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我的文章前几天收到杂志的回信,状态是minor revision两位审稿人的意见:Reviewer #1: X and colleagues present a X studying ****. Although they found no differences in *** they did see a reduced complication rate in the treatment group. The authors are to be commended for performing ***. This reviewer recommends only a few minor changes:1-Have someone proficient in English review the manuscript. There are numerous grammatical layout of table 1 is quite confusing. Columns don't line up. Also the labels of A and B are not defined. Please correctReviewer #2: The authors have submitted ****. I congratulate the authors on *** however I do have some . There are many grammatical errors and awkward sentences, please have a native English speaker review the manuscript for accuracy. A couple examples: in the introduction '****' And many sentences were started with actual numbers when the numbers should be spelled . Formatting of the manuscript is non-standard and sloppy. Please review the standards on JSR's website and reformat.

227 评论



110 评论


  • 毕业论文外审修改后复审


    漫山红遍 6人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 硕士毕业论文外审大修


    楼兰芥末姑娘 4人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 毕业论文外审意见修改难度大

    容易。 硕士论文的外审通过率一般在80%至90%之间。通常来说,论文的外审一般都不会非常的严格,只要你的论文当中没有出现科学性错误和严重的格式错误,那么通常都会

    静妙奔奔1123 4人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 毕业论文外审小修

    我的文章前几天收到杂志的回信,状态是minor revision两位审稿人的意见:Reviewer #1: X and colleagues present a

    leleba2013 2人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 毕业论文外审没过怎么修改

    如果毕业论文盲审未通过,首先需要冷静分析不通过的原因,然后针对问题进行相应的调整和改进。具体可以采取以下措施: 1. 仔细阅读盲审意见,深入了解问题所在,可以向

    、人生海海 5人参与回答 2023-12-08