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Comprehensive approach of power system contingency analysisJ. Deuse, Member, IEEE, K. Karoui, Member, IEEE, A. Bihain, J. DuboisAbstract—Security of supply in power system supposes that the robustness of the system can be guaranteed in case of credible contingencies. This robustness relies on structural redundancy and on security margins. Traditionally, the “N-1” contingency analysis has been used for such check. This methodology leads to the definition of “sizing incidents”, or credible contingencies[1]. The system is said “N-1” secure if it remains within its operating domain for these “sizing incidents”. Today some trends exist for relaxing the application of this criterion. This means that some emergency control actions must be implemented in the system for guaranteeing its security. This asks for their representation in the methodological approach used for evaluating the security of supply. This is not possible with traditional Terms—Interconnected power system, industrial power system, load flow analysis, power generation control, reactive power control, voltage control, power system dynamic stability, power system transient stability, static VAR . INTRODUCTIONT HE continuity of service in developed system is certainly the main concern of system operators. For reaching high level performances, electric sector had, until recently, all necessary means at disposal: rigorous planning of the development of the system, integrated management of generation and transmission, investment capacities in concordance with technical objectives agreed between the different components of the society. This favorable situation permitted to maintain power system operation at sufficient distances from its physical limits, with few concerns about what could happen if such limits were overtaken. Very deep incidents, quite rare, revealed often some risks attached to particular deterioration mechanisms, which were previously completely ignored by system unbundling is progressively modifying the conditions for such controlled management of power system security. Indeed, the free access to the interconnected system, bilateral contracts settled between generating companies and consumers make conditions of operation more and more unforeseeable. The quest for the maximum economical efficacy leads to the use of interconnection capacities far above levels expected when they were these changes lead to the operation of the system nearer to their physical or to their stability limits; this increases the risk of transgression of these limits in case of emergencies全面的方法的电力系统应急分析 学者Deuse ,各会员协会,光Karoui ,各会员协会,答: Bihain ,学者杜波依斯 摘要,供应的安全性在电力系统的鲁棒性支撑的系统能够得到保障的情况下可靠的紧急情况。这鲁棒性依赖于结构性过剩和安全利润率。传统上, “ N一1 ”应急分析了用于这种检查。这种方法导致的定义, “浆纱事件” ,或可信意外[ 1 ] 。该系统是说: “ N一1 ”的安全,如果这是在其经营的域名,这些“浆纱事件” 。今天,一些趋势存在放宽这一标准的应用。这意味着,一些紧急控制行动必须得到执行的制度,保障其安全。这要求他们的代表的方法用来评估供应的安全性。这是不可能与传统的工具。 指数条件的互联电力系统,工业电源系统,负载流量分析,发电控制,无功功率控制,电压控制,电力系统动态稳定,电力系统暂态稳定,静止无功补偿。 导言 Ť何连续性的服务,开发的系统当然是主要关注的系统运营商。为达到高水平的表演,电部门,直到最近,一切必要手段处置:严格规划的发展体系,综合管理的发电和输电,投资能力的技术目标一致商定的不同组成部分的社会。这种良好局面允许电力系统运行保持足够的距离,在其物理极限,很少关注可能发生的,如果这种限制是超越。非常深刻的事件,相当罕见,显示一定的风险往往重视特别恶化的机制,以前被完全忽略了运营商。 电力系统分拆正逐步修改的条件,例如控制管理的电力系统安全。事实上,自由进入互联系统,双边之间的合同解决发电公司和消费者提出的运营状况越来越多的不可预见的。追求最大的经济效果导致使用互连能力远高于预期水平时,他们建造。 所有这些变化导致该系统的运作接近其物理或其稳定极限;这增加了风险侵的这些限制在紧急情况下

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344 评论


肇庆500kV换流站电气部分综述 推荐 下载阅读CAJ格式全文 下载阅读PDF格式全文 【英文篇名】 Summarizing on the Electric Part of Zhaoqing Converting Plant 【作者中文名】 李家干; 【作者英文名】 Guangdong Power Transmission and Substation Engineering Co. Li Jia Gan; 【作者单位】 广东省输变电工程公司; 【文献出处】 广东输电与变电技术, Guangdong Power Transmission Technolo, 编辑部邮箱 2004年 06期 期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【关键词】 肇庆换流站; 电气设计; 主设备及施工要点; 【英文关键词】 Zhaoqing Converting Plant The design of electric part Main equipments and it s construction key-point; 【摘要】 本文对肇庆换流站的电气设计及主设备和施工要点作一个简单的介绍。 【英文摘要】 An ordinary introduction on the design of electric part, main equipments and the key-point of construction of Zhaoqing Converting Plant has been provided in this article. 【DOI】 cnki:ISSN: qq问问最多回答2000字,我没法把全文粘上来国内比较权威的数据库为万方和中国知网万方数据库下载论文,期刊等收费,3元/篇中国知网的收费标准一般是元/页事先还要注册会员,登陆收费,预付费等问题比较麻烦推荐你去我朋友的小店【默默论文大全】 资费标准: 2元/篇 3元/2篇如果店里没有,可以留言,一个工作日内回复也可以帮忙下载万方和中国知识总库的论文,提供论文名称,作者名称或网址(仅限万方和中网)一个工作日内下载完毕收费同上购物流程第一步:请先到 中拍下1篇论文或者多篇第二步:再发送邮件到 写下你需要的文章题目第三步:1个工作日内回复信件,附件即为论文

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    Comprehensive approach of power system contingency analysisJ. Deuse, Member, IEE

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    以下均可参考,从参考网址进入,合适的话,给我加分!谢谢1.基于labVIEW虚拟滤波器的设计与实现 2.双闭环直流调速系统设计3.单片机脉搏测量仪

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