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208 评论



251 评论


Abstract: Along with the expansion of the scale of government procurement, procurement supervision more important. Through the status of China's government procurement oversight mechanisms and defect analysis, made some improvement and a sound monitoring mechanism in China's government procurement significance and improve the supervision mechanism of Government Procurement Strategies include: sound laws and regulations, strengthen supervision and law, oversight of government procurement network, and establish a government procurement dispute arbitration committee, and improve the supervision of the main government procurement, specifically the object of government procurement oversight, improve government procurement complaints relief mechanism, emphasis on the supervision of a decentralized procurement : perfect the mechanisms of Government Procurement Supervision

357 评论


Because of the better application of concrete pouring technology in civil engineering, it is more and more important to use concrete in civil engineering, The quality control of concrete structure requires the project management personnel to have the overall management thinking, starting from the overall, systematic and standardized approach, quality control through scientific project management action, professional raw material quality inspection and material mix proportion control, and reasonable analysis of environmental factors, Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the development and application of concrete structure production, transportation and pouring technology in civil engineering construction. Key words: concrete structure; factors affecting concrete; main construction technology

105 评论


  • 毕业论文中英文摘要名字

    毕业论文中英文摘要的主要内容 转眼间大学生活即将结束,大学毕业前都要通过最后的毕业论文,毕业论文是一种比较重要的检验学生学习成果的形式,那么你有了解过毕业论文吗

    愿无悲喜2015 3人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 毕业论文摘要的英文版

    原则上讲,中文摘要编写的注意事项都适用于英文摘要,摘要的内容主要是 ① 点明主题,解析文章的目的或意图; ② 介绍主要内容,使读者迅速了解文章或书籍的概貌; ③

    Jasmine2001 5人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 毕业论文摘要中的英文缩写


    紫童vivi 3人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 本科毕业论文中英文摘要

    论文摘要是什么? 论文摘要是为读者检索论文服务的。从摘要中应该一目了然地看出该研究作了哪些具体工作,有哪些具体成果及与以往同类研究的不同之处,便于读者在最短的时

    嫣雨飘零 3人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 毕业论文格式中英文摘要的格式

    关键词:Title of Thesis:Name of Institute: Pages:Graduation Time:(MM/YY)Degree Confe

    SevenLikeSmile 4人参与回答 2023-12-07