In January and July of each year, the Bureau of Labor and Industries publishes the prevailing wage rates thatare required to be paid to workers on non-residential public works projects in the state of Oregon. Quarterly updates are published in April and October. (NOTE: Different rates apply to residential projects. ContactBOLI for more information.) Unless specifically exempted by state law, prevailing wage rates are the minimum wages that must be paid to all workers employed on all public works. These rates are determined using data collected from an annualstatewide construction industry wage survey of occupations and crafts performing commercial building andheavy and highway construction in 14 geographic regions of the separate publication, entitled “Definitions of Covered Occupations for Public Works Contracts in Oregon,” provides occupational definitions used to classify the duties performed on public works projects. Another publication, entitled “PREVAILNG WAGE RATES for Public Works Contracts in Oregon subject toBOTH the state PWR and federal Davis-Bacon Act,” provides the applicable rates to be paid to workers on projects subject to both the state Prevailing Wage Rate law and federal Davis-Bacon Act. These publications are available upon request and are also available electronically at requires that the applicable wage rates be incorporated into all bid specifications for publicworks contracts subject to the PWR law. A statement incorporating the applicable prevailing wage rate publication and any amendments thereto or Davis-Bacon wage rate determination into the specifications byreference will satisfy these requirements. Such reference must include the title of the applicable wage rates publication or determination and the date of the publication or determination as well as the date of anyapplicable amendments. A provision that prevailing wage rates must be paid must also appear in the , the rates in effect at the time the bid specifications are first advertised are those that apply for theduration of the project. There are some exceptions to this rule: If during the bidding process, the prevailing wage rates change, the public agency has the option of amending the bid specifications to reflect such changes. If a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) is used on the project, the rates in effect atthe time the CM/GC contract becomes a public works contract are the applicable rates to be used for the duration of the project. (See OAR (6) for more information.) Note that the applicable ratesfor purposes of compliance with the federal Davis-Bacon Act may be different than the applicable rates for purposes of compliance with Oregon’s prevailing wage rate laws. The effective federal rates will be those as determined under 29 CFR . If you identify any errors in the rates published, or if you have any questions regarding application of thestate PWR law or the applicable rates to be
随着各类建筑的不断发展,建筑规模越来越大,层次越来越高,建筑的标准也越来越高。新建的各类大楼都具备人员密集、设备先进、功能多、装饰豪华等特点,因此,火灾自动报警和自动灭火系统已成为高层建筑不可缺少的重要组成部分。本设计是以AT89C51单片机为主控芯片,用TLC1543模数转换芯片模拟烟雾浓度检测传感器,用18B20对环境温度进行实时检测,并模拟了视频监控触发开关对环境进行跟踪和报警,并配上单片机的复位电路,时钟电路,液晶显示电路等共同完成了基于单片机的大楼防火报警系统设计。在本设计中,用protues仿真硬件电路,以keil C51作为软件仿真平台,联合调试共同完成了本系统的设计,仿真效果良好。 目 录摘 要 1目 录 2第1章 绪论 课题研究的背景 课题研究的目的和意义 课题研究的国内外发展现状 4第2章 大楼防火报警系统方案论证与芯片的准备 设计思路 方案论证与对比 芯片的准备工作 AT89C51简介 DS18B20测温芯片 AD转换芯片TLC1543 GPRS短信报警芯片TC35i 液晶显示模块LCD1602 16第3章 大楼防火报警系统硬件电路设计 单片机复位电路 时钟电路 稳压电源 烟雾浓度检测电路 测温模块设计 显示模块设计 21第4章 系统软件实现和整体调试 软件环境介绍 软件设计方案及流程图 软硬件结合调试 24第5章 总结与展望 33参考文献 34
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In January and July of each year, the Bureau of Labor and Industries publishes t
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