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《中文核心期刊要目总览》(自然科学)(四区) 序号 期刊名称(中文) 学科门类 1 科学通报 综合性科学技术 2 遥感学报 测绘学 3 气象学报 大气科学(气象学) 4 高原气象 大气科学(气象学) 5 中国科学.D辑,地球科学 地质学 6 第四纪研究 地质学 7 海洋学报 海洋学 8 地理学报 地理学 9 地理研究 地理学 # 地理科学 地理学 # 人文地理 地理学 # 干旱区地理 地理学 # 中国沙漠 地理学 # 经济地理 地理学 # 地理科学进展 地理学 # 干旱区研究 地理学 # 地球科学进展 地理学 # 冰川冻土 地理学 # 山地学报 地理学 # 湖泊科学 地理学 # 干旱区资源与环境 地理学 # 生态学报 生物科学 # 应用生态学报 生物科学 # 生物多样性 生物科学 # 微生物学报 生物科学 # 水生生物学报 生物科学 # 中国科学.C辑,生命科学 生物科学 # 生态学杂志 生物科学 # 植物生态学报 生物科学 # 西北植物学报 生物科学 # 植物分类学报 生物科学 # 云南植物研究 生物科学 # 动物学报 生物科学 # 昆虫学报 生物科学 # 中国农业科学 综合性农业科学 # 土壤学报 农业基础科学 # 水土保持学报 农业基础科学 # 土壤 农业基础科学 # 土壤通报 农业基础科学 # 植物营养与肥料学报 农业基础科学 # 水土保持通报 农业基础科学 # 水土保持研究 农业基础科学 # 中国生态农业学报 农业基础科学 # 农业工程学报 农业工程 # 园艺学报 园艺 # 林业科学 林业 # 林业科学研究 林业 # 林业资源管理 林业 # 草业学报 畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 # 草业科学 畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 # 水利学报 水利工程 # 水科学进展 水利工程 # 环境科学 环境科学、安全科学 # 中国环境科学 环境科学、安全科学 # 环境科学学报 环境科学、安全科学 # 环境污染治理技术与设备(改名为:环境工程学报) 环境科学、安全科学 # 环境科学研究 环境科学、安全科学 # 自然灾害学报 环境科学、安全科学 # 自然资源学报 环境科学、安全科学 # 中国人口、资源与环境 环境科学、安全科学

324 评论


fhghjfgsdtfjsgftsdfudfgfcsdtgshdtysrfcftew6iruywftsdgcftasdsfdate5qdgraedywdftqrftsdrqywtruuywtyiytruuwqyhghd6fwioqroqicskifmxakldiefggrcuhefucdsjcjivuhvgyyvgygvyugisgfigkauhfusegvgvjhkhkvhuhauweualudlwehurfuhdhvjsdkladvhuyrfyafydyfahefjakwedhuyfoyafiysaiftiaftfdgshdtejefasdfgdhftreftrgfrgfawerfawjehwfkeyrhdyrhjf7 r fyyffugyjhhjghikkilgfhdwjfkhghdghdfghghgddjgjsvjhgjhfjghj会根据客户开发环境好地方工会的后果

186 评论


[1] ChenBaiMing, ChenAnNing, ZhangZhengFeng etc. Straw gasification commercial development driver and restrictive factors analysis [J]. Journal of natural resources, 2007,22 (1) : 62-69 [2] LiXiuJin. Solid waste engineering [M].beijing: China environmental science press: 2003:352 366 [3]. ZhouChuanYun crops straw ZhangJinTao, energy utilization status and prospects [J]. Brew, 2007,34 (4) : 12-15 [4] ZhongHuaPing, YueYanZhen, FanJiangWen. China crops straw resources and its utilization resource science [J] J (4) : 62-64 [5] ChenDongDong, high exuberant, Chen source. China crops straw resource utilization of ecological effect and technical options analysis [J].journal of Chinese agriculture bulletin, 2007,23 (10) : 143-149 [6] ZhangRongCheng, LiXiuJin. Crops straw energy conversion technology research progress of modern chemical [J], 75-79 (6) : 14-17 [7]. YuAiHua straw cascade utilization for substance and energy method, the benefits and policy Suggestions [8]. "ZhangQuanGuo biogas technology and its application". Chemical industry press. 2008. 3 [9]. Crops straw, ren gladman present status of utilization and development prospects [J]. Agricultural technology and equipment, 2008 (2) : 123-124 [10] RuanWenQuan etc. Small towns biogas production technology progress of waste. China methane. Yag) powders (4) : 28 [11] YangDeRong. Straw comprehensive utilization technology and application [J]. Rural practical engineering technology. 2004, (8) : 58-59 [12] TianYi water, MengHaiBo, SunLiYing YaoZong road. "straw, technology and project" energy-oriented [13] QiuGong crops straw. Our country present status of utilization for agricultural machinery and characteristics. . Use and maintain [14] liu leave fai, punishment ii and, GaoChengFang, etc. Domestic and foreign soil carbon storage research progress and existing problems and prospect. Soil bulletin, 2009,40 (3) : 697-701 [15] Seinfeld J H, Pandis S n. Atmospheric physics: upon and climate - air to stronger leaves something. New York: Wiley/Interscience, 1997 [16] Zhang Zhang Ruihong, Biogasification Zhiqin rice straw. J of an anaerobic digester system registry. - Bioresourcw solids Technology. 1999,68:235-245 [17] grass to nergy creative phase - put anaerobic digestion. - Management. 2002, arrive (22) : 1-5 [18] European Renewable Energy Agency - Renewable Energy centers Barometers: The Biogas Barometer [EB/OL]. HTTP: / / www. Org/renouvelables. Would - observ - er/stat_baro/observ _b. PDF, baro179/2007. 2007-04-17. [19] Lawrence AW, Mccarty PL. Kinetics of 1969. Anaerobic Treatment in Methane department [J]. Water Poll Cont. 41 (1) 1 a 17 [20] j, YangGongXia, YangYongDeng. Microwave improved acid pretreatment process of ethanol from corn straw [J]. Journal of agricultural engineering, 2007, [21] GuHongChun, GuYongBao, blue LiQiao etc. Electron beam radiation processing research [J].j virol, 1997, nuclear physics comments [22] ZhangKeXi. Producing ethanol by living garbage [J].journal of engineering science, 2001, China [23] McMillan retreatment lignocellulosic biomass of J J Himmet ME. In: bionmssfrofuels production convemiortof Enzymatic [J] Chemical Amercian questions, 1992, [24] Vrije DE Haas e G G, Tan G B, et a1. Productionby Pretreatment of hydrogen elfii Miscanthus for Thermotoga [J].journal of hydrogen Energy: an International, 2002, [25] ruggie XingXiaoGong etc. ShiShuLan,, NaOH pretreatment on plant the influence of cellulase solution characteristics [J].journal of cellulose science and technology, 14th (1) : [26] HuMinJiang. The research progress of ozone processing CuSiLiao [J]. The world agriculture, [27] WangDan prineas rj, 62, XueGuoXin. Wheat straw ozone bleaching of pentosan content changes in [J].journal of paper and paper,

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[1] ChenBaiMing, ChenAnNing, ZhangZhengFeng etc. Straw gasification commercial development driver and restrictive factors analysis [J]. Journal of natural resources, 2007,22 (1) : 62-69[2] LiXiuJin. Solid waste engineering [M].beijing: China environmental science press: 2003:352 366[3]. ZhouChuanYun crops straw ZhangJinTao, energy utilization status and prospects [J]. Brew, 2007,34 (4) : 12-15[4] ZhongHuaPing, YueYanZhen, FanJiangWen. China crops straw resources and its utilization resource science [J] J (4) : 62-64[5] ChenDongDong, high exuberant, Chen source. China crops straw resource utilization of ecological effect and technical options analysis [J].journal of Chinese agriculture bulletin, 2007,23 (10) : 143-149[6] ZhangRongCheng, LiXiuJin. Crops straw energy conversion technology research progress of modern chemical [J], 75-79 (6) : 14-17[7] [7]. YuAiHua straw cascade utilization for substance and energy method, the benefits and policy Suggestions[8]. "ZhangQuanGuo biogas technology and its application". Chemical industry press. 2008. 3[9]. Crops straw, ren gladman present status of utilization and development prospects [J]. Agricultural technology and equipment, 2008 (2) : 123-124[10] RuanWenQuan etc. Small towns biogas production technology progress of waste. China methane. Yag) powders (4) : 28[11] YangDeRong. Straw comprehensive utilization technology and application [J]. Rural practical engineering technology. 2004, (8) : 58-59[12] TianYi water, MengHaiBo, SunLiYing YaoZong road. "straw, technology and project" energy-oriented[13] QiuGong crops straw. Our country present status of utilization for agricultural machinery and characteristics. . Use and maintain[14] liu leave fai, punishment ii and GaoChengFang, at home and abroad, such as soil carbon storage. Research progress

263 评论



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