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My Campus Life 我的大学生活 My campus life is rich and colorful. 我的大学生活是丰富多彩的。 I go to attend claeveryday morning excluding 除了周末,我每天早上去上课。 weekend,in clai study and discuall kinds of 在课堂上我学习各种只是,knowledge with my teacher and my clas *** ates. 并和我的老师和同学讨论问题。 After the class, ofen i go to play basketball 下课以后,通常我和我的朋友去打篮球或者羽毛球。 or badminton with my friends. In the evening,i have o hours for study by 晚上,我先去上两个消失的自习, oneself in scheduled time, and then go back to my 然后回到侵蚀上网。 dormitory and surf on the inter. At the weekend,i take part in some part-time jobs 周末,我经常参加一些 *** 工作, and go to the Einglish Corner sometimes. 有时候去参加英语角。 All in all,my campus life is beatiful and substantial

University Life Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with aess to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge base. Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi'om study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university life. During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his intellectual ahilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges of future responsibilities.

My school life Hi!I'm HuBin ,a student of Class1, school,my teachers and clas *** ates arevery friendly to school life is very interesting. Class begin at 8:00 have four classes in the morning and o classes in the study Endlish,politices,art and so is my favorite sudject,and I often speak Endlish with my clas *** allso like Endlish and math .But I don't like very much .I think it's a little diffcult and about you think?

University Life Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with aess to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge base. Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi'om study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university life. During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his intellectual ahilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges of future responsibilities. 翻译:大学生活花时间在大学时期是一个最有价值的年轻人的生活。这是一个时候,学生开始形成他或她生活的总体看法。出席课堂和在图书馆学习保持一个学生忙,提供他或她能获得有价值的资讯,增加了他(她)们的知识库。校园生活也可以是丰富多彩的。大多数的大学提供各种各样的课外活动,如体育活动,比赛,和其他社交聚会,使学生体验学习和作业'om救援金融中间人。学生们经常形成终身的友谊通过不同的经历的大学生活。在此期间学生学习上大学的时候,他不仅发展他的知识ahilites,他也培养社会交际能力和知识和智慧的必要条件下选择未来的事业。通过学习如何平衡学习和娱乐的强烈,学生将有充分的准备的挑战,未来的责任。

My college life I am proud of being a college student. The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new clas *** ates and fresh friends are around me. I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first one. At night, I am the one who leaves away the library. The most interesting thing is that I can’t speak the mandarin well and made many funny events at the beginning, because I am from South. Besides study, my college life is also very colorful. I’d like to take any chance to improve my munication skill. I am the monitor and playing an active role in class and school. Last year, I anized a speech match in management department. All the clas *** ates were very interested in this kind of activity. I learned from them much about their hometown, their knowledge and opinions. At the same time, I showed my beautiful hometown to everyone. In school, I take care all the clas *** ates around me. I am so poor due to from the romote countryside. The school pay most the fee for my education. I feel very happy. However, I know some clas *** ates are poorer than me. I am willing to care them and encourage each other. My college life is wonderful. I believe that I can spend a good time in the four years.



162 评论


It's no doubt that university campuses will produce a large amount of rubbish every day, however, there are fewer college students paying attention to its classification.毫无疑问,大学校园里每天都会制造大量垃圾,但是,注意垃圾分类的大学生很少。Factually waste separation is vital to create an environment-friendly campus. Firstly, waste separation does great contribution to the environmental protection. Since some of waste is recyclable, while other is unrecyclable, if all the students could voluntarily differentiate recyclable rubbish from unrecyclable rubbish, the risk of the environmental pollution will be greatly reduced. Secondly, waste separation could save a lot of energy and tirne on its processing.其实垃圾分类对创造环保型的校园来说至关重要。首先,垃圾分类对保护环境贡献很大。由于一些垃圾是可循环利用的,而另外一些是不可循环利用的,如果所有学生都能自主地把可循环利用的垃圾和不可循环利用的垃圾区别开来,对环境造成污染的风险会大大降低。其次,垃圾分类能使人们在处理垃圾过程中节省大量的时间和精力。With the rapid increase in the amount of rubbish at the campus, rubbish classmification does not permit of any delay. On the one hand, as the well-educated people, college students should act as hosts of the universities and separate waste from this moment in their daily life. On the other hand, university authorities should strengthen students' awareness of environmental protection and guide students to separate waste in a reasonable way.(166 words)随着校园垃圾数量的快速增加,垃圾分类刻不容缓。一方面,作为受过良好教育的人,大学生应该以大学主人自居,从现在起,在日常生活中就把垃圾进行分类。另一方面,大学校方应该加强学生的环保意识,引导学生用正确的方式对垃圾进行分类。

160 评论


很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的亲在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~China is my motherland. It lies in the eat of is the capital of China.中国是我的祖国,它位于亚洲的东部。北京是中国的首都。China's population is more than billion. The population in the east is much bigger than in the weather in China is wetter and warmer in the south and drier and colder in the north.中国有13亿多人口,东部的人口比西部的多得多。中国的天气情况是:南部潮湿、温暖;北部干旱、寒冷。China has a long history, and there are a lot of places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the West Lake and so on.中国具有悠久的历史,这里有许多名胜,如长城、颐和园、西湖等。In the last twenty years, great changes have taken place in my am sure China's tomorrow will be much love China!近二十年来,我的祖国发生了巨变。我相信中国的明天会更美好。我爱中国!

200 评论


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