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首页 > 学术期刊 > 关于城乡规划法的实施论文

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、《城乡规划法》的行政法属性及组成框架 《城乡规划法》除了具有一般法律的通属性质之外,还有作为行政法的一些特征。行政法是调节国家行政机关职权和活动的法律。中国行政法可划分为一般行政法和特别行政法。特别行政法通常指民政、治安、文教卫生、交通、市政建设等各方面行政管理的法律、法规,城乡规划法属于特别行政法。值得注意的是,行政实体法偏重于肯定一般行政机关作为行政主体而享有的管理指挥者的优越地位,确认其所发出的行政行为(对一般行政相对人而言)具有不可抗拒的法律效力,着眼于保证行政权力畅通地运作。尽管实体法内也有行政机关义务和责任方面的条款,但是通常只属一些原则性、概括性的规定,而难以将其具体化和操作化。从某种意义上说,行政实体法仅仅是行政机关用来实施管理的法,而不是用来管理行政机关的法,单凭行政实体并不能真正有效地防止行政机关滥用权力。针对此弊端,《城乡规划法》加强社会和公众权利保障方面的内容,增加城乡规划的公共参与、城乡规划的公示和公布,以及保障公众知情权方面的条款。 《城乡规划法》就是国家的一系列法律文件对城乡规划领域中的城乡规划的制定、实施和监督行为的规范。《城乡规划法》作为特别行政法即是程序法又是实体法。作为程序法,《城乡规划法》规定了城乡规划体系,规定了城乡规划的制定、实施和监督等诸行为的关系,同时又提出各种行为的要求和准则。它有以下几个特征: 第一,作为行政法主要是规范政府行为,调整政府与社会的关系;作为特别行政法主要规范城乡规划领域的有关行政行为和建设行为。 第二,城乡规划法作为城乡规划领域的核心法(或者主干法)其本身又呈现纲领性和原则性的特征,主要作用是确立城乡规划与建设的基本制度;具体内容由从属和配套的法律完善。 第三,城乡规划的行政行为必须满足《城乡规划法》的要求外,还要符合其他一般行政法的要求,作为特别行政法的一种,《城乡规划法》与其他特别行政法及与一般行政法是平行关系,而不是替代关系;城乡规划的建设行为必须满足《城乡规划法》的要求外,还必须符合其他法律的要求,比如符合《民法通则》的要求、《物权法》的要求、《土地管理法》的要求等。 尽管每个国家的政治制度不同,城市化发展阶段不同,但是城乡规划的内容构成具有相似性。《城乡规划法》分一般内容和核心内容两个部分,一般内容包括法律的适用范围、名词解释和其他杂项内容等。核心内容包括四个方面:第一,确定城乡规划的行政关系,规定行政行为的主体、权力和义务。第二,构建城乡规划的编制和审批体系,以及城乡规划实施管理体系,建立城市空间资源分配和环境控制的技术体系和技术手段。第三,保障城乡规划过程中公众权力的有关规定。第四,城乡规划领域中违法行为的界定与处罚的有关规定。(版面有限)全文可参考:

345 评论


Settlements Ecological Ereas Design Abstract : ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban settlements. Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, intelligent buildings and building life should be widely Use artificial environment and the natural environment integration. It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies characteristics. Key word: Ecological house design ine; Focus on different aspects of the complementary integration of plants, such as, inter ordinary plants, flowers and trees to watch, leafy trees, edible fruit trees, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation; Green throughout the area to play while the other deeper ecological role, such as insulation, wind-proof, dust-proof and anti-noise, the elimination of poison material, adult bacterial virus, or even elimination from the visual sensory and healthy and civilized new life, is not only reflected in the design of the real estate business, not only in the real estate area matching hardware facilities, but on community service software, people really enjoy the physical and mental pleasure. This is a healthy and civilized into the home.water system will require an investment of about 15 million, the annual energy cost about 80,000 yuan, 2a can recover the full investment, and solar water heating systems for 15~20a useful life, then the costs of energy-saving equipment on the high 100~140 million. In recent decades, many countries are active in research, development, the use of solar energy, and achieved encouraging results. The most notable of which Australia and Israel, the prevalence of solar water heaters are 30% and 50%. Our research and development of solar late, and achieved certain results, but only about 6% coverage, and development is uneven and more concentrated in the western region, the highest rate of Yunnan, 10%. My solar abundant sunshine hours for 2500h years, the region accounted for more than 2/3 land area, some areas up to 3000h. This use of solar energy for the development of our country provided a good condition. With scientific and technological progress, the scope will be broader use of solar energy and energy conversion efficiency will be higher. (2) rational use of water resources My country is a lack of water in some places, on the one hand, serious water shortages, on the other hand, wasted. Water is the key measures or "new." Residents primarily drinking water consumption and use, including restaurants use about 5% of total consumption, while the remaining 95% for washing, sewage. In the residential area, according to applications of A, B two water systems. A system specifically for drinking water (including milk, river, village, cooking). The system must be consistent with the water clean water drinking water standards. B system exclusively for the use of water. The water system should be recycling. Household will tell, laundry, water and roofing rain, the ground water within a reservoir, filtration, purification, decontamination of physical, chemical processing, and then imported household "use water" for washing, car washing, forestation, features, flushing, sewage and other use. Water cycle use of the system can save a lot of water. (3) Planning for with the fast-paced economic development, land resources have diminished. Residential areas on the section to the problem, from three aspects 1, the volume of control at a reasonable level, not lower ;2, garage or into the overhead to the construction of three-dimensional multi-storey car park or underground, semi-underground car park ;3, with the section from the energy into two factors, are advised to the construction of multi-storey and high-level incomparabdata small apartment, control building door independence households alone villa, particularly yard, beautiful landscape "auspicious treasure-house" should not build luxury villas and private gardens for a handful of people enjoy, and the construction of small parks and other public facilities should be for public enjoyment. (4) strong rectification, the promotion of environmental protection Housing construction and measures.

267 评论


你的课题是什么啊 城市规划毕业论文不都是一个毕业设计吗你的论文应该就是设计的说明书以论文的格式写就行了

244 评论


结合点:公共利益、公众参与、听证制度(2)讨论2:关于规划编制主体的资格据了解,为政府对规划设计单位进行行政许可找到法律依据,将原部颁行政条例上升为国家层面的法律条文。需要讨论的是:城乡规划编制属于什么性质的工作?政策制定、立法、还是纯粹的技术工作?用法律规定城乡规划的编制单位,其思维仍然将城乡规划的编制视为纯粹的技术工作。城乡规划中有技术工作,但不是全部。规划单位的资质要求只能限定在技术工作以内,不能扩展到立法和政策制定层面的工作。就技术工作本身而言,市场准入是否是政府管理的范畴值得商榷。设计人员和设计单位的资质认定和市场准入是两个不同层次的工作,资质认定一般由行业协会负责,市场准入则由法律来规范。这种政府包办一切的制度,弊端很大。(3)讨论3:城乡规划的修改规划修改属于规划制定过程的一个环节,新法将规划修编调整为规划修改,把因城市客观环境的变化而自然调整规划的过程和因主观要求变化而引起的规划修改混为一谈是中国特殊的社会和政治环境造成的。新法将一个连续的、滚动的、整体的规划制定过程,分割为制定和修改两个法律过程,也是针对中国的特殊情况,就学理上分析,该内容应归入城乡规划制定的章节。《城乡规划法》对城乡规划修改实行“申请——批准”制度,城乡规划修改的事由、要求和过程见表2。3、第三章 城乡规划的实施(1)讨论1:城乡规划的实施的主要内容和讨论《城乡规划法》沿用《城市规划法》“城市规划实施”章节名称,这深刻反映了对规划管理作用认识的不足。“三分规划,七分管理”是对中国城乡规划建设经验的总结。“实施”二字带有强烈的计划经济特征:计划经济时期城市规划即城市建设规划。就城市建设活动过程来看,很自然分成两个时间段即城市规划的制定和城市规划的实施。当前与此内容密切相关的称之为城市规划管理。实施是依照“蓝图”建设和检查的行为,其作用类似施工队的技术员。而管理则包括规划方案的选择与决策,以及对规划的调整,是承担独立责任的领导人员。《城乡规划法》强调了规划编制的成果对规划实施的制约作用,压缩了规划管理的权力空间,降低了规划管理应对不确定因素的调节能力,与城市规划法实施以来城市规划管理的巨大作用相背离。(2)讨论2:规范地方政府的建设行为城乡规划的实施包括城乡规划管理和城乡建设活动两个方面,而城乡建设主体分为政府部门和非政府部门,其中,政府部门的建设活动对城市发展起到决定性的作用。然而,城乡规划的违法现象也多出现在地方政府身上,比如大广场、宽马路以及各类脱离规划控制的开发区等,这些现象既是近几年城乡建设客观问题的反映,也是社会转型时期中国城乡规划建设的特色问题。因此,为规范地方政府的建设行为,《城乡规划法》主要采取以下两个方面的措施。第一,使用条文直接规定政府建设行为的要求,第二十八条规定政府实施城乡规划的基本原则,第二十九条规定政府的投资建设项目的基础设施和公共服务设施优先原则。第二,强调近期建设规划是政府实施城乡规划的法定依据。近期建设规划的实质是“行动规划”,是政府统筹各部门进行城乡建设的有效手段,这是切合中国发展实际的制度

132 评论


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