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Miao dress the dress with woven from dyed since cotton is given priority to, silk, linen less. Not only has the gender, age, and distinguishes costumes, pack and portions, is more a paperback regional differences, especially women's clothing, very colorful, as many as 100 kinds. In the past, some works according to the women's clothing, headwears will miao miao is divided into BaiMiao, red miao and flower seedlings, big flower seedlings, beanstalk, long skirt seedlings, short skirt seedlings, slanting comb seedlings and so on, this method to partition, obviously not science, but from a flank reflects the miao nationality clothing, region, and because of the different braches shows rich diversity. � In modern times, the miao people's basic costumes are: men wear short trousers or cloth long gown. Youth is DuiJin or cloth coat, big dang pants. During festivals wear sleeveless without collar, opening front the embroider big flower color "BaiDiaoYi" or white gown. Some long gown is DuiJin long-sleeved, without buckle, sagging many rectangle broadband, embroidered with decorative pattern design. Some still wear color, is full of decorative pattern design shawls. The old man wearing a blue gown. Miao man head multi-purpose long cloth baotou. Crus wear gaiters. � Women's clothing in common is wearing hat or cloth baotou, foot wear shoes wore silver, etc. The others will vary from region to region, the pattern basically divided into the following five kinds of: 1, qiandongnan area into YouRen, wear long-sleeved half body brought clothes; Or DuiJin without buttons, long sleeve, big bring jackets. Jin, sleeves are all full lace or clothing embroidery pattern. Wear pleated skirts, the length of 3 class - long to feet, The to the knees, Short only and the mid thigh. Plants and fit design. Much silver. 2, the northeastern guizhou province and xiangxi area, worn on a round collar, cloth, wide sleeve DuanYi, shoulder, jin, sleeve and hem embroider wide lace. Wear pants (original feet wide red skirt), long and heel, also add embroidery pattern. Head bag palmer. Pattern fold branch flowers and birds. � Qiandongnan areas, wear clothing, which brought DuiJin big match accessories. Wear long pleated skirts, with picked, set fill, batik technics, add adorn many design, from inside to outside. JuanXing present more heavy � 3, hainan area, worn on a round collar, right PianJin, long and knee ChanYi, black, getting, sleeve, jin diamond-studded red cloth to narrow edge. Wear short skirt, ornamental design batiks cloth less. Gird red ribbon. � 4, qianxi, north guangxi, yunnan area and identified.and worn on a round collar, and long sleeves, DuiJin DuanYi or YouRen cloth coat, the lower left front inclined to the right, wrapped cuffs/wide cloth. Wear batiks or cyan plait skirt. After WeiYao, waist is vertical picked ribbon, bring embroidery. Da is less. � 5 and guizhou zhongnan district, wear clothing, which brought DuiJin big match accessories. Wear long pleated skirts, with picked, set fill, batik technics, add adorn many design, from inside to outside. JuanXing present more heavy � At present, the miao ethnic costumes except dress their outside, the han nationality ZhongShanZhuang, western suit and various kinds of fashionable dress also in miao regions from spreading. 有介绍文化,服饰的,翻译的话你采纳的话一并发过去

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