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Conflict of interest statement 利益冲突声明We declare that we have no conflict of interest.我们宣布,我们(的言论)不对任何方造成利益冲突.这是一种“行规”,为了表明其发表文章、言论的客观立场.示例:Conflict of interest statementWe declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, “”

280 评论


就是与你论文研究内容有冲突的审稿人,可以包括你知道的都在做同一个课题,存在发表竞争的潜在对手,包括可能影响论文作者得诺贝尔奖;也可以包括你的不共戴天的仇人。举例说,如果你感觉你的论文到这位审稿人手里不管怎样都会被拒稿,你就把该研究者列入"Conflict of interest"。话又说回来了,就一般研究者来说,这项就可以忽略了。谁会在乎咱们的一两篇论文呢?祝顺利!你就说没有冲突就行。和你研究冲突的审稿人,编辑会避开的,在论文最后写上no conflicit of interest就可以了

344 评论


利益冲突声明 We declare that we have no conflict of interest. 我们宣布,我们(的言论)不对任何方造成利益冲突. 这是一种“行规”,为了表明其发表文章、言论的客观立场.by checking the manuscript I noticed thatyou used a commercial identity in the text of your manuscript. According to our editorial policy, a competing interest exists when professional judgment concerning the validity of research is influenced by a secondary interest, such as financial gain. So, we require that our authors reveal all possible conflicts of interest in their submitted manuscripts. Accordingly, please provide me with another PDF file of your manuscript, inducing a disclosure sentence in the "Conflict of interest Section" of whether you, as the author of the manuscript, have or do not have a direct financial relation with the commercial identity mentioned in your paper that might lead to a conflict of interest for any of the authors, or of interest statement We declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, “” 除非论文的作者因论文涉及到商业利益问题,编辑才会要求写得很清楚,不然一般简洁写: Conflict of Interest 一般都在参考文献之前啊,这个要求在abstract和文章末尾陈述啊。当然,你也可以自己改动为合适的词句! 比如: Conflict of interest The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to this work. We declare that we do not have any commercial or associative interest that represents a conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted 道德诚信是维护健康、良性的学术环境之重要基础。身处信息爆炸的数字电子时代,维护研究发表制度的透明性与可信性,是每个学术人的责任。提高发表制度的透明度与正当性使我们能够有效地分享重要资讯,从而提高对学术知识的理解能力。因此,论文作者有义务披露所有利益冲突并要避免潜在问题。利益冲突是什么? 利益冲突指的是一个人因为种种关系,无法站在客观立场上处理事情的情况。明显的利益冲突来自于潜在的金钱回馈或个人利益,像是如职业利益和人脉网络。不过,表面上看似正常的事情也可能引发研究项目诚信问题的争议。举例来说,有一个人,他没有任何控制实验设计或影响实验材料供给的权力,但他刚好是该研究项目实验材料供应商的好朋友,并且他没有阐述他与供应商的个人关系,那么这样的研究结果也可能被怀疑。即使这个人也没有任何影响研究实验的权限,但他却因为没有主动告知潜在的利益冲突,这就可能会引起其他人的不满。大家可能会想 「为什么他不表明他跟这些人有私人关系呢? 如果没怎么样的话,也不需要隐瞒啊」。如果有上方的例子发生,其实也不太会引发任何道德问题,因为例子中的主角并没有任何实权影响研究实验。其实即使存在利益冲突,也不代表一定有任何不诚信的事情发生。 然而,不舒服的感觉能强烈地影响人们的观感。因此,研究员应仔细阅读有关潜在利益冲突的披露适用的规则。最后,必须提醒任何涉及到人类受试者的研究主题,都必须确保参与者拥有充分的时间来决定是否参与实验。未做到揭露潜在冲突是非常不道德的。你有义务揭露什么? 根据出版伦理委员会(committee on publication ethics, cope) 的推荐,期刊都拥有相当明确的政策来规范利益冲突 并且当利益冲突存在时,作者必须向期刊编辑表明,期刊编辑则表明相关的利益冲突让读者知道。因此,许多的期刊都会要求作者在投稿时,一并提供利益冲突的声明conflict of interest statement。当你不太确定这是不是一个必须揭露的利益冲突时,最好让期刊知道,让期刊决定这些是否必须涵盖进去。可能会引起利益冲突的各种范例已经列在下方的「可能引起潜在利益冲突的关系类型」利益冲突声明需涵盖的资讯 如果没有冲突存在,那么你的cover letter中只需包括明确的声明并遵守所有投稿期刊的指示。 cover letter可使用的声明: "to the best of our knowledge, the named authors have no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise." article footnotes可使用的声明: "all authors have [completed the xxx disclosure form] and declare that: (i) no support, financial or otherwise, has been received from any organization that may have an interest in the submitted work ; and (ii) there are no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work." 注意: 相关的科学研究与伦理审查委员会(irb)可能会要求作者必须要论文中写进特定的声明字句,请确保都有遵守这些要求。针对所有的临床研究,论文中应该需包含您是否已经公开任何潜在冲突来研究参与者的声明 可使用的声明: informed consent has been obtained from all patients included in this study.如果存在利益冲突,国际医学杂志编辑委员会(the international committee of medical journal editors, icmje)推荐涵盖以下的信息: [1] sources of support for the work, including sponsor names along with explanations of the role of those sources if any in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; the decision to submit the report for publication; or a statement declaring that the supporting source had no such involvement; and[2] whether the authors had access to the study data, with an explanation of the nature and extent of access, including whether access is on-going.[3] to support the above statements, editors may request that authors of a study sponsored by a funder with a proprietary or financial interest in the outcome sign a statement, such as “i had full access to all of the data in this study and i take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.”suggested language: author a receives research support/consulting fees from [sponsor name]; a detailed listing of author a's financial disclosures is available at [website]; author b has equity in [organization] and serves on the board of directors [organization]; a detailed listing of author b's financial disclosures is available at [website]. no other author has reported a potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.可能引起潜在利益冲突的关系类型 以下是应披露的利益冲突类型,内容并没有涵盖所有的情况,指示提供给研究员了解可能有潜在利益冲突可能的情况。资金来源 ╟ 说明赞助商、赞助额度和赞助商在研究过程的角色。 财务关系 ╟ 包含顾问关系、 股权所有权雇佣合同、其他津贴,例如旅费或演讲津贴,保险基金投资。阐述发生潜在冲突的组织与其财务参与的程度。 受支援金额 ╟ 许多期刊和机构审查委员会要求披露所有确切的项目支援金额。这里的项目支援并不一定是直接投入于论文当中讨论到的研究计划。当赞助商可能从研究成果中获得巨大利益时,所有财务支援都必须揭露。此外,由利益冲突或伦理委员会审查和批准的财务报表声明可以帮助提高财务透明度,并消除财务利益对研究项目的不良影响。 非财务关系 ╟ 包含个人关系,例如家人与合作伙伴等等,政治关系和学术合作关系。阐明这些关系和可能引发的潜在利益冲突。

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利益冲突 比如,国际体育比赛中,A国对阵B国,如果裁判是A国人,或B国人,这就属于“利益冲突”,应该换成第三国的裁判。 在你的论文中,提到的机构或人,跟你(作者)是互相认识的,或有业务未来的,或是竞争对手等情况,那就存在 “利益冲突”,可能影响了论文的客观性 或是类似的情况这很类似于宣誓就职一样。如果研究经费来自企业资助,应该公开声明,这并不表明研究存在“偏倚”,更多的是一种履行行为规范和表示感谢的方式。

108 评论


  • 医学论文发明专利

    1. 专利的一般原则①请求原则:必须有人提出专利申请,专利局方能受理;②书面原则:提交的各种手续,应以书面的形式办理;并由申请人签字或盖章;申请文件必须采用专利

    80年代之后 5人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 医学论文利益冲突声明模板

    Conflict of Interest 指利益冲突,意思是个人或组织的利益可能影响到他人的利益。有时为了防患于未然,也是为了避免发生学术不端的情况,编辑会要求

    360U233840390 4人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 医学论文利益链

    这是应该的。 也是必须的。 但是要搞清楚,正面的几个问题: 所以,从论文的终极目的出发,论文是可以作为职称评级的要素和标准,但是不是唯一的标准。促进交流和人才培

    philips1111 6人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 医学论文要写利益冲突

    Conflict of Interest 指利益冲突,意思是个人或组织的利益可能影响到他人的利益。有时为了防患于未然,也是为了避免发生学术不端的情况,编辑会要求

    小妖精87623 2人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 医学论文作者利益冲突说明


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