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Jane Eyre is a strong, simple, hard and soft, independent and enterprising woman. She was born humble and looked ordinary, but she didn't feel inferior.


She despised the arrogance of powerful people and laughed at their stupidity, showing her self-reliance and self-improvement personality and beautiful ideal. She has tenacious vitality, never bows to fate, and finally has the beautiful life she yearns for.


Jane Eyre lives in an environment where her parents are dead and depend on others. Since childhood, I have had different experiences from my peers: the dislike of my aunt, the contempt of my cousin, the insult and beating of my cousin. But she did not despair, she did not destroy herself, she did not sink in insult.


On the contrary, all kinds of misfortunes return Jane Eyre's infinite confidence, but Jane Eyre's indomitable spirit, an invincible internal personality power. She thinks about her destiny, value and status, has a rational understanding of her thoughts and personality, and has a firm pursuit of her happiness and emotion.


From Jane Eyre, it shows the image of today's new women: self-esteem, self-respect, self-reliance and self-improvement, and the firm ideal and persistent pursuit of their own personality, emotion, life, judgment and choice.


321 评论


《简爱》是英国文学史上的一部经典传世之作,它成功地塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。大凡喜爱外国文学作品的女性,都喜欢读夏洛蒂的《简爱》。如果我们认为夏洛蒂仅仅只为写这段缠绵的爱情而写《简爱》。我想,错了。作者也是一位女性,生活在波动变化着的英国19世纪中叶,那时思想有着一个崭新的开始。而在《简爱》里渗透最多的也就是这种思想——女性的独立意识。让我们试想一下,如果简爱的独立,早已被扼杀在寄人篱下的童年生活里;如果她没有那份独立,她早已和有妻女的罗切斯特生活在一起,开始有金钱,有地位的新生活;如果她没有那份纯洁,我们现在手中的《简爱》也不再是令人感动的流泪的经典。所以,我开始去想,为什么《简爱》让我们感动,爱不释手——就是她独立的性格,令人心动的人格魅力。然而,我们不禁要问,仅这一步就能独立吗?我认为,不会的。毕竟女性的独立是一个长期的过程,不是一蹴而就的。它需要一种彻底的勇气,就像简爱当年毅然离开罗切斯特一样,需要“风潇潇兮易水寒,壮土一去兮不复返”的豪迈和胆量。我想,这应该才是最关键的一步,也应该是走向独立的决定性的一步。而夏洛蒂笔下的简爱却把她倔强的性格,独立的个性留给我们一个感动。所以她是成功的,幸福的女性。简爱已作为独立女性的经典,我希望阳光下,鲜花里有的简爱走出来,不管是贫穷,还是富有;不管是美貌,还是相貌平庸,都有美好的心灵和充实的心胸,都能以独立的人格和坚强的个性生活。Jane eyre is British literature history handed a classical work, succeeds in making the first English literature to the love, the life, social and religious took the independence of positive attitude and dare to fight for freedom and equal status, and dare to the image of women.A love foreign literary works of women, like to read charlotte's Jane eyre. If we think charlotte's write about that period for only lingering of love and write Jane eyre. I think, wrong. The author is also a woman living in fluctuation changing England in the 19 th century, when thoughts have a new start. And in Jane eyre penetration of the most is the idea--women independent consciousness. Let's imagine that if Jane's ?

322 评论


Based on this account, feminism British charlotte Bronte's Jane eyre by identity, from the writer, the heroine of the words in the text, on the basis of the description of trying to prove is certain, and embodies the rebellious in Victorian some ideas in revolt, reflected in balance, the balance of rebellion, namely again revealed work itself exists.This article, from the four aspects: Jane eyre by the objectivity of narration. First is the first person narration in historical context, this has certain estabished and author adopts anonymous way to hide in the neutral kohler bell such symbols, avoid face behind the evaluation, and the "reader" narrative calm objective analysis of the language and also helps to hide the female identity.Secondly, to rebel against the epistolary novel with regression. In the historical condition at that time, women writer published works, if want to get the right to social authority and established tradition compromise. When the dominant female writing text, with the epistolary an individual who tells the story of the way maximum weakened "freedom" shake the patriarchal society of energy, Jane eyre by using this kind of style, but no text in the "reader" and the call is very similar to the epistolary novel. In this way the managed to established social authority of compromise and balance.Third, to a governess types of narrative beyond and balance. The female teacher managed before the family story in view of the narrator were the characters in the novel and the distance of moral character, the narrator by the muzzle admonished, Jane eyre by while the narrator in moral character and no difference. People in some cases of words, but the more radical from the whole novel, also there is silence and gradually, both the calm of the Victorian some ideas.Finally, the serious novels and achieve a balance between the popular novels. As a wto is not deep but thought rich women, have individual need expression rebelliousness and instinctive desires, But time limitations and individuals in the era under the influence of the ideological state and can choose economic status, forcing her consciously or unconsciously reflect a certain historical environment and the coordination and balance.

199 评论


1、 (英语系毕业论文)一位坚强独立的女性——简•爱 摘 要简爱是夏洛蒂•勃朗特根据自身经历而写的一部小说, 也是她的成名作。小说塑造的是一位坚强独立的女性,她追求真爱,平等,是女性的楷模。简爱是个孤儿,从小受尽凌辱,但从不为生活所屈服,她有... 类别:毕业论文 大小:77 KB 日期:2008-11-22 2、 (英语系毕业论文)解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识 摘 要文化战略是帝国主义国家控制殖民地的一种方式,作为文化的产物,<<简.爱>>包含了帝国主义的各种因素。19世纪中期的英国,以前所未有的速度向外扩张,人们普遍沉醉于白色神话的迷梦中,而作为意识形态表... 类别:毕业论文 大小:72 KB 日期:2008-11-18 3、 (英语系毕业论文)从《简•爱》看知识改变女性命运 摘 要《简•爱》是一部出色的自传小说。女主人公简没有娇好的面容,婀娜的身姿,却和其它著作中的美人一样,深深地吸引着我们;简出生贫寒,是一个可怜的孤儿,随后又被送进寄宿学校,过者艰苦的生活,... 类别:毕业论文 大小:79 KB 日期:2008-11-13 4、 (英语系毕业论文)我看简•爱的爱情 摘 要《简.爱》是一部自传体小说,它是夏洛蒂.勃朗特的第一部长篇小说。作者以第一人称的自叙手法,为我们描述了一个反抗社会压力,充满反叛和独立精神的女性形象。小说以其独特的艺术魅力,展示其充满爱、激情与... 类别:毕业论文 大小:77 KB 日期:2008-10-05 5、 (英语系毕业论文)分析简•爱的美 摘 要《简•爱》是英国著名女作家夏洛蒂—勃朗特的代表作写于1846年。虽然迄今150多年,但是这部作品仍然深受广大读者的喜爱,这都是因为这部作品的女主人翁简.爱。外在的美是短暂的,内在的美... 类别:毕业论文 大小:83 KB 日期:2008-10-05 6、 (英语系毕业论文)《简•爱》的浪漫主义解读 摘 要本文从浪漫主义视角重新解读了19世纪现实主义作家夏洛蒂•勃郎特的长篇小说《简•爱》的艺术特点——积极浪漫主义与黑色浪漫主义的完美结合。《简•爱》是一部复杂的作... 类别:毕业论文 大小:77 KB 日期:2008-10-05 7、 (英语系毕业论文)从作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特看《简·爱》 开题报告+论文目录I Introduction 1II The Comparison between Charlotte Bronte’s and Jane Eyre’s Experiences ... 类别:毕业论文 大小:34 KB 日期:2008-05-17 8、 (实用英语专业)论《简·爱》的写作特点及人物个性 中文摘要和关键词摘要: 《简·爱》的独特之处不仅在于小说的真实性和强烈的感染力,还在于小说塑造了一个不屈于世俗压力,独立自主,积极进取的女性形象。本文通过对小说生动丰富的语言、具体的人物性格、写作背景... 类别:毕业论文 大小:42 KB 日期:2008-03-21 9、 (英语系毕业论文)为爱而叛逆——简·爱对爱的渴求的分析 内容摘要夏洛蒂·博朗特在《简·爱》小说中讲述了一个孤女成长为一个成熟高贵的人,并得到别人的喜爱与尊重的故事。主人公简·爱在追求理想的幸福生活时,遇到了很多的挫折,她进行了不屈的斗争终于得到了她想要的生... 类别:毕业论文 大小:28 KB 日期:2007-08-12 10、 (英语系毕业论文)从《简爱》看19世纪女性地位及女性意识的觉醒 任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文文献翻译+论文摘 要女性主义批评在女性解放运动推动下发展起来。近年来女性主义批评转向以女性经验以及女性对生活的反映为基础,通过对文学中的女性人物进行重新阐释和解读,肯... 类别:毕业论文 大小:82 KB 日期:2007-06-21

135 评论


《简爱》是19世纪英国批判现实主义文学作家夏洛蒂勃朗特的代表作。Jane Eyre is a representative work of Charlotte Bronte who is an English critical realist writer of the 19th century.它成功地塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。 It successfully presents the first female character in the history of English literature who takes an independent and positive attitude towards love, life, society and religion and dares to struggle and strive for freedom and equality.本文主要从简爱的性格特点以及人的价值=尊严+爱进行分析。This paper is chiefly an analysis of Jane Eyre’s character trait and the equation that human value is equal to dignity plus love.

133 评论


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