There are different ways people greet each other in different countries. China and America, for instance, are different from each other in the following way. First, Americans tends to greet each other with weather. You will often people say like"What a beautiful weather!" ,"How's the weaher today?","what's the weather like today?" etc. These are common ways of greetings in America. Differently, in China, we are more likely to greet each other with breakfast and lunch. It would be weird for an American to hear"Have your had your breakfast? yet?", but this is what we usually say when we greet our friends or neighbours. Second, Americans are reluctant to be asked about their personal or private things, while Chinese are less like that. For example, it's normal to for two Chinese to talk something about their family, their kids, their income, etc. But it would be rude if you ask an American the above things. Third, it's very common in China that two girls or two boys hand in hand with each other, and this is a very appearant way to show their friendship or intimacy. But it would be unacceptable for two American girls or two boys to hand each other's hand or have other body contact, because this would be misunderstood by others as non-straight or gay. That's it. Americans like to talk weather while Chinese like to talk food when they greet; Americans don't mention their privacy while Chinese dont mind it when they greet; Americans have less body contact while Chinese have more of this when they greet each other.
An American studying in China had an appointment at noon. As he was getting on
his bicycle a Chinese friend passed by. "Have you eaten yet?”The young Chinese asked. This, of
course, is a common Chinese greeting around meal time and the American merely
nodded with a smile, waved goodbye and went off. He realized that his friend’s
remark was nothing more than a Chinese way of saying hello or Hi. If the
greeting had been put literally into English "Have you eaten yet?" Or“Have you
had your lunch? " It would have sounded rather unusual. To Americans, this greeting might mean this: "I haven't either. Come on, let’s go together and get
something to eat." or "If you haven’t, I was just going to invite you to my
place." In other words, it could indicate an invitation to a meal.
问候语差异中国人见面常说: “吃饭了吗?”“上哪儿去啊?”这些语言形式的功能都是表示友好的问候, 打招呼。而西方人听到后惊讶, 甚至很反感。因为被问“Have you eaten your meal? ”好像是被邀请吃饭或约会,他们会抱怨说: “我有钱, 我不要他们请我吃饭。”而被问“where are you going ?”则好像自己要去一个不该去的地方, 感觉受到侮辱。因为根据英语交际的习俗文化, 这类句子只能被认为是询问, 而非问候。这就干涉了受话人的自由。这种词典意义上的理解在言语交际环境中是远远不够的。交际中犯文化相关的错误比犯语法的错误更难使人宽容[1]。中国式礼貌问候比起西方式的要随意些。基本上遵循贬己尊人准则。而西方人却有自己一套的寒暄技巧。中国成年人见面寒暄通常是:“最近忙什么呢? 家里可好啊? 孩子怎么样? ”这些都不可直接译为“what are you busy in? How about your kids?”如果直译,会显得很突兀,西方人也觉得不知所云,甚至会引起困惑和误解。不了解中方文化习俗的外国人并不会认为这是一种起交际作用的问候语, 相反,他们会认为对方在探究自己的隐私, 引起不快, 所以西方人对这种寒暄反应极有可能是: “It’s none of your business.”英美人的问候一般用“Good morning / afternoon / evening. How do you do? How are you doing?”[2]在寒暄问候的过程中,我们需要注意有些话题。西方人不喜欢谈及自己的年龄、地址、工作单位、收入、婚姻、家庭情况、信仰等话题。所以中国人要特别留意。天气的状况是西方人寒暄最频繁的话题。如“It’s sunny。”或“what a bad day, isn't it?”或者直接发表赞扬。因为赞扬是人生最美好的添加剂。缘由文化背景不同,在问候的时候,对于着装、打扮很不关心,由于千年的封建思想的影响,中国的男男女女不会以别人的外貌、着装作为问候,而以人品、才能、智慧作为谈话中心。西方对新的东西很稀奇,很容易对新车、新衣服、新的发型产生关注并对这些进行称赞。地理环境不同对口语交际也产生很大的影响,英美国家大部分都是属于岛国, 以英国为例, 英国是大西洋上的一个岛国, 四面环海, 属于温带海洋气候。语言上也就有了与气候相关的特定性。所以英国人最常问候的就是天气,人们见面寒暄、打招呼一般都是先讨论天气。中国横跨亚欧板块, 四季更替, 人民常常吃不好穿不暖, 所以见面第一句习惯性的会以“吃了吗”,他不是在问你是不是真的吃的, 只是见面打招呼而已[3]。价值观念有很大的区别,西方主要信仰基督教,希望得到上帝的救赎,信奉基督教教义。而中国则以儒教为主,强调“仁、善”,倡导尊老爱幼。在不同的思想体系,人们的价值观、人生观、世界观都会有很大的不同,文化差异就会存在,中西方的口头言语交际会有所不同。建议随着全球化以及网络的普及,地球成地球村,人们的联系更加的紧密、方便,文化差异也需得到我们的重视。我认为在以后,小学到大学都应加入跨文化交际这门课程,这样可以提高人们对跨文化交际重要性的意识,拉进了我国国民与国外国民的距离,增进彼此的信任与友谊。这对国与国之间的发展也具积极影响。各个社会阶层组织可以开办一些关于跨文化交际的活动,学生、在职人员应该积极参与这些活动,不仅了解了世界各地的风土人情与文化,也无形中提高自己的文化内涵和修养。结语:随着社会经济的发展,文化间的联系也在不断加强,文化差异越来越受到重视。论文主要阐述了中国和英美口头交际中的问候语的差异。各地人们受到不同的价值观念的影响,生活在不同的地理环境,传承各自悠久而古老的文化。口头交流必然产生差异。学校及各个社会组织应带领着人们去学习跨文化交际,促进交流,增进彼此的信任。
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语言是思维的表达方式,不同的语言特征往往反映着不同地域、民族的思维习惯差异。下文是我为大家整理的关于英汉语言对比方面论文的 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读参考!关于英
一、翻译类毕业论文选题 1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究2.The Soc
ABSTRACT The development of people's ability totranslate figurative speech was s