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大学的毕业论文,是写《论简爱的双重人格》,在写论文的时候就把小说看了几遍,然后又把其翻拍的电影,几个版本的电影也看了。看了好几部简爱的电影之后,比较出来了其中的差异。由于简爱翻拍的电影版本据说有18个之多,在这里呢,只选取三个能代表时代的电影来说。 第一部简爱电影是四十年代美国黑白版的,由罗伯特.斯蒂芬森导演,奥讯.威尔斯、琼.芳登、玛格丽特.奥布莱恩主演。黑白电影电影的开头是拿着一本书在读里面的语句。这情节展现略显无力,语句略显苍白。在小说中,简爱的舅妈是贵族,他们住在一个叫海茨盖德的大房子里面。怎么说也能算得上是独门别墅吧。小说里的描写呢,他们装修的挺豪华的。可是在这一部电影里面,除去是黑白电影的原因,我看到房子里的装修根本就特别的简单。根本就没有近代贵族工业的一点豪华奢侈的土豪感。同样在桑菲尔德这个大别墅里面,我也没有见到过特别的豪华。可以说的上是除了必须的家具之外,四壁空空,很少画像啊,装饰啊什么的。再加上是黑白电影,光线不好的原因,让人觉得好像是在拍鬼片。而且人物的穿着也让人觉得不怎么奢侈豪华。最近的欧洲近代的服饰中,他们的服装的应该是有很多花边的,而在,电影里面衣服花边我觉得却不够。 这里电影里的演员,简.爱的演员找的的相对来说还算是比较漂亮的,没有小说里说的那么五官平平,但是身材就确实不高大。罗切斯特先生这个演员选的就我觉得真的很丑,作为一个欧洲人,肤色又黑,比黄种人黑。五官根本不像是欧洲人,脸胖胖的,嘴唇也是有点厚,像非洲与亚洲人的混血。 在简爱小说开头的时候,作者极力表现她在她舅妈家里受到的不公平待遇。重点是描写他表哥打她她反抗的时候被舅妈关进了红房子里的那种恐惧、害怕。在这一章里简有很多的内心的描写。但是在电影里面根本就是简略的说了一下这件事情,没有把她内心的恐惧和她舅妈虐待她的那种对比展现出来。简直就是一大遗憾。只是在她走的时候,她吼了几句恨她舅妈,不喜欢她、不喜欢再回来这个房子的话。我觉得人物内心的活动表现得很不够。后来她去到一所孤儿院里面学习与生活。电影里把这一非常清贫,甚至是很不近人情的画面拍摄得还是不错。冬天让女孩们穿很少的衣服去室外劳作,吃的东西呢早上总是糊了的烂粥,虽然很多但很难吃,而且饿到中午也只有一点点吃的东西,而且还经常被人家高年级的抢去,除去了这些她们如果犯了一点错就要受到极大的惩罚。天天在这种环境中生活人都会被压抑疯了吧? 后来她去了一所她应聘的家庭当家庭教师。这里的小说的重点就是讲她与罗切斯特先生心理互动。而这里也用了大量的心理描写,但是在电影里展现不出来,电影用语言来表达出人物内心活动,这让内心体会下降了很多。不知道是东西方文化的差异,我没有领悟到的,还是电影真的没有表现出来,我是看不到他们之间的内心活动以及强烈的感情。整部电影看起来可能会觉得比较乏味,如果不看小说,有些地方情节转换太快,根本看不懂。看了小说,就觉得电影不好看了。在得知罗切斯特先生有了妻子之后他离开了,但是却是回到了她舅妈家,这点我非常的不喜欢,因为她舅妈家那是她童年的阴影,而这里,她竟然就把它当作了走投无路最后的去处和寄托。因此忽略了她本该离开后与圣约翰的相识经过。很多人都觉得,40年代版的简爱呢,有点像舞台剧,表演程式化,看起来细节处理不好。确实是这样。 不过当时的电影技术还不成熟,黑白电影敢挑战经典文学作品,能拍出来都是给社会一种极大的鼓舞,对后来的各种翻拍也是开了一个先例。 第二是七十年代英国版的,(一说是97年)这次是彩色的。由盖玛.琼斯导演,萨曼莎.莫顿、盖伦.希德主演。这一次前面关于红房子,对简爱内心的描写白色的很好,观众一看就能感受得到,亲小时候受到的不公平待遇。 里面人物服装比较颜色鲜明,款式多样。贵族看上去呢,穿的比较豪华,像样一些,他们的发型也是。对于别墅里面的装修也相当相对人说好话了,嗯,无论是在编的话啊,家具,摆设装饰之类的都比较的漂亮、豪华,高贵。 在凸显简看到罗切斯特先生和英格拉姆小姐在一起的吃醋情与内心自卑时镜头的特写给得很长,表现得很到位。同时也展现了罗切斯特对她的关注,但此时的简太自卑,不敢相信这是罗切斯特对她的特别关注, 第三是96年版的,由凯瑞.福永导演,主演是米娅.华希科沃斯卡、迈克尔.法斯宾德。采用倒序的手法,镜头是从简知道罗切斯特先生有妻子后从桑菲尔德逃出来的画面开始,然后被圣约翰姐弟救下,开始回忆往事。这个镜头把她内心的绝望与伤心就表现得生动传神,这个简的演员据说经过精挑细选,最后确定了这个看起来表情气质非常非常符合简的露丝。很多人都说,这是把原著还原程度最高的电影,我认为拍摄得与我第二个介绍的电影差别不是很大。(这就是我的一点点小见解,欢迎交流各自看法) 每个人对经典的理解与感悟不同,再加上时代局限性,拍出来的肯定会有不同,如果拍出来都一样,那也就没意思了。文学不像理科,一个结果怎样就怎样,一条结论研究出来是什么就不能改。它有千种形式,而且没有对错之分。

302 评论


The Analysis of the Professional Leon(此文是这个杀手不太冷的影评) The Meaning of Life—Hope The Professional Leon which is directed by Luc Besson is an attractive and affecting movie. It is a story about a professional killer and a 14-year-old girl. In my opinion, this film reflects the influence of hope in people’s lives. Life is a magic thing. It is like a thick forest and when we walk through it, we need hope to lead us. Hope can change one’s mind. Hope can change one’s first reason is the change between the settings from the beginning to the end. The film began with the oppressive cityscapes: roads, streets, alleys and then the screen turned dark. They are the characteristics of Film Noir. Besides, the protagonist Leon appeared from a black shot which is a special close-up. In addition, the following shot are fighting in some rooms. The whole beginning leads to a mood of cold and oppression. However, at the end of the film is a scene of orphanage. The sunshine illuminated the trees and the grass. The scene is bright and warm. Then the shot got far and far. This showed that life was going on and the sunshine brought us hope to live. The world turned peace again, and the mood turned soft and cozy. Therefore, the change of the beginning and the end showed the dark had gone and everyone got their hope. In this film, there is a symbol of hope-Leon’s evergreen. It ran through the whole film. The protagonist Leon, at fist, was a typical killer who was skillful and cold. The evergreen for him is the hope of life. It meant Leon’s valuable memory-the girl he loved. Everyday he cleaned the leaves of the evergreen carefully. He thought the evergreen was quiet and happy, so he took care of it as his most valuable thing. Actually, he lived in his memory and what he must protect is the hope-evergreen. For Leon, there was no meaning of the reality until he met the girl –Mathilda. When the girl implored Leon to open the door, he hesitated. Yes, of course. It was because everything would change since he opened the door. Actually, Leon was a simple, kind and attentive man who was not good at express himself. We can know that from watching old movie and ironing clothes. After accepting the girl, Leon chose the responsibility in his heart. His life changed because his hope changed. His living purpose was to protect the girl and revenge on Stan. Furthermore, his good-side was stimulated by the girl’s love. They were interdependent as a special relationship. I fact, Leon was not a killer any more since he met Mathilda. He was a real man. Another hope is reflected by Mathilda’s attitude of life. Mathilda’s family was inharmonious. She couldn’t feel love in this family, so she became unyielding and mature at an early age. She hated her relatives except her little brother. If she didn’t met Leon, her life would be out of imagination. When Leon opened the door, a light shone on Mathilda. This light of life is a symbol of change. Since she lived with Leon, she felt care from Leon, and she fell in love with him. She wanted to be with him forever. The hope of her life is Leon. She took care of their“home”and took care of him. When Leon ordered her go, she was in agony. She knew that she wouldn’t see him again. She was afraid that the hope of life would disappear. At last, she planted the evergreen near the orphanage, and the evergreen became her hope. She got a new view of this world, and she would cherish the memory of Leon who saved her life and soul. This story is a fairy tale of killer. The killer managed to protect his hope as the expanse of his life, whereas he died in comfort. Maybe, there is another dark world concealed near us. However, it is because the shine of hope has not illuminated it. And the meaning of life is the process of seeking hope.

226 评论


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