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端点许可控制:建筑的议题和表现一个以测量为基础的许可- 受约束的网络伺候器

338 评论



232 评论


-_-! 想的很是美美,英语论文就算了,随便找找,还得翻译中文哇天下没那等没事哟~ 祝福LZ呢~

121 评论


湖南软件学院计算机专业英语(论文) 第1页 On Information Resources Abstract: With the development of human society, the way people gather information more and more resources as a special social resources, With strategic nature, can spread the properties, it can increase the properties and comprehensive quality characteristics. Information resource with great economic and social value, not only is important to take a new road to industrialization led forces, but also changes the mode of production and social progress in an enormous boost. Keywords: theoretical exploration; information resources; Transformation 1 Introductio Information resources, as a special configuration has a special meaning and forms of social resources, their role is with each passing day growing. Information resources are the basic elements of modern social productive forces, while change in the way of social production and people's way of life enhancement, resulting in an invaluable influence and promote the role. At the same time in the modern society, the content of information resources is continuously expanding to include not only the growing number of natural science information resources, but also times of social science information resources. The availability of information resources and use of attention is whether the growth of a country's comprehensive national strength is an important factor, but also the extent a country is an important symbol of modernization.

174 评论


1。终端许可控制:构造的问题和表现2。一个面向测量的许可控制网络服务器这个应该标准一点吧,希望能对你有帮助!估计Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2000 没有中文版

291 评论


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