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中科院分区:Pattern Recognition (PR)是 SCI,大小科都是二区;Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL)是SCIE,大科类三区,小科类要四区了。二者都不是TOP期刊。




SCI全称是Science Citation Index,是美国科学信息研究所( Institute for Scientific Information,简称ISI)出版的一部世界著名的期刊文献检索工具,其出版形式包括印刷版期刊和光盘版及联机数据库,还发行了互联网上Web版数据库。SCI收录全世界出版的数、理、化、农、林、医、生命科学、天文、地理、环境、材料、工程技术等自然科学各学科的核心期刊约3500种。

我的感觉,对于工程领域,审稿很严。我做的是一个“在振动台上测试了典型的 HSR 桥梁,以评估在高强度地震(例如最大考虑地震 (MCE))中的抗震性能”的研究。审稿意见有54条。大家看看:Reviewer Comments:Reviewer 1The manuscript under consideration presents an investigate on the seismic performance of typical RERSCSS concrete pier used in HSRB with varying seismic strength and design parameters through a series of shaking table tests.The authors carried out a series of shaking table tests on RERSCSS concrete piers (M1-M9). The similarity relation between the test model and prototype is given based on dimensional analysis. Displacement, acceleration and strain sensors were deployed for model response acquisition.The following points should be addressed before it can be considered for publication.The analyses (part 3) should be further organized and underscored. The following issues require careful revision:[1] The description of experimental phenomena should be supported by experimental photographs, such as part 3.1.[2] The pictures given in the manuscript should be analyzed as necessary rather than simply presented to the reader, such as Fig 11.[3] Lines 351-358. The authors discussed the acceleration growth rates. But the manuscript lacks the necessary description of the acceleration growth rates. Only the peak acceleration of the top is given (Fig 12), but the bottom is missing. This is very confusing.[4] The analysis of part 3.4 is meaningless. The difference in stiffness between the two directions is obvious.[5]  Fig 14 is confusing. What’s the meaning of the pink line and the shadow? The authors discussed the influence of longitudinal reinforcement rate on the energy dissipation performance according to M2, M3 and M7. While, they differ not only in factor of longitudinal reinforcement rate, but also in factor of axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio. This should be further elaborated.[6] 2. Some pictures in the article should be redesigned. Fig. 9, 14, 15, 19. What the authors want to reflect through the picture is not clear.[7] 3. There is some overlap between the third part and the fourth part, please rearrange the structure of the article.Reviewer 2The authors present an interesting experimental study to investigate the seismic performance of typical high-speed rail (HSR) round-ended rectangular-shaped cross-section solid (RERSCSS) concrete piers by shaking table tests. Several piers design parameters were taking into account. Seismic performance of 9 pier specimens was assessed by analyzing the dynamic behavior from several points of view. The authors collected a large variety of measurement data and the experimental study was quite rich and complete. Nonetheless, the manuscript does not show any theoretical or numerical model that would have helped the comprehension of the results. The organization of the manuscript should be improved. Some parts of the text, as well as some tables and figures, are useless repetitions that do not add to the comprehension of the study. The overall manuscript should be a little more concise. Some figures do not match their captions and should be reorganized. Some revision of the English is needed. Some specific comments are in the following:[8] Page 7, line 119. Please, replace “…the actual results…” with “…the currently available results of…”[9] Page 7, lines 121-123. Here some papers by the earthquake researchers who found such results should be added to the references, for completeness.[10] Page 7, lines 125-130. Here the authors make reference to the risk of building collapse and related codes and practices in the US. Given that the authors are studying Chinese infrastructures, please, explicitly explain the reasons of such reference to the American context.[11] Page 8, lines 131-132. This sentence makes no sense. Please improve the English and reformulate this sentence. Do the authors mean that “Usually concrete piers are characterized by quite different cross-section sizes in the two horizontal directions, forming a wall pier”?[12] Page 8, lines 136-137. The authors state that the experimental research on the seismic performance of HSR circular end concrete piers is still insufficient. Please, provide some reasons why it is still insufficient.[13] Page 9, line 171. Please, explain what “the seismic fortification intensity of the 8-degree zone” is. International readers may not be familiar with the Chinese code…[14] Page 9, line 172-173. Please, replace 0.30g with 0.45g. Explicitly explain why the study focused on the three seismic intensity levels 0.15g, 0.20g, and 0.32g (corresponding to 0.45g, 0.60g, and 0.96g of shaking table test PGAs). If the reason is that the utilized shaking table cannot perform higher levels of PGA, please, state it explicitly for transparency. However, this part should be better moved to section 2.7 ‘Input motion and seismic hazard levels’ for better manuscript organization and readability.[15] Page 9, line 174. Please, replace “Code” with “Chinese code”.[16] Table 1 should be better designed in order to be more readable. The second column is not easily comprehensible, values should be better spaced. Why 7-degree zone and 8-degree zone columns have double values? While 9-degree zone has only a single value?[17] Figure 3. This figure does not match its caption. Please check this figure![18] Table 2. According to this reviewer, the Table 2 is useless. All the design factors and variables here illustrated are better shown in Table 3. It seems that Table 2 is redundant and does not add to the comprehension of the study.[19] Page 13, lines 203-205. Notes to Table 2 should be added to Table 3. Please, check D values for pier models, they are probably in inverted order.[20] Figure 4. This figure does not match its caption. Please check this figure![21] Table 4. Similitude parameters related to material properties can be hardily achieved. Please, explicitly explain how you achieved, and checked, the scaled density values for reinforced concrete.[22] Page 16, line 240. Please, replace “Kn” with “kN”.[23] Page 17, line 254. Please, replace “represent” with “reproduce”.[24] Page 17, line 255. Please, replace “reappear” with “represent”.[25] Figure 7. This figure is quite simplistic and incomplete. Where are the sensors set at the bottom of piers? Please add in a new figure a few photos of sensors installation setup to let readers better understand the measurements that were carried out.[26] Page 18, lines 266-268. Explicitly explain the reason why you choose this specific earthquake for shaking table motions… it would make more sense to choose an earthquake recorded in China, given that the study focused on Chinese infrastructures…[27] Page 18, lines 269. Before “Three…” the authors should explicitly state that ST tests are one-directional and that the vertical component was neglected, adding the reasons of this choice. Moreover, they should explicitly state which horizontal direction (i.e. N or E?) of the recorded earthquake they chose to be used for the ST tests, and why.[28] Figure 9. The order of graphs in this figure might be confusing. Please, consider reorder the graphs as a), c), d), b) clockwise. Moreover, in this reviewer’s opinion, Fourier spectrum would be more readable in linear scale of both axes (for frequencies use range 0-30 Hz or similar).[29] Section 3 ‘Test results and analyses’ and 4 ‘Experimental discussion’ should be reformulated. In the present form they are a bit confusing and repetitive.[30] Page 22, lines 320-322. Here the English is not good and the sentence in not comprehensible. Please, reformulate the sentence.[31] Page 22, lines 322-323. The crack pattern description is too short. Please, provide a wider description of cracks and add some descriptive photos.[32] Page 23, lines 332-343. Please, specify which specimen is considered here. This reviewer suggests moving Figure 17 and related text here. The overall section 3.2 should be better reformulated.[33] Section 3.3 ‘Acceleration responses’ and 4.2 ‘Effect of axial load ratio on acceleration response’ should be reformulated. In the present form they are a bit confusing and repetitive. For example, acceleration growth rate and acceleration increase rate are the same? Please, use one nomenclature and define it the first time it appears in the text.[34] Figure 11. According to this reviewer, the photos embedded in the graphs are very bad and not readable. It is suggested to put them apart in a different figure with a proper caption describing what such photos are about. Furthermore, in graph b) at 0.60g labels are in Chinese. Finally, in the caption x and y directions seem inverted…[35] Page 25, lines 353-358. These lines seem to describe the results shown in Figure 18 and not the ones in Figure 12…[36] Figure 12. For better readability, please, consider increasing the spacing between each bar and related acceleration value.[37] Page 27, lines 365-366. Check the statement “its top moved more in the cross-bridge direction than it did in its cross-bridge direction”...[38] Figure 14. Legend and related lines in the graphs are not clear…[39] Page 29, line 384. Please check section numbering 4.6…[40] Page 30, line 391. Delete “significant”.[41] Page 30, line 400. Define “hoop ratio”...[42] Page 31, line 409. Replace “Fig.Fig.” with “Fig.”.[43] Page 33, lines 435-439. These lines seem to describe the results shown in Figure 12, if so make reference to Figure 12 …[44] Page 33, line 439. Delete “are the absolute weights of the two samples”. Possible typo.[45] Page 34, line 444. Replace “a bit” with “ a little”.[46] Figure 19. Graphs a) and b) are the same as in Figure 11. Useless repetition. Further comments are the same as in Figure 9…[47] Page 36, lines 484-487. Please, check repetitions of “cross-bridge direction”…[48] Page 37, line 496. Consider deleting “…seismic simulation…”. Useless repetition.[49] Page 37, line 499. Consider replacing “…substantial…” with ”… severe…”.[50] Page 37, line 503. Consider replacing “…visible …” with ”… significant…”.[51] Page 37, lines 507-508. Consider deleting “For this reason,…”.[52] Page 37, lines 509-510. According to this reviewer, the sentence “which means that the pier is less vulnerable to damage in the y-direction” is controversial, and should be eliminated or better justified. In fact, seismic vulnerability depends on the considered seismic input spectrum…[53] Page 38, lines 513-514. Consider replacing “… bigger than the displacement in the bridge's cross-sectional direction” with “… bigger in the cis-bridge direction than in the bridge's cross-sectional direction”.[54] Page 38, lines 514-517. The final sentence of 5 Conclusions is not comprehensible, please, reformulate it in a better English.

Scientific Reports 是 Natrure 旗下的综合性科学期刊,2012年第一次影响因子为2.9。文章强调“技术”上的先进,但“无需具有重大科研意义”,所以审稿要求低于Nature的其他刊物,投稿者一般都是投Nature系列刊物被拒稿后转投的,所以文章水平还是比较高的,但是由于是新刊物,且发表文章数量过多,因此造成影响因子偏低。


Scientific Reports —出版业的一个新时代

Scientific Reports 是来自 Nature 杂志出版者的一个发表原始研究工作的刊物,在线出版,公开访问,内容涉及自然科学所有领域。

托管在 nature.com(该网站是由Springer Nature出版的80多种刊物的共同门户,每月全球有数百万科学家访问)上, Scientific Reports 是任何人都可以公开访问的,发表在技术上可靠的、各领域内的专业人员感兴趣的原始研究论文,其相关内容的访问不受任何限制。

中科院分区:Pattern Recognition (PR)是 SCI,大小科都是二区;Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL)是 SCIE,大科类三区,小科类要四区了。二者都不是 TOP 期刊。CCF 推荐分类:PR 是 B 类;PRL 是 C 类。一般,PR 在行业里还是比较认可的。博士毕业,还是要发几篇像 PR 这样的期刊。17年的影响因子 Impact Factor:PR 是 4.582,从13年以来,一直以很快的速度上涨;PRL 是 1.995,也是在一直增长。期刊性质:PR 和 PRL 是一个 Publisher ,区别是 PRL 原本的意图是发表短少精炼、周期短的论文,而 PR 是复杂长篇、周期长的论文或文章。但逐渐的 PR 也开始发表短文章。对比来看, PRL 比上不足,比下有余,毕竟是 CCF C 类。







1979年因弱电统一理论,史蒂芬·温伯格与格拉肖和萨拉姆分享当年诺贝尔物理学奖。1967年11月20日,史蒂芬·温伯格在物理评论快报(PRL)上发表的一篇标志性的论文:《轻子模型》(A Model of Leptons),为高能粒子物理学在20世纪后半叶的发展指明了方向。


















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只要别发附件就行 因为编辑们每天都会受到很多邮件 一般带附件的会连看都不看就直接删除




河南南岸文化我近期整理了几本教育类中文核心期刊的投稿心得,希望对准备投稿的作者有所帮助。 1. 《思想教育研究》 《思想教育研究》(月刊)创刊于1985年,由全国高校思想政治教育研究会主办。本刊经过20多年的建设,已经成为全国高等学校思想政治教育指导性刊物,思想政治教育学科核心期刊,为推动高校思想政治工作和思想政治教育学科建设做出了重要贡献。主要栏目:专家视点、学科建设、德育论坛、观察与思考、实践与探索、理论探讨、高校党建、专题研究。 本刊为:人文扩展(2018年版), 中文核心(2017年版), RCCSE(A)(2017-2018), CSSCI来源期刊(2019-2020), 科技核心(2019社会科学), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录, 写了一篇稿子,其实风格就不是要投这个杂志的,但还是抱着试一试的态度投了。邮箱投稿一个月。看到群里说1个月没有回复的,就可以打电话询问。编辑接电话后,说最近收录的文章中没有,建议改投。所以,杂志还是挺不错的。 投稿1个多月后告知需要修改,按两位外审专家意见修改后将文章缩减至11000字,第2月就出刊了,这个期刊发表速度特别快,从来不压稿,用了就是下月发,如果两个月没接到通知基本是被pass,编辑态度特别好,很好的期刊,期刊很良心,不存在黑这种事,我投稿5、6次才中,的确是以质量审稿的。只要自己用心了会有好结果的! 投过好几篇文章,一直有无音讯。在该网站的投稿平台去年6月份的一篇文章,至今一年多了,还是待审中。。。看该期刊的作者多是约思政专家的稿件,或者第二作者至少是博导、教授。哎!中奖率比买彩票还低。 2.《教师教育研究》 《教师教育研究》(双月刊)创刊于1989年,是由国家教育部主管,北京师范大学、华东师范大学、教育部高校师资培训交流北京中心主办的教育教学期刊。办刊宗旨:倡导学术创新、促进学术交流、提高学术水平,全方位研究解决教师教育中的理论和实际问题。开设栏目:主要有教师教育新体系建构、体制创新 、培养模式、教师专业化、教育现代化、继续教育、学科建设、课程与教材、教学新探、队伍建设、管理与评价、教育实验、教师与学生、教育心理、教育原理。 本刊为:人文核心(2018年版), 中文核心(2017年版), RCCSE(A)(2017-2018), CSSCI来源期刊(2019-2020), 科技核心(2019社会科学), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录, 超星收录, 1)5月15日投稿 2)6月19日开始外审,送2位专家 3)8月15日前后发现外审多了一位专家,不知何故。打电话无人接听。 4)9月8日打通电话,编辑非常和蔼。告知多了一位专家是因为原来外审的1位专家迟迟没有返回外审意见,故终止此专家外审,又送另外一位专家。但编辑自己说,送审时间也已近1个月,并答应要催促专家,尽快完成审稿意见。 5)一周后,仍然没有进一步意见。打电话即出现传真声音,无人接听。 5月初投稿,初筛一周左右,初审半个月,5月底开始外审,三周左右退修第一次,7月底退修第2次,现在快一个月了,在第三次外审中,能不能过外审应该快有结果了 投过两次,去年投过一次,审稿期八个月,最终终审被拒,无退稿原因。年底又投搞一次,至今五个月,还在外审中,联系过编辑部一次,编辑回复外审最短三个月,上不封顶(他们似乎也不太会催外审)。投这家期刊一定要有足够的耐心,只能一直等待 从投稿到最终通知录用,将近10个月,期间有对文章进行修改,编辑认真、态度很好。本刊学界评价很高,但录用周期相对较长。 3.《教育发展研究》 本刊为:人文核心(2018年版), 中文核心(2017年版), RCCSE(A+)(2017-2018), CSSCI来源期刊(2019-2020), 科技核心(2019社会科学), 知网收录, 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(万方), 超星收录,第一批认定学术期刊, 《教育发展研究》在很多高校算作权威B类期刊,期刊上的论文质量很高,发表还是有一定难度的。投稿后45天左右就会有审稿结果,审稿通过会直接和你联系。包括数据、图表、文字的修改,编辑和主编老师都很负责用心,整个过程下来会让人收获很大。由于是双月刊,之后就会很快见刊。林老师一直致力于办专业、有温度的期刊,给了年轻人很多机会,不歧视研究生独作,大家在保证文章质量的情况下都可以试试! 这个没有官网投稿,需要自己联系编辑部。985在读硕士,挂导师一作。因为学校就在上海而且去过教科院,所以跟编辑联系很方便。一次性发了两篇给编辑,大概过了一周编辑发信息说其中一篇比较有新意,另一篇直接拒绝。但需要大改,除了核心观点没有改,其他基本都改了。中间改动花了2个多月,期间跟编辑联系过一次,编辑说还需要修改,所以一共修改了两次。个人感觉偏爱理论思辨类的文章,而且观点一定要有新意。最后一次发给编辑直接说录用了,好像没有外审。 4.《当代教育科学》 本刊为:人文核心(2018年版), 中文核心(2017年版), RCCSE(A-)(2017-2018), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录, 超星收录 该刊审稿较慢,首先为两周内未收到通知即初审通过,其次为两周+一个月左右的外审时间。当然,编辑部服务态度还是很好的,不论是邮件还是电话,均可以及时反馈消息或接通。不过感觉刊物影响因子略低,而今又面临新一轮期刊定级。。。 两周过初审不通知,之后一个多月没消息,期间询问两次均在二审中,看到同批次的作者已经有了通知,熬到两个月满询问,告知二审未过。还需继续努力呀! 投过几次终于中了一篇。2020年4月5日投稿,审稿期一般为2月,因为之前投都是默默等两个月就改投了,这次完全也没抱什么希望。5.20日邮件查稿,心想着反正以前从没中过这个期刊,要是没通过审核就赶紧改投,节省一些时间。当天中午就收到录用通知,刊期定在6月份,见刊很快,不歧视硕士独作。不过该刊比较喜欢教育理论类的文章,定量的相对较少。 5.《高校教育管理》 审稿速度比较快,7天左右就给了回复。我的文章是以硕士论文为蓝本撰写的,但是硕士论文上了知网。投出去给的审稿意见是:您的来稿经编辑部初审,认为内容翔实、结构清晰、语言明了,但遗憾的是,您的文章文字查重比较高,故不适合在我刊发表,您可以转投他刊。我感觉编辑态度不错,起码是看了一遍稿子的,这一点比较难得。 从2019年底投稿,初审,到外审,再到外审回来返修,期间修改了5次(包括送外审前修改了1次)。结果终审将近一个月之后,直接退稿!前后折腾了6个月时间 超级烦琐的期刊。我投稿后,按审稿要求认真修改了3次,最后一次修改是调整语句表述(到这个份上了,我以为应该没问题了)。从投稿算起3个月后进入终审。终审1个多月后,退稿。总共浪费了4个多月。 6.《高教发展于评估》 本刊为:人文核心(2018年版), 中文核心(2017年版), RCCSE(A-)(2017-2018), CSSCI扩展版(2019-2020), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录, 超星收录,第一批认定学术期刊,匿名审稿, 在读博士独作可发 邮寄纸质版,4.25投递,4.28签收,5.6收到邮件已送二审,6.28编辑电话通知修改录用,审稿周期2个月。属于时间比较长的,中间打过电话和编辑沟通,因为一位专家给的意见不是很好,但是编辑觉得文章还不错,所以又挑选了一位专家再审,感觉自己比较幸运,编辑人也很好,沟通很顺畅。 由于疫情期间,审稿有所延迟,一个月过初审,一个多零几天收到录用通知。根据外审意见说我题目过于谦卑不必要,建议直接点,另外要求我改两个词,说一词为生造词,一词为使用不当。于是稿件就被录用了。这次经验让我感觉商榷性文章很不好发,所以《高教发展与评估》能录用我的稿子我特别感激,很开心。觉得不费一番用心。 更多教育类期刊投稿方面的疑问欢迎咨询我


近两年投稿了8篇论文,总计投稿过上海农业学报、江苏农业科学、南方农业、中国油料作物学报、中国农业科学、江苏农业学报、浙江农业学报、植物保护、植物遗传资源学报、中国生物防治学报、种子、西北农林科技大学(自然科学版)、云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)等13个农业类期刊,经历秒退、退修无数次、最后论文改得完全变样、小修后直接收录等事件,写论文过程中没有总结出太多经验,投稿过程中倒是有了一些小体会: 如果时间充裕,论文质量还不错,可以先从CSCD里学术水平较高的期刊投起,一般会得到两个结果:一是秒退,二是一段时间后给你退稿意见。脸皮要厚,不能惧怕秒退,退了再改投其它期刊,有些期刊的编辑很认真负责,他们虽然会退稿但同时会提出很多宝贵意见。比如我将一篇刚开始很粗糙的论文投到《中国农业科学》,几分钟后就收到退稿邮件,动作之迅速,让我惊叹,真的是毫不留情啊!不过想到它代表国内农业期刊中的老大哥,收稿量巨大、稿件要求高、目光犀利,一眼就能看穿你的论文水平,秒拒也是严谨负责、工作高效的表现。后来我又投到《中国油料作物学报》,此期刊的审稿老师很负责任,为我仔细修改了论文,摘要、图表等地方表达不妥之处均作了详细标注和修改,尤其是摘要等地的措辞修改后一下子上了一个档次,为我接下来投下一个期刊打下了基础。在投稿到《植物保护》等期刊时也收到很多宝贵意见,非常感谢众多期刊背后辛勤付出的审稿老师。所以,投学术水平高点的期刊,万一遇到热心审稿老师为你把关的话,你的论文水平会改进不少呢。 投稿时遇到了两次假的投稿平台,都是在百度上搜索期刊网址,筛选后投了稿子,然后一两个月都没有消息,后来再从这个网址进去的时候已经关闭页面了。其中一个是投稿《江苏农业学报》,投稿后很久没有消息,于是在网上查了编辑部的电话,然后才得知他们换了网址,我投错平台了。所以,投稿后如果没有收到收稿信息,那么要尽早打电话确认编辑部是否已经收到稿件,避免耽误宝贵的论文发表时间。因为论文写好后的近期修改,很多数据、观点都还记得,拖得时间越长,数据分析等细节都会遗忘,再改起来会很吃力。还有一个是投稿《种子》期刊,在贵州种子管理站看到投稿链接,投稿后得到一个文章编号,但是没有收到确认消息,投稿后一个月网址居然打不开了,后来在贵州同学处问到《种子》编辑部的电话和投稿方式,才顺利投稿。所以,如果投稿后没有收到编辑部发来的收稿邮件,那么得确认是否投错稿件了,避免像我一样傻等耽误时间。 投稿论文要想投CSCD以上的期刊,必须使用国际单位,尤其是亩产等单位要避免,在一开始分析处理数据的时候就将单位换算过来,避免论文投出去后再修改工作量太大,要修改正文和表中的各处数据,也要重新做图,相当于一切重来了。 一篇文章投稿到《西南农业学报》上的办事点负责人手中后,一直没有收到编辑部任何修改或者退稿消息,期间催问过多次负责人,都说已经接收让我静待编辑排版,等了一年多后实在忍不住了,打电话问编辑部,编辑部说没有收到文章,让我从网络投稿平台重新投稿,后来居然收到改投增刊的消息。追问编辑部设立办事点的意义,也无人回答。就这样,《西南农业学报》的投稿之旅完美结束了,以后绕行。可悲的是这篇已完稿一年半的论文仍在漫漫投稿旅程中,何时或者能否达到目的地还是未知数,因为修改现在对我来说也是很头疼的事情,许多数据分析方法早都不记得了。 投稿到影响因子较低的非核心期刊,不需较多修改,也无需很长时间就可以收到收稿通知,如果试验数据确实含金量不高,或者项目结题急需,那投稿到这些期刊可以快速搞定一篇论文。但是若想投稿到质量较高的期刊,根据我的经历投稿到中文核心《江苏农业科学》、CSCD《上海农业学报》是个不错的选择,后者不需要参考文献的英文标注,前者除了文章题目、摘要和关键词,其余地方均不需要英文,光少了参考文献的英文标注就能降低至少一天的工作量。不过,今后期刊的投稿要求肯定会趋于一致,大多数期刊会像《中国农业科学》等期刊一样高要求、严标准,所以要提前做到心中有数,论文行文格式等按照最高标准来,紧跟趋势走,习惯后自然会提高写作效率。

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