国内外对巡线小车的研究现状目前,移动机器人的开发和研究越来越令人瞩目,而智能循迹壁 障小车作为移动机器人的一个重要分支,非常值得我们... 国内外研究现状未来的发展是智能车,据从前给好的模式自动进行工作,达到自己想要的目的。它和遥控小车不一样,人去控制遥控小车前进和后退,...
Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, eliminate interference, the use of wireless digital module CC1101 for two car communication. The intelligent design two cars are from the start to car, overtaking alternately lead, lead a circle overtaking about 27 seconds. Key words: C8051F340 infrared to the dc speed-down wireless digital overtaking lead
什么是循迹小车循迹小车是指使用一定的循迹方法,使得小车自动循着赛道运行的小车。循迹小车原理 循迹一般是黑色轨迹,传感器发出红外信号被接收后收入比较器,如果小车偏出黑色轨迹,一边的机器会输出信号,让MCU(单片微型计算机)处理。注意:黑线宽度必须在18mm左右,一般黑线是1,白线是0.03循迹传感器 黑白线的检测原理是红外线发射管发射光线到路面,红外光遇到白底则被反射,接收管接收到反射光,经施密特触发器整形后输出低电平(数字逻辑0);当红外光遇到黑线时则被吸收,接收管没有接收到反射光,经施密特触发器整形后输出高电平(数字逻辑1)。04循迹小车比赛赛道: 赛道一般为单条或双条黑线,底色一般为白色。 赛道形式: ·直线 ·普通弯道 ·连续波浪弯道 ·交叉 ·180度转弯循迹方法红外对管循迹法 利用黑、白色对红外线的吸收作用不同。摄像头循迹法 利用摄像头读取赛道信息,分为模拟和数字。激光管循迹发 利用黑、白色对红外线的吸收作用不同,相较红外对管循迹法检测距离更远。
问题一:文献综述的形式和结构一般包括哪几个组成部分 文献综述是在对文献进行阅读、选择、比较、分类、分析和综合的基础上,研究者用自己的语言对某一问题的研究状况进