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中医学毕业论文可以写综述类或者医学实验类的文章。开始也不会弄,还好关键时刻寝室同学给的雅文网,有专业的帮忙轻松多了中医中药治疗三叉神经痛疗效观察中医饮食调护对压疮疗效的影响浅谈中医特色整体护理在基层医院中的应用图式论框架下的中医英语教学管理模式中医术语英译研究再论浅谈案例在中医基础理论教学中的应用与时俱进 春华秋实 “十五”期间河南省中医事业成就显著借鉴循证护理理论发展循证中医护理SARS辨证论治及其中医现代化琐议慢性乙型肝炎肝组织病理与中医证型的研究我国中医职业技术教育办学条件调查分析将中医护理引入基础护理教学的尝试中医针灸治疗手术后并发症验案4则中医治疗脑卒中后抑郁的进展中医治疗过敏性皮肤病的临床观察与分析模糊学理论在中医翻译中的应用钼靶X线征象在乳腺癌中医辨证分型方面的分析研究外敷穴位药物治疗风湿性关节炎培训难点及其对策——“十一五”农村卫生中医适宜技术推广项目述评中医院校护理学专业开设中医特色课程的调查研究城市社区老人慢性病患病情况和中医防治知识需求情况分析高血压患者中医分型治疗观察对中医活档案的认识与探索住院病人对中医护理认知及需求调查中医养生文化产业发展的瓶颈及对策研究嗜睡中医临床评价初步研究中医古籍文献在中医文献检索课教学的探讨亚健康状态的中医特征聚类研究中医适宜技术推广对农村卫生机构服务能力的影响分析北京民众对中医看法的简易调查分析社会需要铁杆中医制约中医内涵与外延式发展的问题分析与政策建议:基于黑龙江省的调查研究“李约瑟难题”与中医发展之难中医的科学性全面理解中医的哲学思想体系是中医继承与发展的重要基础我国中医职业教育现状分析及评价中医发展路径思考汉中市乡镇卫生院中医服务质量现状调查成立中医护理专项小组推动中医特色护理的方法与效果以中医护理重点专科建设推动学科发展中医英语语料库建设可行性探讨中医肾主耳理论的现代生物学研究进展与思路PBL教学法及其在中医内科学教学中的应用探讨

163 评论


TCM English translation of materials 悬赏分:90 - 离问题结束还有19 天14 小时 Reward points: 90 - from the issue of the end of 19 days there are 14 hours 尽管世界范围内中医英译的工作已经取得了较大发展,但是整个中医翻译界比较混乱、翻译队伍水平层次不齐,严重制约了中医对外交流的扩大化和规范化。 Despite the worldwide work of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine has achieved greater development, but the translation of the entire Chinese medicine sector is chaotic, uneven levels of the translation team, has seriously hampered the expansion of external exchanges of Chinese medicine and standardized. 就2008年在10月14日至17日举行的“2008澳门世界中医药大会”上,中医术语翻译的标准化问题依旧困扰着与会的学者们,至今为止,中医名词术语仍缺乏国际公认的统一英译标准。 In 2008 on October 14-17 at the "2008 Macao World Conference of Chinese medicine" and the standardization of TCM terms of translation problems still haunt the scholars attending the meeting, so far, the terminology of Chinese medicine is still a lack of internationally recognized the unity of the British Translation standards. (田文,第140期A5版)因此建立统一的中医英译标准和成立权威的中医英译领导和管理机构势在必行。 (Tian, No. 140 A5 version), therefore the English translation of Chinese medicine practitioners to establish a unified standards and the establishment of the authority of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine leadership and management institutions is imperative. 为实现中医名词术语的统一,国内外中医翻译界也做了大量努力,尤其是目前比较权威的两套翻译标准的颁布起到了很大作用。 To achieve the unification of terminology of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine translation community at home and abroad have also done a great deal of effort, especially compared the authority of the current standards promulgated two sets of translation played a great role. 这两套标准一是由世界中医药学会联合会(以下简称“世界中联”)发布的“中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准”(ISN);另一个则是世界卫生组织西太平洋区域办事处制定的“传统医学名词术语国际标准”(IST)。 First, the two sets of standards by the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (hereinafter referred to as "the world together") issued by "the basic terminology of Chinese medicine bilingual international standards" (ISN); the other is the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Law Department to develop the "traditional medicine terminology international standards" (IST). 然而即使这两套标准也采用了不同的翻译原则,ISN采用拼音、英文、代码、拉丁名等四种翻译标准,而IST的制定标准以不生造新英文单词等原则,着重考虑术语的医学意义进行翻译。 However, even if the two sets of standards are also used different translation principles, ISN using Pinyin, English, code, the Latin translation of four standards, and standard-setting IST not coin a new English words, such as the principle focus on medical terminology the significance of translation. (田文,第140期A5版)两套标准所翻译的此条本来就不多且翻译标准不一,还是没有从根本上解决问题。 (Tian, No. 140 A5 version) two sets of standards for the provision of translation and the translation does not multi-standards, or not fundamentally solve the problem. 因此由中内外医疗界和翻译界合作成立一个权威的组织机构对中医英译的原则和标准进行系统的、规范统一的研究是必由之路。 So from both inside and outside the medical profession and translation-border cooperation to set up an authoritative organization on the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine principles and standards system, and standardize the research is the only way reunification. 另外,就目前的情况来看尽快出版一套统一规范的中医英译名次工具书也显得十分紧迫。 In addition, on the current situation as soon as possible the publication of a standardized tool for Chinese medicine the English translation of the book also appears to place very tight. 问题补充:大家千万不要用网页在线或软件之类的翻译哈那样的话我自己也可以做的了了 Add: Do not use the website or software such as online translation and Kazakhstan, as if I myself can do the

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135 评论


你好。Despite the worldwide work of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine has achieved greater development, but the translation of the entire Chinese medicine sector is chaotic, uneven levels of the translation team, has seriously hampered the expansion of external exchanges of Chinese medicine and standardized. In 2008 on October 14-17 at the "2008 Macao World Conference of Chinese medicine" and the standardization of TCM terms of translation problems still haunt the scholars attending the meeting, so far, the terminology of Chinese medicine is still a lack of internationally recognized the unity of the British Translation standards. (Tian, No. 140 A5 version), therefore the English translation of Chinese medicine practitioners to establish a unified standards and the establishment of the authority of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine leadership and management institutions is imperative. To achieve the unification of terminology of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine translation community at home and abroad have also done a great deal of effort, especially compared the authority of the current standards promulgated two sets of translation played a great role. First, the two sets of standards by the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (hereinafter referred to as "the world together") issued by "the basic terminology of Chinese medicine bilingual international standards" (ISN); the other is the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Law Department to develop the "traditional medicine terminology international standards" (IST). However, even if the two sets of standards are also used different translation principles, ISN using Pinyin, English, code, the Latin translation of four standards, and standard-setting IST not coin a new English words, such as the principle focus on medical terminology the significance of translation. (Tian, No. 140 A5 version) two sets of standards for the provision of translation and the translation does not multi-standards, or not fundamentally solve the problem. So from both inside and outside the medical profession and translation-border cooperation to set up an authoritative organization on the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine principles and standards system, and standardize the research is the only way reunification. In addition, on the current situation as soon as possible the publication of a standardized tool for Chinese medicine the English translation of the book also appears to place very tight.

237 评论


尽管世界范围内中医英译的工作已经取得了较大发展,但是整个中医翻译界比较混乱、翻译队伍水平层次不齐,严重制约了中医对外交流的扩大化和规范化。 Despite the worldwide work of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine has achieved greater development, but the translation of the entire Chinese medicine sector is chaotic, uneven levels of the translation team, has seriously hampered the expansion of external exchanges of Chinese medicine and standardized. 就2008年在10月14日至17日举行的“2008澳门世界中医药大会”上,中医术语翻译的标准化问题依旧困扰着与会的学者们,至今为止,中医名词术语仍缺乏国际公认的统一英译标准。 In 2008 on October 14-17 at the "2008 Macao World Conference of Chinese medicine" and the standardization of TCM terms of translation problems still haunt the scholars attending the meeting, so far, the terminology of Chinese medicine is still a lack of internationally recognized the unity of the British Translation standards. (田文,第140期A5版)因此建立统一的中医英译标准和成立权威的中医英译领导和管理机构势在必行。 (Tian, No. 140 A5 version), therefore the English translation of Chinese medicine practitioners to establish a unified standards and the establishment of the authority of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine leadership and management institutions is imperative. 为实现中医名词术语的统一,国内外中医翻译界也做了大量努力,尤其是目前比较权威的两套翻译标准的颁布起到了很大作用。 To achieve the unification of terminology of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine translation community at home and abroad have also done a great deal of effort, especially compared the authority of the current standards promulgated two sets of translation played a great role. 这两套标准一是由世界中医药学会联合会(以下简称“世界中联”)发布的“中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准”(ISN);另一个则是世界卫生组织西太平洋区域办事处制定的“传统医学名词术语国际标准”(IST)。 First, the two sets of standards by the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (hereinafter referred to as "the world together") issued by "the basic terminology of Chinese medicine bilingual international standards" (ISN); the other is the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Law Department to develop the "traditional medicine terminology international standards" (IST). 然而即使这两套标准也采用了不同的翻译原则,ISN采用拼音、英文、代码、拉丁名等四种翻译标准,而IST的制定标准以不生造新英文单词等原则,着重考虑术语的医学意义进行翻译。 However, even if the two sets of standards are also used different translation principles, ISN using Pinyin, English, code, the Latin translation of four standards, and standard-setting IST not coin a new English words, such as the principle focus on medical terminology the significance of translation. (田文,第140期A5版)两套标准所翻译的此条本来就不多且翻译标准不一,还是没有从根本上解决问题。 (Tian, No. 140 A5 version) two sets of standards for the provision of translation and the translation does not multi-standards, or not fundamentally solve the problem. 因此由中内外医疗界和翻译界合作成立一个权威的组织机构对中医英译的原则和标准进行系统的、规范统一的研究是必由之路。 So from both inside and outside the medical profession and translation-border cooperation to set up an authoritative organization on the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine principles and standards system, and standardize the research is the only way reunification. 另外,就目前的情况来看尽快出版一套统一规范的中医英译名次工具书也显得十分紧迫。 In addition, on the current situation as soon as possible the publication of a standardized tool for Chinese medicine the English translation of the book also appears to place very tight. 问题补充:大家千万不要用网页在线或软件之类的翻译哈那样的话我自己也可以做的了了 Add: Do not use the website or software such as online translation and Kazakhstan, as if I myself can do the

354 评论


Despite the worldwide work of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine has achieved greater development, but the translation of the entire Chinese medicine sector is chaotic, uneven levels of the translation team, has seriously hampered the expansion of external exchanges of Chinese medicine and standardized. In 2008 on October 14-17 at the "2008 Macao World Conference of Chinese medicine" and the standardization of TCM terms of translation problems still haunt the scholars attending the meeting, so far, the terminology of Chinese medicine is still a lack of internationally recognized the unity of the British Translation standards. (Tian, No. 140 A5 version), therefore the English translation of Chinese medicine practitioners to establish a unified standards and the establishment of the authority of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine leadership and management institutions is imperative. To achieve the unification of terminology of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine translation community at home and abroad have also done a great deal of effort, especially compared the authority of the current standards promulgated two sets of translation played a great role. First, the two sets of standards by the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (hereinafter referred to as "the world together") issued by "the basic terminology of Chinese medicine bilingual international standards" (ISN); the other is the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Law Department to develop the "traditional medicine terminology international standards" (IST). However, even if the two sets of standards are also used different translation principles, ISN using Pinyin, English, code, the Latin translation of four standards, and standard-setting IST not coin a new English words, such as the principle focus on medical terminology the significance of translation. (Tian, No. 140 A5 version) two sets of standards for the provision of translation and the translation does not multi-standards, or not fundamentally solve the problem. So from both inside and outside the medical profession and translation-border cooperation to set up an authoritative organization on the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine principles and standards system, and standardize the research is the only way reunification. In addition, on the current situation as soon as possible the publication of a standardized tool for Chinese medicine the English translation of the book also appears to place very tight.

100 评论


Despite the worldwide work of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine has achieved greater development, but the translation of the entire Chinese medicine sector is chaotic, uneven levels of the translation team, has seriously hampered the expansion of external exchanges of Chinese medicine and standardized. In 2008 on October 14-17 at the "2008 Macao World Conference of Chinese medicine" and the standardization of TCM terms of translation problems still haunt the scholars attending the meeting, so far, the terminology of Chinese medicine is still a lack of internationally recognized the unity of the British Translation standards.. (Tian, No. 140 A5 version), therefore the English translation of Chinese medicine practitioners to establish a unified standards and the establishment of the authority of the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine leadership and management institutions is imperative. To achieve the unification of terminology of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine translation community at home and abroad have also done a great deal of effort, especially compared the authority of the current standards promulgated two sets of translation played a great role. First, the two sets of standards by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Institute(Hereinafter referred to as "the world together") issued by "the basic terminology of Chinese medicine bilingual international standards" (ISN); the other is the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Office to develop the "traditional medicine terminology international standards" (IST ). However, even if the two sets of standards are also used different translation principles, ISN using Pinyin, English, code, the Latin translation of four standards, and standard-setting IST not coin a new English words, such as the principle focus on medical terminology the significance of translation. (Tian, No. 140 A5 version) two sets of standards for the provision of translation and the translation does not multi-standardsFirst, they did not fundamentally solve the problem. So from both inside and outside the medical profession and translation-border cooperation to set up an authoritative organization on the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine principles and standards system, and standardize the research is the only way reunification. In addition, on the current situation as soon as possible the publication of a standardized tool for Chinese medicine the English translation of the book also appears to place very tight.

135 评论


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