(expressions enumerating or stressing facts)
1) 首先first,firstly,in the first place,in the first instance,to begin with
2) 其次secondly,in the second place
3) 最后,最重要的是at last,finally,last,lastly,most importantly
4) 最后但并非最不重要的(一点)是,最后要说的是last but not least
(addition expressions)
1) (副词)也;而且,还also,too,besides
2) (并列连接词)而且and
3) 此外in addition to,apart from
4) 此外furthermore,what’s more
5) 不仅……而且……not only…but also…
6) 既……又……,也both…and…,as well as
(expressions of contrast or comparison)
1) (并列连接词)但是but
2) (副词)然而(and)yet,while,whereas
3) (副词)然而nevertheless,however
4) (从属连接词)尽管,虽然though,although
5) 相反,正相反,恰恰相反to the contrary,on the contrary,quite the contrary
6) 与……形成对比,与……截然不同in contrast with/to
7) 相反(but)rather
8) 反而,代替,而不是instead,instead of
9) 毕竟after all
10) 同样地equally,likewise,similarly
(exemplification expressions)
1) 也就是说namely,that is,that is to say
2) 例如for example,for instance
3) 举例来说to illustrate
4) 例如such as
5) 以……为例(来说)take…as an example
(cause and effect expressions)
1) (后接表原因的从句)因为because
2) (后接表原因的并列分句)因为for
3) 因为……because of…,,owing to…,on account of…
4) 因为这个那个,这些那些原因for this(that,these,those)reason(s)
5) (从句1)为了……in order that
6) (副词)因此,所以thus,hence,therefore
7) 那么then
8) 结果(是)as a result;so that(后接表结果的从句)
9) 因此,结果(是)consequently
10) 因此,相应地(就)accordingly
(viewpoint expressions)
1) 在我看来in my opinion,in my view
2) 我本人认为,我个人的看法是personally,as far as Im concerned
3) 我认为I think(that从句),as a rule
4) 一般来说generally(speaking),in general
5) 坦率地说frankly speaking,to be frank
(expressions stressing facts or adding force)
1) 显而易见obviously,apparently,clearly,certainly
2) 肯定地,当然surely,to be sure,of course
3) 事实上,实际上,真正地actually,as a matter of fact,indeed
4) 自然地naturally
5) 毫无疑问no doubt,undoubtedly
(expressions of time references)
1) 首先first
2) 起初at first
3) 然后,后来,在那之后,随后then,later,after that,afterwards,consequently
4) 同时,与此同时at the same time,in the meantime,meanwhile
5) 最后finally,at last
6) 最终,最后eventually,ultimately
7) 就在那以后(不久)just then,shortly after that,immediately after that
8) 不久,很快before long,soon
9) 从那以后from then on
10) 从现在起from now on
11) 暂时,暂且for the time being
12) 在以后/未来的日子里in the days to come
13) 在下星期/月in the coming week/month
(space expressions)
1) 在……的左/右边on the left/right of...
2) 在……(的)旁边besides…
3) 在……的前边in front of
4) 在……(内部的)前面in the front of
5) 在……的`顶部at the top of
6) 在……的底部at the bottom of
7) 在……里面;在室内inside…,indoors
8) 在……外面;在室外outside,outdoors
9) 在附近nearby
10) 在……附近,在……隔壁,靠近……next to
(summary expressions)
1) 简而言之allin all,in brief,in short
2) 总的说来,总之in conclusion,to sum up,to conclude,to summarize
3) 总之,一句话in a word,in one word
4) 长话短说,简而言之to make/cut a long story short
5) 最后(要讲的是)finally,ultimately
6) 从根本上来讲essentially
A. 文章及段落起始过渡词语
1. To begin with
2. Generally speaking
3. First of all
4. In the first place
B. 文章及结尾常用的过渡词语
1. Therefore
2. Thus
3. This way
4. In conclusion
5. To sum up
6. In a word
7. In brief
8. As a matter of fact
C. 常见的表示先后顺序的过渡词语
1. First,… Second, … Next, … Finally, …
2. Afterwards, …
3. Meanwhile, …
4. Then, …
5. Firstly,… Secondly, … Eventually, …
6. At last
7. Immediately
8. suddenly
9. soon
D. 常见的对称关系的过渡词语
1. For one thing, … for another thing, …
one hand, … on the other hand, …
E. 常见的表示因果关系的过渡词语
1. For this reason
2. As a result
3. because of
4. Due to
5. Thanks to
6. Thus
7. In this way
8. Accordingly
9. Therefore
一、表逻辑上的先后顺序(expressions enumerating or stressing facts)
1、首先first,firstly,in the first place,in the first instance,to begin with
2、其次secondly,in the second place
3、最后,最重要的是at last,finally,last,lastly,most importantly
4、最后但并非最不重要的(一点)是,最后要说的是last but not least
二、表递进关系(addition expressions)
1、 (副词)也;而且,还also,too,besides
2、 (并列连接词)而且and
3、此外in addition to,apart from
4、此外furthermore,what’s more
5、不仅……而且……not only…but also…
6、既……又……,也both…and…,as well as
三、表转折或比较关系(expressions of contrast or comparison)
1、 (并列连接词)但是but
2、 (副词)然而(and、yet,while,whereas
3、 (副词)然而nevertheless,however
4、 (从属连接词)尽管,虽然though,although
5、相反,正相反,恰恰相反to the contrary,on the contrary,quite the contrary
6、与……形成对比,与……截然不同in contrast with/to
8、反而,代替,而不是instead,instead of
9、毕竟after all
1. 表示起始关系first of all, to begin with, above all, according to, as you know, as is known, we all know, good learning habits lead to efficient to a research, the total number is reduced to less than 1,000 . 表示时间顺序first, then, later, in the end, finally, at last, after that, afterwards, since then, at the same time, suddenly, immediately, right now/ away, at once, from then on, from now on, the same time, we enjoyed the beauty of . 表示并列关系and, or, also, as well as, either… or, neither… nor, not only… but also…, not… but…, think we will have a good time there and I will send you the photos taken , do let me know if you need more . 表示转折关系but, yet, however, while, on the contrary, , not until the match was over did we realize that we became the . 表示因果关系because, as, since, for, thanks to, due to, as a result, so, therefore, , there is no reason for us to look down upon ordinary a result, children become so dependent on their parents that they have no independent thought. 6. 表示条件关系if, unless, as long as, so long as, in case, in case of, would be very grateful if you can meet him at the long as we stick to our dreams, we will become a winner sooner or . 表示递进关系what’s more, moreover, besides, worse still, to make matters worse, still less, for one thing… for another, on the one hand… on the other hand, of them can hardly look after themselves, still less manage their own one thing, I can earn some money to help my parents. For another, I can gain some . 表示列举such as, for example, for instance, take… for example, that is to say, as follows, in other words, are of different shapes, such as diamonds, butterflies and will organize some English activities, for instance, English debates and English speech contests so as to help students arouse their interest in . 表示观点in my opinion, in my view, in my point of view, personally, as for me, as far as I am concerned, far as I am concerned, they stand for love, friendship and . 表示总结in short, in brief, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, all in all, in general, generally speaking, on the whole, a word, success is important, and so is failure, because it’s the mother of in all, traveling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges.
2、As for me:对于我来说
3、As far as:就……而言
4、First of all、To begin with:首先
5、For example、for instance:例如
7、Last but not least:最后
9、In short:简而言之
10、In conclusion:总的来说
11、First of all:首先
13、All in all:总的来说
1、There are two reasons for this decision: firstly…
2、As for me, I'd prefer this one to all the rest.
3、First of all, answer these questions
以上内容参考 百度百科-翻译
一、表逻辑上的先后顺序(expressions enumerating or stressing facts)
1、首先first,firstly,in the first place,in the first instance,to begin with
2、其次secondly,in the second place
3、最后,最重要的是at last,finally,last,lastly,most importantly
4、最后但并非最不重要的(一点)是,最后要说的是last but not least
二、表递进关系(addition expressions)
1、 (副词)也;而且,还also,too,besides
2、 (并列连接词)而且and
3、此外in addition to,apart from
4、此外furthermore,what’s more
5、不仅……而且……not only…but also…
6、既……又……,也both…and…,as well as
三、表转折或比较关系(expressions of contrast or comparison)
1、 (并列连接词)但是but
2、 (副词)然而(and、yet,while,whereas
3、 (副词)然而nevertheless,however
4、 (从属连接词)尽管,虽然though,although
5、相反,正相反,恰恰相反to the contrary,on the contrary,quite the contrary
6、与……形成对比,与……截然不同in contrast with/to
8、反而,代替,而不是instead,instead of
9、毕竟after all
大家知道吗?致谢的言语行为,通过多样化的组合与变换承担了交际中的礼貌功能,那么 毕业 论文的致谢词怎么写呢?下面是我给大家带来的毕业论文致谢词怎么写_毕业论
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Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, Annex.