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《综艺》源自创刊于1905年的美国领袖级娱乐商业媒体《Variety》,该刊物隶属于瑞得商讯集团(Reed Business Information),有“好莱坞圣经”之美誉,是全球传媒娱乐业的风向标,也是全球业内人士的必读刊物!


《娱乐周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)属娱乐,1990年创刊。脱胎自《人物》,虽然同样集中于影视娱乐领域,但因为其侧重于对娱乐行业的决策的报道,把娱乐当作一门生意。





《人物》杂志创刊1974年,视角专注于美国的名人和流行文化,是 Time Warner 媒体集团旗下杂志。每个星期,《人物》都会以图文并茂的方式报导名人和普通人的故事。





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蜂胶天然木脂包含了一大批具有两个耦合苯基丙烷(C6-C3)单位的产品. 它们在最大的多种生物学活性木脂的亚纲之间,如抗癌、抗有丝分裂、抗菌和抗氧化. 1、有多数蜂胶木脂在挂式外观上的双环骨骼有取代2,6-二芳基,(如芝麻素1),虽然那些芳香挂式置换(例如 细辛素2)与其他置换,也是大家知道的。 2、芝麻素(1),可从大量芝麻中提取,它耐人寻味是因为它是高效活性抗氧剂. 3、另据报道,芝麻素食一种5-脱氢酶的特效抑制剂, 它能催化转化亚麻酸-ç-亚麻酸生成烯酸,备有微生物和动物都具备。 4、芝麻素也起到抑制胆固醇的吸收与合成从而降低胆固醇活性的作用. 5、其它报告表明芝麻素阻止肝脏因酒精或四氯化碳受损并且伴演抑制甲蒽引起老鼠乳腺肿瘤和降压的效果. 6、细辛素也有几项生物学意义的活动,包括增强抗癌性,增强抗过敏活性、增强抗毒性。 7、8 细辛的根显效于.Fr. var. mandshuricum 碱蓬. (欣)是一种传统草药正式列在在中国药典并且用作镇痛、镇咳剂、祛痰治疗、感、头痛、风湿痛、哮喘和活血化淤。 9、据报道,蜂胶已被广泛的栽培。 10 以前我们的过程孤立了芝麻与细辛,不同数量的1和2取决于提取方法的不同,例如,在室温下浸泡或真空蒸馏. 一些报告指出在酸性催化的条件下,芝麻素与细辛素可以形成(立体)异构体。由于不同的生物活性,这两个木脂蜂胶有趣的构像行为显示,要进行更为深入的异构研究. (1)、细辛两芝麻(2)有蜂胶骨干,是类似于降莰烷和双环辛烷[]. 这是众所周知的,外型异构比内异构体更为稳定. 芝麻素有两种外型取代的形式,而细辛素是一种在外型取代另一种在内位置取代(图1). Propolis natural wood resin contains a large number of coupled two-propane (C6-C3) units. They are the largest in the biological activity of a variety of wood resin key link between Asia, such as anti-cancer, anti-mitotic and anti-bacterial And antioxidant. 1, the majority of Propolis in the behind-the appearance of fat on the bone are replaced by double loop 2,6 - diaryl, (such as sesame-1), although those aromatic Body-Pack replacement (such as Herba-2) and other replacement, We are also aware of this. 2-Sesame (1), can be extracted from a large number of sesame seeds, it is intriguing because it is the high antioxidant activity. 3, is also reported that a vegetarian sesame 5 - the effects dehydrogenase inhibitor, it linolenic acid catalytic converter-ç-linolenic acid generation, in both animals and micro-organisms have. 4, also played a sesame-inhibition of cholesterol absorption and synthesis of cholesterol, thereby reducing activity. 5, other reports indicate that sesame-stop liver damage as a result of alcohol or carbon tetrachloride and suppress speech with a anthracene rats caused by breast cancer and blood pressure. 6, there are a number of Herba-biological significance of the activities, including enhanced anti-cancer, anti-allergic activity to enhance and strengthen anti-toxic. 7, 8 Asarum effect on the root. Fr. Var. Mandshuricum salsa. (Yan) is a traditional herbal medicines listed in the official in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and used as analgesic, antitussive agent, expectorant treatment, flu, headache, rheumatism, asthma and promoting blood circulation Relieving Blood. 9, it is reported that propolis has been extensive cultivation. 10 In the past, we isolated the process of the sesame and Herba, a different number of 1 and 2 depending on the different extraction methods, such as water at room temperature or vacuum distillation. The report pointed out that some of the acid catalyst in the conditions, and sesame-Asarum -Can form (3D) isomers. Due to the different biological activity of these two Lignans Propolis interesting conformation show acts, it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth study of heterogeneous. (1), sesame Asarum two (2) Propolis has the backbone, is similar to the double loop and drop-octane camphene []. This is a well-known, heterogeneous than the appearance in more stable isomers. Sesame has long been known to replace the two appearance in the form of Asarum and-a substitute appearance in another location, replace (Figure 1). 还有一篇 1994年5月IUPAC(国际纯粹化学与应用化学联合会)通过一项决议,建议把第109号元素命名为Meitnerium,以纪念核物理学家Lise Meitner(莉泽·迈特纳,1878-1968)。 莉译·迈特纳是女科学家!是一位需要重新被发现,需要被公正对待的伟大女性!以莉泽·迈特纳命名109号元素正是对这位伟大女性对科学事业作出的贡献的充分肯定。而与大家熟知的居里夫人不同,这种肯定是在这位伟大女性度过了她曲折漫长充满歧视的90个春秋告别世间后的四分之一个世纪。莉泽·迈特纳 早就应该得到她应得的崇高荣誉,如果世上不存在歧视的话。 1907年秋天,莉泽·迈特纳刚刚获得物理学博士学位,抱着求知的强烈愿望,从她的故乡奥地利维也纳来到当时的普鲁士帝国的首都柏 林,加入了奥托·哈恩(Otio Hahn, 1879- 1968)所在的柏林大学研究所工作。值得一提的是,当时这个研究所是不准许妇女进入工作的,只因用化学反应确定糖的结构而于5年前获得诺贝尔化学奖金的著名科学家、柏休大学化学教授埃米尔·菲舍尔(Emil Fischer, 1852-1919)慧眼识才,她才被安排在装满辐射检测仪器的楼外木结构工作间里,进出还只能走外面;的大门。迈特纳才工作不久就以哈恩的助手的名义与哈恩一起发表了若干篇论文。不久爆发了第一次世界大战,哈恩奔赴前线参战,正是在此时,物理学博士迈特纳做了实实在在的化学实验,其结果是惊人的-分离并发现了新的放射性元素镤中(Pa,91号).可是,这个伟大成果是以哈恩为第一作者于1918年报道的,莉泽·迈特纳只是哈恩的"助手"! 现裂变的功绩几乎完全记在哈思头上。可不是吗?1944年,为了表彰恰恩于1938年首次用中子轰走铀使铀裂变,哈恩独自一人获得了诺贝尔奖金.人们惊奇地发现,作为哈恩助手,与哈恩一起做裂变实验的弗里茨·斯特拉斯曼(Fritz Strassmann, 1902-l980)却没有与之分享。更没有人为也曾是哈恩助手的莉泽·迈特纳对裂变作出的贡献,呼吁诺贝尔奖金应当由哈恩、斯特拉斯曼和迈特纳共享! 1938年,有部分犹太血统的莉泽·迈特纳从希特勒德国逃亡到荷兰,随身仅仅携带两个小箱子、10马克以及哈恩的母亲送给她“以备急需”的一枚钻戒。迈特纳的日记告诉我们,她接着怀着极端恐惧的心理终于1938年8月被准许进入挪威。经过多次的商淡,莉泽·迈特纳终于在斯德歌尔摩的诺贝尔研究所谋到了一个职位,做物理实验。但在这里远比她在柏林的待遇差得多,她不受她的老板Manne Siegbahn欢迎,她的感受是整个地被隔离在科学研究基础设施之外,不能激励起智慧来。不久,她的外甥奥托·罗伯特·弗里施(Otto RObert Frisch)来斯德歌尔摩度圣诞节,发现她正在读哈恩寄来的信,信中描述了用中子作用于铀发现产物具有钡的放射性的惊人事件。于是莉泽·迈特纳跟弗里施一起对这一实验结果做出了理论解释,并以来信的形式发表在1939年元月出版的 《自然》杂志上,在这篇著名的文章里,莉泽。迈待纳踉弗里施一起提出了一个物理学上的新概念—一类新的核反应—裂变。在这篇刚过一页的小文里,他们描绘绘了铀裂变的基本图景。后来,迈特纳又用实验验证了裂变。 莉泽·迈特纳没有得到诺贝尔奖鱼,但仍是许多重要荣誉的得主,包括1966年与哈恩和斯特拉斯曼共享费米奖金。美国女核科学家Darleane Hoffman认为,作为核科学的先驱者的莉泽·迈特纳之所以能有这样的成就,其原因之一是她既是物理学家又是化学家, 她既利用物理又利用化学。她假设道:Emilio segre本应当发现第一个超铀元素镎,如果他不是缺少足够的化学知识而把23993错认作稀土元素的话;与此相似,Enrico Fermi本应该发现裂变,如果他的研究小组的化学分离技术不是这样不甚适当的话。 莉泽·近特纳一生没有嫁人,过独身生活。但她并非孤僻冷漠. 她与许多科学家建立长期良好的关系,是许多科学家及其妻子们的密友。她与被她当作父亲般爱慕和崇敬的马克斯·普朗克有着长期的富有成果的通讯联系. 她还经常到哥本哈根去玻尔家作客。莉泽迈特纳深受德国纯粹法西斯的迫害,还受到某些物理学家的歧视。她确立了裂变的概念,但不得不面对裂变被用来生产大规模杀伤武器的事实,她一直拒绝参与研制核武器。 May 1994 IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Chemical) passed a resolution proposed to No. 109 elements named Meitnerium, to commemorate the nuclear physicist Lise Meitner (Lize-1968 Meitner 1878-1970) . Li translated Meitner female scientists! Is a need to be found to be fair treatment of the great women! Lize to Meitner named No. 109 is the element of the great cause of women in science to the full recognition of the contribution. The well-known and Marie Curie, this is certainly in this great woman had her ups and downs of the long and full of discrimination 90 in the world bid farewell to the Spring and Autumn after a quarter of a century. Lize Meitner early on that she should be well-deserved high reputation, if there is no discrimination in the world. The fall of 1907, Lize Meitner just get a doctorate in physics, with a strong desire for knowledge, from her home in Vienna, Austria, came to the then capital city of Berlin Prussia Empire, joined the Otto Hahn (Otio Hahn, 1879 - 1968) where the work of the Institute of the University of Berlin. It is worth mentioning that, when the institute is not allowed to enter women's work, because chemical reactions to determine the structure of the sugar and 5 years ago, won the Nobel chemistry prize money of the well-known scientists, Professor of Chemistry, University of Parkinson's break Aimierfei Shelby (Emil Fischer, 1852-1919) eye to know that she was in filled with radiation detection devices outside of the wooden structure of the workplace, can also go outside and out; the door. Meitner was soon working with Hahn's assistant in the name of Hahn, together with a number of published papers. World War I broke out in the near future, Hahn went to the war front, it is at this time, physics, Dr. Meitner done a real chemistry experiment, and the result is amazing - and the separation of radioactive elements found in the new protactinium in (Pa, 91). However, this is a great achievement for Hahn in 1918, the first author of the report, Lize Hahn Meitner only "assistant"! The achievements of fissile is almost entirely in mind Hasi in the head. Is that not right? In 1944, in recognition Qiaen in 1938 for the first time Hong Zou neutron fission of uranium to make uranium, Hahn alone won the Nobel Prize. People surprised to find that, as assistant Hahn, and Hahn have been working together as fission experiment Fritz Strassman (Fritz Strassmann, 1902-l980) did not share with them. No man is also the assistant Lize Hahn Meitner of the contribution made by fission, the Nobel Prize should be called on by Hahn, Strassman and Meitner sharing! In 1938, some Jewish Lize Meitner fled from Hitler's Germany to the Netherlands, the only player to carry two small boxes, 10 marks, as well as Hahn's mother gave her "an urgent need for" a diamond ring. Meitner's diary tells us that she went on with extreme psychological fear in August 1938 has finally been allowed to enter Norway. After several rounds of light business, Lize Meitner finally in Stockholm the Nobel Institute to seek a job, to do experimental physics. But here in Berlin than her treatment is much less, she is not her boss welcomed the Manne Siegbahn, her feelings of isolation as a whole to be in infrastructure, scientific research, not from wisdom to inspire. Soon, her nephew Aotuoluobo Tefu Li Shi (Otto RObert Frisch) to Stockholm for Christmas time, she found that Hahn was reading from the letter describes the role of the neutron uranium found in the product With radioactive barium amazing event. As a result Lize Meitner Frisch, together with the results of this has made theoretical explanation, and in the form of a letter published in the January 1939 publication of the "Nature" magazine, a well-known in this article, Lize. Sway from side to side step to be satisfied Frisch put together a new concept in physics - a new class of nuclear reaction - fission. This just in a small text, they depict a painting of the basic picture of uranium fission. Later, Meitner and experiment with a fission. Lize Meitner did not receive the Nobel Prize fish, but it is still important to many of the winners of the honor, including in 1966 with Hahn and Strassman Fermi-sharing bonuses. . F that the nuclear scientists Darleane Hoffman, as a pioneer of nuclear science Lize Meitner was to have such achievements, which is one of the reasons why she is both a physicist and chemist, she is also the use of physical Chemistry. She assumptions Road: Emilio segre should have found the first transuranic element neptunium, if he is not a lack of adequate knowledge of chemical and rare earth elements to make mistakes to 23,993 words; Similarly, Enrico Fermi should have been found in fission, if his team The chemical separation technology is not quite so appropriate. Lize near Turner never married, had single life. But she is not lonely and cold. She and many scientists to establish long-term good relationship, many scientists and his wife's close friend. She was with her as a father-like love and respect of the Max Planck Institute has a long and fruitful communication links. She also often go to Copenhagen Jia Zuoke Bohr. Lize Meitner by Germany's persecution of pure fascism, but also by some physicists of discrimination. She established the concept of fission, but have to face is used to produce fissile weapons of mass destruction and the fact that she has refused to take part in the development of nuclear weapons. 还有一篇 英国化学家戴维,1778年出生于彭赞斯。因他父亲过早去世。母亲无法养活五个孩子,于是卖掉田产,开起女帽制作店来。但他们的日子还是越过越苦。 戴维从小就勇于探索,他的兴趣很广泛。他在学校最喜欢的是化学,常常自己做实验。 17岁的时候,戴维到博莱斯先生的药房当了学徒。既学医学,也学化学,除读书外,他还做些较难的化学实验,为此,人们送他一个“小化学家”的称号。 一天,一个叫贝多斯的物理学家,登门拜访了这位“小化学家”,并邀请他到条件很好的气体研究所去工作。 戴维欣然受聘,来到贝多斯的研究所。该所想通过研究各种气体对人体的作用,弄清哪些气体对人有益,哪些气体对人有害。 戴维接受的第一项任务是配制氧化亚氮气体。戴维不负重望,很炔就制出这种气体。当时,有人说这种气体对人有害,而有的人又说无害,各持己见,莫衷一是。制得的大量气体,只好装在玻璃瓶中留着备用。 1799年4月的一天,贝多斯来到戴维的实验室,见已制出许多氧化亚氮,高兴地说:“啊,不错,您的工作令人十分满意……”贝多斯夸奖戴维的话还未说完,他一转身,不小心手把一个玻璃瓶子碰到地下打碎了。 戴维慌忙过来一看,打碎的正是装氧化亚氮的瓶子,忙问:“手不要紧吧?” “没事。真对不起,我把您的劳动成果浪费了。”贝多斯边说边拣碎玻璃。 “没啥,我正要作试验呢,想看看这种气体对人究竟会有什么影响,这样一来还省得我开瓶塞……”戴维的话还未说完,被贝多斯反常的表情弄得惊慌失措。 “哈哈哈……”一向沉着、孤僻、严肃得几乎整天板着面孔的贝多斯,今天突然大笑起来,“戴维,哈哈哈……我的手一点儿都不疼,哈哈哈……”“哈哈哈……”刚才还处于惊慌的戴维也骤然大笑,“真的不疼?哈哈哈……” 两位科学家的笑声,惊动了隔壁实验室的人。他们跑来一看,都以为他俩得了神经病。等一阵狂笑之后,两人方逐渐清醒。贝多斯被玻璃划破的手指感到疼痛,原来氧化亚氮不仅使他俩狂笑,而且使贝多斯麻醉不知手痛。 事隔不久,戴维患了牙病,便请来牙科医生德恩梯斯·舍派特。医生决定把他的坏牙拔掉。当时根本没有什么麻醉药,医生硬把牙齿给拉了下来,疼得戴维浑身冒汗。这时,他猛然想起前不久发生的事——贝多斯手划破了,可闻了那氧化亚氮后却一点也没感觉疼。于是,他赶忙拿过装有氧化亚氮的瓶子连吸几口,结果,他又哈哈大笑起来,同时也感觉不到牙痛了。 经过进一步研究,戴维证实氧化亚氮不仅能使人狂笑,而且还有一定的麻醉作用。戴维就为这种气取了个形象的名字笑气。 戴维将关于笑气的研究成果写进《化学和哲学研究》一书,立即轰动了整个欧洲。外科医生们纷纷用笑气做麻醉药,使本来满是刺耳的喊叫声的手术室,弥漫着一片笑声。病人的痛苦也轻多了。 戴维发现笑气的时候,年仅21岁。从此,他成了闻名欧洲的青年科学家。 后来,戴维继续从事科学研究,首先制取了金属钾、钠、钙、镁、钡和非金属硼,还发明了矿工用的安全灯。为人类做出了很大的贡献。 British chemist David, was born in 1778 in Penzance. As a result of his father's premature death. Not the mother of five children to feed, then sell the farm, started millinery shop to produce. But their day is over the more bitter. David from an early age have the courage to explore his interest in a wide range. His favorite is the school of chemical, often their own experiments. 17-year-old, Mr. David to the BLS as a pharmacy apprentice. Both the medical school, school chemistry, in addition to reading, he's also more difficult to do chemical experiments, for which he was sent to a "chemist". One day, a man named Tony Meadows physicist, had to visit the "chemist" and invited him to the very good conditions for the gas to the work of the Institute. However, Dai Weixin employed, Tony came to the meadows of the Institute. The study through a variety of gases on the human body, out of gas which were beneficial and which harmful gases. David to accept the first task is the preparation of nitrous oxide gas. David does not live up, it is such a system on acetylene gas. At that time, it is said that this harmful gas, and some people said that sound, to hold different views, rather than consensus. Obtained a large number of gas, had no choice but to keep in glass bottles mounted on a stand-by. In April 1799 of the day, Tony came to David Doss of the laboratory, see the system has a lot of nitrous oxide, said happily: "ah, yes, your work is very pleased with the ... ..." Tony praised David Doss The words have not yet finished, he turned a careless hand on the ground floor of a glass bottle smashed across sub. David hurriedly looked around, broke the bottle of nitrous oxide is loaded, Mangwen: "It does not matter in hand?" "Never. I'm sorry, I am your labor lost." Meadows said, picking shellfish broken glass. "Nothing, I am going to trial, would like to see this person on the gas What does it mean, this way also to save me ... ... cork" David's words have not yet finished, Tony Adams and more abnormal Look up panic. "Ha, ha, ha ... ..." always been cool, eccentric, a serious Banzhuomiankong almost the whole day of the Tony Meadows, all of a sudden today, laughing, "David, Ha, ha, ha ... ... My hands are a little pain, ... Ha, ha, ha ... "" Ha, ha, ha ... ... "in a panic just yet David is also a sudden laugh," really hurt? ... Ha, ha, ha ... " The two scientists laughter, alerted the laboratory next door. They came to see one, they all thought had neuropathy. Kuang Xiao, and so on for a while, the two sides gradually clear. Tony Adams has been more than cut through the glass finger pain that Kuang Xiao nitrous oxide not only they but also the multi-Tony Adams hand I do not know of narcotic pain. Soon after, David is suffering from dental problems, we have invited dentists Dehn Ossetia Pat Adams homes. Doctors decided his bad tooth pulled out. At that time, there was not any anesthetic, the doctor forcibly teeth to pull down, David painful sweating all over. At this time, he suddenly reminded of what happened long ago - more than Tony Adams cut through the hand, can be heard and that the nitrous oxide after it did not feel a little pain. As a result, he quickly took the bottle of nitrous oxide with even a few smoke as a result, he laughed, at the same time feel a toothache. After further study, confirmed that David nitrous oxide Kuangxiao not only make the people, but also a certain narcotic effect. David was on the air that took the name of the image of a laughing gas. David will be laughing gas on the results of research into the "chemical and philosophical studies", the immediate sensation throughout Europe. Surgeons who have used nitrous oxide anesthesia to do so have been full of ear-piercing cries of the operating room, filled with a laugh. Patients are suffering more than the light. David found that nitrous oxide, as young as 21 years old. Since then, he has become famous for Europe's young scientists. Later, David continued to engage in scientific research, first of all, making the metal potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, boron and non-metallic barium, als

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《首映》(Premiere)美国版已经永久停刊 但还有电子版《娱乐周刊》(ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's)《Variety》(综艺)《HollywoodReporter》(好莱坞报道) 还有英国的《帝国》(Empire)

139 评论


美国最著名和权威的电影杂志 :1.《综艺》是美国历史最悠久的好莱坞专业杂志,内容涉及电影、电视、音乐、行业等方方面面,不仅在普通读者和业内订户中极具影响力,而且是既快又准的好莱坞信息通道。世界上 14 万 5 千名主要演员都把《综艺》周刊当作最权威的行业杂志。其读者定位为娱乐业顶级的专业人士。而且力争成为流通最广的娱乐行业杂志。2.《电影评论》 是北美最有影响力的电影杂志之一,该杂志的年度电影奖代表美国最高端影评人的口味。该杂志可以说是美国最权威的电影杂志。

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Variety隶属于瑞得(REED)商讯集团,至今已有一百年的历史,是全球娱乐传媒业的标杆媒体,也是全球业内人士每日必读的刊物,被誉为“好莱坞圣经”。在美国,Variety出版日刊、周刊、DVD Exclusive、Vlife系列刊物并运营。《综艺》(Variety China)源自创刊于1905年的美国领袖级娱乐商业媒体《Variety》,该刊物隶属于瑞得商讯集团(Reed Business Information),有“好莱坞圣经”之美誉,是全球传媒娱乐业的风向标,也是全球业内人士的必读刊物!《综艺》由IDG集团与国家广播电影电视总局中广报刊出版发展中心合作,于2004年8月引进中国,是迄今为止《Variety》唯一用非英文语言出版发行的刊物,也是中国影视行业唯一具有国际版权合作的商业周刊。 《综艺》依托《Variety》独家海外资源,为传媒影视界的读者提供最权威最迅速的全球娱乐商业资讯。与此同时,《综艺》凭借对中国市场深刻的理解,以其独特的视角透视中国传媒娱乐产业热点,关注有实力和有潜力的公司以及产业领袖,梳理产业脉络,发现产业趋势并提供可借鉴的实用案例。

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