肝细胞癌(HCC)是严重危害人类健康、也是全世界范围内最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is serious harm to human health, and worldwide is one of the most common malignant tumors. 大量研究表明HBV感染所致肝细胞癌所占的比例约是全球肝细胞癌发生数的75~85%,但HBV导致肝癌的具体发生机制一直未完全阐明[1]。 Large study shows that caused by HBV hepatocellular carcinoma is about the proportion of global hepatocellular carcinoma of the 75 ~ 85% number, but the specific causes liver cancer HBV has not happening mechanism fully understood [1]. 近来研究乙型肝炎病毒基因型,以及各种基因型HBV诱发肝癌的机制已成为当今研究的热点。 Recent research hepatitis b virus genotype, and various genotype HBV induced liver mechanism become a hotspot in current researches. 国内外研究表明,HBV基因型可能与疾病进程、感染后临床表现、预后和抗病毒治疗应答等密切相关。 Research shows that HBV genotypes may and disease process, after infection clinical manifestations, prognosis and antiviral treatment response, and so closely related.
马诺库马尔Choudhuri 病理科,医学院校学士学位, Bankura ,西孟加拉,印度 根据现有的知识,分类,任何疾病的变化时,如与软组织肿瘤。世卫组织分类的软组织肿瘤是首次出版于1969年两次修订在1994年和2002年。 以下是一些主要发生的变化,在最新的分类: [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] 成纤维细胞肿瘤/所谓fibrohistiocytic肿瘤:最引人注目的变化在这组是恶性纤维组织细胞瘤已经失去了荣耀,并已降级为“未分化多形性肉瘤。 ”黏液纤维组织细胞瘤已改为“ myxofibrosarcoma , ”这是最常见的软组织肉瘤老人个人。 平滑肌肿瘤和骨骼肌肿瘤:没有重大变化,这一群体。 Adipocytic肿瘤:一种分化良好的脂肪肉瘤没有恶性潜能,因此, “非典型脂肪瘤”是首选的肿瘤时,出现四肢及其他手术经得起网站。然而,长期, “分化良好脂肪肉瘤”是保留的肿瘤中产生的后腹腔和纵隔。不完全切除的结果局部复发甚至在没有分化。 Myolipoma和软骨瘤有两个新的实体包括在最近的分类。 Pericytic肿瘤:一些肿瘤以前归类为血管外皮细胞瘤是无法区分的,由“孤立性纤维瘤。 ”然而,鼻腔血管外皮细胞似乎是真正的pericytic病变。大型群体pericytic /血管瘤已更名为“ myopericytomas ” 。 血管瘤:梭形细胞haemangioendotheliomas已更名为“梭形细胞血管瘤。 ” 我们大家都明白,诊断细针穿刺取决于模式识别。因此,细胞学分类的软组织肿瘤的基础是主要的格局。免疫组化已越来越多地使用在最近的过去作进一步分类的病变。 软组织肿瘤分为五组[ 3 ]的基础上,他们的细胞学结果: 多形性的模式:是该送气音丰富的移动电话和有一个显着变化,细胞大小和形状。核多形性十分突出,一些肿瘤细胞的核仁较大; bizzare肿瘤巨细胞可以检测。多形性脂肪肉瘤,多形性未分化肉瘤和多形性横纹肌肉瘤属于这个组。 梭形细胞模式:主轴细胞的下跌作为分册。一个典型的梭形细胞有梭形或卵核;细胞质是锥形,单极或双极;核分裂的变数。纤维肉瘤和平滑肌肉瘤目前这一经典梭形细胞格局。分给我吧,我求你了
软组织肿瘤细胞学:软组织肿瘤细胞学分类 马诺库马尔,乔德户瑞 印度,西孟加拉邦,班库拉,学校院,病理科 根据现有的医学水平,任何疾病随时都在发生变化,以软组织肿瘤为例,世界卫生组织软细胞肿瘤科目首次于1969年出版,并于1994年和2002年做了两次修订。以下是发生在最近科目的一些主要变化: [1],[2] 成纤维细胞肿瘤/所谓纤维组织细胞性肿瘤:这科目最明显的变化是恶性纤维组织细胞肿瘤失去它的作用,并转移为未分化多形性肉瘤,粘液纤维组织细胞肿瘤已经转化为粘液纤维肉瘤,这也就是最常见的软组织肉瘤晚期。平滑肌肿瘤和骨骼肌肿瘤:在这块没有很明显的变化。脂肪细胞肿瘤:好难啊,明天再回来
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a serious hazard to human health, but also worldwide, one of the most common malignant tumor. HBV infection caused by a large number of studies have shown that the proportion of hepatocellular carcinoma hepatocellular carcinoma is the world number about 75 to 85%, but the specific HBV causes liver cancer has not been fully elucidated the mechanism [1]. Recent studies of hepatitis B virus genotypes, and various genotypes of the mechanism of HBV induced liver cancer has become a hot research. Domestic and international research shows that, HBV genotype may be associated with disease progression after infection clinical presentation, prognosis and treatment response and other anti-virus are closely related. Now widely recognized that genotype C caused by inflammatory necrosis and fibrosis is more severe than type B, and C-related liver cirrhosis and liver cancer; genotype B, the cumulative survival rate was significantly higher than C-. Recent studies show that, HBV DNA mutation rate than other about 10 times, HBV gene variation and clinical outcome of disease associated variant can lead to increased pathogenicity and replication, an important change in the host immune response against the epitopes and the generation HIV drug resistance. HBV gene encoding the overlapping of different, such as promoter and enhancer regulatory sequences and is located within the gene encoding, a part of the gene mutation will affect the expression of multiple genes to form HBV gene mutation [2,3], so more complete study of hepatitis B virus genome variability and its biological significance is particularly important. HBV genotype on the domestic and foreign scholars in recent years, the variation between sites and the HCC study done a lot in recent years, Yunnan has on the distribution of HBV genotypes reported, but on the HBV genotype and HCC variation between sites not been reported yet. This study aimed to chronic HBV infection in Yunnan genotype infection to understand the detection of variable sites, to explore the genotype of chronic HBV infection, common variable sites and the relationship between hepatocellular carcinoma. 希望是你需要的译文!谢谢!
软薄的纱织品肿瘤的细胞学: 软薄的纱织品肿瘤的 Cytological 分类Manoj Kumar Choudhuri病理学部, B S 医生学院、 Bankura 、西的孟加拉, 印度仰赖存在知识,任何疾病的分类时常改变, 如同用软的薄纱织品肿瘤是情形。 软薄的纱织品肿瘤的世界卫生组织分类首先在 1969 年被出版而且在 1994 和 2002 年被校订两次。 下列各项是已经在最新分类方面发生的一些主要变化: [1],[2]纤维母细胞的肿瘤 / 所谓的 fibrohistiocytic 肿瘤 : 在这一个小组方面的醒目改变是有恶意的纤维 histiocytoma 已经遗失它的光荣而且已经被命令撤离到一 "相同 pleomorphic 肉瘤 ." Myxoid 纤维的 histiocytoma 已经与 " myxofibrosarcoma",表现年老的个体中最通常的软薄纱织品肉瘤一起代替。 使肌肉肿瘤和骨骼的肌肉肿瘤光滑 : 已经没有明显的改变在这一个小组中。 Adipocytic 肿瘤 : 区别良好的 liposarcoma 没有有恶意的潜能,因此,当肿瘤在极端和另外外科上听从的位置出现的时候, " 不合型 lipomatous 肿瘤 " 是优先的期限。 然而,期限, " 区别良好的 liposarcoma" 为在 retroperitoneum 和 mediastinum 中出现的肿瘤被保留。 不完全的切除术缺乏 dedifferentiation 甚至造成当地的再现。 Myolipoma 和 chondroid lipoma 是被包含在最近的分类之中的二个新的实体。 Pericytic 肿瘤 : 当 hemangiopericytomas 与 " 孤独的纤维肿瘤 " 没有差别的时候,一些肿瘤先前分类。 然而, sinonasal hemangiopericytomas 似乎真正是 pericytic 损害。 大群体的 pericytic/ perivascular 肿瘤已经被当做 " myopericytomas" 重新命名. 脉管的肿瘤 : 纱锭细胞 haemangioendotheliomas 已经被当做 "纱锭细胞 hemangiomas." 重新命名 我们全部感激热望仰赖式样承认的好针的诊断。 因此, cytological 肿瘤以主要的式样为基础的软薄的纱织品的分类。 Immunocytochemistry 为损害的较进一步的编目方法已经逐渐地被用于最近的过去。 软的薄纱织品肿瘤被进入五个小组 [3] 之内根据他们的 cytological 结果分类:
Hepatocellular carcinoma is serious harm to human health, and worldwide is one of the most common malignant tumors. Large study shows that caused by HBV hepatocellular carcinoma is about the proportion of global hepatocellular carcinoma of the 75 ~ 85% number, but the specific causes liver cancer HBV has not happening mechanism fully understood [1]. Recent research hepatitis b virus genotype, and various genotype HBV induced liver mechanism become a hotspot in current researches. Research shows that HBV genotypes may and disease process, after infection clinical manifestations, prognosis and antiviral treatment response, and so closely related. It is generally believed that caused genotype C inflammatory necrosis and fibrosis degree more serious than type B, and C and cirrhosis and HCC involved; The cumulative survival genotype B to significantly higher than C. Recent research shows that HBV mutation rate than other DNA about 10 times higher, HBV gene variants and the disease clinical outcomes related, mutant can cause pathogenic and copy ability increases, change the host immune response and the production of the important table bits of drug resistance to fight the virus. Because HBV different overlapping protein-coding genes, the promoter and enhance the son in such control sequence and within genes encoding, part of a gene mutation will affect many gene expression, thus forming a gene mutation [3] HBV, therefore, the more the comprehensive research of mutation of hepatitis b virus genome and biological significance especially important. In recent years the domestic and overseas scholars about HBV genotypes, variation of association with HCC relationship research done a lot of work, yunnan area in recent years have about HBV genotype distribution, but the reports of research on HBV genotypes, variation of association with HCC relationship research has not been seen reports. This study is to understand the yunnan region chronic HBV infection genotype infection situation, understand variation site testing conditions, the author discusses chronic HBV infection genotypes, common variation sites and hepatocellular carcinoma relationship.
浅析在胃结肠肿瘤中肿瘤标志物的诊断价值论文 【摘要】 目的: 探讨肿瘤标志物(TM)癌胚抗原(CEA)、甲胎蛋白(AFP)、糖类抗原CA724(CA724)、
浅析在胃结肠肿瘤中肿瘤标志物的诊断价值论文 【摘要】 目的: 探讨肿瘤标志物(TM)癌胚抗原(CEA)、甲胎蛋白(AFP)、糖类抗原CA724(CA724)、
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