汤姆索亚历险记》是美国大文豪马克·吐温以美国少年生活为主体写成的。故事的时代背景,是十九世纪美国密西西比河的圣彼得堡。 故事的主人公汤姆是个天真、活泼而又顽皮的典型美国少年。他和野孩子夏克,各干出了许多令人捧腹的妙事。像汤姆被罚粉刷围墙,竟施出诡计,不但使别的孩子心甘情愿代替他工作,还自动奉上谢礼。后来和夏克逃到荒岛去,人们以为他们淹死了,正在教堂为他们举行丧礼,而他们却躲在教堂的钟楼上偷听。这些顽皮的举动,虽然不能给我们做模范,但是,他为了正义,毅然地挺身出来作证人,拯救那无辜的罪犯沫夫彼得。并在顽皮之余,居然和夏克破获了一桩谋杀案,成为众人钦佩的小英雄。看来,汤姆也有值得我们学习的地方。 其实孩子的顽皮有时候正好体现了孩子的天真烂漫。 这种童真过了孩童时代就很难再寻,能让我们找到的,就只有一点点偶尔才会想起的甜蜜回忆。我相信,即使你的童年再艰苦,回想起来你也会很开心。谁没有在小时候做过一件半件的傻事?当你越长大,你就会越觉得这些傻事有趣。 我说童年就像一罐甜酒,时隔越久,尝起来就越香,越纯,越让人回味。 人总是会长大的,除了个儿长高了,身子强壮了以外,人的思想也在长。你对世界的看法不同了,懂事了,不再幼稚了。不过人是要越变越好才是。千万不能像历险记里的那个心狠手辣的坏蛋卓伊一样,他坏事做尽,人见人憎。但最后他还是恶有恶报,得到了一个活活饿死在山洞里的下场。 看完《汤姆索亚历险记》,我真羡慕汤姆能有如此有趣的经历。这本书让人看起来津津有味,甚至废寝忘食。我想,《汤姆索亚历险记》在你烦闷的时候或许能让你一笑解千愁。 在这本书里,小主人公汤姆索亚带着我来到了他的童年,在他的童年里,淘气的汤姆索亚带我来到他的家庭,他的学校。 他喜欢和哈克贝恩、乔埃哈波、班恩罗杰、吉姆哈林斯……一起玩耍。他有一次说出了真相,把印第安乔告上法庭,把可怜的墨菲波特解救了出来。又有一次,他把哈克和乔埃叫到荒岛上,来当海盗。还有一次,他把撒切尔法官的女儿贝琪撒切尔从难以走出的“迷宫”里救了出来最后他又和他的好朋友哈克一起寻宝他们把蕴藏在地下的宝藏成功地挖了出来,汤姆又把自己的机智发挥出来了,他把宝藏藏在了两个小口袋里,吃力地运了出来。 汤姆的童年是充满叛逆和冒险的,我希望大家能跟着这个机智勇敢的小主人公,共同感受童心的透明,青春的美丽,人生的温馨,自由的可贵…… 让我们为自己的童年,自己的人生,打下良好的基础,让我们一起进入他的童年,进入他的回忆吧! 说到读书,那可是我最大的爱好。我读过的书不计其数,其中最富有童趣的要数《汤姆索亚历险记》了。这本书的作者是美国著名文学大师马克.吐温。读了这本书后,我深深地感受到了主人公汤姆的勇敢和正义。 一天,汤姆和伙伴哈克在坟地目睹了一场惊心动魄的杀人案。但凶手波特却冤枉哈波,于是,哈波被抓了。汤姆决定在法庭上证明一切。这需要多大的勇气啊!这可是杀人案,况且,当时杀人犯波特也在场,他就不怕波特吗?正因为汤姆有超强的正义感,所以他才不顾一切救哈波,要还他清白。我对他真是佩服得五体投地! 又有一次,汤姆和伙伴贝琪在游玩。在一个伸手不见五指、通道又纵横交错的大山洞中迷了路。他们被困在里面几天几夜。贝琪是个女孩,她那时再也走不动了,全靠汤姆冒着生命危险探路,直到走出山洞。 多勇敢啊!在死神面前毫不示弱。汤姆的一举一动,无不证明了他的勇敢。一般的人首先会被自己吓倒,而他却勇敢地面对并解除了所有的困难和危险! 读了这本书,我也变得勇敢正义起来了。现在,我终于明白,读书给我们带来的影响有多大。在以后的人生坎坷中,我一定会想起这个名字——汤姆!
i believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. this is definitely a book everyone can relate to.
the adventures of tom sawyer is a literary masterpieces,written in 1876 by the famous author mark twain. tom sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the mississippi river called st. petersburg. the story line is simple,the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in tom sawyer's life.
it is a story filled with action,adventure,ingenious ideas,love,and schoolyard politics. the whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.
the book is a little difficult to read at first. personally,it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. other than referring to persons of african decent in derogatory terms (which i'm sure uses terms even young children already know),the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. i highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again,if just for a few hundred pages.
Tom Sawyer is a smart but the naughty boy. His parents are dead and living in harsh but also very painful his aunt polly home. He lively, there are many, but not GuiDianZi elves, always likes to go fishing for fled, and went up and huckleberry Finn, hanging, play "pirates", collect all kinds of strange items... And so on. He even like named becky thatcher's girl, and try to "pursue" to midnight, Tom and huckleberry go into "test" dead cat put warts, accidentally met a murder - to steal a promethean's Robinson, Indian Joe and alcoholic potter three disputes, the Indian Joe Robinson, and slew the doctor to stun is on murder the potter. Then have been terrorized Tom and huck swear to it kept secret. But Tom a long period of time in , Tom due to becky and his friend Joe with ou spirit, Harper together to leave home, sit and huck rafts to an island when "pirates". The people of the town, they thought they were drowned in the river. In that day the funeral for them, but they were "miracle" appeared. Tom became the hero of the school. Becky also with him and soon...Finally, the court trial shortly after the murder, everyone thought the murderer is potter, Tom to overcome the fear and grassed on Indian Joe, but Joe spot and fled. Tom fell extremely day, Tom and huck into a river "haunted" old house. They went upstairs and downstairs, see the two individuals, originally is the indians and his associates. This pair of nowhere to get a lot of money into the ground, are buried. From the ground that have dug a box, open on see, there is money. When indians to hear someone, he doubted unnumbered upstairs.
My favorite book is the adventures of Tom Sawyer, which is the representative work of Mark Twain, a famous American novelist. Tom Sawyer, the protagonist in the book, is a person who is naive and lively, witty and intelligent, full of adventure spirit, does not love to lead a boring life and wants to do a heroic career.
Through the adventures of the protagonist, the novel satirizes and criticizes American social customs, religious rituals and learning and education《 The adventures of Tom Sawyer has become the greatest children's literature and a milestone in the history of American literature with its characteristic humor and delicate description of characters.
I like Tom and Becky most - the plot of the trapped cave, where they have experienced the pain of darkness, loneliness, hunger, thirst, and terror; What's more, they saw Indian Joey in the hole.
In such a predicament, they did not despair and did not wait for fate; Instead, he actively fought against the difficulties and was full of confidence in extricating himself from the difficulties. Tom continued to comfort, encourage and care for Becky, and found a way out with candles and kite string; It's amazing.
汤姆索亚历险记》是美国大文豪马克·吐温以美国少年生活为主体写成的。故事的时代背景,是十九世纪美国密西西比河的圣彼得堡。 故事的主人公汤姆是个天真、活泼而又顽皮的
生活是什么?生活就是折腾。生命在于运动,人生在于折腾。 人活着,就要思考人生的意义,然而真正明白活着意义的人,又有多少呢? 很多人认为,人生没有意义,就
旅游管理专业毕业论文选题目较好的有: 1.旅游产业:产业发展、假日经济、乡村旅游促进新农村建设、中西部旅游发展、西部大开发、旅游信息化、电子商务、区域旅游合作