日常生活中,经常饮用的酒有啤酒、葡萄酒及白酒。各种酒的来源,酿造工艺及乙醇含量即酒精度数各不相同。酒精度数通常是指酒中所含乙醇量的百分比(按容量计)如北京啤酒含乙醇,葡萄酒含乙醇约11-16%,通常称11-16度,白酒含乙醇38-60%,其中含乙醇38%的又称为低度白酒。 “中国居民膳食指南”的第七条是“如饮酒应限量”,并有一段文字说明过量饮酒的害处。少量饮低度酒并不一定有害,但过量饮酒甚至酗酒肯定是有百害而无一益。那么究竟可以饮什么酒?又如何限制饮酒的量呢? 流行病学研究中的大量数据提示,如果每天饮酒量不超过24克乙醇,即相当于540毫升啤酒,200毫升果酒,60毫升40度的白酒则危险性降低。 长期饮酒可以导致体内多种营养素缺乏。酒是纯热能食物之一。在体内可分解产生能量。但不含任何营养素,过量饮酒第一减少了其它含有多种重要营养素(如蛋白质,维生素,矿物质)食物的摄入.其次,可使食欲下降,摄入食物减少,以及长期过量饮酒损伤肠黏膜,影响肠对营养素的吸收,以上都可导致多种营养素缺乏。 酒中乙醇对肌体的组织器官有直接毒害作用,对乙醇最敏感的器官是肝脏。连续过量饮酒能损伤肝细胞,干扰肝脏的正常代谢,进而可致酒精性肝炎及肝硬化。 过量饮酒影响脂肪代谢。乙醇减慢脂肪酸氧化,可能有利于膳食脂质的储存,肝脏脂肪合成增多,使血清中甘油三酯含量增高,发生甘油三酯血症的可能性增大。 此外人群流行病学研究表明长期过量饮酒会增加高血压,脑卒中危险。酗酒还可引发暴力事故等,对个人健康及社会治安都有害。 最近人们常常谈到果酒的有益作用。法国有一项报告发现某些饮酒地区的冠心病较其它地区少。但是,心脏病危险性的减少不能全都归因于红酒中的某些成分,因为在法国红酒消费量高的地区,蔬菜和水果的消费量也多,而蔬菜和水果的抗氧化能力较高。这些资料表明是饮果酒者的生活方式(如吸烟较少,蔬菜,水果消费量高等)导致了心血管病的危险性减少。 综上所述饮酒对人体健康有利有弊,少量饮用低度酒有些益处,但长期多量饮酒有害。尤其对青少年及孕妇。青少年处于生长发育阶段,对酒精的危害更为敏感。因此青少年不能饮酒。乙醇对孕妇的有害作用波及胎儿发育,甚至诱发胎儿先天性畸形,所以孕妇绝对禁止饮酒。 过量饮酒:危害不浅 虽说“无酒不成席”,同时,酒也是“穿肠毒药”,过量饮酒带来的危害也不少。每年不知有多少人因喝酒造成了意外,多少人把命断送在这酩酊酣热之际,多少健康消失在瓶罐之间。 令人扼腕,过量饮酒酿悲剧 北京大学精神卫生研究所的一项统计资料表明,在我国,近年来饮酒人数一直呈上升趋势。目前,我国男女饮酒率分别为 %和%,其中%的男性和%的女性为每日饮酒。1982年我国酒依赖的发病率仅为‰,到了 1990年已上升了3倍多,且酗酒者出现低龄化现象,女性的比例不断增加。 世界卫生组织一组数据显示,由酒精引起的死亡率和发病率,是麻疹和疟疾的总和,而且也高于吸烟引起的死亡率和发病率。在中国,每年有114100人死于酒精中毒,占总死亡率的%;致残2737000人,占总致残率的%。 说到饮酒引发的悲剧,上海市肝病研究中心主任瞿瑶教授给记者讲了一个故事:一位患急性黄疸型肝炎后,肝功能刚恢复正常出院的中年患者,适逢新春佳节婚宴接二连三,开始他还能牢记出院时医生的一再嘱附,做到了不管什么酒,也不管什么人劝说,确实一滴不沾。可就在一次特殊的餐桌上,一位挚友问他闻到什么味道时,他终于也拒绝不了扑鼻而来的茅台诱惑,心想只饮一小杯尝尝新总该不会出事吧!可就是在喝下这杯酒后的第二天,他发现自己小便发黄了,乏力、恶心……就是这杯酒引起他肝炎复发,并很快发展成急性重型肝炎,终因抢救无效而丢掉了性命。 过量饮酒不仅酿成了不胜枚举的悲剧性事件,而且还严重影响到个人甚至国家的形象。俄罗斯前总统叶利钦就是其中的一个。 据说,1994年9月的一天,时任俄罗斯总统的叶利钦从华盛顿飞回莫斯科,按计划他将在途中与爱尔兰总理雷诺兹进行 40 分钟会谈。就在离开华盛顿的前一天,美国总统克林顿宴请他,尽管餐桌上没有烈酒,但葡萄酒应有尽有,叶利钦只吃了一小块肉,却频频举杯,杯杯见底。葡萄酒上头之后,叶利钦的话多了起来,说了不少粗话、“三级笑话”。翻译官为了“净化”他说的脏话,绞尽了脑汁。当飞机抵近会面地点善农机场时,叶利钦醒酒了,夫人把衬衫递给他,但他扣纽扣的手总不听使唤。陪同的官员见事不妙,经过一番讨论后,决定让副总理代表总统与雷诺兹举行短暂的会谈。当副总理下机后,叶利钦掉下了眼泪,对陪同官员羞愧地说:“你们这么做,让我在世界面前丢尽了脸”。 过量饮酒,身体很受伤 “饮酒过量,最受伤的莫过于肝脏。”瞿瑶教授指出:“酒最核心的化学物质是酒精(即乙醇),常说的醉酒,实际是酒精中毒。因为酒精入体内90%以上是通过肝脏代谢的,其代谢产物及它所引起的肝细胞代谢紊乱,是导致酒精性肝损伤的主要原因。据研究,正常人平均每日饮 40 克~ 80 克酒精, 10 年即可出现酒精性肝病,如平均每日 160 克, 8 ~ 10 年就可发生肝硬化,这是多么耸人听闻的数字啊!” 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院副院长厉有名教授告诉记者,他带领一个科研小组,曾对浙江省城乡共 2 万人口做了一个有关酒精摄入等方面的调查,结果表明,人群酒精性肝病患病率为 %,连续 5 年以上每天摄入酒精超过40克者,48%的人会患有不同程度的酒精性肝病;酒精性肝病基本发生在饮酒年数大于5年,酒精总摄入量超过100千克的饮酒人群中。 有研究表明,过量饮酒比非过量饮酒者口腔、咽喉部癌肿的发生率高出两倍以上,甲状腺癌发生率增加30%~150%,皮肤癌发生率增加20%~70%。妇女发生乳癌的机会增加20%~60%。在食管癌患者中,过量饮酒者占60%,而不饮酒者仅占2%。乙型肝炎患者本来发生肝癌的危险性就较大,如果饮酒或过量饮酒,则肝癌发生率将大大增加。 除此之外,过量饮酒还会对身体其他部位产生不良影响: 大脑 摄入较多酒精对记忆力、注意力、判断力、机能及情绪反应都有严重伤害。饮酒太多会造成口齿不清,视线模糊,失去平衡力。 生殖器官 酒精会使男性出现精子质量下降;对于妊娠期的妇女,即使是少量的酒精,也会使未出生的婴儿发生身体缺陷的危险性增高。 心脏 大量饮酒的人会发生心肌病,即可引起心脏肌肉组织衰弱并且受到损伤,而纤维组织增生,严重影响心脏的功能。 胃 一次大量饮酒会出现急性胃炎的不适症状,连续大量摄入酒精,会导致更严重的慢性胃炎。
校园饮酒 In the United States, the legal age to drink alcoholis 21. 在美国,法定饮酒年龄是21岁。 Americans debate whether it should be lowered,orwhether young drinkers would only drink more. 许多美国人在这个问题上一直争论不休。 In parts of Europe, the legal drinking age for beer,and sometimes hard liquor, is 16. 在欧洲部分国家,喝啤酒,有时是烈性酒的法定年龄是16岁, Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to 18,the same as for hard liquorthere. 而法国则将饮用啤酒,葡萄酒以及烈性酒的年龄限制提高至18岁。 Rules on alcohol differ from college to college in the United States. 美国每所大学对学生的饮酒规定是不同的。 Many schools require all first-year students to take an alcohol prevention and educationprogram. 许多大学要求所有大一新生都必须学习禁酒教育课程。 Some have a "zero tolerance" policy where alcohol is banned from all buildings. 有些学校采取零容忍政策,禁止所有学生喝酒。 Parents are informed of violations and students may be suspended. 一经发现,就会通知家长,并可能对学生进行休学处分。 Campus police and local police report underage drinking violations to judicial mittee decides punishment on a case by case basis. 学校或当地的警察就向学校行政人员汇报情况。大学司法委员会按情况给予处分, For example, the mittee might suspend or expel a might require an alcoholeducation program. 例如;委员会可能会让学生休学或退学,也可能要求其学习禁酒教育课程。
议论型作文 1. Should College Students Live on Campus a. 有些人喜欢住在学校的宿舍,因为…… b. 有些人喜欢住在校外,因为…… c. 我的看法 There are an increasing number of students who choose to live off campus. Parents and university administrations understandably reacted differently. They voiced concerns about security and the threat of off-campus lifestyles getting out of control. However, college students have their own reasons for their choices。 Some students prefer to live on campus for the following reasons. First, campus residents are closer to classes, the library, and other resources, so they are more likely to sueed in college and plete their bachelor’s degree in four years. Furthermore, Living in a dorm is a great opportunity to meet all kinds of new people and develop relationships with them, so students living on campus are more sociable. Last but not the least, living on campus is cheaper and more convenient. Often times, off-campus housing is more expensive than on-campus housing and while living on campus, you don’t have to worry about monthly rent payments and utility bills。 Some others choose to live off campus because they believe living off campus they are more independent, with more privacy and a lot more quiet time. Living off campus gives them freedom from those dorm rules and allow them to set their own. The extra space also means that one can probably find a quiet place to study in the convenience of his own home。 As for me, I’m a faithful supporter of the former group because I, living on campus myself, have witnessed and enjoyed all the convenience and happiness of doing so. To me, living on campus undoubtedly adds an important element to the plete college experience。
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There are so many candidates in China, if you do not have the college entrance examination, I really can't think of a second way of selecting talent. Although the college entrance examination there are also many drawbacks, some people said the University was too nervous, don't play level. But I would like to ask, even a little test of the college entrance examination in this life can't afford, there are also qualified to say what you want to get ahead, make a lot of money? I have just finished college entrance examination this year, I think the college entrance examination there was nothing to fear. Of course, not everyone can be admitted to Tsinghua University, Peking University, but as long as it is necessary to put their goals, select the appropriate University, you have nothing to regret. Should be unified bar, reform of university entrance examination system is around the corner, try "zhuchaoyinfeng", the public education system is not perfect, leading personnel of regional differences in standards, expose education system defects, citizen shall have the right to equal aess to education and equitable education for social harmony.
The financial crisis in the "butterfly effect" under the rapid spread of the world. From the United States to China, from Wall Street to the Pearl River Delta, from manufacturing to high technology, from the white-collar workers, are subject to severe financial crisis. Many enterprises in the customs, s, close, to many white-collar workers laid off, a lot of migrant workers, miners were forced to return home, many university graduates means that the unemployed. A month later in 2009 is the Year, I do not see the well-being of firecrackers, fireworks and romantic, looking forward to the New Year. See more entrepreneurs, managers, workers fear, confused, helpless look. Blessing in disguise, Yan Fu Huo know? The escape came, unable to retain the go. Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and troughs. Rare in the face of the economic crisis, many panies have chosen to shrink the front, the defensive; a lot of people tighten up the pocketbook and spending. Enterprises do not only offensive defense, when you prepare defense means that when you start back. Live at home, hand in half a cent to spend, to save money is in, only more money in order to change the quality of life. Fear, confusion and helplessness to escape, defense and reduce costs so that you will only make matters worse situation. Only offensive, Endeavor, protest, moving trend is the best choice and to deal with. Be it business or personal, we must first fully understand the seriousness of the crisis and persistent. There are not trusting to luck that the crisis will not affect you. Qingchao, no eggs will survive? Only early and late, and light weight. The crisis in the latter part of the most difficult, yet now, do not feel that they are very strong, Do not have to die before the crisis to attack. First of all, as entrepreneurs have to consider cash flow problems. To allow the closure of the fastest growing panies is not a loss, cash flow is drying up. Cash flow and the size of the enterprise, profit, non-well-known and well-known does not matter. The more large enterprises and the more well-known enterprises to pay attention to cash flow. Peace for too long, high-speed economic development in a long time, too much of their profits into the business after the expansion of fixed assets. Not on aount of the funds to prepare for the winter. So rare to meet the financial crisis, the fall is often the fastest growth and expansion of the fastest-growing businesses. Not ready for the winter clothes, even if you have a nice summer, winter, you will still frozen to death. The three major . auto giant is the cash flow is drying up and in serious danger together. To have the opportunity to live. Crisis, the crisis in the anic. This opportunity is not often. This is sufficient funds at the lowest cost of business, merger, the best opportunity for expansion. Small business is the best time to catch up with large enterprises. Peace and prosperity in a variety of *** all businesses such as the allocation of resources are not large enterprises. Want to go beyond talking the same large enterprises. In front of the crisis, many large enterprises for the steady development of layoffs, shrinking front. Small business must learn how to Zoupian Jian Feng, to take the initiative. Gambling may be dead, may also develop. And so on, a dead end. As a working group, during the crisis, so as not to resign, not-for-work, not to change jobs. A large number of business failures, layoffs, a large number of returning migrant workers, next year there are nearly 1,000 million university graduates find a job waiting. Be able to do a job that is a very well-being. To resign easy job difficult. Should cherish the current opportunity to work. For are not familiar with the area of greatest temptation not to change jobs easily. Peer different reasons, is the same sales, marketing and selling instant noodles is not the same car. The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment factor. Of course, if you have the ability to trade irreplaceable, but this time is an opportunity. In the face of crisis often need a hero. To ask whether he is a hero? To work hard to create more value. Companies often laid off before the Conference of non-essential positions, direct-to-business value-creating fewer jobs; Conference do not have a strong sense of responsibility, plained that more staff, the Conference working hours without doing the work of the staff. Take a look at our posts and is not an option? If so, as soon as possible to find their own jobs, and so on have been laid off, the more difficult to find work. If the work is a busy, but also to strengthen the sense of responsibility to reduce plained to create more value. When panies do not like any team has plained that the staff of the existence of emotions. Your high and low salaries, can remain in business, is your attitude toward work and decided to create value is not determined by the leadership. To save more and spend less. Now, "Moon family" more. In the first fall in front of the crisis is "Moonlight family." Have to ask ourselves if the crisis continued a year, you have enough savings? If the crisis continued for three years, you have enough savings? From now on, be able to keep up-to-deposit the money or buy government bonds or dual-currency deposits to buy. Heart fear is not pocket the money. "Self-cultivation in order to quiet, frugal and Germany to support", has always been to save the United States and Germany. By this time, frugal financial management is also a kind of way of life, always in the details. Less able to spend less money to spend, be able to cook at home do not eat at the hotel. Be able to buy stores, discount supermarket, the special price of conventional products that do not buy the product. Will not be able to send text messages on the phone. Zuo Gongjiao can not walk, can not fight Zuogong Jiao, do not drive can not drive. Will not be able to train on a flight. Can not buy luxury goods do not buy luxury goods. Is not simply to save money clutching his wallet at no cost, but let money more efficiently, with the least money to meet our greatest desire. To help a friend pay attention to more jobs, more economic help poor friends, relatives, neighbors, before the crisis, the poorer the people bee well-off. Bang Bieren is to help themselves. There are difficulties in their turn will e only when there is a friend to help you. Have confidence in the face of crisis. The Chinese government does not care what will happen, you are not alone. Everyone has confidence in the economic recovery will be faster. 金融危机在“蝴蝶效应”下迅速蔓延全球。从美国到中国,从华尔街到珠三角,从高科技到制造业,从白领到民工,都受到金融危机严重的影响。很多企业在关、停、闭、转,很多白领被裁员,很多民工、矿工被迫返乡、很多大学毕业生毕业意味着失业。一个月后就是09年新年了,我看不到爆竹的幸福,烟花的浪漫,新年的期待。更多看到的是企业家、经理人、打工者恐慌、迷茫、无助的眼神。 塞翁失马,鄢知福祸?该来的躲不掉,该去的留不住。世间任何事物的发展都是波浪式的,有波峰必然有波谷,有波谷必然有波峰。在百年不遇的经济危机面前,很多的企业选择收缩战线,防守;很多的老百姓收紧钱袋子,压缩开支。做企业只有进攻没有防守,当你准备防守时也就意味着你开始倒退了。居家过日子,一分钱掰成两半花,再节省也是在花钱,唯有多挣钱才能改变生活质量。恐慌、迷茫、无助、躲避、防守、减少开支只会使你的景况更糟糕。唯有进攻、奋进、抗争,逆势而动才是最好的选择和应对。 不管是企业还是个人,首先要充分认识到这次危机的严重性和永续性。不要存在侥幸心理认为危机不会影响到你。倾巢之下,岂有完卵?只是早与晚,轻与重的问题。危机的后期最难过,现在还没开始,别觉得自己很强, 危机面前不死掉才有进攻的机会。做为企业家首先要考虑现金流的问题。让企业最快倒闭的不是亏损,是现金流枯竭。现金流与企业大小、盈利、知名与非知名没有关系。越是大企业、知名企业越是要关注现金流。太平盛世太久了,经济高速发展时间太长了,太多的企业都把利润变成了扩张后的固定资产。账上根本没有预备过冬的资金。所以遇见百年不遇的金融危机,倒下最快的往往是发展扩张最快的企业。没有准备过冬的衣服,夏天即便你身体很好,冬天你照样会冻死。美国的三大汽车巨头就是是现金流枯竭而举步危艰。 能活着就有机会。危机,危中有机。这种机会不是常有的。这是有充足资金的企业以最低成本,兼并、扩张的最佳机会。也是小企业赶超大企业最佳时机。太平盛世小企业在各种资源配置都不如大企业。想超越大企业等于痴人说梦。危机前面,很多大企业求稳定发展,裁员,收缩战线。小企业要学会剑走偏锋,主动出击。赌可能死,也可能发展。等,死路一条。 做为打工族,在危机期间,尽量不要辞职,不要换工作,不要转行。大量的企业倒闭,裁员,大量的民工返乡,明年还有近1000万的大学毕业生等著找工作。能有一份工作干著就是很幸福的事情。辞职容易就业难。要珍惜目前的工作机会。对于不熟悉的领域诱惑再大也不要轻易转行。同行不同理,同样是销售人员,销泡面和销汽车是不一样的。期望值越高,失望系数越大。当然如果你的能力在行业具有不可替代性,这个时候反而是机会。企业在危机面前往往需要英雄。问问自己是不是英雄? 要努力工作,多创造价值。企业裁员往往先裁可有可无的岗位,对企业直接创造价值少的岗位;裁责任心不强,抱怨较多的员工,裁上班时间无工作干的员工。看看自己的岗位是不是可有可无的?如果是,要及早寻找适合自己的职位,等被裁员了,再找工作就更难了。如果工作比较忙,也要加强责任心,减少抱怨,多给企业创造价值。任何时候企业都不喜欢团队中有抱怨情绪的员工存在。你的薪水高低,能否继续留在企业工作,是你的工作态度和创造的价值决定的,不是领导决定的。多存钱,少花钱。现在“月光族”比较多。在危机面前最先倒下的就是“月光族”。要问问自己,如果危机持续一年,你的积蓄够不够?如果危机持续三年,你的积蓄够不够?从现在开始,能存的钱就存起来,或买国债或买双币存款。兜里有钱心不慌。“静以修身,俭以养德”,节约自古就是美德。到了此时,节俭理财之道也是种生活方式,处处体现在细节上。能少花的钱就少花,能在家里做饭就不要在饭店吃饭。能买商场、超市的打折、特价产品就不要买常规价产品。能发简讯就不要打电话。能步行就不坐公交,能坐公交就不要打的,能不开车就不开车。能坐火车就不坐飞机。能不买奢侈品就不买奢侈品。省钱并不是简单地捂著钱包不花钱,而是让钱花得更有效率,用最少的钱满足我们最大的欲望。 多帮朋友留意工作机会,多帮经济不好的朋友、亲戚,邻居,危机面前,越穷的人越不好过。帮别人就是帮自己。轮到自己有困难时,才会有朋友帮你。 要有信心面对危机。中国 *** 不会放手不管,你不是孤军奋战。每个人都有信心,经济复苏就会快一些。
many students like to talk about like to wear long they think that can make them i can't stant boys in school must wear short are like wear think it's look can't stand it, think children don't have to wear many students like to wear hats in think it's look i don't think don't like them wear hat in class.
Nowadays, jobs in rurul areas are much more attractive than those in the cities. There are several reasons. In past years,with the better working conditon ,millions of people surged into the cities. At that time ,working in the city means higher wages , more fortable circumtance and a much brighter future. If you have a job in the city ,you will enjoy a whole different and perfect life. But now ,everything has changed. People can no longer bear the unbearable pressure that working in the city bring to them. As the environment pollution bees more and more serious ,city is not the best place for people to live. ON the contrary ,to find a job in the beautiful and clean rural areas is very easy. College students can also practice themselves in rural areas and at the same time aviod the fierce petition. so , it's a *** art choice for them to find jobs in rural areas.
My view on campus love Youth people are gradually enriching the connotation of love, while recently, the phenomenon of oppsite sex staying overnight in campus dormitory ours from time to time though it has been stressed repeatedly by schools. This has created bad influence among university students, meanwhile, it has also bee the hot ic for them. In my opinion, this phenomenon embodies a kind of selfish love which is the flaw among glorious love. In short term, this will inevitably affect the normal life of students around them; in long term, this will damage the building of advanced campus culture. In addition, many student lovers around campus don’t pay attention to their image and act intimately in public, but they have ignored other people’s feeling; some students are just busy in dating with their girl friends or boy friends without considering their scholar achievements; what is even worse, some students, with money in hand which is paifully earned by their parents, spend money like water to buy luxury and romance during love journey. Facing such phenomenon, we should think carefully, what should be the right view towards love for university students? Nowadays when people are paying more attention to freedom of love, the unversity’s attitude is neither approve nor disapprove, but at the same time, we see that for students’ improper and indecent behavior during the process of love, the education and punishment by schools is serious. It has been stipulated clearly in the students’ manual that what punishement will be implemented when the opposite sex stay overnight in dormitory. This has certain effect, but when the punishement is implemented, at the same time, more efforts should be put into education to help students build the correct view towards love and let them know better about social morality---this is the root to hold back improper love because action is determined by idea, only when correct ideas are engraved in people’s heart can good effect be realized. For the forming of social morality for love is also the embodyment of advanced campus culture, schools should make efforts in leading the direction of propaganda to let them act gracefully: on the one hand, schools should promote them to treat love as the motive power to achieve suess in study; on the other hand, schools should educate them that only civilized love can bring fresh and happy mood for others.
How to View the Problem of College Students Drinking AlcoholDrinking alcohol is a common phenomenon among college students. Some students drink for social reasons, such as making friends, celebrating events, or relieving stress. Some students drink for personal reasons, such as curiosity, boredom, or coping with difficulties. However, drinking alcohol can also bring many negative consequences, such as health problems, academic decline, legal troubles, or violence. Therefore, how to view the problem of college students drinking alcohol is a topic worth the one hand, college students are adults who have the right to make their own choices and enjoy their freedom. They should not be restricted or judged by others for their drinking habits. As long as they drink moderately and responsibly, they can benefit from the positive effects of alcohol, such as relaxation, socialization, and creativity. Moreover, drinking alcohol can be a way of learning about different cultures and customs, as well as a means of expressing oneself and one’s the other hand, college students are also learners who have the responsibility to pursue their academic goals and personal growth. They should not let drinking alcohol interfere with their studies and development. If they drink excessively or irresponsibly, they can harm themselves and others, as well as waste their precious time and resources. Furthermore, drinking alcohol can be a sign of psychological problems or emotional distress, which need to be addressed and resolved in a healthy and constructive conclusion, the problem of college students drinking alcohol is not a simple one. It has both positive and negative aspects that need to be balanced and considered. College students should be aware of the risks and benefits of drinking alcohol, and make informed and rational decisions based on their own situations and goals. They should also seek help and support from others when they encounter difficulties or challenges related to drinking alcohol.如何看待大学生喝酒问题喝酒是大学生中普遍的现象。有些学生喝酒是出于社交的原因,比如交朋友,庆祝活动,或者缓解压力。有些学生喝酒是出于个人的原因,比如好奇,无聊,或者应对困难。然而,喝酒也会带来许多负面的后果,比如健康问题,学业下滑,法律麻烦,或者暴力行为。因此,如何看待大学生喝酒问题是一个值得讨论的话题。一方面,大学生是成年人,有权利做出自己的选择和享受自己的自由。他们不应该被别人限制或者评判他们的饮酒习惯。只要他们适度和负责地喝酒,他们可以从酒精的正面效果中受益,比如放松,社交,和创造力。而且,喝酒可以是一种了解不同文化和风俗的方式,也可以是一种表达自己和自己情感的手段。另一方面,大学生也是学习者,有责任追求他们的学业目标和个人成长。他们不应该让喝酒干扰他们的学习和发展。如果他们过度或者不负责地喝酒,他们会伤害自己和别人,也会浪费他们宝贵的时间和资源。而且,喝酒可能是心理问题或者情绪困扰的表现,需要用健康和建设性的方式来解决和处理。总之,大学生喝酒问题不是一个简单的问题。它有正面和负面两个方面,需要平衡和考虑。大学生应该意识到喝酒的风险和好处,并根据自己的情况和目标做出明智和理性的决定。他们也应该在遇到与喝酒相关的困难或者挑战时,寻求别人的帮助和支持。
饮酒与健康【关键词】 饮酒凡含有一定酒精(乙醇)成分的饮料,统称为“酒”。随着生活水平的提高和现代生活节奏的不断加快,各类含乙醇的饮料逐渐成为人们的需求,甚至有的人已成为酒精依赖者。饮酒有利有弊,主要与饮酒的量及酒的种类等因素有关,适量饮酒有益健康,长期大量饮酒对人体则是有害无益的。1 饮多少酒为适量有的科学家提出酒精安全量为每公斤体重每日不超过1ml,以体重60kg为例,每日饮酒量:60度白酒不超过60ml、啤酒不超过1kg、20度葡萄酒不超过400ml,其它类型的酒可按其酒精含量折算。另外,研究表明,一次大量饮酒较分次少量饮酒的危害性大,每日饮酒比间断饮酒的危害性大,要想不影响健康,饮酒间隔时间要在3天以上。饮酒时还要选择好佐菜,以减少酒精之害。2 适量饮酒有益健康自古以来,就有“酒为百药之长”的说法,可见酒对人类的健康确是有益的。据专家们对各种酒类的研究分析后发现,在各类酒中,除了含有酒精外,尚有多种有机酸、氨基酸、酯类、糖分、微量的高级醇和较多的维生素等人体所必需的营养物质。酒对人类的健康确是大有裨益的 〔1〕 。 适量饮酒可预防心肌梗死和脑血栓 据日本科学家发现,喝酒人血液中出现大量尿激酶及其前驱体蛋白质,不喝酒的人,血液中只有极少数的尿激酶,而造成心肌梗死和脑血栓的原因是人体中可以溶解血栓的尿激酶等纤溶酶减少,故适量饮酒可预防心肌梗死和脑血栓。 妇女适量饮酒可大大降低患心脏病和中风病的发病率 据美国哈佛大学对87000位34~59岁护士调查研究发现,每天适量饮酒的中年妇女,心脏病和中风的发病率比那些滴酒不沾的妇女低40%。 适量饮酒能延寿 适量饮酒有益健康,可使胃液分泌增加,有益消化;可以扩张血管,使血压下降,降低冠心病发生率。经常适量饮酒的人血液中α-脂蛋白含量高,而α-脂蛋白高的人寿命比一般人长5~19年。3 大量饮酒对机体造成危害长期大量饮酒的危害几乎波及全身的各个系统和器官,如肝脏、胰腺、心肌等等,可造成酒精性肝病、胰腺炎、心肌病等等。对机体造成非常大的危害,甚至危及生命。 酒精性肝病 长期的过度饮酒,通过乙醇本身和它的衍生物乙醛可使肝细胞反复发生脂肪变性、坏死和再生,而导致酒精性肝病,包括酒精性脂肪肝、酒精性肝炎、肝纤维化和肝硬化 〔2〕 。在欧美国家,酒精性肝病是中青年死亡的主要原因之一。据估计,1993年美国约有1530万人酗酒,患有酒精性肝病者有200多万人;每年有万人死于肝硬化,其中至少40%或许高达90%的患者有酗酒史。 酒精性胰腺炎 由于乙醇及其代谢产物对胰腺腺泡细胞和胰小管上皮细胞的毒性作用,可引起腺细胞内脂肪积聚,线粒体肿胀变性,腺小管上皮变性、坏死、炎细胞浸润,由于小腺管炎症和坏死脱落成分阻塞,再加上酒精的直接刺激作用引起十二指肠乳头水肿,造成胰液排流不畅,使胰酶成分在胰腺内被激活,引起自体消化而发作胰腺炎 〔3〕 。 酒精性心肌病 由于酒精对心肌细胞的直接毒性作用,可造成心肌细胞膜完整性受损,细胞器功能失常,脂质过氧化过程异常;另外酒精饮料中的夹杂物(如砷、钴、铜、铁等)在酒精性心肌病中可能起直接或间接作用,动物实验证明钴可使豚鼠乳头肌的收缩力减弱,还可引起各种动物心肌弥漫变性和间质水肿 〔3〕 。 酒精与优生 对男性而言,酒精可引起精子数量减少,异常精子增多,精子活动力减弱;对女性而言,嗜酒妇女中约50%可发生月经紊乱,60%发生内分泌功能紊乱,孕龄妇女嗜酒,卵巢可发生脂肪性变性和排出不成熟卵细胞,异常的精子如果与卵子结合成受精卵,则所形成的胎儿会导致畸形。 酒精中毒 饮入的酒精90%以上经肝脏氧化作用,通过三羧酸循环生成二氧化碳和水。当酒精尚未完全被肝脏氧化时,大部分酒精循环至中枢神经系统,产生毒性作用,先是使大脑皮质产生兴奋,随后对皮质下中枢和小脑产生抑制,随着酒精剂量递增,更大量的酒精可引起延髓中枢性损害,以至抑制呼吸和引起呼吸衰竭而死亡。饮酒与人类的健康关系密切,饮酒利弊主要在于饮酒的量,适量饮酒对人体有一定裨益,但长期大量饮酒或嗜酒对人体损害也是非常大的,故应注意科学饮酒,以维护人类健康减少或预防疾病的发生。供你参考!
《良好进餐习惯》百度网盘免费资源下载: 链接: 不知从什么时候开始,孩子们不怎么吃饭成为父母之间流行的苦恼。经常姐妹和我抱怨孩子们不喜欢吃饭,每天吃饭就像战争
国家的历史有长有短,疆域有大有小,实力有强有弱,人口有多有少,民族构成、宗教信仰、政权性质和经济结构也有差异,故而各国的饮食文化是不一样的。 中国饮食文化 在中