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正如个人页面所显示的那样,本人英语专业毕业,获英语专业八级证书,现从事英语文案工作。在校期间,曾参加过“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛(浙江赛区)三等奖。说实话,这样的成绩并不令人骄傲,但过去的学术经历让我形成自己关于英语写作的一些心得和想法,此时此刻将它们整理出来,以大学生英语学习阶段较为常见的议论文和说明文为例,总结一些干货与你们分享。 【第一部分:议论文】 回想当年“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛学校海选阶段,复赛名单出来之后老师与我们分享了他们当时改作文时的体验:许多同学的文章没有一个明确的框架结构,或者结构比较散落,影响了文章的质量。而所有进入复赛的同学,文章结构相对合理清晰,能够得到改卷老师的认可。可见,一个好的文章结构对于一篇文章来说尤为重要。 说实话,在很少背模板结构或句型的大前提下,我始终恪守着自己的议论文结构。在我看来,这样的结构赶紧利落,明确清晰,可适用于几乎所有的议论文,这个结构如下图。 那么就以“冰桶挑战”这个曾经的热门话题为例吧,之所以想选这个话题是因为不管是当年的写作比赛复赛试题还是专八考试的作文题,都以这个为背景出现。虽然具体题目有所差异,但本质还是不变的。简单来说,我们假设题目是Should Ice Bucket Challenge be Advocated? 在作答两份试题的时候,我均持否定意见,于是我的文章大概结构是这样的: Paragraph One: 描述冰桶挑战的背景。这里需要指出的是往往试题中会有一段文字介绍的就是相关背景,而部分学生往往不乐意自己思考而选择照搬照抄,这是写作的大忌。批卷的老师是绝对不会愿意给一个缺乏自己思考的学生以高分的。在这种情况下,必须要以自己的语言来进行描述,至少也是对于题目中已给背景作出paraphrase.此过程中需牢记一个原则:简明扼要。在第一段最后,提出自己的观点:From my perspective, the action of Ice Bucket Challenge should't be advocated. Paragraph Two: 第二段开头需要一句话来进行上下文的过渡,类似于:There are three reasons to support my point of view. / Three reasons will be provided in the following paragraphs to support my opinion.紧接着直截了当放上自己的第一个论据: In the first place, due to the reality that the physical conditions of different people vary, Ice Bucket Challenge can be a threat to some people's health. 接下来举相关的例子或理由来说明,比如某某某因为进行冰桶挑战而感冒了指出冰桶挑战并不值得提倡。 Paragraph Three/ Four: 三四两段的结构同第二段,只是不再需要过渡的语句可直接提出论据,比如:That some people tend to pay more attention to the stars who take the challenge and therefore ignore the real significance of the challenge is the second reason why I am not in favor of it./ To some extent, Ice Bucket Challenge is a waste of water, which servers as the third reason for my negative attitude towards Ice Bucket Challenge.然后同样,举出相关的例子或理由加以证明。 Paragraph Five: 进行对上文的总结,比如:Taking  into consideration what has been mentioned above, I firmly hold that it is not wise to advocate Ice Bucket Challenge.总结往往要多于一句话,因此可以再次总结一下上文的内容以不一样的语言展现出来。但需要注意的是:结尾不应该出现新的话题和内容,因为往往新的内容没有经过论述或证明,缺乏说服性。 一篇好的文章,定是以丰富的词汇以及句型表达构成的。词汇部分,不一定要使用多么高级的表达,但尽量避免出现初高中生的高频单词,比如many,make me sad之类的,试着用新的词汇去代替那些烂大街的词。比如用“plenty of”"tons of"代替“many”,比如用“A sense of sorrow came to my mind when...”代替原来想要表达的“...make me sad.”以及还有最最经典的,用“an increasing number of”代替“more and more.” 句型部分,在涉及到议论文的时候,很频繁地会运用到“我认为...”“我的观点是...”,可怕的是,部分学生通篇文章下来,到处可见的只有"I think...",最多偶尔加个“I believe...”使得文章显得索然无味,其实,用以表达观点的句式并不少,只要稍微变换一下句型即可,比如:I hold the view that…; From my perspective,+内容;  As far as I am concerned, +内容; My firm belief locates in that…等等。 此外,既然是formal writing,句式就不宜过于简单。过于重复的简单句叠加会让批卷的老师形成该学生英语水平不高的印象。适当使用从句、分句,简单句和复杂句交替使用,方能写成一篇好文章。 在已经具备良好结构和多样词汇句型的前提下,清晰的逻辑关系就显得尤为重要。在我看来,逻辑关系在议论文中主要体现在两个方面。一是提出的论据和论点的关系,二是论据与加以支持的例子和理由的关系。只有这两层逻辑关系清晰,论据能充分证明论点,理由和例子能完全支持论据,才能使自己笔下的这篇议论文站住脚。 【第二部分:说明文】 说明文和议论文在许多方面的要求可以通用,尤其是词汇和句型的多样表达。逻辑关系上,对于说明文的要求就在于整篇文章均能充分说明自己想要表达的话题即可。结构方面,我最提倡的说明文的结构还是总-分-总,做到收尾呼应。第一段简明扼要指出自己想要说明的事物/事情,第二到第四段从不同的方面加以说明,最后一段总结陈词。 以我当时写作比赛的说明文为例,题目要求大概是几位来自国外的同学来你校交换,请从不同方面介绍你的学校,并对他们表示欢迎。在文章的第一段,我就写明本篇文章的目的,不仅对于他们的到来表示了欢迎,同时指出在本篇文章中会简要介绍我们学校以便他们能更好地适应这里的生活。第二段到第四段,我分别从学习(课程,老师和同学),生活(宿舍条件,基本设备)以及课外活动三个方面加以论述,最后一段进行总结。最终的成绩告诉我,我的文章在一定程度上得到了认可。 英语写作水平的提高绝非是一朝一夕就能完成的事,需要持之以恒的积累和练习。在这里,想提出五点建议,相信对于写作水平的提高有所帮助。 英语写作考察的是formal writing.然而作为native language是中文的我们,很容易就写成了中式英语。多读英语原著,熟悉地道的英语表达会对英语写作有不少帮助。此外,说不定无意中记住的原著中的句子就成了自己英语文章中出彩的加分句,这也会是意外的收获。 无疑,英语语法的学习是枯燥和乏味的,但不可否认,如果一篇文章语法错误连篇,其他部分无论写的多么精彩也无法成为一名佳作。所以在平时的时候多翻翻语法书,把其当作是工具书,随时随地查漏补缺自己的语法漏洞,掌握正确的句型表达方法。 正如前面提到过的那样,出彩丰富的词汇和句型能为自己的文章增光添彩。所以无论是是平时课堂学习,还是做课外延伸阅读,需要培养自己记录佳词佳句的好习惯,然后把它们以合适的方式运用到自己的文章中。 现在大学生阶段的作文越来越与社会接轨,比如我在前面提到的“冰桶挑战”,就是某一个时间段的热点。尽管文章的要求里基本会涉及某事件的发生背景及主要概况,但是事先对于相关事件的知识储备无疑会增强我们写作的信心并提供有力的帮助,这就要求我们在平时保持关注时事热点的好习惯。 俗话说,“光说不练假把式,”勤于练习能帮助发现自己的不足,以明确今后自己努力方向。麻烦有经验的老师指正修改是提高自己写作水平的有效方式之一。通过老师的指导,我们能获得更多的灵感,拓宽自己的思维,从而取得更大的进步。 最后,愿每个努力的人都能被温柔以待,愿辛勤的汗水能浇灌出写作水平提升的花朵,也愿这篇文章能给予你哪怕一丝的灵感。

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关于reference格式常用的Harvard,MLA,还有APA格式这几种。这几年在写论文时也会使用Chicago Manual of Style格式。刚开始的使用时很多学生都对于这种芝加哥格式不是很清楚,也不知道什么去使用。通常如果需要按照芝加哥格式学校都会发手册指南,但有的学生还是不懂的怎么去使用。使用方法有那些? 1.引用一本书。 ·Zimmer, biological of Chicago Press. ·Beckham,Todd, soccer of Chicago Press. 2.引用一本书的特定章节。 Lowell,."Why I Tried:The Mentality Behind a Crime."In The criminal mind, Alden,101– of Chicago Press 3.引用一本电子书。 ·Kamp,John Alison Norris, lawn mowing guide San Diego:Green Press. 4.引用纸质期刊的文章。 ·Fargo,Peter facts of 126:450-22. 5.引用网上期刊的文章。 ·Hennessy,Thomas W.,Craig Slutsker,Karen Feldman,William Michael national outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis infections from ice New England Journal of Medicine 287,(February 6), 6.引用杂志文章。 ·Doe, it feels like to be the real Jane Doe."Reality,May 6. 7.引用报纸文章。 ·Lachmund,Miles chef recreates childhood soup for York Times,June 20,Food section,Midwest edition. 8.引用一个网址。 ·Evanston Public Library Board of Public Library strategic plan,2000–2010:A decade of Public Library. 如何写脚注: 1.给一本书写脚注。 · Zimmer,The Biological Farmer(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1999),65. · Beckham,ed.,The Soccer Chronicles(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1951),91–92. 2.给一本书的某个章节写脚注。 · Lowell,"Why I Tried:The Mentality Behind a Crime,"in The Criminal Mind, Alden(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2006),101–2. 3.给一本电子书写脚注。 · and Alison Norris,eds.,The Lawnmowing Guide(San Diego:Green Press,1987),(accessed June 27,2006). 4.给纸质期刊文章写脚注。 · Paul Fargo,"The Facts of Life,"Philosophy 126(2007):450. 5.给网络期刊文章写脚注。 · et al.,"A National Outbreak of Salmonella enteritidisInfections from Ice Cream,"The New England Journal of Medicine 287,(2002), 6.给杂志文章写脚注。 · Doe,"What it Feels Like to be the Real Jane Doe,"Reality,May 6,2002,84. 7.给报纸文章写脚注。 · ,"German Chef Recreates Childhood Soup for Neighbors,"New York Times,June 20,2002,Food section,Midwest edition. 8.给一个网址写脚注。 · Public Library Board of Trustees,“Evanston Public Library Strategic Plan,2000–2010:A Decade of Outreach,”Evanston Public Library Reach me:Cattydog

128 评论


\[范文1\] Advertising Needs a Real CheckAdvertisement is shown everywhere, in big shops, in narrow streets, in city centers as well as in the countryside, on radios as well as on TV screens. All the words used in advertising are charming and fascinating. They are attractive, but not all of them are based on facts. In order to sell their products more quickly, many businessmen use exaggeration, or, sometimes, cheating , many problems can be caused by the disagreement between reality and advertising. People buy washing machines, but they don’t wash. People buy radios, but they don’t sing. A person with insomnia, it is said, bought and took some sleeping pills, but he was not drowsy at course, the consumers would become very angry and they would go to law against the above merchants. Sometimes, things would become even worse. Some lives would be lost in the avoid these tragedies, we must take some measures. For example, the government should make some laws against the overstatement of some advertisements. If some producers boast too much we should also be on the alert against some false advertisements. Things will become better if we all do our best to correct this phenomenon in our society.\[范文2\] My Ideal JobWhen people ask us about what we want to be in the future, we usually have different answers. We might want to be teachers, doctors, scientists, sportsmen and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is on business. This idea came into being when I was a , I am majoring in Industry and Foreign Trade. I’m sure what I am learning now will give me a lot of help and preparation for my future job. So from now on, I must study hard, because my future job requires rich knowledge and skills. On the one hand, I should master some special knowledge; on the other hand, I should have a good command of other knowledge and skills. Besides, I must spend time improving my English because English is very essential in doing business with foreigners. Where there is a will, there is a way. I have confidence in myself that I can be a good businessman.\[范文3\] Job InterviewYou may have a job interview first if you want to get a good job before graduation. For an interview, he may have a lot of interviewees to choose, and for an interviewee, he may also have many jobs to choose. Therefore, both the interviewee and interviewer should be careful about their the face�to�face talk, either the interviewer or the interviewee can know a little about each other. On the one hand, the interviewer will make the interviewee know something about the job such as the property, the working conditions, salary, welfare, etc. He may also ask him the reasons of applying for the job in order to know what he is. All these will help the interviewer to decide whether he is fit for the job or the other hand, the interviewee will try to introduce himself in order to give the interviewer a good impression. He will make the interviewer get some idea of his educational background, ability, character, interest and viewpoint of the job. Remember you should have confidence in yourself. All these will help the interviewer to decide whether you are fit for the job or short, the job interview has great advantages for both the interviewer and interviewee. \[范文4\] About People Who Are Laid�off WorkersWith the readjustment of our economic structure, it is unavoidable that some people will be laid�off workers, in the past, we had the so�called planned economy. Many of our enterprises were overstuffed. Now we have market economy. We pay more attention to the efficiency. So, the surplus workers will be dismissed. That is quite natural. Being a laid�off worker is not terrible. The only thing that is terrible is you don’t know what to do and lose your confidence. In fact, there are many ways leading to success. Here, I want to provide some suggestions for the people who are laid�off , if they have some money, they can use it to do some business. For example, they can open a small shop, selling food, drinks, ice creams, or even flowers. Second, if they don’t have much money, they can learn a skill. For example, they can learn how to sew clothes, how to cook, how to type, always remember: “Where there is a will, there is a way.”\[范文5\] On Housing ReformThe old house�allotting policy had at least two disadvantages. First, the government spent a lot of money building some houses, but these houses were allotted to people free of charge. Thus, the government would have no money to build more houses for people who badly needed them. Second, the persons who were in power could get more houses than those who were powerless. This was quite the contrary, the new system of house allotment may bring about many new things. For example, the government will have more buildings,which can be sold to people. The chances for them will be equal. When I enter the society, I would get a loan from the bank to buy my own house. Then, I would try to pay back the loan as soon as possible. After that, I would proudly claim, “Now, I am the master of that house.”

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