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首页 > 期刊论文 > 家庭理财管理系统毕业论文

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系统开发工具:DELPHI+ACCESS : I* l6 ? p4 t3 X* t" ^% e4 F; u) D1 P( P$ v本设计包含内容:源代码程序+毕业论文+参考文献+目录+摘要+致谢+任务书等见附件5 Y: S7 l$ d1 N" R G4 }7 x' D* f, F论文大概:万字7 m5 i5 C1 m. S; O% K9 l家庭理财管理的现状' b. {0 @2 Y0 D. }/ G B计算机已经成为我们学习和工作的得力助手,我们应该利用它来管理家庭财务,发挥其强大功能。今天,计算机的价格已经十分低廉,性能却有了长足的进步,它已经被应用于许多领域。而现在我国的家庭财务管理水平还停留在纸介质的基础上,平时在家庭财务管理过程中,计算与统计家庭财务信息这是在所难免的,但紧凭有限的人力,既浪费又不能确保准确性,这对家庭财务管理者而言是不利的,所以说这种机制已经不能适应时代的发展,在信息时代这种传统的管理方法也将必然被以计算机为基础的信息管理所取代。; U2 J3 h2 h7 B( u% x虽然也有很多家庭在购置计算机的时候也会把家庭财务管理列为主要应用之一.可是实际情况往往事与愿违。究其原因.除了用户自己没有形成用计算机辅助家庭财务管理的习惯之外,原因如下:(1)中国原来采取的是计划经济,国家或单位包管职工的一生,所以不用自己规划家庭财务;(2)中国目前还是一个相对贫穷的国家,执行的是低工资政策,普通家庭没有多少剩余资产,也就无财可理。(3)在消费习惯上,国人相对比较保守,大部分人还是以最单一的储蓄方式来处理自己的结余资金,没有更多的理财渠道。(4)另外就是国内还确实缺乏真正适合中国家庭的理财软件,一方面专业的家庭财务管理软件都存在一个使用太过复杂的问题,用户需要具备一定的财务管理知识才能更好地使用这些软件,所以在使用一段时间的财务管理软件以后,很多用户最终放弃了用财务管理软件辅助家庭财务管理;第二方面是由于很多软件是以国外成熟产品为蓝本仿制,进行跟踪学习,虽然走了一条捷径,但由于国人的浪费习惯、理财方式及软件操作等方面与国外是不太一样的,所以这些以及很多优秀的国外软件在中国并没有得到普及。第三方面非专业版的软件又太过粗糙。只是一个简单的记账程序而已,许多都还没有超过Excel的功能范围,所以叫它们是家庭理财软件比较勉强,应该就叫记账程序比较准确。这些程序也就是软件初学者个人的习作,一般只实现了记账功能,功能比较简单,所以在实用性上范围相对较窄,应运面较小,家庭成员除非记录必要的帐务一般访问它的几率很少,这对于软件本身而言,是个失败。( Y! C8 E1 y5 }. O! l1.2.2 家庭理财管理系统开发意义) V" l T( f9 U; A我作为一个信息管理专业的毕业生,希望可以在这方面有所贡献,希望通过运用我所学的知识开发一个实用的程序来帮助家庭进行有效的财务管理。 开发这一系统的好处有以下几点:( e/ F0 \2 Z U E4 v. f6 Q(1) 存储家庭预算计划,日常财务信息,历史财务记录,方便日后管理。: |$ ^! m3 G; b9 E0 p(2) 可以方便而快速的管理与查询你的资金流向及最新的资金信息, 这一系统的报表统计与收支分析功能,能让你可以随时掌握日常支出及收入情况,做到收入支出心中有数,进而达到家庭或个人理财的目的。/ k5 X8 ]6 o, I3 ^. h(3)附带了家庭生活中比较实用的一些功能,如日记管理、通讯录管理、备忘提醒等,扩充了软件内涵,延长了软件的使用寿命,同时提供了家庭橱窗管理一栏,更具人性化和吸引力。( h0 n# i: |3 u( B(4)只需了解操作系统,就能实现方便快捷的家庭财务管理,节省时间与精力。# O! F: Q Z8 Q) N3 F: K这是我意见看看有没有用

175 评论


The present paper manages finances the idea take the family and the method as the center, the union current financial circumstance and the expense market situation, managed finances the basic thought to the family and the development direction has carried on objective also the science elaboration and the finances developed today, already gradually became one kind of life idea, one kind of survival and development fundamental element, but the family managed finances with the life is closely linked, it was different in the company manages finances and so on the enterprises or the society manages finances, but actually and all managed finances the type to have the basic common good family manages finances the custom to be possible to cause the life the rhythm feeling to be stronger, enables the money in life use efficiency to achieve most draws close in the ideal system uses Visual Basic to carry on the compilation, the database uses Access2003, through the establishment data pool, VB and the backstage database connection article is friendly by the contact surface, the operation is simple, the system safety, practical is a principle, in has completed the family financial control system demand analysis, the function module division, in the database pattern analysis foundation, has designed the construction of data and the application to the system movement and the test, explained in this article designs the family financial control system may meet the needs which the user family manages finances.

270 评论


In this paper, the concept of the family and methods of financial management as the center, combined with the current economic situation and the consumer market situation, the family financial management and development of the basic idea of the direction of an objective and scientific exposition and analysis. Development of financial management, has gradually become a philosophy of life, survival and development of a basic element in financial management and the daily lives of families, it is different from the Corporate Finance business or social type, such as financial management, financial management and all types but have a basic common thinking. Financial management habits of a good family life can make a stronger sense of rhythm, so that money in life to achieve the best efficiency in the use of the state near the ideal. The system uses Visual Basic for the preparation of the database using Access2003, through the establishment of a data source, VB with database connection to run the background. In this paper, user-friendly, simple operation, system security, the principle of utility, at the conclusion of family financial management system needs analysis, functional modules, database schema based on the analysis, design of data structures and applications. Running through the system and test that design in this article are the family financial management system to meet the needs of users of family financial management.

327 评论



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