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【Abstract】 Multimedia courseware with the rapid development of computers has been widely popular, many of the production of the corresponding software came into Multimedia courseware with its comprehensive and systematic, fast and convenient, attractive and user-friendly interface, the advantages of the interaction more and more people In this paper, flash multimedia courseware production of poetry appreciation, carry forward the culture of a long Courseware used in the basic types of action animation, shape, guide, mask, frame by frame animation, easy to understand, and But also built-in flash animation timeline, plus movie clips, buttons and other components as well as simple to use Action Script script control, it is easy to create interactive and beautiful This article first introduces and courseware related some of the basics, such as multimedia, multimedia courseware concepts; next introduced courseware authoring software; third chapter describes the steps in the production of poetry appreciation of courseware and skills, including material preparation and poetry appreciation of courseware specific production process; fourth chapter describes the feelings and experiences in the production process, including the use of color, the overall style of the setting and the use of animation; Chapter V of the flash courseware [Key words] :Flash animation software, multimedia courseware

【摘 要】多媒体课件随着计算机的迅速发展而得到了广泛的普及,众多相应的制作软件也应运而生。多媒体课件以其全面系统、快捷方便、界面精美以及人性化的交互等优点越来越受到人们的喜爱。本文通过flash多媒体课件之古诗欣赏的制作,弘扬祖国悠久的诗文化。课件制作中用到的基本动画类型有动作、形状、引导、遮罩、逐帧动画等,简单易懂,且功能强大。而且flash还内置有时间轴动画,加上影片剪辑、按钮等元件的使用以及一些简单的Action Script脚本控制,很容易就能制作出具有交互性且漂亮的动画。 本文首先介绍与课件相关的一些基础知识,如多媒体、多媒体课件的概念等;接下来介绍课件的制作软件;第三章介绍了古诗欣赏课件的制作步骤及技巧,包括素材的准备和古诗欣赏课件的具体制作过程;第四章主要介绍制作过程中的心得体会,包括色彩的使用、整体风格的确定以及动画的使用;第五章介绍了flash课件的应用前景。Multimedia courseware with the rapid development of the computer and has gained widespread popularity, many corresponding fabrication software also arises at the historic Multimedia courseware with its comprehensive system, convenient, interface beautifully and humanized interaction etc advantages more and more This article through flash of multi-media courseware making, promote the classical appreciate long poem motherland During the courseware making use of basic animation types have action, shape, guiding, masks, by frame animation and so on, easy to understand, and And still have time axis built-in flash animation, plus movieclip, button elements such as use and some simple Action Script Script control, can easily create interactive and beautiful This paper first introduces and some basic knowledge of courseware, such as the concept of multimedia, multimedia courseware; Then introduce courseware software; The third chapter presents the poetry appreciation courseware steps and skills, including material preparation and poetry appreciation courseware making process; the specific The fourth chapter mainly introduce the production process of experience, including the use of colors, the determination of integral style and animation of use; The fifth chapter presents a flash courseware application 【关 键 词】多媒体:multimedia课件制作:The courseware makingFlash:Flash动画软件:Animation software

Our country present acknowledged generally the movable property good intentions obtain, but obtains to the real estate good intentions is suitable also exists disputed, the theorists obtain the system regarding the good intentions and announce in the male letter system's suitable question to stick to his own Our country "Reality of laws" constructed the integrated good intentions to obtain the system, has integrated the protection scope registration's real estate and the registration movable property, has saved the legislative resources, has maintained the legal logic The good intentions obtained the load bearing the maintain order and the efficiency fundamental law value request, was civil law fair principle manifestation, was also the reality of laws intrinsic structure and the real right public announcement principle request and the inevitable

电子商务自诞生以来,以其灵活的交易手段和快捷的交易方式,逐步渗透到我们日常学习和生活的各个领域。据权威调查数据表明,网购的主力消费群体中大学本专科以5%居首。本文结合我校校园电子商务现状,研究开发校园电子商务平台并投入实际应用,实现学校、学生和企业三赢的局面。Electronic commerce since its birth, with its flexible means of transaction and efficient way of transactions, gradually infiltrated into every aspect of our daily life and According to an authoritative survey data show that the main consumer groups, University online shopping in the college to 5% in the In this paper, combining with our school campus situation of electronic commerce, and put into practical application of research and development of campus e-commerce platform, realize the school, students and business win-win 本文首先介绍了课题的选题背景和重要意义,以及国内外校园电子商务研究发展现状;通过介绍校园电子商务的概念,从八方面分析了校园电子商务与一般电子商务的区别;简单分析了面向校企合作的校园电子商务的优势。This paper first introduces the background and significance of topic, and domestic research and development status of e-commerce on campus; by introducing the concept of campus e-commerce, from eight aspects analyzed the difference between campus e-commerce and the general electronic commerce; a simple analysis of the campus e-commerceoriented cooperation 其次深入学校相关部门、学生中进行调研,收集用户需求,给出详细的需求分析报告;基于需求分析的结果,提出采用ASPNET技术,结合SQL Server数据库,在Visual Studio平台上,实现基于B/S三层架构的校园电子商务平台。确定平台的前台购物系统包括:会员注册、会员信息维护、商品和促销活动展示、商品分类、商品搜索、购物车、订单管理、评论留言等功能;后台管理系统包括:店铺管理、商品管理、客户管理、促销管理、团购管理、订单管理、统计报表、客户服务、权限管理、数据库管理等功能。Secondly, the students in the school related departments to conduct research, collect user requirements, detailed requirements analysis;requirement based on the results of the analysis, proposed uses the ASPNET technology, combined with SQL Server database, in the VisualStudio platform, realizes the campus e-commerce platform B/S based on three layer Determine the shopping system include: Member registration, member information maintenance, and merchandise promotions display, the classification of goods, merchandise search,shopping cart, order management, comments and other functions; includes the backstage management system: store management, merchandise management, customer management, sales management, group purchasemanagement, order management, statistical statements, customer service,rights management, database management and other 而后采用NET的三层架构思想进行了系统的总体设计;详细介绍了平台的前台购物系统和后台管理系统的设计、数据库的概念设计、逻辑设计和物理设计;通过关键截图、关键代码,给出了信任登录、购物车、商品管理、订单管理、团购、商品批量导入等功能模块的详细设计和实现过程。Then the overall design of the system adopts the three layer NET platform; introduces the shopping system and the backgroundmanagement system design, database concept design, logic design and physical design; the key shots, key code, detailed design and realization process gives credence to login, shopping cart management, merchandise,order management, group purchase, product batch import of function 最后对平台进行了功能上和性能上的测试,并给出了测试方法和相应的测试用例;最后对本文进行了总结和展望。Finally has carried on the system function and performance test, and gives the test method and the corresponding test cases; finally, the paper summarizes and 由于自身经验欠缺、时间仓促,所以本系统还有以下需要改进与完善的地方:交易模式有待进一步扩展和创新;对数据库和代码进行优化,以提高平台的运行效率。Because of their own lack of experience, time constraints, so the systemhas the following need to improve and perfect place: further expansion and innovation of the transaction model; database and code optimization, in order to improve the efficiency of


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写论文摘要时以一般现在时为主。介绍背景知识时,要用一般现在时,例如:Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into 叙述研究现状时,也可以用一般现在时,例如:This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate 叙述研究结果时,大多数用一般过去时,例如:Our text achieved the possibility





意得辑或者AJE俩个我都用过 感觉意得辑要更好一些







意得辑或者AJE俩个我都用过 感觉意得辑要更好一些




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