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随着物联网在交通系统中日益普及,为了打造交通系统中更安全、更快、更智能的车辆,车载通信网络和自动驾驶技术是构建未来一代、功能强大的智能交通系统的基石技术。基于物联网的交通系统可以为自动化网联 汽车 提供大规模设备连接和传感器连接。通过使用物联网技术,网联自动驾驶车辆的数量将显著提高。随着网联自动驾驶 汽车 数量的增长,亟待提出新的技术方法并重新思考下一代 汽车 网络的设计,尤其是自动化网联 汽车 。因此,有必要研究新的理论、架构和技术,利用物联网提供的能力,形成更高效、更智能的交通系统。本期特刊旨在为学术界和工业界的研究人员、开发人员和从业人员提供一个平台,传播最新的成果,并推动物联网在自动化网联 汽车 技术方面的应用。




所有IEEE Internet of Things Journal 的原稿或修订本必须通过IEEE稿件中心(http://mc.tcentral.com/iot)以电子方式提交。作者指南和提交信息可以在找到。IEEE Internet of Things Journal鼓励作者在投稿过程中推荐潜在的审稿人,这可能有助于加快审稿速度(请只推荐那些不存在利益冲突的审稿人)。提交稿件时注意必须按适当的关键字分类。




Clara Marina博士,保时捷,




IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Impact Factor 5.86)

Special Issue on

Internet of Things for Connected Automated Driving

Internet-of-things (IoT) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the transportation systems. The traffic system depends on safer, faster, and more intelligent vehicles. The vehicular communication networks (vehicle-to-everything, V2X) and the automated driving technique are two of the cornerstone technologies enabling the construction of future-generation highly functional and intelligent transportation system. The IoT-based transportation system can provide enormous connections of devices and sensors for the networked automated vehicles. The capacity of connected automated vehicles is expected to be dramatically enhanced by employing the IoT techniques. This calls for novel approaches and rethinking of the design of next-generation vehicular networks, particularly for the automated vehicles. Therefore, it is essential to pursue research on new theories, architectures, and techniques to exploit the capability that is delivered by IoT for forming more efficient and intelligent transportation system. This special issue aims to create a platform for researchers, developers and practitioners from both academia and industry to disseminate the state-of-the-art results and to advance the applications of IoT for connected automated driving technology.

Topics of interests include (but are not limited to) the following:

➢Innovative IoT techniques to connect automated vehicles

➢ V2X communication

➢ IoT-based solutions for connected vehicles

➢ Vehicular IoT Infrastructure

➢ IoT-based sensing and recognition

➢ Testing and verification of connected automated vehicles

➢ IoT-based navigation and localization systems

➢ AI and deep learning approaches for IoT-enabled connected automated vehicles

➢ Cyber-physical-social systems based parallel driving


All original manuscripts or revisions to the IEEE IoT Journal must be submitted electronically through IEEE Manuscript Central, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iot. Author guidelines and submission information can be found at http://iot.ieee.org/journal. The IEEE IoT Journal encourages authors to suggest potential reviewers as part of the submission process, which might help to expedite the review of the manuscript. Please suggest only those without conflict of interest. Each submission must be classified by appropriate keywords.

Guest Editors

Dr. Dongpu Cao, University of Waterloo, Canada,

Dr. Li Li, Tsinghua University, China,

Dr. Clara Marina, Porsche Engineering, Germany,

Dr. Long Chen, Sun Yet-sen University, China,

Dr. Yang Xing, Cranfield University, UK,

Dr. Weihua Zhuang, University of Waterloo, Canada,





ieee iot审稿状态流程如下:














电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),简称IEEE,总部位于美国纽约,是一个国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师的协会,也是全球最大的非营利性专业技术学会  。

会员类别分为会士(Fellow)、高级会员(Senior Member)、会员(Member)、准会员(Associate Member)和学生会员(Student Member) 。

当值主席:2021年10月,IEEE 终身会士 Saifur Rahman 以 13,296 票赢得主席选举,成为 2022 年 IEEE 当选主席。

社会评价:IEEE致力于电气、电子、计算机工程和与科学有关的领域的开发和研究,在太空、计算机、电信、生物医学、电力及消费性电子产品等领域已制定了1300多个行业标准,现已发展成为具有较大影响力的国际学术组织 。

以上内容参考 百度百科-ieee

物流技术期刊难投。物流技术杂志社投稿须知:1、文章标题要简短,能概括中心思想,一般不超过20个汉字,必要时加副标题。2、正文应层次清楚,行文规范,方便阅读,字数一般以2500至8000字为宜,重要稿件可不受此限制。3、题目下面均应写作者姓名、单位名称、所在城市、邮编,多位作者分别列出上述信息。4、来稿必须附有100至300字的内容摘要和3至5个关键词。5、如文章获得基金项目资助,以[基金项目]作为标识,并注明基金项目名称和编号。6、正文中图表主要是文字难以表达清楚的内容,图表应设计合理,先后分别给出图表序号。7、来稿请注明姓名、性别、籍贯、出生年月、学历、职称、工作单位、联系电话、详细邮寄地址。8、希望作者投稿时务必将以上要素补充完整、以减轻编辑部的后期工作负担,谢谢合作。9、编辑部有权对稿件进行修删,不同意请在稿件中声明。10、请勿一稿多投,发现一稿多投者,一切不良后果由作者承担。11、物流技术杂志录用通知书为信件版,发放通知书采用快递、请详细写出收信地址。12、若不能被录用,恕不退稿,请作者自留底稿,不同意上述稿件处理方式的作者请转投他刊。13、本站并非物流技术杂志社和物流技术编辑部官方网站。14、若向该刊投稿,请直接与物流技术杂志社编辑部联系。技术是解决问题的方法及方法原理,是指人们利用现有事物形成新事物,或是改变现有事物功能、性能的方法。专业老师在线权威答疑 zy.offercoming.com


随着物联网在交通系统中日益普及,为了打造交通系统中更安全、更快、更智能的车辆,车载通信网络和自动驾驶技术是构建未来一代、功能强大的智能交通系统的基石技术。基于物联网的交通系统可以为自动化网联 汽车 提供大规模设备连接和传感器连接。通过使用物联网技术,网联自动驾驶车辆的数量将显著提高。随着网联自动驾驶 汽车 数量的增长,亟待提出新的技术方法并重新思考下一代 汽车 网络的设计,尤其是自动化网联 汽车 。因此,有必要研究新的理论、架构和技术,利用物联网提供的能力,形成更高效、更智能的交通系统。本期特刊旨在为学术界和工业界的研究人员、开发人员和从业人员提供一个平台,传播最新的成果,并推动物联网在自动化网联 汽车 技术方面的应用。




所有IEEE Internet of Things Journal 的原稿或修订本必须通过IEEE稿件中心(http://mc.tcentral.com/iot)以电子方式提交。作者指南和提交信息可以在找到。IEEE Internet of Things Journal鼓励作者在投稿过程中推荐潜在的审稿人,这可能有助于加快审稿速度(请只推荐那些不存在利益冲突的审稿人)。提交稿件时注意必须按适当的关键字分类。




Clara Marina博士,保时捷,




IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Impact Factor 5.86)

Special Issue on

Internet of Things for Connected Automated Driving

Internet-of-things (IoT) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the transportation systems. The traffic system depends on safer, faster, and more intelligent vehicles. The vehicular communication networks (vehicle-to-everything, V2X) and the automated driving technique are two of the cornerstone technologies enabling the construction of future-generation highly functional and intelligent transportation system. The IoT-based transportation system can provide enormous connections of devices and sensors for the networked automated vehicles. The capacity of connected automated vehicles is expected to be dramatically enhanced by employing the IoT techniques. This calls for novel approaches and rethinking of the design of next-generation vehicular networks, particularly for the automated vehicles. Therefore, it is essential to pursue research on new theories, architectures, and techniques to exploit the capability that is delivered by IoT for forming more efficient and intelligent transportation system. This special issue aims to create a platform for researchers, developers and practitioners from both academia and industry to disseminate the state-of-the-art results and to advance the applications of IoT for connected automated driving technology.

Topics of interests include (but are not limited to) the following:

➢Innovative IoT techniques to connect automated vehicles

➢ V2X communication

➢ IoT-based solutions for connected vehicles

➢ Vehicular IoT Infrastructure

➢ IoT-based sensing and recognition

➢ Testing and verification of connected automated vehicles

➢ IoT-based navigation and localization systems

➢ AI and deep learning approaches for IoT-enabled connected automated vehicles

➢ Cyber-physical-social systems based parallel driving


All original manuscripts or revisions to the IEEE IoT Journal must be submitted electronically through IEEE Manuscript Central, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iot. Author guidelines and submission information can be found at http://iot.ieee.org/journal. The IEEE IoT Journal encourages authors to suggest potential reviewers as part of the submission process, which might help to expedite the review of the manuscript. Please suggest only those without conflict of interest. Each submission must be classified by appropriate keywords.

Guest Editors

Dr. Dongpu Cao, University of Waterloo, Canada,

Dr. Li Li, Tsinghua University, China,

Dr. Clara Marina, Porsche Engineering, Germany,

Dr. Long Chen, Sun Yet-sen University, China,

Dr. Yang Xing, Cranfield University, UK,

Dr. Weihua Zhuang, University of Waterloo, Canada,



随着物联网在交通系统中日益普及,为了打造交通系统中更安全、更快、更智能的车辆,车载通信网络和自动驾驶技术是构建未来一代、功能强大的智能交通系统的基石技术。基于物联网的交通系统可以为自动化网联 汽车 提供大规模设备连接和传感器连接。通过使用物联网技术,网联自动驾驶车辆的数量将显著提高。随着网联自动驾驶 汽车 数量的增长,亟待提出新的技术方法并重新思考下一代 汽车 网络的设计,尤其是自动化网联 汽车 。因此,有必要研究新的理论、架构和技术,利用物联网提供的能力,形成更高效、更智能的交通系统。本期特刊旨在为学术界和工业界的研究人员、开发人员和从业人员提供一个平台,传播最新的成果,并推动物联网在自动化网联 汽车 技术方面的应用。




所有IEEE Internet of Things Journal 的原稿或修订本必须通过IEEE稿件中心(http://mc.tcentral.com/iot)以电子方式提交。作者指南和提交信息可以在找到。IEEE Internet of Things Journal鼓励作者在投稿过程中推荐潜在的审稿人,这可能有助于加快审稿速度(请只推荐那些不存在利益冲突的审稿人)。提交稿件时注意必须按适当的关键字分类。




Clara Marina博士,保时捷,




IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Impact Factor 5.86)

Special Issue on

Internet of Things for Connected Automated Driving

Internet-of-things (IoT) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the transportation systems. The traffic system depends on safer, faster, and more intelligent vehicles. The vehicular communication networks (vehicle-to-everything, V2X) and the automated driving technique are two of the cornerstone technologies enabling the construction of future-generation highly functional and intelligent transportation system. The IoT-based transportation system can provide enormous connections of devices and sensors for the networked automated vehicles. The capacity of connected automated vehicles is expected to be dramatically enhanced by employing the IoT techniques. This calls for novel approaches and rethinking of the design of next-generation vehicular networks, particularly for the automated vehicles. Therefore, it is essential to pursue research on new theories, architectures, and techniques to exploit the capability that is delivered by IoT for forming more efficient and intelligent transportation system. This special issue aims to create a platform for researchers, developers and practitioners from both academia and industry to disseminate the state-of-the-art results and to advance the applications of IoT for connected automated driving technology.

Topics of interests include (but are not limited to) the following:

➢Innovative IoT techniques to connect automated vehicles

➢ V2X communication

➢ IoT-based solutions for connected vehicles

➢ Vehicular IoT Infrastructure

➢ IoT-based sensing and recognition

➢ Testing and verification of connected automated vehicles

➢ IoT-based navigation and localization systems

➢ AI and deep learning approaches for IoT-enabled connected automated vehicles

➢ Cyber-physical-social systems based parallel driving


All original manuscripts or revisions to the IEEE IoT Journal must be submitted electronically through IEEE Manuscript Central, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iot. Author guidelines and submission information can be found at http://iot.ieee.org/journal. The IEEE IoT Journal encourages authors to suggest potential reviewers as part of the submission process, which might help to expedite the review of the manuscript. Please suggest only those without conflict of interest. Each submission must be classified by appropriate keywords.

Guest Editors

Dr. Dongpu Cao, University of Waterloo, Canada,

Dr. Li Li, Tsinghua University, China,

Dr. Clara Marina, Porsche Engineering, Germany,

Dr. Long Chen, Sun Yet-sen University, China,

Dr. Yang Xing, Cranfield University, UK,

Dr. Weihua Zhuang, University of Waterloo, Canada,



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