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The statement of cash flowsis one of the three majoraccounting statements,financialexperts,securities analystsasbusiness decision"gold silver".At present,under the conditions of market economy,enterprisesare facing increasingly fierce market competition,enterprises liquidityaffects theformation anddevelopment of enterprisesto a great extent,is just like thebloodinthe arevery concerned aboutcash flow,because it isrelated to the enterpriselife and death,existence the cash flow statementis the reflection ofcash and cashequivalentsof inflow and outflow offinancial statements,itcan help enterprises tograsp itscash flow situation,improve efficiency in the use of on the analysis ofthe cash flow statementthoroughtheory,be able to fully understandand grasp thecash flow statement,and how touse the cash flow statementinformation of enterprisemanagement condition and thecash flow statementclosely linked,can understand theform,development trend ofcash flow,seize the keycash flow management,business managementhas become an important aspect ofenterprise financial management,enterprise managementpersonnel,byinvestors,creditors andgovernment supervisiondepartments concerned.

114 评论



213 评论


As everyone knows, the audit of CPA has become the whole social economic supervision system is an indispensable important part in such a great environment, accounting firms have become social and economic development services indispensable role. At present, in the service of Henan province most industrial and commercial enterprises accounting firm for the vast majority of small and medium-sized accounting firm. Therefore, visible in small and medium-sized accounting firm in the development of social economy of Henan province service work importance. This paper combines with the author 's small CPA firm 's actual situation, on small firms in the human resources management in humanistic management advantages and disadvantages in the aspects of the analysis and the it comes to humane management of the pros and cons, on one hand, any enterprises toward standardization development and promotion, it should not be, or should abandon the humanity this undesirable management way, replace sb. Is scientific and normalized management system ; on the other hand, under the influence of traditional Chinese culture : " employees first" and " people-oriented" as many companies advocating humane management concept, but in real work," people first " and " people-oriented" but there are a lot of places not just as one wishes, managers should be how to define "staff first " and " people-oriented" in the actual operation, how to correctly grasp the "staff the first" and " people-oriented" humane management, combined with the actual spread out to this problem were analyzed and discussed.

164 评论


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