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1. 城市住宅整体厨房的规划设计研究

2. 上下肢主被动康复器的设计及人机工程学研究

3. 基于人机工程学的自动售药机的设计

4. 铁路客车设施设计新探讨

5. S180中老年人手机人性化设计研究

6. 宏茂科技的机床产品造型设计与研究

7. 安徽滁州卷烟厂自动化物流系统规划设计

8. 南京工业大学材料化学工程中心实验楼方案设计

9. 烟草工业企业业主方工程项目管理信息系统的分析与设计

10. 基于可用性工程理论的工业产品设计程序应用研究

11. 中航工业规划建设工程项目设计团队绩效考核改进及应用研究

12. 工业厂区自动消防系统工程的设计

13. 昆明卷烟厂成品库物流调度系统分析与设计

14. 形状混合的理论与应用研究

15. 论“对的设计”与“好的设计”

16. 工业设计中材料的可持续性应用研究

17. 工作室教学模式在高校工业设计专业的应用研究

18. 叉车座椅的工业设计研究

1. 基于工业设计的产品动作美学的研究与实践

2. 工业设计产品虚拟设计平台研究

3. 绿色光源LED产业转型下的工业设计

4. 湖南省工业设计现状及发展战略研究

5. 工业设计草图的多义性及团队设计中的草图重释

6. “健康工业设计”理念及其在办公环境中的应用研究

7. 医用平移推车造型及其侧倾机构的工业设计应用与研究

8. 工业设计理论在数控机床外观造型设计中的应用研究

9. 我国中小型制造企业的工业设计及其管理与协作系统研究

10. 现代工业设计在企业中的推广运用研究

11. 园林机械的设计研究—草坪切割机的改进研究性设计

12. 手柄的人的因素分析与研究

13. 面向家用健身器材的人机工程理论分析与研究

14. 数控机床设计中的人机工程界面研究

15. 敏捷制造环境下虚拟设计中心及其支撑平台的研究

16. 我国出口类农机设计策略研究

17. 多功能车的产品语意研究与应用

18. DALI住宅照明系统的工业设计

19. 数控机床的造型设计研究

20. 基于人机工程学的高铁自助售票机设计研究

21. 电动汽车形态设计的研究

22. 论工业设计在自动化立体仓库中的应用

1. 协调的艺术——现代工业设计的新角色

2. 中国深圳第八届“中国(深圳)国际工业设计周”盛大登场

3. 工业设计大师荣久庵宪司在日本逝世

4. 论设计素描在工业设计教学中的应用

5. 论建筑设计与工业设计之间差异性与互溶性见解

6. 工业设计是企业发展基石

7. 低碳经济背景下湖南工业设计社会伦理研究

8. 中国传统文化与工业设计

9. 工业设计史课程教学探析

10. 高职工业设计专业与模具专业共生建设探究

11. 机床辅机产品工业设计及改善策略

12. 浅析2015届各大高校工业设计展

13. 行为管理学在工业设计中的应用研究

14. 探析现代工业设计的审美体验

15. 为工业设计撑起保护伞

16. 工业设计专业高职和本科教育衔接一体的人才培养研究

17. 地方性本科院校工业设计专业“产学研”教学模式研究

18. 项目教学法在工业设计专业教学中的实践

19. 工业设计理念在农机产品设计中的应用

20. 信息化背景下交互设计在工业设计中的应用

21. 中兴通讯刀片服务器获中国工业设计红星奖

22. 工业设计中的设计管理研究

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工业设计 Industrial Design designIndustrial design is an applied art whereby the aesthetics and usability of products may be improved for marketability and production. The role of an Industrial Designer is to create and execute design solutions towards problems of engineering, usability, marketing, brand development and of industrial designGeneralIndustrial Designers are a cross between a mechanical engineer and an artist. They study both function and form, and the connection between product and the user. They do not design the gears or motors that make machines move, or the circuits that control the movement. And usually, they partner with engineers and marketers, to identify and fulfill needs, wants and Depth"Industrial Design (ID) is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer." According to the IDSA (Industrial Design Society of America)Design, itself, is often difficult to define to non-designers because the meaning accepted by the design community is not one made of words. Instead, the definition is created as a result of acquiring a critical framework for the analysis and creation of artifacts. One of the many accepted (but intentionally unspecific) definitions of design originates from Carnegie Mellon's School of Design, "Design is the process of taking something from its existing state and moving it to a preferred state". This applies to new artifacts, whose existing state is undefined and previously created artifacts, whose state stands to be to the (Chartered Society of Designers) design is a force that delivers innovation that in turn has exploited creativity. Their design framework known as the Design Genetic Matrix (TM) determines a set of competences in 4 key genes that are identified to define the make up of designers and communicate to a wide audience what they do. Within these genes the designer demonstrates the core competences of a designer and specific competences determine the designer as an 'industrial designer'. This is normally within the context of delivering innovation in the form of a three dimensional product that is produced in quantity. However the definition also extends to products that have been produced using an industrial process. Industrial design is rapidly becoming an obsolete term as 'products' can now be industrially produced as 'one-offs' by the use of Rapid Prototyping Machines. In a post-industrial era and with the emergence of strategic design definitions such as this are incumbering designers and the advancement of design to the ICSID, (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design) "Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faceted qualities of objects, processes, services and their systems in whole life-cycles. Therefore, design is the central factor of innovative humanization of technologies and the crucial factor of cultural and economic of designAlthough the process of design may be considered 'creative', many analytical processes also take place. In fact, many industrial designers often use various design methodologies in their creative process. Some of the processes that are commonly used are user research, sketching, comparative product research, model making, prototyping and testing. These processes can be chronological, or as best defined by the designers and/or other team members. Industrial Designers often utilize 3D software, Computer-aided industrial design and CAD programs to move from concept to production. Product characteristics specified by the industrial designer may include the overall form of the object, the location of details with respect to one another, colors, texture, sounds, and aspects concerning the use of the product ergonomics. Additionally the industrial designer may specify aspects concerning the production process, choice of materials and the way the product is presented to the consumer at the point of sale. The use of industrial designers in a product development process may lead to added values by improved usability, lowered production costs and more appealing products. However, some classic industrial designs are considered as much works of art as works of engineering: the iPod, Coke bottle, and VW Beetle are frequently-cited design has no focus on technical concepts, products and processes. In addition to considering aesthetics, usability, and ergonomics, it can also encompass the engineering of objects, usefulness as well as usability, market placement, and other concerns such as seduction, psychology, desire, and the sexual or affectionate attachment of the user to the object. These values and accompanying aspects on which industrial design is based can vary, both between different schools of thought and among practicing design and industrial design can overlap into the fields of user interface design, information design and interaction design. Various schools of industrial design and/or product design may specialize in one of these aspects, ranging from pure art colleges (product styling) to mixed programs of engineering and design, to related disciplines like exhibit design and interior used to describe a technically competent product designer or industrial designer is the term Industrial Design Engineer. The Cyclone vacuum cleaner inventor James Dyson for example could be considered to be in this category (see his autobiography Against The Odds, Pub Thomson 2002).Industrial design rightsIndustrial design rights are intellectual property rights that make exclusive the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or composition of pattern or color, or combination of pattern and color in three dimensional form containing aesthetic value. An industrial design can be a two- or three-dimensional pattern used to produce a product, industrial commodity or handicraft. Under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, a WIPO-administered treaty, a procedure for an international registration exists. An applicant can file for a single international deposit with WIPO or with the national office in a country party to the treaty. The design will then be protected in as many member countries of the treaty as desired.

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