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恰当的饮食对疾病会起到治疗的作用,帮助人体恢复健康。下面给大家带来一些关于饮食的 英语 作文 带翻译,希望对大家有所帮助。


We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn’t delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I’m afraid it’s bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy enough.

In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well.




Nowadays,more and more people are in poor we want to keep healthy we should go on a healthy should have a balanced we may not like eating vegetables,the vegetables have a lot of are very good for our 'd better eat regular need to eat breakfast,lunch,and dinner every regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily should get away from fast food,for it may cause a lot of disease.



Chinese diet is considered to be one of the most healthy diet in the world because it contains less sugar and fat, keeping us away from obesity. However, with the wide spread of Mc Donald’s and KFC fast food restaurants in China, many young Chinese found more and more junk food are coming into their diets. Those deep fried chips and burgers served in the western fast food restaurants are rich in sugar and fat, which has a great negative effect on our health. In order to maintain our health status, we should do more exercise. Meanwhile, keeping a balanced diet is a must with more fruit and vegetables, less butter and chocolates.



What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green foods, no junk foods. The green food is those pollution-free, high quality and nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the junk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt or oil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods will cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases. We should keep a healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy.



How to have a healthy diet

Having healthy diet is good for our healthy .It can make your body strong and how to have a healthy diet?

In my opinion,first of all, we should have the diet at the right time. Chaotic mealtimes will affect our body's normal digestion and 's bad for your a healthy diet means eating healty food,such as all sorts of grain, green vegetable and food has different nutrition which our body should not eat too much or too little for every or dieting is very harmful for our stomach and health.

All above are my thoughts about having a healthy we can do as them,our body will become much better and healthier






Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people.


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我也是翻译方向,不过才忙完论文,你们不一定要写翻译类的论文吧?我写的是文化类的,文化和文学类要好写一点。我把我们系上给的文化类题目给你,你可以参考看看哈! 英美人文和历史研究: 1,从跨文化的角度谈汉英思维及表达方式的差异 2,论美国垮掉的一代 3,美国牛仔的成功之路 4,文艺复兴在英国文学史中的作用 5,跨文化交际中英汉礼貌与面子 6,中西方饮食文化的对比研究 7,西方节日的变迁及文化内涵 8,电影《喜福会》所表现的中西方文化差异(我就是这个题目) 9,中美教育制度及教育理念的对比研究 10,英汉称谓的差异及其文化内涵 11,希腊神话对英美文化的影响 12,英汉商标对英美文化的影响 13,英语习语与西方文化 14,浅谈英美姓氏的起源及文化内涵 15,中美高等教育大众化路径的比较 16,《阿甘正传》承载的美国青年文化 17,《阿甘正传》美国传统价值观的呼唤与回归 18,浅谈美国文化中的实用主义 19,论美国宗教与政治 20,《圣经》的文学性及其对中西文学的影响评述 选题注意事项: 1,选你自己感兴趣的题目,毕业论文是个浩大的工程,要是不能写自己想写的,相信我,在这漫长的写作时间里,你会相当痛苦的。 2,题目不能太大,也不能太小,否则不好驾驭。最好是那种“从小角度看大问题”的题目。例如,我写喜福会这部电影,电影体现了中美文化差异,分别有婚姻观,家庭教育观等。但是我以一部电影为出发点,这个角度就比较小。话说中西方文化的差异实在太多了,但是我只从喜福会这部电影出发,所以范围就缩小了。再者,没什么人写这个电影,所以也不容易和别人雷同,不是被写滥了的题目。 3,这个题目是好找资料的,毕竟是本科论文,不是研究生或是博士的论文,写作水平有限,平时最多写写几百字的作文忽然要写几千字,想必是非常困难的。所以内容不可能完完全全出自“自己”,于是就要大量的从网上,参考书上,图书馆搬来。所以最好就是找参考资料比较多的题目,切忌是参考,不是照搬,可以PARAPHRASE里面的内容到自己的论文。 差不多就这些了,我觉得这几点是最重要的,如果你有几个拿不定主意的题目,可以找论文指导老师问问看,当时我开笔写论文前,都找老师问了,老师比较有经验,他应该可以给你很多建议。 你把邮箱留个,我这里有些关于论文格式和要求的资料,要的话发你。里面还有篇范文,可以参考。

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