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首页 > 职称论文 > 水果毕业论文的摘要

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文稿叙述中不定数字之后允许用中文计量单位符号,如”几千克至1000kg”。表达时刻时应采用中文计量单位,如”上午8点3刻”,不能写成”8h45min”。 外文字母的正、斜体用法物理量符号用斜体,计量单位等符号均用正体。 数字按国家语言文字工作委员会等七单位1987年发布的《关于出版物上数字用法的试行规定》,除习惯用中文数字表示的以外,一般均采用阿拉伯数字。年份一概写全数,如2000年不能写成00年。 公式原则上居中书写。公式序号按章编排,如第1章第一个公式序号为”()”,附录A中的第一个公式为”()”等。文中引用公式时,一般用”见式()”或”由公式()”。公式中用斜线表示”除”的关系时应采用括号,以免含糊不清,如a/(bcosx)。通常”乘”的关系在前,如acosx/b而不写成(a/b)cosx。 插表表格不加左、右边线。表序一般按章编排,如第1章第一个插表的序号为”表”等。表序与表名之间空一格,表名中不允许使用标点符号,表名后不加标点。表序与表名置于表上,居中书写。

147 评论



326 评论


Fresh fruits and vegetables is essential in the daily life of residents, the price impact of theresidents' quality of life and standard of living. Not only that, the circulation of agricultural products is connected with the production and consumption of agricultural products, agricultural product market information relating to the transfer, the majority of farmers and the interests of to the present stage of our country's logistics technology and current level of backwardness,resulting in fresh fruits and vegetables in circulation in the process of decay, distribution costs are too high, so that the high price of fruits and order to suppress the fruit and vegetable prices rose too fast, safeguard the people's living standards, the government vigorously promote the "agriculture super docking", in an attempt to reduce the circulation link, reduce the circulation cost of vegetables. In many of the "agriculture super docking" model, farmers' professional cooperatives set up a joint agency running thesupermarket, the supermarket direct mode by the vast number of consumers and , fruit and vegetable supermarket chain has gradually developed, providing a variety of inexpensive fruits and vegetables to on the analysis of fruit and vegetable delivery of new Long Jia fruit supermarket as the foundation, through the comparison of domestic and foreign to the fresh agricultural productdistribution and distribution optimization research situation, find a suitable for small and mediumsupermarket fruit and vegetable circulation methods, and should pay attention to in the process of circulation problems, pointed out that the current government also need to do to help with supportfor small and medium supermarket fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable Huimin chain supermarket can better innovation of this paper lies in the new Longjiaguo vegetable supermarket chain distribution as a basis, to the current domestic and foreign chain supermarket distribution model as the basis, themethod of logistics and supply chain management as the guidance, through the optimization of each part of the fruit and vegetable delivery, improve distribution efficiency, saving the cost of distribution, with species diversity, fresh, green health fruit and vegetables for the vast number ofconsumers, to further improve the cost of distribution and present situation of fruit and vegetable products market price fluctuations caused by the large, and is suitable for the development of thedistribution pattern and the government support for small and medium-sized fruit and vegetablechain.谢谢,希望帮到你!

243 评论


学术堂整理了一份农作物毕业论文摘要的撰写要求供大家参考:(1)摘要应具有独立性和自明性,并拥有一次文献同等量的主要信息,即不阅读文献的全文,就能获得必要的信息.因此,摘要是一种可以被引用的完整短文.(2)用第三人称.作为一种可阅读和检索的独立使用的文体,摘要只能用第三人称而不用 其他人称来写.有的摘要出现了"我们"、"作者"作为摘要陈述的主语,一般讲,这会减弱摘要表述的客观性,有时也会出现逻辑上讲不通.(3)排除在本学科领域方面已成为常识的或科普知识的内容.(4)不得简单地重复论文篇名中已经表述过的信息.(5)要客观如实地反映原文的内容,要着重反映论文的新内容和作者特别强调的观点.(6)要求结构严谨、语义确切、表述简明、一般不分段落;切忌发空洞的评语,不作模棱 两可的结论.(7)要采用规范化的名词术语.(8)不使用图、表或化学结构式,以及相邻专业的读者尚难于清楚理解的缩略语、简称、 代号.(9)不得使用一次文献中列出的章节号、图、表号、公式号以及参考文献号.(10)要求使用法定计量单位以及正确地书写规范字和标点符号.(11)要求使用众所周知的国家、机构、专用术语尽可能用简称或缩写.(12)长度要在杂志要求的下限与上限之间.

308 评论



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