Foreign trade is also called the "foreign trade or import and export trade, referred to as the foreign trade, it is to point to a country with another country between the goods, services and technical communication activity. The import and export trade by two parts.Foreign trade not only the commodity production development high country interrelated rise, and through foreign tradeProduction of the low level of development of countries and regions have joined the field of exchange, that as a general, etcPrice of content monetary thorough their economic life, make these countries and peoples of the products of LabourIncreasingly has the nature of the exchange value of commodity, law of value gradually dominated their production.Through foreign trade, and participate in the international division of labor, and save social labor, not only let all resourcesTo the most fully utilized. And still can ensure social production running smoothly, accelerate society expandedReproduction realization.1.2 our country foreign trade backgroundSince China's accession to the WTO, China's foreign trade evolved. In the economic globalization today, our country should take active avoid financial crisis of the impact of foreign trade, and to properly handle the contemporary new trade protectionism problems. In the new economic background, China's foreign trade faced constant new challenges1.3This paper studies the significanceThis paper will focus on China's foreign trade of the comparative advantages of and detailed analysis, and the comparative advantage of foreign trade how better to competitive advantage transformation reserached.二 China's foreign trade advantageWith the globalization of economy development and the rapid development of China's foreign trade, foreign trade, the broader scale more magnificent greatly promoted the economic development in China. In such a rapid development process, China's foreign trade has great advantage, summarized as follows2.1 trade dependency advantages and market advantage2.1.1 trade dependency advantageTrade dependency also say "foreign trade interdependence rate" "foreign trade coefficient". Namely one country to trade the reliance of the foreign trade import and export, general use in gross national product or gross (GDP) in proportion to represent. Trade dependency = foreign trade volume/gross national product. The changes mean that the proportion of foreign trade in national economy position changes. Trade dependency can also use total trade in the national income in proportion to represent. Trade dependency = total trade/national total income. Foreign trade import and export dependency comsuption divided into comsuption. Export dependency = total export/GDP, Import dependence = total imports/gross national product. This ratio is judge of a national level of opening the important index namely China's entry into the WTO and more deeply into the development of economic globalization, ChinaForeign trade dependency is in an uptrend period. Foreign trade interdependence of big explain our country foreign trade opening degree of deep, foreign trade development quick, that China's economic growth and the development of the world economy growing fusion trajectory, and this helps to by a big trader to change。2.1.2 market advantagesChina is a vast land, population expands unceasingly. Is humongous vast illustrated that China tradeThe market has great development potential, the population many means of the product demand,Because of human existence is constantly in need of consumption, so our country is a trading power tooAn indisputable fact. China's vast trade market and consumer source on international tradeAffect the development of is vital, so a foreign investor in China generally optimistic about the broadWith our country market actively establish various levels to various types of trade relations.2.2 labor advantageChina's population is numerous, has the rich labor resources, this is no country can match. British Boston company has issued a report (BCG) mastering the global advantage of, think: "withChina and India, as a representative of the low cost country future people will remain advantage. "And the" lowCost "means is very" low labor costs. "relatively low labor costs brought lowThe advantages, relies on this kind of advantage of our country product willing with extremely strong price advantage rapidly occupationMarket. It is conceivable that rich labor resources and labor cost advantage is the current marketAnd for the future development of foreign trade in our country certain period of significant advantage.2.4 political and economic systems advantageMarket economy is the world's leading, with China's comprehensive strength enhancing, social development, our country real-time change original planned economy system, suit the needs of economic development, established a socialist market economic system, and implement separation, a clear division. Government to the economic guidance by administration mainly by means of economy and turned the legal means to macro-control primarily. Enterprises would directly facing the market, in market competition constantly exercise and development.In order to promote enterprise development, China sea has formulated encourage enterprises to "go out" foreign policy
受到传统 教育 的影响,很多教师在进行教学的过程中比较重视理论教学,并比较愿意采取灌输式教学。这种教学方式对对学生的动手能力培养来说毫无意义,使得学生在日后的操作能力上表现的比较差。再加上学校在实践操作上投入的比较少,最终导致出现了理论与实践脱节的情况,理论得不到根本性的实践,教学效果不佳。由于学校所安排的动手操作课程比较少,使得学生的动手实践能力比较差,与现代化社会的实践能力要求呈现出了较大的差距。很多院校都为学生安排了 毕业 实习阶段,但由于经费问题或是基地建设等问题,导致最终的效果并没有真正的起到作用,在毕业后学生很难适应岗位上的要求。
二、国际贸易理论与实务课程建设的 措施
国际贸易是随着国际经济变化而不断发展的,随着时代的发展和变化,国际贸易在方式上也呈现出了不同,每个区域之间都有着不同的特点。加上网络信息技术的逐渐发展,传统的国际贸易方式也在不断的 网络技术 所代替,在国际贸易教学上应体现出这样的特点。当前只有结合科学发展才能帮助学生更好的适应社会,方便学生在日后的工作中能体现出更多的优势。
讨论式教学指的是在教师的引导下,学生对某一问题采取小组模式来进行讨论,使课堂气氛变得更加活跃,同时通过大家的意见来讲问题进行彻底的解决。首先,讨论式教学具有一定的启发性功能。对学生的创造性思维发展有着重要的作用,在讨论的过程中学生主动的进行分析,最终得到答案,使得学生对问题的答案留下深刻的印象。讨论式教学能充分的带动学生之间互动。在讨论中,学生不同的 思维方式 将带动班级形成一个大的网络结构,不仅教师可以提供建议给学生,学生的想法也将激发教师产生新的想法,使师生共同获得发展。
国际贸易通过国际利益比较机制促进产业结构调整,但在调整过程中,国际贸易中的进口与出口对产业结构的影响是不同的。出口变动会带来产业结构的变动、促使产业的研发新技术和与世界贸易市场适应的能力;进口则给国内产品带来冲击,行业内会对生产资源重新分配,刺激有竞争力的企业不断前进,同时淘汰生产效率低下的企业。在产品进入国内时,相应 经验 也会随之而来,这将为相关企业的成长提供良好的环境,进而影响产业结构升级的进程。
试探新时期国际贸易对商务 英语学习 者的新要求及对策
伴随着经济全球化不断地扩展和延伸以及国际贸易更深层次拓展,中国已经广泛且深入地融入国际商务活动中,并且在国际贸易活动中占据越来越重要的地位。同时,为了顺应经济全球化这一发展趋势,各国的经济对外政策也在不断调整和改革,因此,新时期国际经济与贸易已成为国家之间新的竞争与发展的领域,与国际贸易活动应运而生的 商务英语 专业人才也面临着新的挑战和要求。
基础性是指强化基础,拓宽知识面。坚实的基础理论,基础知识以及宽广的只是 面试 创新的基石。国际贸易人才的基础性知识有外贸知识,基本的谈判技能,国际 市场营销 知识,国内经济法和国际商法等。外贸人才的基础性能力主要有:良好的英语交际能力,出色的谈判能力等。这些基础知识就与以往的英语基础知识有所区别。可是,相对于商务英语专业的学习者来说,仅仅掌握英语词汇,语法,句型等得基础英语知识是不够的,还需要熟悉了解基本的国际贸易的知识,谈判口语等等。
要成为合格的应用型外语人才,商务英语学习者必须与时俱进,在学习内容和语言特色上都要能反映时代的特点和语言的更新发展。英语作为一门语言和交流的工具,也是随着社会和时代的变迁而演变和发展。随着全球经济和民族间的交流合作不断加强,各民族间不同的 文化 碰撞和融合,英语词汇也不断的出现。学校为商务英语学习者配备的教材可能未必能跟得上时代的步伐,商务英语学习者只能依靠网络或者参考其他最新的教材来获得最新的英语学习内容。除此之外,商务英语学习者应当多了解相关的西方文化和文明史,多读些英语方面的报纸,提高对西方各个民族和世界各地政治,经济,文化发展的了解,为以后在企业中工作时能够更加得体,更加顺利的处理各种涉外业务增加筹码。
时代的进步是一把双刃剑,它的发展给国际贸易创造了生机,但是却给商务英语学习者提出了新的要求。商务英语学习者为了顺应时代的变化,适应国际贸易的发展新趋势,必须通过各种 方法 来发展充实,武装自己,使自己成为符合国际贸易发展要求的综合应用型人才,相反,固步自封,不思进取终究将会被这个经济时代淘汰,无法在国际贸易行业当中立足。
The international trade and economic growth and development is an important impetus, many countries and regions in the world is through foreign trade grows quickly. In the process of economic development, through the foreign trade can optimize the combination of factors of production and economic resources allocation, can convert the physical form and the value of goods, the value of other economic sectors of foreign trade has irreplaceable special functions. While foreign trade dependence is one measure of foreign trade status in the national economy. Generally speaking, foreign trade, the higher the dependence on foreign economic development that the country's dependence, also shows that the foreign trade in the position of the national economy. Along with the globalization of economy, the foreign trade in the proportion of the world economy is on the increase. Between 1980 and 2000, world trade in goods to 6.1 per cent, with an average annual growth rate and the world economic growth rate for 5.4%. According to WTO and the IMF data.then, 1960, the global trade dependence to 25.4 percent in 1970 for 27.9%, 1990 to 38.7%, 2000 to 2003, has close 41.7% 45%. China as a developing country, in the transformation of foreign trade depends also increased year by year.
楼主给分吧,我很辛苦的~~~This paper studies the trade structure, based on the foreign trade structure of the Yangtze River Delta region for the study sample, combined with trade and Western disciplines, such as the study of economics knowledge, comprehensive use of comparative law, current affairs analysis, sample test method and other methods, combined with the international situation China's national conditions and focus on the Yangtze River Delta region, the structure of import and export trade of the Yangtze River Delta economic impact of regional trade and structural adjustment programs and foreign trade improvement. This article intends to explore the following four parts. The first part focuses on the concept of the structure of foreign trade, foreign trade structure of the definition of the relevant norms and introduction, and for the Yangtze River Delta region and our country's foreign trade structure to lay the foundation of the study. The focus of the second part of the Yangtze River Delta area on the structure of import and export trade analysis. Analysis of the Yangtze River Delta region of the characteristics of the trade structure and trade structure of import and export trade and the formation of the reasons for the status quo. Part III analyzes the trade structure of the Yangtze River Delta Yangtze River Delta economic impact of foreign trade. Combination of actual cases, as well as the financial crisis under the current economic situation, on the Yangtze River Delta region, the economy and foreign trade structure between the contact to do an in-depth analysis. The fourth part of the Yangtze River Delta region of the proposed restructuring of foreign trade and measures. In front of the conclusion of the study, based on the Yangtze River Delta region's foreign trade structure and trade between the economic problem of the existence of further and consider, and arrive at effective recommendations and solutions. Part V of the Yangtze River Delta economic trade structure and trade analysis, further analysis of China's foreign trade structure and trade relations between the economy and put forward the restructuring of China's foreign trade measures. Key Words in Yangtze River Delta region's foreign trade structure of the economy's dependence on foreign trade of foreign trade
楼上的GOOGLE翻译 语句不顺改了一下,不过你还得在改1次The international trade is an important impetus in the economic growth and development , many countries and regions developed by the foreign trade quickly. In the process of economic development,the foreign trade can optimize the combination of factors of production and economic resources allocation, can convert the physical form and the value ofthe goods, the value of other economic sectors of foreign trade has irreplaceable special functions. While the foreign trade dependence is one of measurement in the national economy. Generally speaking, foreign trade, the higher dependence on foreign economic development that the country's dependence, also shows that the foreign trade in the position of the national economy. with the globalization of the economy the foreign trade in the proportion of the world economy is increaseing. Between 1980 and 2000, world trade in goods to 6.1 per cent, with an average annual growth rate and the world economic growth rate for 5.4%. According to WTO and the IMF data. 1960, the global trade dependence to 25.4 percent in 1970 for 27.9%, 1990 to 38.7%, and2000 to 41.7% 2003 has close 45%. China as a developing country, in the transformation of foreign trade depends also increased year by year
高校英语口语测评体系构建分析论文 一、引言 大学英语课程改革最近在全国高校内如火如荼地开展起来,改革方向由原来强调读写能力的传统课堂转向突出实践应用的听说课堂,
商务英语的选题有很多,你具体是熟悉按个方面的来说,尽量选自己熟悉的方面去写,千万不要盲目的去选题。我给些选题,你自己参考参考。1. 商务英语课程设置的探讨 2.