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- Liu SP, Zhu YP, Xie C, Jue DW, Hong YB, Chen M, Hubdar AK, Yang Q(2012)Transgenic Potato Plants Expressing StoVe1 Exhibit Enhanced Resistance to Verticillium dahliae. Plant Mol Biol Rep,- Wei Q, Feng ZH, Wang QY, Wang B, Zhang YF, Yang Q (2012) Increased accumulation of anthocyanins in transgenic potato tubers by over-expression of 3GT gene. Plant Biotechnol Rep,6: 69–75- Wang QY, Chen Q, He ML, Mir PY, Su JY and Yang Q (2011): Inhibitory effect of antioxidant extracts from various potatoes on the proliferation of human colon and liver cancer cells, Nutr Cancer. 63(7):1044-1052- Xie YJ, Cui WT, Yuan XX, Shen WB, Yang Q (2011) Haem Oxygenase-1 is Associated with Wheat Salinity Acclimation by Modulating Reactive Oxygen Species Homeostasis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 53( 8): 653-670- Xie YJ, Xu S, Han B, Wu MZ, Yuan XX, Han Y, Gu Q, Xu DK, Yang Q and Shen WB (2011) Evidence of Arabidopsis salt acclimation induced by up-regulation of HY1 and the regulatory role of RbohD-derived reactive oxygen. species synthesis. Plant Journal, 66(2):280-292- Li C, Huang B, Yan XH, Wang LJ, Yang Q, and Wei WH, Cloning, identification and characterization of a repetitive sequence flanking telomere and homologous to canrep in Brassica napus. Botanical Studies,2010, 51: 421-430- Guo JL, Yu CL, Fan CY, Lu QN, Yin JM, Zhang YF, Yang Q(2010)Cloning and characterization of a potato TFL1 gene involved in tuberization regulation. Plant cell, tissue and organ Culturue, 103:103-109- Zhang F, Wang Z, Huang QS, Huang LP, Yang Q (2010) Cloning and Characterization of a PGIP-encoding Gene from Solanum torvum. Agriculrural Sciences in China, 9(6):921-927- Wang Z, GuoJL, ZhangF, Huang QS, HuangLP, and YangQ(2010) Differential Expression Analysis by cDNA-AFLP of Solanum torvum upon Verticillium dahliae Infection. Russ. J. of Plant Physiology, 57(5):676-684- Wang Z, Chen CQ, Yuan XX, Xu S, Yang Q, Shen WB (2009) Mitigative effect of exogenous carbon monoxide on cell death in rice suspension-cultured celld under salt stress. Plant Physiology Communications, 45(7):643-646- Zeng BY, Wang Z, Zhang YF, Yang Q, Lu W. (2009) Cryopreservation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) embryonic cell suspensions by encapsulaition-dehydration. Plant Physiology Communications, 45(6):603-606- Hong He, Rachid Serraj, Qing Yang(2009)Changes in OsXTH gene expression, ABA content, and peduncle elongation in rice subjected to drought at the reproductive stage. Acta Physiol Plant 31(4):749–756- Liu SQ, Xu L, Jia ZQ, Xu Y, Yang Q, Fei ZJ, Chen HM, Huang SW (2008) Genetic association of ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3-like sequence with the sex-determining M locus in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Theor Appl Genet. 117:927-933- Guo JL, Yang Q. (2008) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a LFY homologous gene from poato. Plant Mol Biol Rep 26:324-334- Liang F, Shen LZ, Chen M and Yang Q (2008) Formation of intercellular gas space in the diaphragm during the development of aerenchyma in the leaf petiole of Sagittaria trifolia. Aquatic Botany, 88(3):185-195- Liang F, Wang Z, Guo JL, Shen LZ and Yang Q (2008) Dynamic changes of mineral element in the cell wall of growth cells detected by CSEM-EDX. Pregress in Biochemistry and biophysics, 35(2):1-11- ZOU HW, WU ZY, ZHANG XH, WANG YQ, YANG Q, CAO MQ, and HUANG CL (2008) Cloning and Characterization of Maize ZmASK1, a Homologue to Shaggy/GSK-3-like Gene, Involved in Plant Responses to Abiotic Stresses. ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA, 34(2): 184−191- Zhang JJ, Hao GP, Wu ZY, Zhang XH, Wang YQ, Yang Q, Cao MQ, Liu SG and Huang CL (2008) Nucleotide variation in ATHK1 region of Arabidopsis thaliana and its association study with drought tolerance. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (3): 224-233- Xing YJ, Yang Q, Ji Q, Luo YM, Zhang YF, Gu K and Wang DZ (2007)Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation parameters for sweet potato embryogenic callus using-glucuronidase (GUS) as a reporter. African Journal of Biotechnology , 6 (22): 2578-2584- Guo JL,Yang Q,Liang F, Xing YJ and Wang Z (2007) Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Novel CONSTANS-like From Potato. Biochemistry, 72(11):1241-1246- GUO Q, XIANG AL, YANG Q and YANG ZM(2007)Bioinformatic identification of microRNAs and their target genes from Solanum tuberosum expressed sequence tags. Chinese Science Bulletin,52(17):2380-2389- Zhang SH, Yang Q and Ma RC (2007) Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora Infection Induced Defense Lignin Accumulation and Lignin Biosynthetic Gene Expression in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49 (7): 993-1002- Qiao F, Yang Q, Wang CL, Fan YL, Wu XF and Zhao KJ (2007) Modification of plant height via RNAi suppression of OsGA20ox2 gene in rice. Euphytica, 158 (1-2): 35-45- Jiang MH, Huang XQ, Li L, Li Y and Yang Q (2007) Effects of genotype and hormones on the regeneration of transgenic potato plant. Seeds, 26(8): 1-4- Zhang SH, Yang Q and Ma RC (2006) Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of BrMyb from Erwinia carotovora subsp. Carotovora diseased Chinese cabbage. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6 (5): 516-522- Zhang Y, Guo JL, Lu QN and Yang Q (2006) Cloning and expression analysis of PHYA cDNA from wild potato (Solanum pinnatisectum). Plant Physiology Communications, 42(6): 1081-1086- Xiao X., Zhang XH, Yang Q, Zou HW, Wu ZY, Yu R, Cao MQ and Huang CL (2006) Subcellular Localization of ZmSPK1, A Protein Kinase from Maize, in Transgenic Arabidopsis. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 21(3): 1-4- Li YY, Wang Z, Liang F, Shen LZ, Yan JY, and Yang Q (2006) RAPD analysis of the genomic DNA of CMS line 70 and its maintainer line 71 in onion. Biotechnology Bulletin, 6: 100-102- Lu QN,Yang Q and Zou HW(2006)Effects of cerium on the accumulation of anthocyanins and expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in in-vitro potato tissue . Journal of rare earths, 24(4):479-484- Lu QL and Yang Q (2006) Cloning and expression of anthociaynin biosynthetic genes in wild potato. African Journal of Biotechnology , 5 (10): 811-818- Zou HW, Wu ZY, Xiao X, Zhang XH, Cao MQ, Jia WS, Huang CL and Yang Q (2006) Gene expression analyses of ZmPti1, encoding a maize Pti-like kinase, suggest a role in stress signaling. Plant Science 171: 99-105- Zou HW, Yang Q, Zhang XH, Zhao JR, Wu ZY, Wang FG and Huang CL (2006) Cloning and Characterization of Maize ZmSPK1, a Homologue to Nonfermenting1-Related Protein Kinase2. African Jounal of Biotechnology 5 (6): 490-496- Shi RJ, Yin Y, Wang Z, Chen M and Yang Q (2006) Cloning and analysis of full-length cDNA of StoVe1 gene from Solanum torvum. Plant Physiology Communication 44(4):638-642 (in Chinese)- Xu LL, Lu D, Lu W, Zhang RX and Yang Q (2006) Establishment of suspension cell line of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and effects of different media on biomass. Plant Physiology Communication 44(4):612-616 (in Chinese)- Li Y Y, Yang Q and Yan J Y and Chen M (2006) Cytoplasmic Male-Sterility of Onion (Allium cepa L.) 63A Is Associated with Premature Degeneration of the Tapetum. Acta Agronomica Sinica 32(3):369-372- Zhang y, Yang Q and Chen M (2006) In-vitro production of microtubers from wild potato. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 33(2):369- Wang YH, Wu ZY, Zhang XH, Huang CL and Yang Q (2006) Stable transfortion of phaC2 gene in tobacco chloroplast genome and maternal inheritance of transgenes. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology 14(2):213-218(in Chinese)- Shi RJ, Zhao ML and Yang Q (2006) Cloning and analysis of glutathione reductase gene from Leymus of Northwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and Forestry 34(2):61-67(in Chinese)- Qiao F, Fan YL, Yang Q and Zhao KJ (2006) RNAi molecular mechanism and its application in plant functional genomics research. Biotechnology belletin 4: 20-24- Xiao X , Zhang X , Yang Q , Zou HW , Wu ZY , Yu R , Cao MQ and Huang CL (2006) Subcellular Localization of ZmSPK1 , A Protein Kinase from Maize , in Transgenic Arabidopsis. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica 21(3):1-4- Wang YH, Wu ZY, Zhang XH, Chen GQ, Wu Q, Huang CL and Yang Q (2005) Synthesis of medium-chain-length-polyhydroxyalkanoates in tobacco via chloroplast genetic engineering. Chinese Science Belletin 50 (11): 1113-1120- Shi RJ, Zhao ML and Yang Q (2005) Cloning and Analysis of cDNA segment of glutathione reductase in Leymus multicaulis. Acta Bot. . Sin. 25(5): 881-886 (in Chinese)- Zhao CL, Guo WM, Yang Q and Chen JY (2005) Cloning of full-length F3’H of Nanjing hongxu (Prunus Mume) by gDNA-based TAIL-PCR. Acta Bot. . (12): 2378-2385七、科研合作1. 加拿大农业与农业食品部马铃薯研究中心2. 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所八、讲授课程1. 现代分子生物学(硕士/博士, 获校级和省级优秀研究生课程)2. 分子生物学研究方法(硕士/博士,校级研究生重点建设课程)3. 分子细胞生物学(硕士,博士)4. 分子生物学研究进展(博士)5. 细胞工程(本科)

284 评论


Ramsey的这篇《对税收理论的一个贡献》的论文实际上开创并奠定了现代税收理论的基础,但却在20世纪30年代至70年代前长期被西方学界与政府忽视。1970年,鲍莫尔(W· Baumol)对规模经济显著行业的定价问题的集中研究让这篇论文重回视野。 戴尔蒙(Peter A. Diamond)与米尔利斯(James Mirrlees)合作在1971年的《美国经济评论》上连续发表了两篇论文,即《最优税收与公共生产I:生产的有效性》与《最优税收与公共生产II:税收规则》(这两篇论文同时入选AER百年top20论文),其讨论的内容把兰姆塞规则从“一个家庭”的情形推广到不同的家庭共存于一种经济中的情形。也因此,两者成为激励理论的奠基人,分别于2010年和1996年获得诺贝尔经济学奖。

177 评论


aer即美国经济评论《美国经济评论》(The American Economic Review)是同行评审的经济学领域期刊基本介绍1911年创刊,由美国经济学会每季发行一次(发行月份为3、6、9、12月),2011年之后改为双月刊(发行月份为2、4、6、8、10、12月),另外还有每年5月出版美国经济学会年会的论文及会议议程的专辑。它在经济学领域,被视为最具有学术声望的重要期刊之一。现任编辑为耶鲁大学的Pinelopi koujianou Goldberg教授,前两任编辑分别为约翰霍普金斯大学的Robert A. Moffitt教授和伯南克。 许多著名的学术文章见于此期刊,如:The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment (1958), by Franco Modigliani and MertonGustibus Non Est Disputandum (1977), by George Stigler and Gary Theory of Production (1928), by Paul Douglas and Charles Cobb.

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