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Wine is an alcoholic beverage made of fermented grape juice.[1] The natural chemical balance of grapes is such that they can ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes or other nutrients.[2] Wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast which consume the sugars found in the grapes and convert them into alcohol. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts are used depending on the types of wine being produced.[3]Although other fruits such as apples and berries can also be fermented, the resultant wines are normally named after the fruit from which they are produced (for example, apple wine or elderberry wine) and are generically known as fruit wine or country wine (not to be confused with the French term vin du pays). Others, such as barley wine and rice wine (. sake), are made from starch-based materials and resemble beer and spirit more than wine, while ginger wine is fortified with brandy. In these cases, the use of the term "wine" is a reference to the higher alcohol content, rather than production process.[4] The commercial use of the English word "wine" (and its equivalent in other languages) is protected by law in many jurisdictions.[5]Wine has a rich history dating back to around 6000 BC and is thought to have originated in areas now within the borders of Georgia and Iran.[6][7] Wine probably appeared in Europe at about 4500 BC in what is now Bulgaria and Greece, and was very common in ancient Greece, Thrace and Rome. Wine has also played an important role in religion throughout history. The Greek god Dionysos and the Roman equivalent Bacchus represented wine, and the drink is also used in Christian and Jewish ceremonies such as the Eucharist and word "wine" derives from the Proto-Germanic "*winam," an early borrowing from the Latin vinum, "wine" or "(grape) vine," itself derived from the Proto-Indo-European stem *win-o- (cf. Hittite: wiyana ,Lycian: Oino, Ancient Greek οῖνος - oînos, Aeolic Greek ϝοίνος - woinos).[8][9] Similar words for wine or grapes are found in the Semitic languages (cf. Arabic ﻭﻳﻦ wayn) and in Georgian (ğvino); some consider the term to be a wanderwort, or "wandering word".[10]Contents [hide]1 History 2 Grape varieties 3 Classification Europe classification Outside of Europe 4 Vintages 5 Tasting 6 Collecting 7 Production Exporting countries 8 Uses Religious uses 9 Health effects 10 Packaging 11 Storage 12 Film and television 13 See also 14 References 15 Further reading 16 External links pls contact me for the url,which is banned on baidu.

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查到两篇,如果需要发邮件到我邮箱,,我把全文发给你[1] Kitagawa, S., et al., Effect of soy peptide on brewing beer. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2008. 105(4): p. 360-366.[2] Wolf-Hall, C., Mold and mycotoxin problems encountered during malting and brewing. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2007. 119(1-2): p. 89-94.

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茅台王子酒开瓶方法:打开酒盒取出茅台酒(瓶),拉开茅台酒瓶瓶盖上封口的(红色)金属带,就拉开了瓶盖封口的防伪胶套,拧开酒瓶盖即口。按照方法开启了瓶盖,当平着倾倒时也许会遇到倒不出的假象,这时候可以将瓶子倒起垂直,就会缓缓流出。2、茅台酒,贵州省遵义市仁怀市茅台镇特产,中国国家地理标志产品。茅台酒是中国的传统特产酒。与苏格兰威士忌、法国科涅克白兰地齐名的世界三大蒸馏名酒之一,同时是中国三大名酒“茅五剑”之一。也是大曲酱香型白酒的鼻祖,已有800多年的历史。茅台王子酒53度存放几年1、茅台王子酒酱香型的存放时间越长香味越浓,口感越好,而茅台王子酒浓香型的存放时间不宜超过五年,五年之后香味就会变淡。茅台王子酒53度浓各型的存放时间不要超过五年就行了。不同于茅台王子酒酱香型的存放时间越长价值越好。2、由此可见,茅台王子酒53度是可以存放的,只是存放时间不相同而已。茅台王子酒酱香型的可以无期限的存放,而且存放越久越好喝,价值越高。而茅台王子酒浓香型的存放时间宜五年,超过五年就不宜存放了,因为浓香变会散去变淡,口感就没有原来那么浓烈了。茅台王子酒有几种1、茅台王子酒只有一种。2、茅台王子酒是贵州茅台酒股份有限公司生产的53度的酱香型白酒,是面向大众的普通酒,完全采用贵州茅台酒酿造工艺和按照贵州茅台酒质量管理标准要求,经长期贮存精心勾兑而成的酱香型白酒,茅台王子酒具有酱香浓郁、优雅细腻、丰满醇和、回味悠长、空杯留香、酒后不上头的茅台风格,它与茅台酒同宗同源,一脉相承,是贵州茅台酒的嫡系品牌,是所有酱香白酒当中品质、口感最接近茅台酒的白酒。— 为你推荐更多精彩内容 —毕业论文参考文献怎么找(参考文献怎么引用)求知常识宝典 回答于 2023-02-10济南在哪个省哪个城市(济南是山东的省会城市)求知如雪秋风 回答于 2023-02-10老员工喜欢欺负哪种新人(新人被老员工欺负了怎么办)求知为谁画相思 回答于 2023-02-10烤冷面是哪里的特产(烤冷面的面皮是什么面)求知建筑达人 回答于 2023-02-10河源属于哪个省份的(河源属于广东哪个地区)求知如雪秋风 回答于 2023-02-10定州在哪里(定州在保定的哪个方向)求知为谁画相思 回答于 2023-02-10女儿不迁户口可以分宅基地吗(户口迁出了还能迁回原籍吗)求知为谁画相思 回答于 2023-02-10白色鞋边变黄了怎么洗白啊(白鞋洗完变黄怎么办)求知生活侃谈 回答于 2023-02-10平阴县属于哪个市(平阴县属于济南市吗)求知一叶见秋 回答于 2023-02-10平阴县属于哪个市(平阴县属于济南市吗)求知一叶见秋 回答于 2023-02-10

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