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The Poems of the T'ang Dynasty (唐诗)As many a dynasty in Chinese history is marked by some phase of success representing the thought and life of that period, the T'ang Dynasty is commonly recognized as the golden age of poetry. Beginning with the founder of the dynasty, down to the last ruler, almost every one of the emperors was a great lover and patron of poetry, and many were poets themselves. A special tribute should be paid to the Empress Wu Chao or the "Woman Emperor" (684-704), through whose influence poetry became a requisite in examinations for degrees and an important course leading to official promotion. This made every official as well as every scholar a poet. The poems required in the examination, after long years of gradual development, followed a formula, and many regulations were established. Not only must the length of a line be limited to a certain number of the characters, usually five or seven, but also the length of a poem was limited to a certain number of lines, usually four or eight or twelve. The maintenance of rhymes, the parallelism of characters, and the balance of tones were other rules considered essential. This is called the "modern" or "ruled" poetry. In the Ch'ing or Manchu Dynasty the examination poem was standardized as a five-character-line poem of sixteen lines with every other line rhymed. This "eight-rhyme" poem was accompanied by the famous "eight-legged" literature ( a form of literature divided into eight sections ) as a guiding light for entrance into mandarin above-mentioned rules of poetry applied first only to examination poems. But afterwards they became a common exercise with "modern" or "ruled" poems in general. Chinese poetry since the T'ang Dynasty has followed practically only two forms, the "modern" or "ruled" form and the "ancient" or "unruled" form. A poet usually writes both. The "eight-rhyme" poem, however, was practised for official examinations most famous writers are Li Bai 李白 (Li Taibai 李太白), Du Fu 杜甫, Du Mu 杜牧, Meng Haoran 孟浩然, Wang Wei 王维, Bai Juyi 白居易 (Bo Juyi), Li Shangyin 李商隐, Yuan Zhen 元稹, and many more. Several thousand Tang poems are collected in the Qing time compilation Quan Tang Shi (Quantangshi) 全唐诗. The second half of Tang Dynasty saw the rise of a new poetry style. A poet should fill a traditional melody pattern with new words (ci 词). This ci style poem was more complicated like the old shi style poems and reached its maturity during Song Dynasty. The most important representant of Tang ci poetry was Li Yu 李煜, emperor of Southern Tang (937-975).-------The Lyrics of the S'ong Dynasty (宋词)The ci 词 lyric is very different from the shi type. Today the term ci simply means "word". While the older Tang Dynasty shi lyric can be read without minding the underlying melodies - even if there existed some underlying melodies - ci poetry must be seen as written songs. Most of the poems do not even have their own title, but they are named after an original melody. Composers and writers used this melody to write a new poem that could be sung to the original famous melody or tune pattern (cipai 词牌), a technique called contrafactury. This is the reason why we often see the same title for a ci poem, like Die lian hua 蝶恋花 "Butterflies love blossoms", Man ting fang 满庭芳 "Scent fills the hall", or Yu meiren 虞美人 "Lady Yu". There are more than 800 tune patterns. Ci lyric emerged during the Tang Dynasty in response to the popularity of foreign musical tunes imported from Inner Asia. During Song Dynasty, two different styles of ci poetry developed, the haofang 豪放 "heroic abandon", and the wanyue 婉约 "delicate restraint". Like shi poetry was still in use during the Song Dynasty (see an example of a Lu You shi), ci lyric again became very popular during the Qing Dynasty. Even the communist chairman Mao Zedong is considered to be a great ci poet. The "Three Hundred Song poems" (Song ci sanbai shou 宋词三百首) anthology was compiled by the "Jiangcun ci club" Shangjiang Cunmin 上强村民 under the guidance of Zhu Zumou (1859-1931) 朱祖谋. Except the examples below, there are some famous Song poets, like Wang Yucheng 王禹偁 (954-1101), Liu Yong 刘永 (980-1053), Yan Shu 晏殊 (991-1055), Mei Yaochen 梅尧臣 (1002-1060), Shao Yong 邵雍 (1011-1077), Wang Anshi 王安石 (1021-1086), Huang Tingjian 黄庭坚 (1045-1105), Qin Guan 秦观 (1049-1100), Zhao Buzhi 晁补之 (1053-1110), Chen Shidao 陈师道 (1053-1102), Ye Mengde 叶梦得 (1077-1148), Li Qingzhao 李清照 (1084-1155), Yang Wanli 杨万里 (1127-1206), Chen Liang 陈亮 (1143-1194), Jiang Kui 姜夔 (1155-1221), Shi Dazu 史达祖 (1163-1220), Liu Kezhuang 刘克庄 (1187-1269), Zhou Mi 周密 (1232-1298), Wang Yisun 王沂孙 (1240-1290), and Zhang Yan 张炎 (1248-1320). Of course, every official engaged in writing ci poems as authorship of poems belonged to the basic knowledge of the upper Lovers: A Tale of the Chinese Romeo and Juliet (梁山伯与祝英台--中国四大民间传说之一)YA-Yingtai Zhu, the only daughter of a prosperous family, despairs at the prospect of staying within the walls of her family's compound until she marries and goes off to live behind a new set of walls. More educated than most girls, she persuades her father to allow her to masquerade as a man and travel to Hangzhou to study with Master Zhou. On the way, she meets Shanbo Liang and the two become friends and "sworn brothers." Yingtai has difficulty concealing her gender from him, especially after she falls in love with him. Nonetheless, she keeps up the pretense until she is called home, entrusting Mrs. Zhou to reveal her secret after her departure. Of course Shanbo wants to marry her once he learns the truth-but her parents have found her a groom. The story, based on a Chinese folktale, has all of the elements of a great tragic love affair, including misunderstandings, withheld information, meddling servants, jealous rivals, tears, psychosomatic illnesses-and last but not least-an ending in which the star-crossed lovers are transmuted into a pair of butterflies. Yingtai is an engaging and clever heroine, never willing to give up the pursuit of her desires. Shanbo can be downright dense at times, but he makes a romantic leading man, even though he is never as resolute or courageous as Yingtai. He loves her beyond death, and that's what counts in this kind of story.(Susan Salpini, Purcellville Library, VA )

352 评论


从功能语法的角度分析绝句英译的特点 盛 艳 (中山大学外国语学院2001级研 广州 510275) 摘要:绝句是中国古代诗歌凝练的表现形式。在绝句的英译过程中,由于中英诗歌的语篇特点不同,原诗与译文在诗意上会有不同程度的出入。本文将原文与译文视为不同的语篇,拟从语篇照应、语篇的指向性和概念功能对其进行分析,通过比较得出绝句的语篇特点:①绝句中经常使用省略形式,以读者的联想来贯通诗意。②绝句的语篇指向性比其英译本要模糊。③绝句用简洁明了的诗句来表达复杂的概念功能。 关键词:照应,指向性,概念功能 abstract: Seven-word poetry is the most compact form of ancient Chinese poetry. In the process of translation these poetry into English, because of the different textual characteristics, the meaning of the original poem will get lost on a certain degree. The paper focuses on the textual characteristics of seven-word poetry and makes analysis through three aspects ①reference ②text orientation ③experience metafunction and draws following conclusions①In seven–word poetry, unlike English text, ellipsis is usually used and meaning of the poetry is understood by the readers through their imagination. ②The text orientation of Chinese text is vague than English.③The complex metafunctions are expressed by concise text in seven-word poetry. Key words: reference , text orientation, experience metafunction 诗歌是语言高度浓缩,神形兼备的艺术。中国的绝句堪称是诗歌艺术中最具有凝聚性的表现形式。绝句的词汇量大,内涵丰富,艺术风格多种多样。有许多文章已经从诗歌翻译的标准对中诗英译进行了评论,本文则是从功能语法的角度,将中文原诗和其不同的译本看作是不同的语篇,从而找出原诗和译作的异同点,从语言学的角度对其进行定量的分析,并对绝句的语篇特点进行粗略的探讨。 下面以一首著名的唐诗的两种英译本为例进行分析。 《望庐山瀑布》是盛唐七绝,也是中国绝句的顶峰之作。其译作版本繁多,笔者挑选了许渊冲的译作与王守义,约翰·诺弗尔的合译本进行分析。 《望庐山瀑布》全诗28个字,用简炼的笔头表现了庐山香炉峰的顶天立地,云海弥漫以及瀑布的动态与气势。从语篇衔接的角度而言,笔者认为在原诗中,李白是通过意想的联想将全诗融会贯通。绝句中所用到的词语词性单纯,分为四类: 名词:日,香炉,紫烟,瀑布,川,飞流,三千尺,银河,九天 动词:照,生,看,挂,下,疑,是,落 副词:遥,直 形容词:前 从co-referential的角度来分析。词汇的衔接指通过词义的重复,同义,反义,上下义(hyponymy),互补,整体与部分(metonymy)等关系,来使语篇连贯。(黄国文 1988)词汇的衔接关系可以分为两大类:复现关系(reiteration)与同现关系(collocation)。原绝句中用来指称瀑布的词语为:瀑布——飞流——银河,是由实到虚,步步推进的。从诗歌的意境上说,“瀑布”为实写,“飞流”则是对瀑布进行动态的描绘,“飞”突出了瀑布下落的速度。“银河”则是虚写,“疑是银河落九天”将实际中的瀑布喻为天上繁星交织,气势宏大的银河。通过相似的词汇层层推进,瀑布的形态被生动的描绘出来。 描述瀑布飞流的动词也可以构成一个相互对照的词汇链:挂——下——落。这三个词语中,“挂”是静态的,而“下”与“落”都是动态的。这三个词语均是同一词汇平面上的, 虽然在绝句中没有明显的表示语篇衔接的词语,但这两条词汇起到了内在的连接作用,使得读者有一个内在的,清晰的逻辑关系,可以帮助读者更好的理解诗的涵义。这首诗歌的两个译本如下: 译1: Cataract on Mount Lu The sunlit censer peak exhales a wreath of cloud, Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud, It's torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high As if the silver river fell from the silver river (许渊冲) 译2: Watching the Lu Mountain Falls Purple smoke rises from the mountaintop Far away I see the valley stretching before me The whole waterfall hangs there The torrent dropping from thousand feet Straight down to the valley floor I think it must be the milky way Spilling to the earth from the heavens (王守义,约翰·诺弗尔) 在叙述瀑布的名词链中, 译文1用了代词it来表示瀑布,并且用其局部词torrent 来进行词汇复现。在汉诗中,“瀑布”,“飞流”“银河” 均在同一词汇层面上,在望庐山瀑布中,他们具有相同的语义内涵,即是:迅捷,宏大。许译采取了两种语篇衔接手段①it的运用 ②“飞流”被译为torrent 。它虽然与waterfall 和cataract均不在同一语义层面上,但是torrent 是waterfall和cataract 的局部词。局部词的使用使得全诗连贯,给人一种具体而又逼真的感觉。愿诗通过“生紫烟”,“遥看”以及“落九天”来突出庐山的高与险。而在译诗中的词汇衔接则为censer peak----high----azure sky, 由虚写变为实写。在绝句中,最后一句是“疑是”,“疑”表现了作者对瀑布宏大景象的赞美

339 评论


首先要写作者写作时的背景,就像水调歌头把,就要叙述苏轼所做这首诗的背景 下一步就分句去分析它的结构作用 如果是词的话就分上下阙去说 再下一步 就是分析词和句的妙用,仔细推敲 最后一步 把作者的中心思想 什么热爱大自然啦 热爱祖国山河之类的套进去就ok了哦~ 中间看见能套上中心的一定要套!一定要 哦~这可是把握中心!

314 评论


从功能语法的角度分析绝句英译的特点盛 艳(中山大学外国语学院2001级研 广州 510275)摘要:绝句是中国古代诗歌凝练的表现形式。在绝句的英译过程中,由于中英诗歌的语篇特点不同,原诗与译文在诗意上会有不同程度的出入。本文将原文与译文视为不同的语篇,拟从语篇照应、语篇的指向性和概念功能对其进行分析,通过比较得出绝句的语篇特点:①绝句中经常使用省略形式,以读者的联想来贯通诗意。②绝句的语篇指向性比其英译本要模糊。③绝句用简洁明了的诗句来表达复杂的概念功能。关键词:照应,指向性,概念功能abstract: Seven-word poetry is the most compact form of ancient Chinese poetry. In the process of translation these poetry into English, because of the different textual characteristics, the meaning of the original poem will get lost on a certain degree. The paper focuses on the textual characteristics of seven-word poetry and makes analysis through three aspects ①reference ②text orientation ③experience metafunction and draws following conclusions①In seven–word poetry, unlike English text, ellipsis is usually used and meaning of the poetry is understood by the readers through their imagination. ②The text orientation of Chinese text is vague than English.③The complex metafunctions are expressed by concise text in seven-word words: reference , text orientation, experience metafunction诗歌是语言高度浓缩,神形兼备的艺术。中国的绝句堪称是诗歌艺术中最具有凝聚性的表现形式。绝句的词汇量大,内涵丰富,艺术风格多种多样。有许多文章已经从诗歌翻译的标准对中诗英译进行了评论,本文则是从功能语法的角度,将中文原诗和其不同的译本看作是不同的语篇,从而找出原诗和译作的异同点,从语言学的角度对其进行定量的分析,并对绝句的语篇特点进行粗略的探讨。下面以一首著名的唐诗的两种英译本为例进行分析。《望庐山瀑布》是盛唐七绝,也是中国绝句的顶峰之作。其译作版本繁多,笔者挑选了许渊冲的译作与王守义,约翰·诺弗尔的合译本进行分析。《望庐山瀑布》全诗28个字,用简炼的笔头表现了庐山香炉峰的顶天立地,云海弥漫以及瀑布的动态与气势。从语篇衔接的角度而言,笔者认为在原诗中,李白是通过意想的联想将全诗融会贯通。绝句中所用到的词语词性单纯,分为四类:名词:日,香炉,紫烟,瀑布,川,飞流,三千尺,银河,九天动词:照,生,看,挂,下,疑,是,落副词:遥,直形容词:前从co-referential的角度来分析。词汇的衔接指通过词义的重复,同义,反义,上下义(hyponymy),互补,整体与部分(metonymy)等关系,来使语篇连贯。(黄国文 1988)词汇的衔接关系可以分为两大类:复现关系(reiteration)与同现关系(collocation)。原绝句中用来指称瀑布的词语为:瀑布——飞流——银河,是由实到虚,步步推进的。从诗歌的意境上说,“瀑布”为实写,“飞流”则是对瀑布进行动态的描绘,“飞”突出了瀑布下落的速度。“银河”则是虚写,“疑是银河落九天”将实际中的瀑布喻为天上繁星交织,气势宏大的银河。通过相似的词汇层层推进,瀑布的形态被生动的描绘出来。描述瀑布飞流的动词也可以构成一个相互对照的词汇链:挂——下——落。这三个词语中,“挂”是静态的,而“下”与“落”都是动态的。这三个词语均是同一词汇平面上的, 虽然在绝句中没有明显的表示语篇衔接的词语,但这两条词汇起到了内在的连接作用,使得读者有一个内在的,清晰的逻辑关系,可以帮助读者更好的理解诗的涵义。这首诗歌的两个译本如下:译1:Cataract on Mount LuThe sunlit censer peak exhales a wreath of cloud,Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud,It’s torrent dashes down three thousand feet from highAs if the silver river fell from the silver river (许渊冲)译2:Watching the Lu Mountain FallsPurple smoke rises from the mountaintopFar away I see the valley stretching before meThe whole waterfall hangs thereThe torrent dropping from thousand feetStraight down to the valley floorI think it must be the milky waySpilling to the earth from the heavens (王守义,约翰·诺弗尔)在叙述瀑布的名词链中, 译文1用了代词it来表示瀑布,并且用其局部词torrent 来进行词汇复现。在汉诗中,“瀑布”,“飞流”“银河” 均在同一词汇层面上,在望庐山瀑布中,他们具有相同的语义内涵,即是:迅捷,宏大。许译采取了两种语篇衔接手段①it的运用 ②“飞流”被译为torrent 。它虽然与waterfall 和cataract均不在同一语义层面上,但是torrent 是waterfall和cataract 的局部词。局部词的使用使得全诗连贯,给人一种具体而又逼真的感觉。愿诗通过“生紫烟”,“遥看”以及“落九天”来突出庐山的高与险。而在译诗中的词汇衔接则为censer peak----high----azure sky, 由虚写变为实写。在绝句中,最后一句是“疑是”,“疑”表现了作者对瀑布宏大景象的赞美,as if则丢弃了了其中的韵味,只有一个表面的“像”,没有内心的“叹”。但是总的来说,从语篇衔接的角度而言,许译与原诗的出入并不算大,原诗通过词汇在语义深层的共性达成联系,而译诗除了增加语链的长度,在信息量的给出上与原文基本一致。通过对描写瀑布的词汇链的列举,可以看出在英语中,诗的对应关系更多的是由实写的词汇来完成。由于语篇的交际功能,使用范围,语体等多方面的不同,语篇的组织结构也是多种多样的,语篇的结构可以用时间(temporal)或者空间(spatial)等词语为线索。(黄国文 1988)在王守义与约翰·诺弗尔的合译本中,译者用了大量的表示时间与空间转换关系的介词词组。From the mountain top----in the sunlight---to the valley floor---to the earth---from the heaven,而这些介词短语的含义已经隐藏在汉语词汇“升”,“挂”,“落”中了。这个译本充分体现了英语语篇的衔接特点。在此译本中,隐藏着的叙述者以第一人称“”的形式跳出来与读者直接进行交流。在汉语中省略则是常用的语篇衔接手段。省略是指把语篇中的某个成分省去不提。它是为了避免重复,突出新信息,使语篇上下紧凑的一种语法手段。在望庐山瀑布这首绝句中,作者省略了第一人称“我”,直接惊叹道:“疑是银河落九天”。“我”与上下文并无多大联系,所以位于句首的“我”虽然被省略,但是并不会引起读者的误解。在许译中I没有出现,但是在王与约翰的译诗中,I是不可缺少的,否则句子便不完整。I在此译本中是衔接语篇的不可或缺的手段。并且译文的句式长短发生了变化,其冗繁度远远大于原作,原因是它将原诗中虚化的隐喻全部以explanation的方式注释了一遍。诗是思维表达的最高形式,它的语言程度是文学性最高的。一般来说,在文学作品中,小说的指向性比诗歌的更为明确,但是这并不是说诗歌就没有指向性,因为只要是语篇就具有一定的指向性。诗歌也不例外,诗歌是诗人给读者表达情感传递信息的手段,也具有指向性。语篇的指向性主要表现以下几个方面:①time(时间)②place(地点)③factuality(事件)④participant relationship(事件参与者)。指向性的基本目的就是将语篇的基本信息传递给读者。在原诗中语篇的指向性如下:日(太阳当午);地点(香炉→庐山);事件(遥望瀑布);参与者(省略了的I),在英诗当中指向性更明确:许译: time: sunlit(no time)place: sunlit censurefaculty: cataract of Mountain Luparticipant:(ellipsis)王与约翰的译文:time: no time(in the sunlight)place:(mountain peak)faculty:(watching the Lu Mountain Fall)participant:(I)许译是由许渊冲所译,由于具有相同的文化背景和深厚的古诗文功底,许译在语篇上与汉诗中的绝句一样保持了语篇的模糊性。王与约翰的译作在语篇的指向性则强于许诗更远远强于原来的中文诗作。许多英文诗本身就具有指向性不明确的特点,例如Williams的The Red Wheel Barrow, Ezra Pound的The Metro。但是中诗的英译本的指向性却要远远大于这些英文原诗。诗的语言具有很强的文学凝聚力,因此读者需要依靠联想来猜测其指向性。指向性在汉诗英译的过程中变的明确起来,而诗意随着指向性的增强而逐步削弱。由于译者对事物的指受能力存在差异,想象力强弱不一,学养高低有别,译诗与原诗在语篇上的一致性保持也有大有小。最后从功能语法的概念功能对原诗和译作进行分析:王与约翰的合译:⒈ Purple smoke rises from the mountaintop (material process)⒉ The peak looks like an incence burner in the sunlight (relational process)⒊ Far away I see the valley stretching before me (behaviorial relationship and material process)⒋ The whole water fall hangs there (material process)⒌ The torrent dropping there thousand feet (material process)⒍ Straight down to the valley floor (no process)⒎ I think it must be the milky way (mental process and relational process)⒏ Spilling to the earth from the heaven (material process)许译:⒈ The sunlit censer peak exhales a wreath ( material process)⒉ Like an upended stream the cataract sounds aloud (material process)⒊ Its torrent clashes down three thousand feet from high (material process)⒋ As if the silver river fell from azure sky ( material)韩礼德所说的概念功能指语言对人们在现实世界(包括内心世界)中各种经历的表达,换言之,就是反映客观和主观世界所发生和事,所牵涉的人和物以及与之有关的时间、地点等到因素。(胡壮麟、朱永生 1989)原诗有8个过程,其中物质过程占5个(照,生,挂,下,落),关系过程1个(是),感觉过程1个(疑),行为过程1个(看)。许译只有4个物质过程,而合译本则有9个过程,物质过程5个,关系过程2个,感觉过程1个,行为过程1个。从物质过程的数目可以看出,《望庐山瀑布》原诗28个字侧重于描绘庐山的奇景险峰和瀑布的高峻秀丽,力图描绘出动态的瀑布之美,同时也将作者的赞叹之情通过两个感觉过程表达的淋漓尽致,使人有置身于庐山之中的真实感觉。许译在译文的篇幅上与原文保持了绝句的原有特点,但是由于英语本身的特点,并不能同等程度的表现原诗的丰富内涵。四个物质过程只是客观地描述了景物。由于少了感觉过程,就少了身临其境的韵致。而王与约翰的合译则在较大的程度上保持了原文的各种过程,在数目上与比例上都与原文大致相同。通过从语篇照应,指向性和概念功能三个层面对望庐山瀑布进行分析,笔者认为英译本在语篇的篇幅上更为繁冗,但是明确了语篇的指向性,变虚为实,力图完整语篇中的照应关系,再现绝句的意境,但是由于中英两种语言的内在特点,在绝句的英译过程中,诗意有着不同程度的失落,通过对比得出绝句的语篇特点:⒈绝句常用省略,通过读者的联想来贯通诗意。⒉绝句的语篇指向性很明确。⒊绝句用简单明了的语言表达复杂的概念功能。了解绝句语篇的特点,可以帮助我们在翻译时候,结合中文诗歌的语篇特点,更准确的表现原诗的诗意,再现原诗的意境。参考书目:⒈Brown, Gillian. &Yale, George. Discourse Analysis. London: Cambridge University Press, 1983.⒉ Thompson, Geoff. Introduction Functional Grammar. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Reach Press, 2000.⒊ 黄国文,《语篇分析的概要》。湖南教育出版社, 1988。⒋ 胡壮麟、朱永生、张德禄,《系统功能语法概论》。湖南教育出版社,1989。⒌ 许渊冲,《翻译的艺术》。中国对外翻译出版社,1984。⒍ 王守义、约翰·诺弗尔,《唐宋诗词英译》。黑龙江人民出版社,1989。⒎ 许渊冲,《唐诗宋词三百首》。北京大学出版社,1996。⒏ 刘重德,《文学翻译十讲》。中国对外翻译出版公司,1995。

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