症状,如咳嗽,鼻stuffiness ,放电,打喷嚏,咽喉痛,可因轻微的上呼吸道的疾病也称为共同是造成众多的病毒和,通常是自限性的疾病。不过,有时感染蔓延至其他邻近器官,导致了严重的细菌免疫的变化,在怀孕期间,孕妇很容易受到许多有许多过度的柜台药品,有助纾缓症状的普通感冒,有只有极少数中药成分在这些产品。 常见的止痛药,发现在场外交易冷战药物对乙酰氨基酚,布洛芬,乙酰水杨酸( ASA的) 。安全的对乙酰氨基酚在怀孕以及围产期协作项目监测50282母子对, 226 ,其中firsttrimester暴露对乙酰氨基酚和781其中已暴露,随时在怀孕期间。 布洛芬和ASA都是非甾体类jnflammatory药物(非甾体抗炎药) ,在同一监测研究,作为上述情况, 3178新生儿暴露于布洛芬在第一季度,并没有与协会的风险增加了出生缺陷。吗?在2001年,研究1462年妇女谁收到的处方非甾体抗炎药 30天前的概念,或在怀孕期间没有找到协会之间的非甾体抗炎药和先天性出生缺陷,早产deliv - ery ,或胎儿宫内生长 ,他们也果皮统计学上的风险增加自然流产(审计局)时相比, anonexposed 是isportant地注意到, aithough一asso - ciaton与sabs被发现,无论非甾体抗炎药组和对照组在这方面的研究已substan - tially率较低, sabs比,预计在根纪要人口。吗? 这里翻译:
我是按以下理解进行翻译的:本试验以…为原料,采用…的合成方法,得到…对…用... (条件)下的总收率。通过…,本文探讨了…的影响,并研究了…的影响,(此处不知是什么“优化了工艺条件”,实验?影响?论文?)。最后,(实验)通过…和… 对…进行了结构鉴定。By means of compound of acetylation, fries rearrangement, oximization, Beckman rearrangement with phenol as its raw material, this experiment has gained the result that the target product is at a total yield to acetaminophen in condition of the best reacting temperature and the best reacting time using acetone as its catalyst. Though a parallel experiment, the paper has discussed the influence to the result yield during the process of rearrangement with various ways, and studied the influence of the yield of the target product resulted by reacting condition in the Beckmann rearrangement (optimalize technics condition “优化了工艺条件”需要自己贯通) . Finally, the experiment made a structure appraisement to the main product with a melting-point standardizing box and a infrared spectrum apparatus.
School "of acetaminophen refined the process of acylation of the multimedia simulation design" system. This issue is the application software to produce a series of FLASH on the chemical industry, distillation, acidification, etc. courseware refined and the formation of a chemical process simulation teaching software. Must have a sound professional easy-to-understand materials and simple interface. Realistic form of a dynamic display of the internal structure of related equipment, working principle and the related the principle of professional equipment and pharmaceutical equipment on various chemicals and equipment of the working principle of the work. Process Equipment and pharmaceuticals to meet the engineering education and professional training related to the response process with the multi-media courseware. And the realization of software in the Institute of Teaching to meet the needs of teachers teaching and learning requirements of students. Enable students to understand its structure and the simple principle of composition. Intuitively reflect the composition of pharmaceutical machinery, as well as the work of the working words: flash educational software simulation of acetaminophen
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