Chapter 1 Construction of the cofferdam lock status of development and research papers outlined the background and significance Research and abroad the domestic part of the foreign part of the The main work of this paper details are as follows PAH degradation genes Location of the research papers the purpose, significance and research contentChapter 2 Overview Xiangjiang River in Changsha lock Overview hydro-meteorological conditions, hydrological characteristics Temperature Precipitation Summary of engineering geological conditionsChapter 3 of the diversion and closure lock cofferdamDiversion of construction materials Special features of the cofferdam material shortages second-phase cofferdam construction period with a shortage of shipping materials for high diversion measures cofferdam closure design and construction. a closure means closure design calculation model diversion capacity calculation Longkou calculated discharge capacity design closure dike Longkou closure care at the end dumped material wrapped into account the pre-closure and closure head construction Longkou closure closure construction construction strength analysis key control SummaryChapter 4 cofferdam stability cofferdam rock slope stability checking the positive side the positive side concrete cofferdam longitudinal cofferdam slope stability checking back surface silty clay cofferdam downstream slope stability checking (vertical) dorsal surface of the water the sand cofferdam cofferdam slope material cofferdam stability checking the stability analysis of the top cover pre-filled diagonal panel outlet downstream longitudinal cofferdam stability analysis of calculated positive side slope cover the positive side of concrete longitudinal cofferdam sub-panel weir calculation of the positive side of silty clay slope stability checking checking seepage SummaryChapter 5, the main cofferdam construction Construction Construction of concrete film bag film bag ready to film bag laying of concrete panel construction of protective concrete filling concrete transportation construction program, warehousing concrete pouring protection of concrete products concrete curing construction Renault Renault pad pad pad assembly installed and filled Renault Summary
一翻译硕士英语:1、单选20个2、阅读共四篇,其中前两篇后各有5个选择题,后两篇是根据所阅读文章回答问题,共5个问题3、Writing,给了一小段引言,题目方向是“What qualities should a competent person possess?”二英语翻译基础:1、缩略语及专业术语翻译,英译汉和汉译英各占一半 diplomatic asylum genetic mutationInternational Herald TribuneUNFCCCUNEFRamadan non-aligned movement futures businessNAFTA the transference of the title of property......国家质量技术监督局国债专属资金保险索赔优惠关税红白喜事安居工程《论语》常规裁军海协会欲速则不达......2、英译汉,是一篇关于football的文章,7小段,大概内容是足球比赛与战争。3、汉译英,大概内容如下:我国古代先哲通过观察宇宙万物的变动,提出了“天行健,君子以自强不息”,成为中国人民艰苦奋斗自强不息的精神力量。民主革命的先行者孙中山领导的辛亥革命,结束了中国几千年来的君主专制制度。中国共产党的领导,取得民族独立和人民解放,社会主义建设取得举世瞩目的成就。三汉语写作与百科知识:1、百科知识20个名词解释,给出若干段不同内容的文章,每段划出词组,要求给出解释:十七大,人民代表大会制度,民族区域自治制度,人权;布什、撞击事件、阿富汗战争、单极霸权;柳宗元、清明节;论语,儒家文化,《山海经》;日内瓦、卢梭、社会契约论;次级房屋信贷危机,虚拟经济,经济危机2、应用文写作根据所给内容写一封求职信,注意格式,450字以上张君是XX届XX大学翻译专业硕士毕业生,本科阶段第一专业是英语,辅修第二专业中国语言文学。成绩突出多才多艺,多次在翻译演讲大赛中获奖3、现代汉语写作根据对下篇古文的理解,自拟题目,写议论文或记叙文,800字以上。蝜蝂传柳宗元蝜蝂者,善负小虫也。行遇物,辄持取,昂其首负之。背愈重,虽困剧不止也。其背甚涩,物积因不散,卒踬仆不能起。人或怜之,为去其负。苟能行,又持取如故。又好上高,极其力不已。至坠地死。今世之嗜取者,遇货不避,以厚其室。不知为己累也,唯恐其不积。及其怠而踬也,黜弃之,迁徙之,亦以病矣。苟能起,又不艾,日思高其位,大其禄,而贪取滋甚,以近于危坠,观前之死亡不知戒。虽其形魁然大者也,其名人也,而智则小虫也。亦足哀夫!
In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realiz
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