisements论文化差异对解读英汉广告的影响 Changes Of Business Etiquettes In Cross-Cultural Communication论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 Application Of Nonverbal Means In Communication论非语言形式在交际中的运用 Comparison and Translation of “Nine” in Chinese and Western Culture英汉数字“九”的文化对比与翻译 Cultural Influence on English Expressions and Word Choices文化对英语表达和词汇的影响 Regional Differences Between Chinese and Western Culture中西文化差异之地域文化差异 between Chinese and English Idioms and Intercultural Differences英汉习语的不等值现象与跨文化差异 Influences of Chinese-British Cultural Differences on International Business Protocol中英文化差异对国际商务礼仪的影响 of Family Education中美家庭教育的比较 Contrastive Study on Chinese and English Exclamatory Words汉英感叹词对比研究 Sino-Western Cultural Differences from Numerical Idioms从数字习语看中西文化差异 movies and American characteristics 美国电影与美国民族特性 and Reason of Foreignism in Chinese 汉语中外来词的使用 现状及原因 Difference in the Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals 传统节日映照出的中西文化差异 Influence of American Culture on the Language of Its Movies美国文化对其电影的影响 Differences in Speech 言语中的性别差异 the Embodiment of Cultural Specifications of Western Cartoon Movies论西方卡通片所体现的文化特质 Brief Analysis of the Characteristics of Political Slang in American English浅析美国英语中政治俚语的特点 Differences between Chinese and Western Marriage中西婚姻文化差异五.商务英语 Aesthetic Association and Translation Of Names Of Commodities论审美联想与商品名的翻译 Influence Of American Culture On Import and Export Commodities论美国文化对进出口商品翻译的影响 Language Communication Skills In Business Negotiation论商务谈判中语言沟通技巧 Skills of Writing a Business Letter商业信函的写作技巧 the Characteristics of Business Negotiation Language and Its Translation商务谈判用语特点及翻译 Characteristics and Skills for an English Tour Guide英语导游翻译的语言艺术与技巧 Application of Personification in Advertising广告英语中拟人的应用 Characteristics of English Business Contracts商务合同的语言特点 the Abbreviations of Business English浅论商务英语的缩略语 English Translation of Signs and Words in Public Places公共标识用语的英译探析 translation of tourist guide论旅游指南的翻译 the writing and translation of foreign trade contracts论涉外经济合同写作及翻译13.商务口译活动及标准14.口译质量与效果评估15.英语广告与汉语广告英译分析16.英语广告中的修辞及翻译17.涉外广告文化与翻译18.广告翻译策略:论广告翻译的理论模式19.我国涉外人员名片的英译20.国际条约的语言风格和汉译技巧21.国际贸易合同的翻译22.科技英语语篇功能分析语翻译23.科技英语词汇翻译24.旅游翻译中景点错译探讨

331 评论


Discuss the Characteristic of Emma in Emma(书名需要斜体字)

179 评论


《爱玛》是简·奥斯汀继生前发表的最后一部作品。这个版本为2009年BBC推出的迷你剧。Emma Woodhouse(萝玛拉·嘉瑞 Romola Garai 饰)家境富有,聪颖美丽,伶牙俐齿又自命不凡。她自己打定主意不结婚,却有个有趣的爱好--爱当红娘。但每次她的牵线搭桥都是凭着异想天开或一时冲动,乱点鸳鸯谱,往往都是以失败告终。而Emma对别人的婚姻干预,引起了她家的老朋友Knightley(约翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)的不满。他告诫她应该让恋爱双方自主地处理婚姻大事,别人干预只会把事情搞糟。这也让Emma开始反思自己的行为。在和Knightley的逐渐相处中,Emma发现了他身上的发光点。最后Emma虽然没给别撮合成一对亲事,自己却和Knightley坠入情网,和喜结良缘。译:"Emma" is Jane Austen published before the end of the following work. This version for the 2009 BBC launched mini Woodhouse (rose Myra jarry Romola Garai act the role ofing) to a wealthy family, bright beautiful, glib and self-glorification. She determined not to marry, but there is a interesting hobby - love when the matchmaker. But every time she pull wires bypass is with whimsicality or on impulse, mixed up so spectrum, often are failure. Emma and others marriage intervention, caused her old friend Knightley (Jonny Lee Miller Jonny Lee Miller act the role ofing) dissatisfaction. He told her she should let love both sides with independent marriage, others intervention would only make a mess of things. This also let Emma began to reflect on their behavior. Knightley in and gradually get along with, Emma hair ?

254 评论


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