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I. Overview Germany's Siemens (SIEMENS) produced PLC application in China are very wide, in metallurgy, chemical industry, printing production line applications in such areas. Siemens (SIEMENS) the company's PLC products include LOGO, S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, Industrial Networks, HMI human-machine interface, industrial software. Siemens S7 series PLC Small, fast, standardized, and has network communication capability, more powerful, more reliable. S7 Series PLC products can be divided into micro-PLC (such as the S7-200), small-scale performance requirements of the PLC (such as the S7-300) and in the high performance requirements of the PLC (such as the S7-400) and so on. 1. SIMATIC S7-200 PLC S7-200 PLC is the ultra-miniaturization PLC, it applies to all industries, all kinds of occasions, the automatic detection, monitoring and control. S7-200 PLC's power to run both stand-alone, or even into a network able to implement complex control functions

153 评论


论文翻译就找我们美东旭翻译公司啊 ,我们是来自美国的翻译公司 ,有15年的翻译行业经验,并且在美国是洛杉矶地区庭审法院译员的指定提供商之一,翻译质量深受客户的好评哦。

246 评论


Electric heating boilers are commonly used in industrial process equipment, process control temperature control is also an important parameter. However, electric heating boilers because of its large time-delay, non-linear, it is difficult to establish a precise mathematical model of the characteristics of the conventional PID control difficult to achieve good control effect, to that end, many people studied the improved PID algorithm control methods. In this paper, the experimental device THFCS liner boiler temperature control object, the use of the improved PID control algorithm to achieve temperature control. Temperature control part of the main use of the Siemens STEP 7 FB58 standard temperature control function blocks in the basis of FB58 adding the rate of change of temperature, according to the rate of temperature change to dynamically set the temperature of PID control of dead-zone, speed up the adjustment rate of PID. In this paper, Siemens S7-300 PLC as a control unit, in STEP7 environment and control procedures for the preparation of the application of WinCC configuration software to monitor the temperature of the boiler. The test results show that the method has better control effect. Keywords: boiler; temperature control; PLC; WinCC; PID

223 评论


我用西门子S7-300的PLC做过6层电梯的, 而且是功能完善的.4层我要做不难,但是我只有S7-300的软件,没200的.还有那组态软件我家里也没有,我只有西门子的分给我我可以帮你编程序.

183 评论



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339 评论


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