Spring river 蕴藏 abundant water power resources, among them piece the main purpose for valley segment suitable forly fixing set upping the water conservancy vital point, water conservancy vital point is a flood control to generate electricity. This text combination piece valley geography geology characteristics, hydrology characteristic, as to it's the water conservancy vital point proceeds first step design.The design, vital point of basic data, main building that main contents include the vital point of a valley water conservancy arranges the project, foundation to handle and start construction the 导s to cut the 流 etc. the contents. Under the consideration the every kind of factor, choice B - B conduct and actions this vital point the engineering's 坝 stalk line, on the choice of the 坝 type, the right every kind of 坝 type proceeds 优 weakness the comparison is after, and join together this engineering of when ground characteristics, chose the concrete entity gravity the 坝 to be used as this water conservancy the vital point's 坝 type.The 调洪 calculates the adoption the method of widespread half illustrated manual table, at the project that compare three 调洪s the project after make sured a fit, get its design flood is 306.3 rices, 校核 flood 307.1 rice, certain 坝 crest high 程 is 310.9 rice.The main building of this vital point be leak watered by 挡 water building, building, generate electricity the building, put the 空 building to constitute.Pass machine-readable( gravity 坝 stability with should dint calculation procedure) with should dint and stability than the 核 is after, and have to out not 溢流 the 坝 's breadth of economic section, 坝 crest 12.5 rice, high 125.9 rice;Leak water practical WES curve, 消 of curve adoption of the 流 's way, 坝 crest of watch bore 溢 of building adoption can the way adopt the 挑流消 can;Factory premises 坝 the segment include the segment of three machine sets with the segment of a gearing field, factory premises adoption after the 坝 type;The deep bore conduct and actions of adoption puts the 空 building, bore figure to choose to use to have no to press the 坝 inside to sluiceway.Finally start construction the 导流 choose to use the 导流 of two two pieceses the method, be designed spring river piece valley water conservancy vital point gave out aly completely by tie the narrow river bed 泄 the 流 , second periods are from the 导流 bottom bore 泄流 , project.有不能翻译的自己找找资料吧!
请参考下面2篇:【题名】:水利工程【摘要】: 水利工程基础学科混流式水轮机转轮动载荷作用下的应力特性;受漩涡作用的水下块石的起动流速;复式河槽流量计算方法比较与分析;二维溃坝洪水波的演进绕流和反射的数值模拟;分部面积超蓄产流法;天然河流被改变条件下的降雨径流预报模型;面向对象方法在河网非恒定流计算中的应用;水工材料土工合成材料加筋土抗剪作用的试验研究;新老混凝土粘结面渗透性能试验研究;水工结构土石坝沉降一填筑灰色监测模型分析;高碾压混凝土拱坝分缝形式及破坏机理研究;碾压混凝土拱坝单向间隔诱导缝等效强度研究。【题名】:水利工程【摘要】:水利工程基础学科 突扩突缩式内流消能工的数值模拟研究;湖底地形对风生流场影响的数值研究;动水环境中有限宽窄缝湍射流的水力特性研究;双局部行进波对流的时空结构;水工材料 钢筋混凝土结构锈蚀损伤的解析解;跳回失稳研究;浇筑式沥青混凝土防渗层配合比优选方法研究;堤基渗流管涌发展的理论分析。
请参考下面2篇:【题名】:水利工程【摘要】: 水利工程基础学科混流式水轮机转轮动载荷作用下的应力特性;受漩涡作用的水下块石的起动流速;复式河槽流量计算方法比较与
自己动手丰衣足食啊! 伙计不要太懒了! 这么做是有很大风险的! 而且他们都是用软件翻译的,效果很差劲的 所以奉劝好事自己解决吧 呵呵
水利水电工程毕业论文 水利是国民经济和社会发展的基础产业,那水利水电工程专业的人要怎么写论文呢?本文是我为大家收集整理的水利水电工程毕业论文,欢迎参考借鉴。 摘